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July 21, 2011

My 80 lb Labradoodle puppy chews and eats any items he can find, including his harness. I want to train him to be a service dog, but I need a chew proof harness. I’ll buy whatever you suggest. Thanks.

Hello, I have an 8 month old 80 pound labradoodle. He is intended to become my service dog, but for 4 of his 8 months I have pretty much been unable to train him in any manner that requires physical interaction on my part. Yes, he can be out of control, but in general he prefers the attention I give him and behaves himself. He is very energetic and hunts out all possible items he can chew, then literally eats whatever he may find. This includes his harness!! Simon has chewed through 3 h...
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May 13, 2011

When my lab sees birds he runs off and will not come back. I think prong collars are not humane. What can I do?

I have a 2 year old black lab mix that chases any thing that moves and will take off and not come back until he is ready. I do not want to use a prong collar. I think it is cruel. He doesn't pay attention when he sees a bird or anything else. HE listens to come when leashed but when unleashed he doesn't. What can I do.
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April 28, 2011

I have a 2 year old Brazilian Fila. When he sees a stranger he becomes wild and dangerous and almost out of control from anger. What should I do?

I have an extremely aggressive 2 year old Brazilian Fila male and a shy female of the same breed. The problem is the male. He is very sweet to the family, you can take his food when he eats, he wants attention like a puppy but when seeing strangers he becomes wild and dangerous, almost out of control from anger. I physically stopped him a couple of times in the past in the middle of an attack. I worked with him when he was younger on the basic commands, 'sit', 'come', 'down', but not enou...
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April 26, 2011

My 2 dogs have been getting into some nasty fights. I know they need to be crated, but how do I know when they can be together again?

Hi, I searched your site and couldn't find an article that pertained to my problem so I thought I'd just e-mail you. I have a 4 y/o border collie/gsd mix and a 9 year old chow mix (both rescued at 9 mo). I made the mistake of introducing Wicca (BC) to Tuesday (chow, who was 6 at the time) the old fashioned way (muzzle the both of them and let them go at it). But what is done is done. Now, they have lived pretty happily together for 4 years, but they do have a lot of dominance issue...
60% (3 out of 5)
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April 19, 2011

I think my dog is suffering from separation anxiety. What can I do to fix this?

Hello, My name is Deanna and I have a question about the dog my fiance and I have. He is a two year old mix breed, possibly has Lab and Springer Spaniel along with something else in him. He weighs about 80 pounds and for the most part is well behaved when we are home. We got him when he was approximately 11 weeks old from the Humane Society in Menomonie. We made the mistake of not kenneling him while we are gone. We close off a back porch where he stays and put his kennel back ther...
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April 15, 2011

I want to purchase an electric collar for my 12 pound dog. I need to quickly control his barking. What do you recommend?

Cindy, I talked w/ Donna today and she requested that I write you for advice on which e-collar to purchase for my dog. Charley is a 15 month old miniature poodle, about 12 pounds. Charley is a an extremely active, athletic dog. We do a 3 or 4 mile run most days. He?s not aggressive, very social, a poodle, but a ?soft? dog, mild and loving most of the time. He?s probably the best dog I?ve ever had. I am working w/ Charley steadily on obedience training, aiming for trials for CD ti...
60% (3 out of 5)
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April 22, 2011

We have an Old English Sheep dog that is becoming very very aggressive. What can we do?

I have a 1 year old Old English Sheepdog. We originally wanted to get one because of how they are supposed to be good with children and other pets. All was well until he was 10 weeks old and was attacked by a Boxer adult in the town. He was dog shy for quite a while after this. At 5 months we took him to "Super dog" recall training classes, as with all other training (sit, tricks) he would listen, but not come or stay when called. This class took 6 weeks, once a week, and we continued the ...
59% (55 out of 94)
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May 17, 2011

I have a very handler aggressive 2 year old Malinois. He just bit a child. Is there a boot camp I can send him to?

I have a 2 year old non neutered belgian malinois. He is 95 pounds and is very over aggressive. He is 75% narcotic trained. He just bit a child, not a sight I would ever want to have seen. Luckily he didn't break any skin, however he has become aggressive to a maximum. I don't want to get rid of him, but I have no choice. The only other option I have is to send him to some doggy boot camp. He follows my commands all the time, except we he is aggressive. The only way I would keep him is if...
59% (16 out of 27)
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December 23, 2019

How do I teach the stay command to my dog?

Hi Cindy, I've purchased all of the Ellis DVDs and the Basic Dog Obedience DVD and the Marker Training DVD but still am unsure how to train the basic "stay" command - whether in a sit or down. All of the DVDs seem to assume the "stay" command has already been taught to the dog. Anyway, can you assist in how to teach the "stay" command so that I can move on to some of the more skilled obedience commands in the DVDs with my Dutch Shepherd? Thank you!
59% (10 out of 17)
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May 10, 2011

We attempted to do an AI breeding but my dog did not become pregnant. Do you have any advice for us?

Hi, I love your site! Wonder if you can identify or advise where we went wrong on a recent failed AI. I am a rookie, alone here in Alberta, Canada, now the stud owner in USA has been very helpful.. The story... Shipped in 6 frozen straws of semen from USA, thaw count at the collection clinic trial was 80%, thaw count here in Alberta on day of implant was 70%. Was told to call AI clinic on first signs of heat... First bloodsighted... Saw it on April 1 just as I was leaving for ...
58% (7 out of 12)
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April 12, 2011

I purchased a prong collar and one of your DVDs. Everything went well but now my dog bit another dog (again). I'm worried about future attacks. Can you give me any new advice?

Hello Mr. Frawley, Thank you for all the advice you provided a few months back. We did get the dog back from the pound after the biting incident and got a crate, a prong collar, your training video and one of the books on your web site. We have been training him, but my husband feels the prong collar is cruel and makes the training sessions with it difficult because he says 'I use excessive force on the poor bastard," I think not. He behaves a lot better after a training session wi...
57% (218 out of 385)
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April 1, 2015

Recommended When using an electric collar is it OK to have other collars on my dog?

When I use my electric collar can I have my dog's other collar on without it effecting her? She would be wearing either collar a prong collar or a fur saver collar. I would assume it would be okay. But id rather be safe than sorry. Thank you for your time.
57% (149 out of 261)
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February 10, 2015

Recommended My young adult dog is targeting the end of the hard sleeve where the jute has no area of hard casing under it. Is there a way to soften a hard sleeve?

Hi Cindy, I just have a query regarding the bite sleeve with jute cover. My Malinois loves his bite work but we have noticed that he is specifically targeting the jute sleeve where it overhangs the end of the hard arm as this is the area with no hard casing beneath it. He has learned that this is the softest part and has just exhibited re-bite to ensure he gets that part only. Is there a way to soften the hard arm itself? Indy is 16 months of age and plenty big enough to tackle the sleeve...
57% (43 out of 75)
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August 25, 2011

Recommended Our 12 year old Border Collie gets aggressive and tries to bite us when we attempt to put a lead on him. This is causing us a lot of problems. Any advice?

Hi, I need a little advice, I have a 12 year old border collie, who is quite disobedient. He will not go on his lead, so this means he can't have a walk. If we try to put him on his lead he gets aggressive and will try to bite us, this is making us afraid of him and he knows it. This is causing us a great problem as we both work all day and so when we want to sleep at night the dog gets bored and barks and want to go out to the toilet. When he is out at night he barks and won't come in. He...
57% (4 out of 7)
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November 30, 2011

We're moving and can't take the 10 year old dog with us. My boyfriend wants to put him down and I want him rehomed. How do you introduce him to a new owner when he only knows from us? Will he adjusts? Or is 10 years old to late?

Hello Cindy, My boyfriend has a 10 year old rottweiler. We are moving and can't bring Dale with us. He feels that we should put him down. I just don't have the heart to do so. Called the animal shelter and they said due to his age putting him down would be better instead of remaining in a kennel. He is a great dog. I believe from reading your article he would be classified as being a dominant dog. He is great with the kids and us. He has bitten over the years. I believe after reading yo...
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May 20, 2011

I know that you state that you no longer vaccinate your dogs. Does this include rabies shots also?

I've been reading a lot of information on your website and wondered if I could get you opinion on Vaccination. I know that you state that you no longer vaccinate your dogs. Does this include rabies shots also? I'm considering getting an Amstaff. While I will be a responsible owner, I still want to prepare myself for any mishaps. What is your opinion, should I opt for absolutely no shots at all, or do you have recommendation on what minimal vaccination is needed. Thanks, Erik
57% (4 out of 7)
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May 19, 2011

Will the fact that my dog is neutered be a hindrance in getting his next title in Schutzhund?

First, I'd like to commend you on your informative web site and your excellent videos. I bought your "Drive Training with Bernhard Flinks" video and have been using his methods on my 5 month old GSD with excellent results. I would like to begin schutzhund training with this dog, but I have a concern about his temperament. Cosmo has great prey drive, is calm and friendly around new people, and is confident in new situations. However, he is fearful of other dogs. When first meeting a...
57% (4 out of 7)
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May 17, 2011

I have a few bonding questions. Am I going about things right? Any suggestions?

I actually have a few questions about the bonding phase for a newly appointed police K9 handler and the PSD. I recently picked up my PSD from the vendor and I will start handler school in two weeks. During those two weeks my PSD has been kenneled for the majority of the time. I take him out of the kennel in the morning for approximately two hours to play, bond and eat. He then goes back into the kennel until the night where he will come out again for the same thing. I don?t give comm...
57% (4 out of 7)
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May 13, 2011

I am having a problem introducing my new dog to my cats, as he is fairly aggressive towards them. Can you recommend a training video or other that can help me with this?

Hi, I just adopted an intact 5-yr old male German Shep who, I'm told, is Level 3 Schutzhund-trained. He's been retired due to an injury. I am having him neutered in the next 2 weeks. I am having a problem introducing him to my cats, as he is fairly aggressive toward them. Can you recommend a training video or other anything else, that can help me with this? I am reluctant to use shock collars and other extreme measures. My goal is to get him to be friendly with the cats...
57% (4 out of 7)
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April 21, 2011

My 7 week old female Boxer puppy has aggressive tendencies. She will growl and bite to the point of drawing blood. What can we do?

My wife and I have two kids. We have a son (7) and a daughter (4). They desperately wanted a puppy and we came a cross a seven week old female boxer puppy. She is adorable, but has aggressive tendencies. She's very playful, but she will start growling and bite to the point of drawing blood from the arm. I'm a little concerned that she may hurt one on the kids. First thing in the morning she's fine, she wags here tail and is excited to see you. However, as the day progresses, it's like she tur...
57% (4 out of 7)
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