Recommended Q&As

September 22, 2014

Recommended I live in an apartment and my new puppy is obsessed with my cat, can you help?

I am writing to you rather spur of the moment here. I have not looked too much at your website as I don't have a ton of time to do much more research on this matter. I've read a lot of Cesar Milan books/online articles and I've watched some of his DVDs. I know the basics on how to be a pack leader but I am finding it harder to put into practice with a 3 month old puppy than I thought... I got my dog at 12 weeks of age, he is a small shepard/husky mix (13 lbs at 3.5 months). This is the fir...
100% (18 out of 18)
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September 19, 2014

Recommended My dog is overly friendly and wants to say hi to everyone she sees. I want to compete in obedience with her, how many times a day should I work on engagement to see a difference in her behavior?

Hi, My almost 2 year old dog is very friendly. We are working on competition obedience and I plan on doing our first competition soon. The problem with her being too friendly is that she wants to say hi to everybody she sees. I have been watching "The Power of Training Dogs with Food" and "Focused Heeling." She is doing great when it's just me or when we are working with our trainer, but as soon as there are more people and dogs she looses focus. How many times a day should I be workin...
94% (46 out of 49)
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September 19, 2014

Recommended I found a GSD breeder that looked good on the internet & I put a deposit on a pup. After visiting the puppies I have some reservations, can you give me your opinion?

Dear Ed & Cindy, Today I went to choose the puppy we want out of a litter that I put a deposit on (GSDs). The website was detailed, reviews and references were all good. After my visit, I am not sure about them. 1) They live in a trailer in the middle of nowhere with the dogs in outside kennels (We live in SC). 2) I asked to go see the puppies and she said she would bring them to me because I would upset the moms and other dogs. 3) She said I would have second pick out of a litter of ...
100% (10 out of 10)
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September 4, 2014

Recommended I am working my GSD in tracking right now and had a question on corners, I was wondering what your thoughts are.

I am working my GSD in tracking right now and had a question on corners, I was wondering what your thoughts are. I went out with an RCMP handler and watched him do some tracking practice. When his dog would overshoot a corner he would start circling the dog. I started to use this in my own training with my dog when she would give me a negative. I then went out with my local club and after they watched this I was told not to do this as the dog should find the track again on her own so I should...
100% (12 out of 12)
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September 2, 2014

Recommended My dog is dog aggressive after being attacked. Would using an electric collar help with his situation?

I have a 130lb Great Dane who is dog aggressive after being attacked. It is not with every dog, but everyday he does do it. I have tried every option but he is intent on getting to the other side. He doesn't listen and it is very quick before he's in red zone. It's a battle to restrain him, nothing will snap him out of it. Could an electric collar work? If so, which one do you suggest? Also, have you ever known a dog not to respond to an electric collar? I am worried if this does not work tha...
100% (28 out of 28)
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August 26, 2014

Recommended Is Honest Kitchen Preference plus cooked meat a balanced diet for a growing German Shepherd puppy?

Would you recommend Honest Kitchen Preference + meat for a 10 month old German Shepherd weighing in at 80lbs? Would this be balanced for a growing puppy? Or is it best to feed one of their "balanced formulas" until he reaches full maturity? If so, is it OK to just add a variety of cooked meats with it and that is all? I would also supplement with fish oil/vitamin E, as usual. Thank you!
100% (9 out of 9)
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August 22, 2014

Recommended My 8 month old dog loves other dogs and is very playful. When at the dog park he grabs other dogs by the face and ears & won't let go. The other owners at the park think my dog is aggressive and judge me as an owner. Should I use a muzzle?

Hi there, I own an American bulldog male 8 months old and desexed. I have been having problems with him around some other dogs. He is very playful and loves other dogs, but doesn't know his limits. He will play with a dog and then grab their face or ears and won't let go! Some dogs scream, which makes him more excited and longer to let them go. He never has harmed them though, but it's such a problem people think he is aggressive and judge me as an owner. I'm highly contemplating a muzzle ...
97% (35 out of 36)
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August 21, 2014

Recommended My dog gets the 'zoomies' at the agility field and it is impossible to catch her. She also will only play tug indoors, not outside. Can you help me?

Hi Cindy, I've a few questions regarding the training my 2 1/2 year old Sheltie. I've recently started agility classes despite not having attended any other formal dog training. We have been following your 8 Weeks to 8 Months, Food, and Tug DVD since she was a puppy. We hardly train outdoors, we have very few dog friendly places to go to. The only time we go outdoors are for walks around the neighborhood. Recalls Whenever we arrive at the agility field, my Sheltie gets super excite...
100% (23 out of 23)
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August 19, 2014

Recommended If I order the Nosework Scent Kit and run out of prepared swabs how do I prepare new ones?

Hi. When I order your Nosework Scent Kit and I run out of the pre-prepared swabs, how do I prepare new ones? I've heard to put a drop of the scent directly on each swab or put a drop on a cotton ball and put the cotton ball and new swabs in a container for 24 hours. Which method do you think is best? Thanks.
91% (10 out of 11)
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August 11, 2014

Recommended My 2 year old dog needs to be crated when I am not home because he will destroy things and it makes me feel like a bad owner. I will be purchasing an ecollar, would it be ok to use it to teach him what he's not allowed to grab?

Hello, I have a two year old Belgian Malinois that I'm currently in the process of training. My only problem is that I literally can't keep him unsupervised without him getting into trouble. My yard is fenced in and I have to make sure there is nothing he can destroy when he goes outside. A table, chairs, etc. Because of this, I have to keep him in a crate when I'm not home or even when I leave the house just for a few minutes which makes me feel like a bad pet owner. So far, nothi...
96% (43 out of 45)
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August 1, 2014

Recommended Our 9 week old Malinois puppy lies down or bites the leash when we try to get him to walk with us. The more we pull the more aggravated the situation gets. Your advice would be appreciated.

I have a 9 week old male Belgian Malinois and have had him for 10 days. We have purchased the Leerburg DVD Your Puppy 8 Weeks to 8 Months. That DVD recommends that young puppies are on lead with a harness (not a no pull) instead of a control collar. We are having a problem with this. The puppy, Eli, has learned to lie down in order to avoid following the lead and given the chance, he will grab the leash in his mouth without ever getting up. As a result, we are having a difficult time co...
99% (83 out of 84)
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August 1, 2014

Recommended My 4 year old dog is going to the bathroom in the house. We lived with my parents and their dog urinated in the house so my dog would mark his territory wherever the other dog went. He also used to go on pads at night based on our vet recommending this. Friends have said this is his way of getting back at me for moving to a new home. I'm getting frustrated and now I have a baby on the way so I don't want him doing this anymore. Please help me!

I have a Cocker Spaniel who is 4 years old, I was previously living with my parents who had other animals and another dog that used to urinate in the house. So of course my dog would go and "mark his territory" where the other dog went. My dog is trained to go outside and also use pads, our vet recommended the pads because Cocker Spaniels drink a lot of water and if they need to go at night, they can. When living with my parents he used the pad at night when he had to until my boyfriend came,...
100% (20 out of 20)
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July 23, 2014

Recommended My puppy growls at me when I put my hand in his food bowl while he's eating. Should I interrupt his meal and give the food back when he stops growling?

Cindy, I always feed my puppy who is 18 weeks old now, from my hand during his training sessions. I use kibbles. Once in a while I pour wet food (high value food to him) to his bowl but he growls at me when I stick my hand in it. He does not do that when I pour kibbles to his bowl. Should I interrupt his wet food meal and feed him again after he stops growling?
95% (76 out of 80)
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July 17, 2014

Recommended We are getting 2 Border Collie puppies and will be training them separately (we've read Ed's article) Should we put a screen between the two pups' pens to keep them from being too doggy?

We are getting 2 BC litter mates. I've read Ed's cautions on doing so. We are both experienced dog trainers/handlers and will be training the pups separately, one for each of us, etc. Question: We have outdoor pens for our present 3 BC's and also for the two pups (the latter on our patio under cover as the summer temps here are 100+ daily). Should we put a screen up between the two pups' pens which are next to each other to discourage them from becoming "doggy" or is that taking it too far i...
100% (2 out of 2)
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July 17, 2014

Recommended Would it be alright for my 4 month old German Shepherd to walk quickly next to my bike while I ride it short distances?

Somewhere in your DVDs or written word, I read that one should not jog with a dog younger than 12 months of age. My German Shepherd is 4 months of age and I was wondering if it would be alright to have him walk quickly alongside my bicycle as I ride at a slow speed for short distances? My thought was that it would be good to have him get used to this at a young age so as not to pull me off my bike as he gets older and stronger. I have thoroughly enjoyed your tapes and your written training ma...
100% (13 out of 13)
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July 11, 2014

Recommended My new 3 1/2 month old puppy goes beserk in the crate or ex-pen. Would an ecollar be warranted?

Good day, I searched the site and founds lots of interesting information. My question is about my new 3 1/2 month old Belgian Mal. Understanding that she is not in control of her bladder and bowels yet, I have trouble crating her overnight and leave her outside. If left in the crate she makes a huge mess and acts like she is being tortured. For whatever reason, she is happy going into the crate and sleeps in it outside. But, while in the house, if I place her in a crate or expen, even w...
94% (31 out of 33)
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July 8, 2014

Recommended I take my dogs to a place for grooming that offers dog socialization. My older dog loves this but I am not comfortable allowing my puppy to interact with these other dogs. The owner of the facility says I am sheltering my puppy & I need to re…

I adopted a puppy at ten weeks, she is now about 4 1/2 month old Aussie mix, smart, driven, and loving. I've worked hard with her on basic training and socialization letting her interact only with dogs that are proven puppy friendly. Here's my dilemma. We take our older lab mastiff mix to get groomed at a place where they offer dog "socialization" (dogs pre screened and vetted). Elvis thrives in these types of places. I am much more cautious with my puppy, because she is a puppy. Today the ow...
97% (32 out of 33)
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July 3, 2014

Recommended I have a few obedience titles on my Havanese but I'm having problems keeping him with me when he's off lead in the show ring. He won't come to me when he's off leash outside. Suggestions?

I have a two year old Havanese. I have a few titles on him, but have problems with him staying with me off lead in the ring. Suggestions and when we are out side, he will not come to me. I need to put a leash on him at all times. Help!!! Thank you
92% (22 out of 24)
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July 1, 2014

Recommended I want to get into Schutzhund with my new pup and I have kids, will this training make my dog mean?

I have two questions. I have trained and field trailed bird dogs since being a young boy. I now would like to get into Schutzhund. I am concerned because I have kids and did not know if this makes a dog mean to where it would bite or if they just do it on command as part of the game. The second question is that I have an eight week old shepherd. I just finished watching the ME video of training with food. Can you tell me which videos I need to do next and do I need the tug video if I...
91% (21 out of 23)
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June 27, 2014

Recommended I bought the Michael Ellis retrieve video to work on my dog's habit of chewing and pouncing on the dumbbell. I've been working on this for 2 weeks and I'm not seeing any changes. How should I address these issues?

I recently bought Michael's DVD on teaching the retrieve. She's all about retrieving, but she chews on the dumbbell. I switched to the PVC pipe like Michael suggested in the DVD. I've been working with her for two weeks using the PVC pipe and I'm not seeing any change in the chewing. I've tried reinforcing the hold by giving the command again and using my hand under her chin to hold her head up. She still continues to move it around in her mouth. Also, she's a maniac when she runs out to retr...
67% (2 out of 3)
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