Recommended Q&As

April 20, 2011

Recommended Are cheaper, older chicken backs with extra parts ok to feed or should I spend a little more for a younger bird?

Cindy Thanks for your previous help. Here is my question. I switched to RAW 2 weeks ago and am having no problems at this time. The question is about the chicken I am feeding. I have 2 local sources, one sells leg quarters for .59 per pound. They appear to be fresh, young chicken quarters, not frozen, with no back or other parts attached. The second source sells them frozen for .39 per pound. These are larger with pieces of back and often small bits of liver attached. They are probably ...
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April 15, 2011

Recommended What is the benefit of picking up a dog's food after a certain amount of time?

Hi Cindy, I remember seeing somewhere on your site that when your dogs are fed it's picked up after a certain amount of time. The time I can't remember, 20 minutes to an hour, I think. My question was what is the benefit of this??My German Shepherd never eats all of her food in one go and I feel guilty about taking it up after a set time, as I know she always goes back to it before bed time and finishes it off.?Is this bad for her? RegardsSandra
74% (139 out of 187)
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April 15, 2011

Recommended I tried a Walmart e-collar on the highest setting, but it didn't work. Which of your e-collars would you sugges?

Hi, I have a yellow labrador. He is 2 years old and very friendly, but when he sees people, he takes off... Tried the Walmart e-collar and put it to the highest level but that won't stop him at all. So, you have so many e-collars, I don't know the right one for him. Please help... Thanks, Martha
79% (27 out of 34)
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April 15, 2011

Recommended I have my dog in her crate pretty much all the time like it says to do. She won't quit barking! AHH! It's making me crazy! What do I do!

Cindy Help! OK - I have Izzy in her crate pretty much all the time like it says to do. (in the groundwork article). She's never had an accident or anything. I'm sure to take her out to go to the bathroom and I take her out for a long walk everyday too. As per what Ed says about 'social isolation' I don't talk to her, I ignore her and everything. I'm trying to be as aloof as possible! Here's my problem. She won't quit barking! AHH! It's making me crazy! What do I do! So far I have not even ...
85% (41 out of 48)
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April 8, 2011

Recommended My 8 month old Rottie growls at me when I try and take his toy away. What should I do?

I have an 8 month old rottie. He is a good dog, however, I have some problems making him give me something (anything) he has stolen from me. He just looks up at me and curls his upper lip. I don't think he wants to bite or harm me, he is usually a very gentle dog. I can put my fingers in his food bowl, and even put my hands in his mouth, however, when he takes something he will not give it back. What do I do?
91% (167 out of 184)
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April 6, 2011

Recommended Do you consider the Bouvier Des Flanders a breed for personal protection?

Hi Cindy, Reading your website I see the importance of the dog having defense genetics, I have just received my third Bouvier (4 y.o.male) and am considering personal protection training for him, to protect our home. Do you consider the Bouvier Des Flanders a good breed for this?
75% (9 out of 12)
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April 1, 2011

Recommended My dogs won't touch the chicken leg quarters unless I use my cleaver to chop them into manageable pieces, is this a problem? Is calve's liver a fair source of organ meat a couple times a week?

Cindy First Let me thank you for taking the time to help all of us dog lovers, we appreciate it. I have just switched over to RAW this week with no problems in the transition. My 60# dogs are being fed each a chicken leg quarter twice a day. They really enjoy it but will not even touch it until I use my cleaver and chop them into smaller manageable pieces, is this a problem? They are not glutens or gulpers and seem to chew each piece before swallowing. Also would a piece of calve's liver c...
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