Recommended Q&As

November 17, 2011

Recommended I bred my female Chihuahua and then after I brought her home the neighbor’s dog bred her. Do I need to worry about this?

I have a question, I had set up a plan to breed my dog with another Chihuahua male her size. I brought him to our home and they tied up at least 4 times I know of. I brought him home yesterday and this morning I let her out to go potty and one of our neighbors dogs tied up with her. My question is with me breeding her a day or two before even though the neighbors dog got a hold of her she should already be pregnant from the male Chihuahua so do I have to worry about this little mistake after ...
100% (3 out of 3)
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November 15, 2011

Recommended Our 11 month old embarrasses me by humping me or even family members. How do we deal with this?

Hi there... Love your website and everything you do and also as a customer please keep it up... I have a problem with my 11 months German shepherd, he is embarrassing me by humping on my leg or jump and hump on me or even sometimes with other family members especially while we are out for a walk in the beach or other places. Please let me know the correct direction on how to deal with it :(
91% (41 out of 45)
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November 15, 2011

Recommended Will the slow feed bowls be effective with dogs that eat their raw too fast?

I spoke to April in the office about this and she recommended I write to you. The new slow down feeders offered by Leerburg, are they effective with dogs that eat their raw too fast? I have a dobe male and he likes to eat his food fast then horks it up and re eats. I went to your raw feeding pic and saw the bowls all lined up very clean and nice. I feed a variety of meats and textures as well has have purchased your kelp powder. I use Olive oil as well. Any suggestions or hints? Do you think ...
80% (4 out of 5)
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November 7, 2011

Recommended I'm interested in biking with my GSD, but I'm worried about him lunging and pulling the bike over when he sees a rabbit, fox, deer, etc. What is your experience with this?

Hi Cindy, I watched the video with you and Rush and really liked the idea of exercising him with the bike. I have a GSD that weighs 98 pounds, is very fit and has high prey drive. In your experience, do you think this will be a major concern if I were to try this form of exercise? Have any of your dogs lunged and pulled the bike over when they saw a rabbit, fox, deer, etc.? My dog has done intermediate level obedience, knows "attention heeling" and is generally good on leash but the ani...
88% (28 out of 32)
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November 3, 2011

Recommended Can I use a tether instead of a crate for establishing pack leadership for our aggressive dog? My husband doesn’t want a crate in the house.

Hi Ed, I just ordered a dominant dog collar and a 3 series DVD that you had recommended in one of your Q&As. My question is, my husband doesn't like to have a huge crate hanging around in our house, is it possible to substitute the crate for a 6 ft lead tied either in the dining room or our bed post, to follow your instruction on establishing pack leadership in our house. The only other option is to have the crate in our daughter's bedroom. I want to start from scratch, even though w...
100% (6 out of 6)
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October 31, 2011

Recommended My dog is totally disinterested in other people. She'll obey others' commands when I'm in the same room, but becomes withdrawn and slow when I'm not. I'm unsure if this is a problem or not and if it should be corrected.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Frawley, Firstly I would like to give my thanks for your website. The free articles and videos have been an immense help in training myself and my dog. I was clueless about training dogs, and my dog took full advantage of my weakness in that area. After reading your Q & A sections and your training videos, I immediately set down rules and began to enforce them. I noticed a significant change even after the first day and the improvement since then has been nothing short of...
100% (7 out of 7)
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October 31, 2011

Recommended My new pup will be trained in Schutzhund. Should the pup be allowed to interact with immediate family members when inside my home?

Hi Cindy, Just wondering if you could help me out with a quick question? I am bringing home my new Malinois pup next week, she will be trained in schutzhund. I have read through your all of the eBooks on your website and also have quite a few of the DVDs. I understand that I should not allow strangers interact with or pet my pup, also that she should learn to hold a neutral value towards them. One thing I am confused about though is if (and how) the puppy should be allowed to in...
85% (17 out of 20)
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October 24, 2011

Recommended My dog is completely disengaged with me. Where should I start to retrain him?

Dear Cindy, I feel hopeless. I have a 5 year old Dobe that is completely disengaged in me when we show/match and most of the time when I train if he can help it. I'm willing to do the time to retrain but there is so much information out there, I just don't know where to start. Where would you suggest. I'll try anything. I'm tired of him avoiding me. I know it's due to my stress in the ring partially but no more excuses. If I want to be a great trainer, I need solutions. Thank you so much f...
69% (35 out of 51)
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October 20, 2011

Recommended My son tried to adopt a dog from a GSD rescue and when the lady at the rescue saw my son's other dog wearing a prong collar she asked us to leave and told us she would have him banned from every rescue organization in the nation. Are prong collars really considered that bad?

Hi, Today my son, daughter in law, and I went to a German Shepherd Rescue by appointment after the application had been accepted. We were there no more than ten minutes when we were literally told to leave and that they would not adopt a dog to my son and his wife. She notice that my son's poodle mix had on a prong collar (which for their dog seems to calm him when he is around other dogs). She said that prong collars have been banned from being use with the AKC and if they ever showed up ...
94% (221 out of 234)
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October 20, 2011

Recommended My 11 month old dog gets what we call the zoomies. He tucks his butt and runs around like he's nuts. Why does he do this and what should I do about it?

Hello, I have used 3 of your videos, and they have been of tremendous help to me with my puppy (he is now 11 months old). But there is something I haven't seen addressed, or perhaps I'm not using the right terminology. We got Finley at 6 months of age from a shelter, and he has bouts of what I found on the internet to be called the zoomies. He will all of a sudden just change his demeanor... it used to start with a stare at me with a different look in his eye and you'd know it's coming, an...
99% (89 out of 90)
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October 13, 2011

Recommended Do you have an tips on quicker sits and downs?

Good afternoon Cindy, Looking for any tips on quicker sits and downs. I have a shepherd and he was doing great but has come to be more sluggish and don't know why. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Ted
100% (39 out of 39)
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October 10, 2011

Recommended We got a new puppy to help our dog get over the loss of our other dog. She has become aggressive towards the puppy. How can I help my older dog get over the loss of her bestfriend and accept the new puppy?

I need help. I recently lost my German Shepherd to cancer, she was only 5 years old. We also have a 3 year old Malamute that is very depressed because of it. Everyone we know told us to get another dog for our Malamute so we did, but she has become very aggressive towards the puppy and I am afraid she is going to hurt her. How can I help my older dog get over the loss of her best friend and accept the new puppy.
88% (22 out of 25)
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October 6, 2011

Recommended I'm considering adding a male GSD puppy to my home. Would you anticipate the same rank structure problems with the age difference between the two dogs, or am I going to have to get a female?

Cindy, I have read the article about introducing new dogs into the home. At the current time, my girlfriend and I have two adult cats, and an 18 month old male collie. The collie is playful and energetic and not dog aggressive. I am considering getting a male GSD puppy around 8 weeks old to add to the mix. Would you anticipate the same rank structure problems with this age difference between the two dogs, or am I going to have to get a female? Thanks, Jeff
100% (6 out of 6)
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October 3, 2011

Recommended Last month, our dog ate some highly toxic seeds from our back yard. We're trying to get rid of them, but he is still finding the roots. Can we use the e-collar to make this plant taste and smell bad?

Cindy, Thanks so much for what you and Ed produce. We've got a 9 month old Rhodesian Ridgeback that has been a great dog (so far). We (him and I) have been through the basic obedience and pack structure work and it has made him a great little dog (though he's 85lbs now). We got your e collar video and that has really helped me work with him (he now knows the difference between corrections and rough play). Last month he ate some Sago Palm seeds (highly toxic) which of course sent him ...
100% (1 out of 1)
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September 29, 2011

Recommended My dog is afraid of sneezes and coughs. She cowers and tries to climb in your lap. How can I get her to stop being afraid?

Hello, Love your web site? I have order many products and in the process of getting my 3 Akitas trained, eating better and exercising more. I love your web site and you have amazing helpful tips. One of my female Akitas, when anyone sneezes coughs of clears their throat, she cowers and tries to sit in your lap?? Even if I ignore her so I don't make it seems like a big deal. She has done this since she was a puppy, I have no idea why? I assume she is very sensitive to noise? But thunder ...
83% (15 out of 18)
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September 21, 2011

Recommended My boyfriend has a GSD that has bitten 2 people. This dog growls and shows his teeth at me everyday. My boyfriend says the dog does this because I don’t give him love and attention. The dog won’t listen to either of us and does what he wants. Help!

The info on your site is very helpful. I have been with my boyfriend and we have been together for 2 years. He has a 4 year old German shepherd that is 100 pounds. In the past year, the dog has bitten 2 different people. Ever since he bit those people, he has become more aggressive towards me. He hasn't bit me (yet) but he growls and shows his teeth at me everyday. My boyfriend does not discipline him at all and he constantly yells at him all night long to lay down because he paces around the...
86% (30 out of 35)
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September 21, 2011

Recommended If a purebred female breeds with a non-purebred male, will she ever be able to have purebred puppies with a purebred male?

I have a registered walker. She is currently in her first week of her second or third heat. I left her in a pen at my dad's when I left for a few days. Somehow his pit and lab mix got to her. I was wondering if my purebred (female) breeds with a non-purebred (male), will I ever be able to breed her with a purebred male and the puppies be purebred also?
78% (7 out of 9)
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September 14, 2011

Recommended We gave our aggressive dog to a family friend and it injured another dog so severely the dog needed to be euthanized. Our friend doesn't want the dog anymore, what should be do? We are broke and scared of him but he's a great and loyal dog. I don't want to put him down, but we are strapped for time.

3 years ago my husband and I rescued a terrier mix from a southern rescue. Having had such good luck with our first rescue, we figured we couldn't go wrong. We were told Charlie was 6 months old, house and crate trained. The day we got Charlie he was covered in scratches, bites and feces. He was also clearly younger than 6 months old. His teeth had just started to poke through. Either way we brought him home and started to work with him. It was a nightmare. He was anxious and dog aggressi...
60% (29 out of 48)
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September 12, 2011

Recommended My Great Dane recently lost her entire litter of puppies. Would it be bad to breed her again so soon? How many litters should I let her have before it starts to affect her health?

I have a 4 year old Great Dane that had a litter of puppies and none of them made it so she didn't go through the feeding process. She is now healthier than she was before she had the puppies and should be going into heat again very soon. Would it be bad for her to breed again so soon? How many litters should I let her have before it starts to affect her health?
25% (1 out of 4)
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September 9, 2011

Recommended I've been somewhat disappointed by the relatively narrow perspective being presented about the use of Rimadyl in the Newsletter.

Hi Cindy, I've been somewhat disappointed by the relatively narrow perspective being presented about the use of Rimadyl in the Newsletter. While I don't doubt that there will always be a downside to the use of any prescription medication, there are also upsides as well. For example, I presently have a 10 year old Border Collie that LOVES to train, compete, etc. and has since day one. Unfortunately, after a long career in dog agility, she's arthritic. Should she "be put out to pasture" and ...
100% (2 out of 2)
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