Recommended Q&As

May 2, 2011

Recommended Is it better to say no or come and then give a correction via e-collar when he does not listen or it it better to not say anything and just correct him with the e-collar?

Dear Cindy, My question is regarding avoidance corrections. I have a 2.5 year old cattle dog mix that I have just adopted. I am constantly around horses and my dog will be as well. When the horses are not really moving the dog leaves them alone but if they start running around his herding drive takes over and I can not get him out of the zone. He chases them and barks at them while nipping at their heels; characteristically of his breed. He understands "come" and "no" and is almost alwa...
100% (5 out of 5)
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May 2, 2011

Recommended I trained my dog to be a personal protection dog. He has bit 6 of my friends. What should I do? I don't want to put him down.

Dear Mr. Ed Frawley, Hi, my name is Justin. I live in Vermont and I have a 1 1/2 year old johnson american bulldog/american pit bull mix. His name is Conrad and I have had him since he was 4 weeks old. Conrad is about 85 lbs and extremely aggressive to anyone he does not know. He is very protective of my house, car, kennel and mostly me. He has already bitten 6 people and just bit my girlfriend the other night but did not break skin. I know I was a little hard on him when he was pup and I ...
97% (188 out of 193)
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May 2, 2011

Recommended Is there any correlation between excessive panting and a raw diet?

Cindy, My dog has been on a raw diet for over a month now and I've noticed he's panting quite a bit. I've searched the website and looked over the books but haven't seen anything on this. Do you know of any correlation between excessive panting and raw? He seems healthy otherwise. Otherwise, the diet has been a dream. Earwax-gone, itching-greatly diminished, coat-like a puppy, I mean it is really noticeable. Thank you for teaching me about raw though Leerburg. I have already convinced...
100% (16 out of 16)
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May 2, 2011

Recommended My breeder said not to feed raw meat because it will awaken his hound hunting instincts. Have you ever heard of such a thing?

Hey there, Let me just start with a big thanks for the wonderful website and DVDs you've created. They've been a huge source of information for me and they really help me a lot! If it wasn't for you, I would've been raising my Beagle the "old school" way and would probably have had a sadder dog to live with. I'm sure he is also very grateful for you teaching me better! :) I've read most of the stuff you wrote about the all natural, raw diet, and I have just one thing i had a problem ...
67% (4 out of 6)
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May 2, 2011

Recommended A Letter About Vet Practices: My horrible experience

Ed, My name is Frederick from Australia. I would just like to tell you my story about my tragic loss and maybe you can share this with people dealing with the same kind of problem. I am a big reader of your website and I read all your articles and QAs. Your teachings have, in a lot of ways, been the foundation of training I trained dogs although I still consider myself as a youngster in the field. I used to own a Bullmastiff dog. We got him from a breeder at 8 weeks old and he was th...
100% (4 out of 4)
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May 2, 2011

Recommended I want to start marker training, which DVDs should I get? And what can I be doing until I get them?

I ran across your article online about your thoughts on marker training. I was taught to train by only correcting bad behaviors in the early 90s. Yankin and crankin. It has worked well for me in obedience training my dogs over the years. Your article however has caused me to rethink my approach. I have 2 german shephard puppy?litter mates male and female. I got them at 4 months. They are now 6 months.?I walk them and train them every day. As a side note, I train and walk them separately. They...
88% (7 out of 8)
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April 27, 2011

Recommended My dog became over stimulated by the bark collar while walking and bit my leg. Did I address this situation correctly?

Cindy, I am writing to see if I am going in the right direction. I was walking my blue heeler/ border collie, Blu. He was wearing his tri tronics bark collar. He's been using it for over a year.We had just seen 5-6 does on our last walk, he was pretty excited about that. Next walk, two little shi tzu puppies approached from about 25 feet away. Blu began the long howling barks, you could hear each time he barked the collar set at 4 shocked him, and he just kept going off. This was the 1st t...
100% (24 out of 24)
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April 27, 2011

Recommended My dog has started to shut down when I bring out the tug. What do you suggest I do?

Hi Cindy, Let me start by saying I love your website and the changes you made to the streaming videos are excellent. I have purchased various DVDs and equipment and thanks to you I have a very obedient and happy dog. I hope you can help me with a problem that just occurred with my 14 month old female GSD. She has good nerves and a wonderful temperament. She can go anywhere with me, experience different situations, meet other dogs and people without a single change in her behavior. She i...
100% (13 out of 13)
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April 25, 2011

Recommended How do I transition from the prong collar to a flat collar for walks?

Hi, I've been watching your basic dog training videos with my 4 and 5 year old papillons. They've quit pulling on the leashes on walks, but only as long as they are on prong collars. They still pull continually on flat collars. How do I transition between the prong collar and the flat collar for walks? Thanks! Rebecca
62% (21 out of 34)
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April 25, 2011

Recommended I started feeding your formula and my pup has gained weight, but he is still twitching and having seizures. Is there anything I can do to help him?

I have a problem with my three week old Yorkie. He was weighing 14.5 oz three days ago. I started your formula yesterday and he loved it. He gained weight. I was so happy, but he is still twitching and has lots of seizures. I feel helpless. I called the vet and they said he might have a shunt liver. Is there anything I can do to help him? I really don't want to put him down. I don't sleep, I feed him every two hours. Please help my babie Yorkied (AKA Peewee).
67% (2 out of 3)
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April 21, 2011

Recommended Our new puppy has a bladder infection. We don't want him to think it's ok to go potty in the house but we understand his situation right now. What should we do?

Good Morning! We have just ordered the "8 weeks to 8 month" training tape to help us in training our 11 week old male Yorkie. We have read many of the free eBooks on your site and are very pleased with the progress we have made as trainers! We had a puppy two years ago and failed miserably as handlers. That puppy went to live and be well trained by a woman who knew her stuff. The obvious issue there was our poor training. We certainly don't want history to repeat itself here. ...
100% (11 out of 11)
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April 21, 2011

Recommended My client has a 12 week old Golden Retriever that growls a lot when she plays with her toys. Do you have any suggestions?

I teach a puppy kindergarten class. I have a question from one of my students about their dog that I cannot answer, and I am looking for some advice. They have a 12 wk old golden retriever that is showing some dominance. Today it bit the owner in the back of the leg and broke the skin. They were in the front of the house playing, and decided to go to the back yard and play. She started walking and the puppy went after her and bit her in the leg. Also, the puppy seems to play at home very ...
100% (19 out of 19)
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April 21, 2011

Recommended What is the best sequence to train using the Michael Ellis DVDs?

Dear Mr. Frawley, I've been studying the DVDs you've made with Mr. Ellis, I'm missing the two last one's that I'll be ordering by the end of this month, but I'm a bit stuck. Can you direct me to a training schedule, or better said a training sequence, to work with the dogs from scratch? I know that there cannot be a rigid sequence and that all must be adapted to the animal itself, but thinking about a perfect world what would it be the best sequence to train a dog. I ...
95% (54 out of 57)
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April 21, 2011

Recommended I’ve been trying to crate train my 4 month old dachshund puppy for a month and he won’t stop barking at night, what should I do?

HELP! I am at my wits end! I have been trying to crate training a 4 month old male miniature Dachshund for 4 weeks now and I still have problems with him barking continuously at night. I do all the things the cd says to do but he still barks. I don't not keep him in a crate during the day since I am gone for nearly 10 hours to work. He is kept in a small doggy play pen. When I get home I play with him in the kitchen while I am working on Supper and then in his crate while we ea...
100% (17 out of 17)
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April 21, 2011

Recommended Should we allow our 4 month old GSD puppy access to water while he’s crated during the day while we are gone?

Hi, We got our German Shepherd puppy 2 weeks ago while my girlfriend was on break from school vacation. He has learned to go to the bathroom outside, but has an occasional accident. The question I have is that he will be left in the crate from 8 am to 3 pm Monday to Friday. Should he have access to water while we are not home during this period of time? We have heard several different opinions, but it seems a little cruel to leave him without water for that period of time. Obviousl...
96% (24 out of 25)
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April 21, 2011

Recommended Our 4 year old dog bit a friend’s child last week at our home. What can I do?

I have a 4 year old dog (Buster) who has always showed aggression over food, mainly anyone besides myself and my husband who enters the kitchen when I am in there. I have no problem taking away his food or holding his bowl when he is eating. Last week my friend came over to visit and her girls stayed overnight. I was in the kitchen when one of the girls who is eleven came in, I immediately knew by the look on his face he was going to growl so I said NO!!!! He then jumped at her and...
89% (8 out of 9)
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April 20, 2011

Recommended What do you suggest to use to cool crates when the car is moving?

Hi Cindy, What do you suggest to use to cool the crates when the car is moving? My car's fan does not seem to work well during the summer months and would like to use something to move the air around so my dogs don't overheat when in their crates in the back of my Trailblazer. I do have harnesses to put them in the back seat but I feel they are safest crated. I appreciate your advice. Carol
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April 20, 2011

Recommended Are cheaper, older chicken backs with extra parts ok to feed or should I spend a little more for a younger bird?

Cindy Thanks for your previous help. Here is my question. I switched to RAW 2 weeks ago and am having no problems at this time. The question is about the chicken I am feeding. I have 2 local sources, one sells leg quarters for .59 per pound. They appear to be fresh, young chicken quarters, not frozen, with no back or other parts attached. The second source sells them frozen for .39 per pound. These are larger with pieces of back and often small bits of liver attached. They are probably ...
100% (2 out of 2)
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April 15, 2011

Recommended What is the benefit of picking up a dog's food after a certain amount of time?

Hi Cindy, I remember seeing somewhere on your site that when your dogs are fed it's picked up after a certain amount of time. The time I can't remember, 20 minutes to an hour, I think. My question was what is the benefit of this??My German Shepherd never eats all of her food in one go and I feel guilty about taking it up after a set time, as I know she always goes back to it before bed time and finishes it off.?Is this bad for her? RegardsSandra
74% (139 out of 187)
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April 15, 2011

Recommended I tried a Walmart e-collar on the highest setting, but it didn't work. Which of your e-collars would you sugges?

Hi, I have a yellow labrador. He is 2 years old and very friendly, but when he sees people, he takes off... Tried the Walmart e-collar and put it to the highest level but that won't stop him at all. So, you have so many e-collars, I don't know the right one for him. Please help... Thanks, Martha
79% (27 out of 34)
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