Recommended Q&As

December 16, 2014

Recommended I'm getting a pup from a breeder and just found out the pups have diarrhea & one pup died. Should I be worried about getting a puppy from this litter?

First, I have read your advice for hours and I have purchased a number of your DVDs and equipment. Your site is beyond impressive. In doing all my research on working dogs/pup selection, I felt like I found a solid breeder that had a certain pair whose litter would have the potential I desired. The litter was born in October and I've been investing and preparing for my pup's arrival. Unfortunately, I was just informed by the breeder that the litter as a whole developed a case of diarrhe...
79% (11 out of 14)
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December 9, 2014

Recommended My son has a laser light and my 10 month old dog loves chasing the light. Now she's constantly looking for lights and shadows all the time. Is there a way to train her out of this?

I have a 10 month old GSD from a strong Czech and German working lines. She's doing quite well in her bite training. About two months ago my sons got some of those laser lights and started playing with the dog. The dog loved chasing the lights and would jump up and stomp on the light with both feet which everyone thought was funny. This went on for about two weeks and then I put a stop to it because the dog was becoming obsessed looking for the lights constantly. It's been at least two months...
78% (42 out of 54)
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December 8, 2014

Recommended What do you suggest for preventative ear cleaning for a dog that swims?

I have a 1 1/2 year old working line GSD. I will take my dogs for a swim form time to time, by throwing a floating toy out for him to retrieve. When he jumps in, he will get some water in his ears, then when he grabs the toy, sometimes his whole face and part of his head will go in the water, so water is getting in his ears.?My questions are, is it really a bad thing to get water in the ears of GSD? and?what kind of a good wash solution can one make for general, preventive cleaning??I've hear...
100% (23 out of 23)
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December 2, 2014

Recommended I recently watched the Dr. Becker video about early spay & neuter and had some additional questions.

I just watched the spay and neuter video with Karen Becker. It answers some questions and raises more. After losing my rescue GSD, adopted at 7 months, spayed, to severe knee problems at age three, my new companion Rott/Shep cross spayed (another rescue) female is on DES for incontinence at age 2. But my son's Yorkie/Bishon rescue male (neutered by 3 months) and my previous Border Collie female (spayed at 6 months by me) both suffer(ed) from serious allergies--complete with hair loss an...
88% (36 out of 41)
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November 18, 2014

Recommended What's the shipping stress on a new puppy? I'm getting an 8 week old German Shepherd by air.

What is the shipping stress on puppies? I will be getting an 8 week old German Shepherd by air. The flight should only be one to one and a half hours.
100% (50 out of 50)
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November 17, 2014

Recommended My 1 1/2 year old Shih Tzu tied with my male 3 times over the last 2 days, does this mean she'll have a large litter?

Hi Cindy, My 1 1/2 year old Shih Tzu has just tied with my male 3 times over the past 2 days, which where all due to not being under my watch I may add (husband and children). Will she have a large litter? I'm concerned because it has not been a year since her last litter. She only had 3 that time, but they where between 6-8 ounces at birth.
100% (17 out of 17)
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November 13, 2014

Recommended What online course would be right for my dog?

I have a 9 month old Hovawart female, spayed, we have been through basic puppy class. I want to know what class to pick for her. She is extremely smart, very food and toy oriented (tennis balls). I have just enrolled her in agility. I don't need the basic sit, wait, down course I would like something at the next level, I also want to do some tracking with her in the spring. Thanks for your advice.
100% (8 out of 8)
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November 7, 2014

Recommended I was playing with my dog off leash and when I released him to get the tug he ran past me and attacked a dog that was walking past our house. Did playing tug activate his aggression?

From playing tug to attacking another dog: I have 1.8 border collie who hardly ever shows any aggression towards other dogs. I've been working on playing tug with him outside, with distractions, and this morning we had a great start to the session, with him running after me from sit-stay and grabbing the tug with energy. But then a dog passed on the road near our yard (whose door was open to let in more distractions) and when I told him to 'get it' he ran past me and to the dog (who by this t...
100% (20 out of 20)
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October 29, 2014

Recommended My 6 month old puppy gets very excited and lunges at other dogs when I go to our local pet store. I want him to not be so wild when he sees other dogs, I would appreciate advice.

Hello, Ed and Cindy. I have a question about my 6 months old GSD puppy and his behavior around other dogs. I watched several of your DVDs, also your basic obedience and engagement online classes, but still have a problem with my pup. He gets very excited when he sees other dogs. I guess he feels insecure around them. I do not let him interact with them at all. All I do is go to our local pet store and just let him be in sight of them. He engages fine at home but no matter the distance from...
84% (96 out of 114)
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October 27, 2014

Recommended My dog is fearful of people he doesn't know and today a stranger reached out towards my dog and he snapped at the guy. Should I have walked away sooner?

Hello, I have a year old while German shepherd dog. I got him as a 9 week old pup. We also have an adult Beagle, and 2 cats. Sax GSD gets along with everyone in the home. He is extremely loving and playful and has lots of energy. He has not been neutered yet but we do plan to do that this month. He has always been fearful of strangers out side the home. If someone comes into the home he is better after he gets to know them. However, when we are walking it is hard to go a block before ...
98% (45 out of 46)
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October 27, 2014

Recommended I've been working on retraining the retrieve for 2 weeks and my dog still chews and pounces on the dumbbell. I have been following the instruction in Training the Retrieve with Michael Ellis. How do I address these issues?

I recently bought Michael's DVD on teaching the retrieve. She's all about retrieving, but she chews on the dumbbell. I switched to the pvc pipe like Michael suggested in the DVD. I've been working with her for two weeks using the pvc pipe and I'm not seeing any change in the chewing. I've tried reinforcing the hold by giving the command again and using my hand under her chin to hold her head up. She still continues to move it around in her mouth. Also, she's a maniac when she runs out to...
100% (34 out of 34)
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October 20, 2014

Recommended My terrier mix is really hard to train and he won't come when called! He likes toys, what kind of tug will hold his interest?

I have a 15 pound terrier mix (probably Cairn/Lassa) who is really hard to train, especially to come when called. I've tried treats, toys (he likes tugs), long lines, etc. Even the Chihuahua is more consistent at coming when called. What kind of toy would hold his interest longer than a rope tug? It lasts about 3 minutes.
88% (7 out of 8)
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October 7, 2014

Recommended We are using the Educator 3/4" contact points for our Malinois. Are these the correct size?

We have just purchased an Educator 400TS remote trainer from you. We have a 10 month old Belgian Malinois. We are using the 3/4" points. Are those the best size or do we need to get the extra long ones? We have just begun to test the collar on the dog. Thanks for your input.
88% (7 out of 8)
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October 7, 2014

Recommended I began feeding a raw diet to my Boxer about 3 months ago. I make a grind of chicken quarters, beef and organ meat. Is there any reason not to mix the variety of meats together?

I began feeding my skinny boxer a raw diet about 3 months ago. Within 3 weeks, he was looking better. Now, he's at a perfect weight. He does get raw chicken parts with bones, but I also grind some of his food. Instead of trying to remember to feed liver and muscle meat a certain number of times weekly, I grind everything together. I might have 1 pound of liver and heart mixed with 10-15 pounds of chicken quarters, plus 10-15 pounds of beef. Those amounts are approximate, as I'm not a stickler...
100% (19 out of 19)
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October 6, 2014

Recommended My 10 month old puppy is clean in the crate overnight but when I crate him during the day he pees in there about 50% of the time. He's been checked for a bladder infection and he's fine. Do you have any suggestions?

Dear Cindy (and you too Ed), I have a 10 month old Bulldog/boxer puppy who I got at 8 weeks. I have been home day and night with him for the last 6 months and I am returning to full time work in the next few weeks. He is never allowed to roam freely unattended as he is the equivalent of a drunk toddler; as I have always been home usually its a drag line or ex-pen. He sleeps like the righteous in his crate all night - no accidents. However when I do crate him for a few hours during the day ...
100% (21 out of 21)
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October 2, 2014

Recommended My rescued dog grabs my forearm in his mouth and clamps down, usually when we are leaving the house for a walk. Besides a muzzle is there anything you can recommend?

My question concerns my rescued Malinois. I have no info regarding his breeding or origins. He came into rescue after being treated for a broken leg (right femur shattered - his previous owner did not treat, and it healed on its own). He was crated continuously for 24 hours and given one walk per day. He was not fed properly, and was wormy when rescued. He has been neutered within the past month. He is approximately 1 year old. Given what he has been through, he is a good boy. He has some ...
100% (33 out of 33)
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October 2, 2014

Recommended I want to use a prong collar on my dog but I'm worried I'll never be able to switch him back to a flat buckle collar after I use it. Is it possible to easily make this transition?

Hi there, I want to use a prong collar on my dog but I am worried I will never be able to switch him off of it. I see it all the time, owners slap on a prong collar (even fitting it correctly) but the dog spends its whole life time using the prong collar because it won't walk appropriately on a flat buckle. I, personally, would be more satisfied with my dog's training if he did not require the use of one his whole life. So is it possible to easily transition? How would you switch to a f...
88% (51 out of 58)
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October 1, 2014

Recommended My rescue dog won't go in her crate, what should I do?

Hi, We just rescued a dog and are trying to crate train her and are in your "foundation phase" of training (in a crate or on lead at all times). The first few times she went into the crate no problems. Now, even treats can't get her inside. She doesn't seem to have a strong den instinct. I started giving her all her food and treats in the crate, but she won't go in when she realizes that I am going to crate her. My question is, how do I get her in the crate? I don't want to physically push...
87% (13 out of 15)
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September 29, 2014

Recommended If we feed our dog raw chicken and he happens to bite one of our free range chickens will he associate the food in his bowl with the live chickens on our property?

If we are feeding Natural and Raw diet, we would like to know if we feed chicken and our pup/dog should happen to get his teeth into one of our free range chickens on the same day, would he associate what he ate in the bowl to what he just tasted that was alive. We understand that he needs to be trained to ignore them and plan on doing that, just curious if he would associate the food bowl chicken with the live chicken if he tastes both during the same day. The pup is a GSD.
100% (7 out of 7)
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September 24, 2014

Recommended An individual at the dog park was pushing away a puppy that didn't belong to him and when it tried to nip him he grabbed it by the scruff, shook it and threw it. This happened 3 times before someone intervened. What would you advise to do if your puppy is handled this way?

Hi there Cindy/Ed. Big fan of your work. I know you do not advocate dog parks. I will admit I do frequent them from time to time. Anyways I was witness to what I believed was another horror story. An individual at the dog park was trying to water his dog. A 3 month old husky puppy belonging to another owner took over his water bowl. He kept trying to push it away, and when the puppy nipped at him he lost his cool and gripped the pup by the scruff of the neck, lifted it, shook it and to...
82% (98 out of 120)
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