Sheep Herding with Karl Fuller
Locked: You must purchase this stream to view it Sheep Herding with Karl Fuller
5 stars (0 reviews)
2 hr, 0 min
January 1, 2008
The German Shepherd Dog Club of West Germany (SV) sponsors a small but active group of people (about 5,000) who train their dogs to herd sheep. They have a final competition (Bundesleistungshuten) at the end of every year. This video was filmed in Asslar, West Germany. It is a documentary that explains what exercises are in the competition and how they are scored. The video is a fascinating tape, it's well edited with beautiful photography. This is the video that shows where the name German Shepherd comes from.
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Sheep Herding with Karl Fuller

Uploaded on January 1, 2008 • 2 hr, 0 min
The German Shepherd Dog Club of West Germany (SV) sponsors a small but active group of people (about 5,000) who train their dogs to herd sheep. They have a final competition (Bundesleistungshuten) at the end of every year. This video was filmed in Asslar, West Germany. It is a documentary that explains what exercises are in the competition and how they are scored. The video is a fascinating tape, it's well edited with beautiful photography. This is the video that shows where the name German Shepherd comes from.


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