Recommended Q&As

June 20, 2011

Recommended I don’t understand the difference between a choke collar and a dominant dog collar. It seems like they are both used as a Jerk & Release correction.

I do not understand why the chain choke collar can cause neck injuries and the dominant dog collar doesn't. I have seen the DVD on the dominant dog collar, and I understand about the value of keeping the collar right behind the ears, but it still seems to me that it is a "jerk and release" action, just like the chain choke collar. Is it the placement on the dog's neck the difference? Or the fact that it will give "softer" jerks? I'm not getting the mechanics of the difference. Thank you.
75% (24 out of 32)
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June 20, 2011

Recommended If I am feeding a raw diet, how much bone should I be feeding my female during pregnancy and after she has her litter?

If I am feeding a raw diet, how much bone should I be feeding my female during pregnancy and after she has her litter?
92% (11 out of 12)
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June 15, 2011

Recommended As dogs fed a raw diet age, does the diet have to change? If so, at what age?

Hi Cindy, I'm sure with all the emails that you get, you might not remember me, but you and Ed have been a great help to our family. Your advice, videos, products, and web site helped us to raise a beautiful, well behaved Lab. Jake is now six years old and has been on a raw diet (your exact weekly menu) and the vitamins you recommend since he was about four months old. I know that as cats and dogs get older, they need - and should have - less protein in their diets. As dogs fed a raw d...
100% (5 out of 5)
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June 14, 2011

Recommended We’ve been raising our dog for protection work and following Raising a Working Puppy. When we go on vacation next month, I doubt our dog sitter will keep our dogs from playing together & I doubt she’ll just feed him and not interact with him. Will this undo all our hard work?

We have a 5 month old Doberman, and a 6 year old Doberman. Both are house dogs, but we're also raising the puppy for protection work. Our breeder made us aware of your website, and I must say, it is wonderful!! I've had many dogs, and felt I knew how to train them. But your system of marker training is incredible! It has opened my eyes. Thank you for such a complete and thorough training system and website. We're following your DVD on raising a working puppy, and incorporating the advice y...
100% (12 out of 12)
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June 13, 2011

Recommended My 1 year old dog has regressed with the recall command. When I give my dog the come command he sprints in circles around me and won’t come. Should I give him a correction?

Cindy, My one year old male has been trained with markers since 8 weeks and has always had an excellent response to the "come' command. As summer has arrived, we have been spending a lot of time in the yard (off leash). Suddenly, when I give him the come command he will start to sprint in circles around the yard. He knows it means time to go inside and he doesn't want too. The stronger my voice gets the faster he runs. I remember in one of the videos it said not to correct a dog for ref...
84% (27 out of 32)
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June 13, 2011

Recommended My beagle got an English bulldog pregnant. I would like to have one of the puppies but the owner of the bulldog said they will be selling the puppies and not giving me one. Do I have any rights to the puppies?

I have a pure bred beagle that got an english bulldog pregnant, which belongs to someone else. I would like to have one of the puppies since they are also my beagle's puppies. The owner of the bulldogs has told me that they are going to sell the puppies and will not be giving me one. Do I have any rights to the puppies?
100% (7 out of 7)
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June 9, 2011

Recommended We have 4 dogs and 2 of them have become aggressive. They are attacking each other. Our vet suggested adding chamomile tea to their drinking water but that it would take a while to have an effect. I really need help!

Hi. My family is having a problem with two of our dogs being aggressive. My mother and father have four dogs in total. One is a female we've rescued from a shelter. We have an older male dog who is very gentle, then we have two younger males (they're about two years old). Recently the two younger males have become very aggressive. They've attacked the older male dog about three times, nothing too serious but it was enough that we took Drake (the older one) to my sister's for a little wh...
96% (73 out of 76)
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June 9, 2011

Recommended My dog was running around and plowed broadside into an old, arthritic dog. The old dog was euthanized. I saw the dogs with their heads together earlier, could it be that the dogs were communicating about my dog helping the old one out of her misery? Is there such a thing as assisted suicide in dogs?

Ed and Cindy, Having just read your Dumb & Dumber Q&As I can see that you are not particularly tolerant of stupid questions, but I hope you will treat this seriously since it was a very upsetting event. I have a 5 year old Amer. Staffordshire Terrier (almost 80 pounds) that is very loving and gentle and we were spending a weekend at my daughter's in-laws cabin where several families and their dogs were present. In addition to my dog there were two Maltese and a Black Lab. All of them ge...
100% (5 out of 5)
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June 3, 2011

Recommended My dog's breath smells like rotting meat, do you know what could be causing this?

Hi! We have a 1 1/2 year old beagle and his breath just starting smelling really bad like rotting meat. He is on an all raw meat diet, do you know what may be causing this smell? Thanks! Britni
80% (24 out of 30)
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June 3, 2011

Recommended My dog is crate aggressive but only to my new puppy, do you have any suggestions?

Hello Leerburg Staff. My question is about what seems to be crate aggression. I have read many articles on your site and now I am trying to find one about crate aggression but have been unlucky. I can't be the first person with this issue, maybe I am looking under the wrong article headings. Anyway, I have bought a GS puppy and have not let the puppy interact physically with my other dogs, just through the crates. My 4 year old Lab tries to attack the puppy when she is in the crate if he goes...
78% (7 out of 9)
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June 1, 2011

Recommended In your experience, how effective is pepper spray in breaking up a dog fight?

Hello Ed and Cindy, In your experience, how effective is pepper spray in breaking up a dog fight? Occasionally (say once a year) my 2 rescue boxers will fight with each other. My alpha female goes after my (much larger and younger) male. The male then has to defend himself as the female will repeatedly go after him, and he has hurt the female before. We eventually are able to break them up, but I know how foolish it is to try to break up a dog fight, especially if you are by yourself. ...
88% (7 out of 8)
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June 1, 2011

Recommended Would a bark collar help with my dog's whining?

Hi, I have bought a number of products from you recently and was very happy with my e collar, etc. Now I need an advice on another issue- whining. My 8 months Doberman female has long whining sessions, that sometimes are difficult to ignore. We try to ignore her everytime when she is whining, but sometimes it is really hard especially when you are trying to work or talk on the phone, etc. She finds it hard to be left alone behind closed doors, I heard it is one of Dobermans' features, but ...
87% (60 out of 69)
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May 31, 2011

Recommended What can you advise me to use for tick control that is safe and effective?

Hi guys, What can you advise me to use for tick control that is safe and effective. I used to spray a chemical on my lawn until I lost a 6 year old GSD to cancer. I tried a topical but my female GSD had a severe reaction to it. It didn't bother my male GSD. After giving it a lot of thought I felt it isn't safe to put a poison on the dogs. I started using a spray I believe I purchased from your kennel called organic neem spray with pretty good success. This year after all the spring rain w...
96% (24 out of 25)
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May 31, 2011

Recommended Can a dog be reconditioned to enjoy working through marker training if its previous owner used compulsion training?

Can a dog be reconditioned to enjoy working through marker training if its previous owner used compulsion training? I have an adopted dog who I believe was trained using compulsion and is very timid or cautious when training, I can tell she is afraid to make a mistake. I adopted her at about 1 year old, she looked pretty neglected, but is smart as a whip. Thanks, Sharon
100% (2 out of 2)
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May 24, 2011

Recommended I have a 3 year old Sheltie that has an obedience CDX and am working towards a Utility Title and maybe an OTCH. Does your method of training help a breed of dog like mine achieve the type of results I have seen on your web site?

I just got home from a dog show where I saw the most awesome German Shorthair Pointer. I asked him where he trained and he gave me your web site. I have a 3 year old Sheltie that has an obedience CDX and am working towards a Utility Title and maybe an OTCH. I hope this doesn't sound silly, but does your method of training help a breed of dog like mine achieve the type of results. I have seen on your web site? Obviously she does not need to learn bite work (or does she?). I believe we could...
100% (5 out of 5)
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May 24, 2011

Recommended I'm considering removing my dog's teeth so he doesn't have to always wear a muzzle. What would you advise?

I am in serious need of your advice, I emailed you a few days ago about the blisters on my dog's face due to his muzzle, the muzzle itself isn't causing the blisters, it's the fact that he rubs his face on everything from the couch to my legs. Any who, I am considering removing all his teeth as a last option, but before you judge this decision let me give you a little background on my dog. Like I said in previous email about the muzzle my step mom contacted you at the first of the year regard...
47% (222 out of 476)
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May 23, 2011

Recommended Our new dog has started to snap at people at the park and new people coming into our home. Would you recommend more training or should we find her a more appropriate home?

Hi Cindy, I would really appreciate your input on a concern we have about our 4 month old GSD puppy. We purchased her from a breeder who breeds working line GSDs. She is crated every night, exercised twice a day and I have been working with her on basic dog obedience. We have a 6 year old lab that she plays with. We have tried to socialize her but she has started to snap at people at the park and new people coming into our home. We have a 3 year old son and we are very concerned that she w...
100% (45 out of 45)
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May 23, 2011

Recommended The prong collar is rubbing on my dog's fur creating a fur divot. What can I do to fix this?

Hi Cindy. I have a four year old GSD that has been on a prong collar for the past three years. It's a large link version and I feel it is properly sized for his neck. He's in the prong whenever we leave the house regardless of activity: training, walking, or for a run. I started using the collar early on since the dog is very, very hard. The problem I have is the collar has created a permanent fur divot in the right side of his neck. In the areas where the slip chain feeds through the c...
92% (36 out of 39)
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May 17, 2011

Recommended Our new pup is only having accidents on carpet. Is the carpet creating a problem for her? What can we do about it?

Hi, We just got our 23 week old papillon. She took to the crate right away and for 2 weeks now has not had an accident in the crate. She even seems to enjoy her crate time. There have been numerous times that she has gone in during her play time when the crate door was open. My question is this: She is only allowed in the family area of the house which includes kitchen (which is tiled) and family room (which is carpeted).?We have caught her in the act of relieving herself in the family ...
100% (3 out of 3)
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May 17, 2011

Recommended I am considering adding a male GSD puppy. Do you think the age difference between the two male dogs will be ok for rank structure or should I get a female?

Cindy, I have read the article about introducing new dogs into the home. At the current time, my girlfriend and I have two adult cats, and an 18 month old male collie. The collie is playful and energetic and not dog aggressive. I am considering getting a male GSD puppy around 8 weeks old to add to the mix. Would you anticipate the same rank structure problems with this age difference between the two dogs, or am I going to have to get a female? Thanks! Jeff
50% (1 out of 2)
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