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September 7, 2011

Recommended Another dog dies from Rimadyl

I was reading your page on Vaccinosis. This sounds like the answer behind my 7 year old GSD's death. On a friday he was brought into the vet for a leg injury, and we went ahead had his shots done. We were given anti-inflamitories, and sent on our way. Saturday & Sunday he became lethagic, and refused to eat. Monday morning he could barley walk and he'd dropped 5 lbs in 4 days. And he had a fever of 105. He never recovered. Saturday, July 23, 2011 he started vomiting blood, so we had him PTS. ...
83% (5 out of 6)
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September 6, 2011

Recommended What would be a good time to focus train my dog in the day?

Hi Ed and Cindy, I have a simple question that may sound silly, but I really would like your opinion. What would be a good time to focus train my dog in the day? I get home from work and usually go straight into exercise. That doesn't leave too much time before having to rest for a couple of hours before dinner. And I know you've said not to train after exercise, but train when they are hungry. I figure train before the exercise, but with food rewards, wouldn't that be the same as eating b...
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September 1, 2011

Recommended When my dog gets scared, he bites. We've trained him, but we can't make up for his first two years of abuse. What if we removed some/all of his teeth?

We rescued a 2+ yearod abused lab/chow mix. He was not neutered or trained. After 3 years, he is both, and we've tried to make up for the lack of socialization. However, he still -- very rarely -- bites. He's fine and then something scares him and there he goes. I know we can't make up for his first two years of abuse. And I know the conventional wisdom is to put him to sleep. I wonder, though -- what if we removed some/all of his teeth? I imagine it's expensive, but I don't see why it's not ...
95% (37 out of 39)
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August 29, 2011

Recommended My dog became spooked by a judge at a show and is now fear aggressive towards all men. Can this be fixed? Will any of your DVDs help?

I have a male bull terrier I have been showing since he was 4 months old and conformation classes since he was 12 weeks. We go to conformation classes every Tuesday. We recently had been to a show as a 9 month old pup. He was being judge by a man that should have never been in the ring with a puppy. The judge was very rough with him and he got spooked by the male judge and is now fear aggressive towards all men (he will let youth males touch him with out problems). He growls barks and would s...
67% (6 out of 9)
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August 25, 2011

Recommended Our 12 year old Border Collie gets aggressive and tries to bite us when we attempt to put a lead on him. This is causing us a lot of problems. Any advice?

Hi, I need a little advice, I have a 12 year old border collie, who is quite disobedient. He will not go on his lead, so this means he can't have a walk. If we try to put him on his lead he gets aggressive and will try to bite us, this is making us afraid of him and he knows it. This is causing us a great problem as we both work all day and so when we want to sleep at night the dog gets bored and barks and want to go out to the toilet. When he is out at night he barks and won't come in. He...
57% (4 out of 7)
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August 22, 2011

Recommended I may be bringing home a 3 month old puppy tomorrow that had surgery to remove a sock from her stomach just last week. She seems like a great pup otherwise. Do you think this pup will be ok psychologically and physically?

So sorry to ask you to respond immediately, but I was hoping to get your opinion on a german shepherd puppy that I may be bringing home tomorrow. Her breeding seems excellent for temperament and health (including hips, etc.). She is 3 months old. The only concern that I have is that she swallowed a sock last week and had surgery to remove it. The vet, who is supposed to be very good, had to cut open her belly (6 inch cut) to remove the sock which she swallowed whole. The stitches are inside a...
100% (1 out of 1)
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August 22, 2011

Recommended My 18 month old dog is comfortable in her crate and never goes to the bathroom in our house when we are home. I’ve started to leave her out of the crate in the afternoon for 6 hours and she’s constantly going to the bathroom on our carpet. Please help.

Ed and Cindy, I have been following your books, DVDS, and podcasts for some time. I have followed your 8 weeks to Adult puppy video and have had much success. I only am experience one major problem. Our Whippet is very comfortable with her crate and never goes in the house when we are around. This year at 18 months I started to leave her out of her crate during the afternoons (six hours). She constantly goes bathroom on the carpet. Our first house was a tile floor and had no carpet. I hav...
85% (22 out of 26)
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August 18, 2011

Recommended I’m thinking of rescuing a cat, would they eat the same raw diet as a dog? Can they chew bones?

Hi Cindy, I've been seriously thinking of rescuing a cat, there's so many homeless ones where I am. Would their diet be similar to a species appropriate diet for dogs, some meat, giblets, and bones? Can they chew bones?? I have no clue. Anita
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August 17, 2011

Recommended My pup eats everything... toys, socks, underwear. We try to keep things picked up but he still finds them. What can we do?

I have a 5 month old Goldendoodle that picks up everything he finds. He swallowed a 12" long stuff-less toy about a month ago that had to be removed surgically. He loves socks and underwear, and yesterday he got ahold of one of my daughters headbands, but fortunately he vomited up this morning. We try to keep things picked up but he just seeks them out. What can we do? I don't want another $2800 vet bill. Thanks, Tim
100% (9 out of 9)
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August 15, 2011

Recommended My 6 month old dog did reasonably well in obedience class but he nips our daughter, chews our shoes and chases the cat. Which ecollar would you recommend?

We have a 6 month old Portugese Water Dog (weighs 40 pounds). He's an awesome dog and did reasonably well in basic obedience training... but I'm having difficulty getting him to stop jumping and nipping on my 5-year old daughter, going after shoes to chew on, and chasing our cat. I've heard great things about your e-collar video -- before I order can you suggest the best e-collar to go with it? Regards, Eric
100% (1 out of 1)
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August 15, 2011

Recommended I adopted a 2 year old dog a few weeks ago and I'm working through the pack structure program. She's really good except for when she sees other dogs through the window and on walks. She goes NUTS! Does this mean she doesn't see me as the pack leader?

Hi Ed, First I want to thank you for all the information you've made available here on this website. I've been through so many of your articles, videos, and even the discussion forum and have learned a lot. I recently adopted a 2 year old GSD a few weeks ago. I've been putting her though your pack structure program, and thing seem to be going pretty well. She knows that she has to wait to go up/down the stairs, in/out the door/crate until I tell her she can go, she's very responsive ...
97% (74 out of 76)
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August 10, 2011

Recommended My kids are in 4H with their 3 year old dogs. Last year one of them was bitten by another dog and now she’s aggressive. The volunteers at dog practice think a

My son and daughter train 3 year old border collies for 4-h they are starting their 3rd year. The dogs are from the same litter. My son has the female Ruby and my daughter has the male Zeke. Last year Ruby got bite by another dog and she has been dog aggressive ever since. Once she starts this behavior then Zeke also becomes aggressive. The volunteers at dog practice feel exposing them to the other dogs during a meet and greet exercise will help where my children need to correct their dogs be...
80% (4 out of 5)
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August 10, 2011

Recommended I adopted a 7 year old dog aggressive female Staffy Bull/ Jack Russell mix. Is there anything I can do about her reaction to other dogs at her older age?

Hello, I have recently rescued a 7 year old Staffordshire Bull terrior/Jack Russell, her name is Penny. She is well behaved and has understood from the off that I am master. I was told she was dog aggressive and I am confident enough and usually able to distract her we she sees other dogs whilst out on the leash. However, yesterday as I walked round a blind corner another domesticated dog came with it's owner, Penny instantly lunged and bit the dog around the snout before I could react, th...
60% (27 out of 45)
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August 8, 2011

Recommended Our 7 year old beagle is attacking our 14 year old cocker. It’s gotten so bad we are afraid the beagle will kill our other dog, what can we do?

Ed, We have a 7 year old Beagle and a 14 year old Cocker Spaniel at home. We've had both since they were puppies, but we got the cocker first. They have gotten along up until about this past year. Lately, the Beagle has been attacking the Cocker Spaniel. She's a hunting dog, so she's fast and gets a good grip on the other dog. Out of the blue, she'll lunge at the other one and attack her, without ever letting go. When we try to drag her off, she takes the other one with her. It doesn...
60% (28 out of 47)
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August 8, 2011

Recommended I have a stray dog that I want to do some clicker training with and he screams and tries to hide when he hears the click. Do you have any suggestions for a quieter clicker?

I take in and rehab strays. I do a lot of trick training using clickers. However, I have a Blue Heeler who screams and tries to push himself under the bed or cram himself into the corner of a closet when he hears the click. Someone suggested using a retractable pen, but the timing with it is unreliable. The Heeler was not scared of its sound, though, so I am hoping a quieter clicker would do. I saw two in the Leerburg catalog that advertised as being having softer clicks. They were the i-Clic...
100% (2 out of 2)
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August 4, 2011

Recommended Our 8 week old puppy is a voracious eater and is growling and guarding his food. Should we correct him for this?

I recently purchased a couple of your training streaming videos (Your Puppy 8 Weeks to 8 Months and Dealing with Dominant & Aggressive Dogs). They are very helpful and we enjoy learning from them, and I'm sure I will be pursuing others over the next several months as we train our little guy. I recently received my new Malinois puppy and he just turned 8 weeks. He is a voracious eater and is guarding his food and growling. At 8 weeks old should this be corrected and if yes what would you re...
100% (7 out of 7)
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August 4, 2011

Recommended My friend moved into my brand new home with her untrained dog. My dog is trained but I'm afraid he's going to start marking in the house before I get her dog trained. I'm so upset I am ready to leave my own home and leave her and her dog there. Do you have suggestions?

I am sending you this email from outside of my house. I'm so upset I can't go in right now. I have a 1 year old dog that is house trained and a week ago a friend moved in my brand new home with her dog. Her dog is not house trained and it seems the owner has no desire to train her dog. I am trying the crate training now but her dog and my dog cry all day and night wanting to get to each other. I am afraid my dog is going to start "marking" his territory again before I get her's house trained....
100% (2 out of 2)
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August 1, 2011

Recommended I have 2 puppies and they sleep in their crates all night without accidents. During the day they do not tell me when they need to go out even though I’ve put bells on the door for them to ring. What am I missing?

I have two maltipoo puppies. One is 7 months old, one is 8 months. I am still having trouble getting them house trained. They are in the crate at night and sleep all night without accidents. They are taken out first thing in the AM and usually both go pee and poop. Once they eat, they are taken out again within the hour. Sometimes they will both go pee and poop again... sometimes just one will. Here is the problem. They do NOT tell me when they have to go out. I have them confined to the fami...
80% (32 out of 40)
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August 1, 2011

Recommended I've watched The Power of Playing Tug with Your Dog and my Malinois loves to tug. The problem is she is biting my hands while tugging. How can I show her the proper way?

Hello Cindy. Hope all is well with you. I emailed you from Afghanistan about my female Mal, who is now 14 months old, about her eating her poop. Thanks for the nutritional advice on that; your advice was spot on. Now I have another question. When I play tug with her, she bites my hands (I am sure inadvertently) right by my thumb and forefinger. I have tried widening my grip, but eventually she still bites it. I really do not think she is doing it on purpose. She is very intense about tuggi...
100% (14 out of 14)
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July 27, 2011

Recommended I have posted some videos of my puppy interacting with my mom’s puppy, would you be willing to view the footage and tell me what you think?

Hello, I recently used your videos to learn how to train my pit bull mix puppy (my first puppy). We adopted him from the shelter at 6 months old; he is 9 months old now. The videos were extremely helpful. My mom also has a puppy (going on a year old), and we have met 2 times, a month apart, to introduce the dogs to one another. I watched carefully the segment you showed on dog interaction hoping I could determine any warning signs ahead of time, especially since my dog is quickly outgrowi...
100% (4 out of 4)
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