Recommended Q&As
December 31, 2024
My new 8 month old GSD barks incessantly during training, I don't know how to correct him without confusing him.
Hi Cindy, I recently acquired a German Shepherd pup at 7 months of age. He was started in obedience work and drive development from the kennel I purchased him from. He was originally being developed for police work or high level sport. I just want him for family companion / protection work. Unfortunately I didn’t have the opportunity to develop this pup from 8 weeks old into my training and drive development or capping where necessary. When I received him he didn’t have bite inhibition o...
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December 16, 2024
I have 2 puppies and they don't get along, I don't know what to do. Please help!
I recently got a male Doberman and he's 3 months old now. Yesterday I got a golden retriever (2 months) but my Doberman keeps standing over him and biting him. My golden retriever and Doberman seem to be fighting over food as well (even though I give them both separately) I don’t know what to do and he (my dobie) doesn’t listen when I tell him to stop. Please help.
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December 16, 2024
My dog is not neutered and if he catches the scent of a female in heat he runs off, will a remote collar work to fix this?
My 3 1/2 year old labradoodle is not neutered. He catches the scent of an in heat dog and it’s off to the races. We walk on the beach daily and folks bring their in heat dogs on vacation. He will follow a weeks-old scent. He’s been off leash since he’s been 8 weeks old. Will a remote collar work?
100% (1 out of 1)
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December 15, 2024
Will neutering my 3 year old protection dog make him less protective?
Will neutering my 3 year old Belgain Malinois protection dog make him less protective? Thank you!
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December 15, 2024
I'm uncomfortable with the new trainer we started working with last week and I'm not sure what to do.
We started with a new training program for our 10 month old rescue puppy last week. It's with an e-collar and several coworkers recommended it. It's a drop-off one-day-a-week situation; they work with us & our dog every other session. My concern is the trainer told me when giving directions on how to use the stim that I shouldn't worry if he yelps, I'm not hurting him. She said that for him it was a discomfort like having the music too loud in the car. I'm having a hard time believing this. H...
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December 3, 2024
My 10 month old dog always had great food drive but recently she prefers toys and her appetite has diminished somewhat. Any advice?
My pup is now 10 months old (per DNA testing, 76% German Sheperd and 24% Belgian Malinois, adopted from a shelter at age 3 months). She has always had a great food drive.
Her toy drive has kicked into high gear recently and her food drive and appetite has dropped off.
Sadly, no vet near me has any experience with working dogs. She's not losing weight (just hit 63 pounds) and I don't want to bring up the issue with the vet for fear of the office wanting me to give her some drug to 'stim...
100% (1 out of 1)
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December 2, 2024
I am fed up with owners letting their untrained dogs off leash. My dog and I were charged by 3 off leash dogs yesterday! I'm stressed out! How do you handle exercising your dogs off your property?
Hi Cindy, I've reached out in the past about my GSD puppy developing dog reactivity around 6 months. She is now 1 year, 4 months, and is doing great- she is no longer dog-reactive (unless charged by an off leash dog) and is fully e-collar trained and her obedience is extremely reliable. My question is about other off-leash dog encounters - almost every time I go out on trails we are approached by an off leash dog. I shout "NO" and use a walking stick/air spray, which has caused arguments with...
67% (2 out of 3)
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December 2, 2024
My 6 month old Rottweiler has no respect for our adult Pug, he jumps on her and mauls her. How can I get him to understand that this is not OK?
I have a 6-month-old rottweiler puppy who is well-socialized, and has the right amount of exercise, for his age, and we are attending obedience. 95% of the time he is amazing he listens and engages. However, he has no respect for our 5-year-old pug he jumps on her and mauls her. I use verbal corrections like " uh uhh" which is the word I have chosen to let him know he has made a mistake and "off" in a loud stern voice. He gets off but then 5 minutes later does it my only option to ...
100% (1 out of 1)
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October 4, 2024
I want to teach my dog to walk with me under any distraction, we live in a big city with narrow sidewalks. Should I teach contact heeling or use a second command for loose leash walking? Do you have any suggestions?
Hi Cindy,
My dog is a 3-year old high energy border collie who is trained in obedience and has solid heels and loose leash walking and a bullet-proof stay.
I now want to build an equally bullet-proof way to walk with me even under any distractions.
My question is, should I 1) build on her loose leash walking, or 2) teach a contact heel, or 3) use a second command for loose leash, or 4) anything else?
Since we live in a big city we use loose leash a lot, either on narrow sidewalks, ...
100% (6 out of 6)
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October 4, 2024
I am going to have my 2 year old German Shepherd's undescended testicle removed, should I consider a stomach tacking (gastropexy) at the same time?
Hello Cindy
I lost a german shepherd to bloat in the past. She was not a well dog and developed chronic issues including heart failure and perianal fistula.
I am going to have the undescended testicle removed in my 2 year old german shepherd. We will keep him intact. Should I consider doing a stomach tacking (gastropexy) at the same time?
He is on raw diet and we never exercising him for few hours after feeding.
Thank you so much,
100% (4 out of 4)
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October 2, 2024
I'ma dog trainer and some clients don't want to give treats directly from their hand to reward the dog. Can placing the treat on the ground be an acceptable alternative ?
Hi Cindy,
Becoming a dog trainer here using very much relationship / engagement-based training approach.
I can imagine I'm going to run into clients who absolutely don't want to give their dog treats directly from their hand (since I know owners like that already). Apart from offering to show them how to do so safely and encouraging them to do so for the more direct connection to you, how absolutely necessary or unnecessary is that delivery when it comes to food rewards? Is placing it ...
100% (3 out of 3)
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October 2, 2024
My 4 month old German Shepherd puppy barks when he sees certain dogs on our neighborhood walks, do you have any tips?
Hello-I have a 4 month old GSD and I am very aware that they can be vocal/whiny/barky however, I am determined to prevent this behavior via management and controlling his environment. When he sees certain dogs in the neighborhood (large, fluffy) he does a bark when he is not engaged in something/activity. most of the time he sees a dog, looks and easily can move along, but certain larger fluffy dogs can elicit a bark. So far the bark doesn't turn into anything more(it's a bark or two and I ca...
100% (4 out of 4)
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October 1, 2024
My 11 month old dog was using the dog door to potty outside but after a camping trip and weather changing he now goes to the bathroom inside. How do we let him know it's not ok to potty in the house?
Hi there, we have a 11 mo puppy we have had him for 4 months now. He was in a shelter for 4 months before we got him so he just knew to potty anytime anywhere. We got him to learn the dog door and he has been great. All of a sudden after a camping trip and weather turning he wouldn't go out the dog door, would go inside. I guess maybe he really doesn't know how to tell us he just uses the dog door anytime! He relapsed for a few weeks and is back on track but if the dog door is closed he ...
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October 1, 2024
How do I train a 5 year old dog with a compulsion to swallow non food items he finds to "leave it" ?
I have an 5 yr old rescue with the impulse to ingest inappropriate things he finds - like bark mulch chips, etc. He has puked up sticks the size of my thumb and I am worried he will cause himself a lethal internal injury.
I have tried the standard "leave it" and now he just swallows faster. How can I get him to understand that this is undesirable/unacceptable behavior? He is muzzle trained so that I can permit him some off-leash time but other folks treat him like he is Hannibal Lecter. Ot...
100% (2 out of 2)
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August 23, 2024
Our 9 week old cockapoo puppy bites us, runs around like crazy and growls. I'm worried for my children!
Hello Cindy.
I really hope you can help us.
Less than a week ago, we got a 9-week puppy cockapoo.
He is wonderful in many ways, but he really bites when putting into a crate. He also very nippy and saying ouch does not work. Today during playtime outside, when the puppy was on dog run, he started to run around like crazy and growl. Could you please advise me on how to deal with this behavior. I worry for my children.
Thank you
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August 13, 2024
When you have 2 dogs is it possible that neither of them is dominant over the other one?
I have watched the course on how to establish pack structure and have a question regarding dog behavior during play. I am researching as much as I can on the subject of dog body language and signs that could prevent a dog fight.
In the situation when a female and male that meet on a regular basis, have structured walks and play, is it possible that neither of them be dominant over another? The GSD female is 3 years old and the GSD male is 4 years old. They no longer play as much with each ...
83% (5 out of 6)
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August 12, 2024
I adopted a Miniature Pinscher a month ago and I'm struggling with loose leash walking, any suggestions?
Hi Cindy,
About a month ago I adopted 10 month old intact male Min Pin. For the past month I have worked on just like trick training for fun and stuff like that to build a positive relationship. He is exceptionally food motivated and catches on to things very quickly. However I'm really struggling with loose lead walking (flat collar). He is very inquisitive and has a ton of energy. I don't have a large yard for him to run prior to working with him. Should I carry him to the park and exerci...
100% (4 out of 4)
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August 11, 2024
My 9 month old German Shepherd jumps on me and barks. I know he is playing but it's annoying. Do you have any suggestions?
I have a 9 month old male GSD, he is from German show lines. He has a really nice temperament. But at this age he is fresh, he thinks its fun to jump on me. He rarely did this when he was 5 mos. old. I know he is just playing with me but its annoying. He's very gentle when he puts his feet on me, he jumps back then barks at me. I don't want him to think this is OK to do.
I have tried the squirt bottle and the sports drink bottle with water it didn't work so I added a little bit of vinega...
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August 2, 2024
Are long lines dangerous for dogs?
I have a long line which I've used with my (now 7 month old) puppy, which I clip onto the back of her harness.
This weekend we took her to an off leash dog beach. The beach is very big and wide, so I was planning to avoid other dogs as much as possible and let her play in the water.
However, there was an incident where an off leash dog ran to my dog and away again and my puppy spun around and ran after it, straight into the long line, getting the line wrapped after her leg and neck. I r...
100% (6 out of 6)
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August 1, 2024
I just got a 9 week old puppy and when I put her in the ex-pen she cries and climbs the sides to get out, I need help!
Hello, I just got my puppy at 9.5 weeks, I put her in the expen so I could make dinner but she is crying so much and climbing the walls to try to get out. I don’t want to reward this behavior and want her to see the expen as a good thing. How do I stop this? I gave her toys and food in the pen and put her in when she was napping but she’s still fully freaked out. I had her in there earlier playing with toys and food to familiarize herself with it but I’m not sure how else to acclimate h...
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