Aggression Q&As

April 12, 2011

We have two Portuguese Water Dog males. We have had aggression problems with the young male. What can we do to cement his submission to my wife and be more certain of his behavior?

First let me thank you for opening our eyes to a whole new way of looking at our dogs, training and leadership. After a lot of work we still have a problem I would like your advice on. We have two Portuguese Water Dog males (10 and 3yo) We have had aggression problems with the young male (Pete)since he was about 1 1/2yo. These include fights with the older dog, aborted attacks while on leash on walks and biting us (mainly my wife). Things are MUCH better after buying and applying y...
70% (7 out of 10)
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April 12, 2011

We had an incident where my dog lunged and barked at a man. I'm wondering if this is a sign of problems to come or something provoked when I wasn't listening.

Hi Ed, I have a 22 month old intact GSD (German blood line) that I am training for schutzhund. I have most of your DVD's and read all your articles. Thank you for the incredible amount of info both in your web site and your DVD's. I had an episode of unprovoked aggression and I would like your opinion on what happened. Let me start by stating that my dog is very well socialized and has never shown aggression towards strangers both at home and outside. He has a very balanced ...
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April 12, 2011

We were told that we should spray her with water every time our dog shows agression towards strangers or toys. Do you think this will work?

Hi, I was reading your article on-line about aggressive dog behavior and was hoping you could give me some advice regarding my dog. She is a 3-year-old Chinese Shar Pei Mix, who is most likely inbred. As a puppy she growled at strangers and has never really liked being pet. She was definitely a hand licker and still doesn't like her paws being touched. I took her to obedience training and socialized her at the local dog park where she gets along great with other dogs, but never...
86% (6 out of 7)
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April 12, 2011

Last night my dog killed one of my parents' dogs presumably over food. I'm worried that this might create more dog or cat aggression. How can I prevent this?

Hi, I hope you can answer this question for me. A little background about the situation.... I have a 4 and half year old pit/boxer/shepard neutared male (his name is Spencer). In the last month I left my abusive husband and have moved in with my parents (he never hurt Spencer). My parents have two chihuahuas. My dog and the chichis have met before and have gotten along fine, my dog and the chichis have never been left alone together. Also, my dog has been around cats and I ha...
80% (4 out of 5)
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April 12, 2011

My dog is very dominant and aggressive but has made a lot of progress these past 6 months. Recently, he seems to be going backwards again. Suggestions?

Ed, I have a 2 1/2 yr. old male rott. that has been neutered, and I adopted him from a humane society. He had toy aggression, food aggression, and just overall dominance. He had bitten me several times (a couple over toys, and a couple because I touched a sore spot on him that hurt him). I then bought your dom. dog collar, which worked like a charm, and some of your training vids. I believe that that is why he is still alive today. Anyway, he has done very well in the past 6 m...
100% (11 out of 11)
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April 12, 2011

My GSD is very possessive of the food bowl. She growls at me when I go to let her out after she has eaten. What is a good way to fix this problem?

I am in the beginning phases of using remote collar. I purchased your dvd months ago and have been studying it and I am in the conditional phase with my 3 year old bitch. I have an issue and I am not sure how to deal with it. I have gotten my GSD to accept our cats as part of her pack to the point where they coexist with no issues, other then my GSD's food bowl. So fine, not willing of taking the chance of one of the cats getting bit I feed her in her cage. The problem is wh...
100% (4 out of 4)
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April 12, 2011

My dog awakens from a dead sleep snarling, baring teeth and barking when no one is around him, in or out of his crate. What do you think could be wrong with him?

First let me say thank you for putting together such an amazing web site. I also purchased your video on dog aggression and have learned a tremendous amount. I have two Dobermans, male and female littermates, now 8 months old. They have had few nasty fights, but through tips from your video and training and working with them separately, we have made amazing progress. I am still stuck on one issue... Ruger, the male, is the sweetest boy. However, he awakens from a dead sleep snarlin...
88% (14 out of 16)
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April 12, 2011

My 3 year old PB/Shepherd cross attacked my father's dog and also snips at friends. Is it too late to correct this behavior?

My husband and I have a 3 year old pitbull-sheppard mix. He is our baby. We adopted him about a year & a half ago. When we first got him, he was not all that aggressive, but now he is getting worse and over protective of me. We have researched both breeds and they say that protective/aggressive behavior is normal for these breeds. He is fine with dogs that are smaller than him, but not with dogs his size: he attacked my brothers dog in my fathers house. He also has snipped at friend...
100% (1 out of 1)
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April 12, 2011

I am seriously thinking of putting my dog down but can't find a vet to do it. The dog has bitten several people. What do you recommend?

I just read your article. I found it comforting since I am in the process of coming to terms of having to put my dog down. Jack is aggressive and has bitten people. Fortunately none of the bites broke the skin ............until this last one. And while everyone was always very understanding (honestly) I know I no longer can control him and now live in an area where there are children. However, I can not locate anyone who will put him down - his vet says because he isn't sick he won't do i...
25% (1 out of 4)
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April 12, 2011

My Yugoslavian Shepherd is very territorial and has bitten before. Does this qualify him as a

Hello! I just happened to stumble across your website and I have to say it's pretty great. I just need an opinion regarding my three year old Sharplaninac (Yugoslavian shepherd). They are rare in the States. As a breed they are large, intelligent, stubborn and protective. We got him as a puppy and he immediately was very lively and loud, and stubborn stubborn stubborn. I wasn't there when he was growing up since I was away at college, and lets just say my parents don't have tim...
100% (3 out of 3)
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April 12, 2011

My 15 month old spayed female Lab has gotten estrogen shots, and now is being aggressive to a dog she has known a long time. Could the shots have caused the aggression?

Dear Mr. Frawley, After reading most of your articles and email answers, I did not find anything on point that would help with my dog's behavior. I have a 15 month old spayed Black Lab named Lexi. My husband specifically picked her out of the litter because she was a very confident dog. We knew she was going to be a dominant dog and immediately crate trained her and joined the local dog obedience club. She was the star pupil in every puppy class and is the most well behaved dog whe...
67% (4 out of 6)
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April 12, 2011

My friend's Beagle has recently started snapping ar people. Do you think it could be a medical issue? She was fine until about 2 weeks ago.

My best friend owns a six year old spayed female mixed breed beagle. This dog has always been very friendly until two weeks ago. She has snapped at the faces of four people recently and the last attack resulted in her four year old grandson being bitten on the face. This behavior was not provoked, each incident happened when someone was only petting the dog, my first advice to my friend is to have her checked by the vet to see if their is an underlying medical problem which has caused this su...
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April 12, 2011

My Rhodesian Ridgeback was injured and is now showing aggression when people come to our house. Do you have any advice?

Hi, I'm from Bogot?, Colombia. I have a 6 month old Rhodesian Ridgeback. We hired a dog trainer for him 2 months ago, it was working great. But 5 weeks ago as the trainer was walking back to our house with my dog and another puppy, a Rottweiler which was off leash jumped towards him. The trainer released the leashes, my dog was scared and ran like crazy... At the end, he was hit by a car... He was seriously injured: his right leg was broken in three pieces (he required surgery), hi...
100% (2 out of 2)
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April 12, 2011

My girlfriend's mother has a dog that attacks people (including the owners) on a daily basis. Is there anything that can be done?

Ed: First off I'd like to say that I am writing this on behalf of the dog's owner because she does not care enough to handle this matter herself. I will first describe the situation: The household consists of a human (sorry I felt I had to make the distinction) mother and a daughter (the daughter is an adult) and a 3 yr old Australian Cattle Dog male and a 2 yr old Border Collie female. I am the boyfriend of the daughter. Anyhow, on to the question. The male Cattle Dog is out of co...
83% (5 out of 6)
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April 12, 2011

I take my dog to work. He lays by my desk during the day and gets along OK with most people. He has one person who he will not tolerate. He stands up and growls at this sales person. What's going on?

Hi there, I read through a lot of your Q&A articles, but did not find anything that fit to my situation. I have a 3 yr old black lab that I found at a Lab Rescue organization. He is a wonderful dog and is very smart. He has trained well and is very obedient. When we first got him, he had separation anxiety. We have been working with him on this for about 7 months. He was on a 3 month course of Clomocalm which has seemed to really help along with the training that goes with it. We c...
100% (6 out of 6)
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April 12, 2011

I purchased a prong collar and one of your DVDs. Everything went well but now my dog bit another dog (again). I'm worried about future attacks. Can you give me any new advice?

Hello Mr. Frawley, Thank you for all the advice you provided a few months back. We did get the dog back from the pound after the biting incident and got a crate, a prong collar, your training video and one of the books on your web site. We have been training him, but my husband feels the prong collar is cruel and makes the training sessions with it difficult because he says 'I use excessive force on the poor bastard," I think not. He behaves a lot better after a training session wi...
57% (218 out of 385)
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April 12, 2011

I just put down my 2 1/2 year old cattle dog after it bit a neighbor? What could I have done differently?

Hi, I just wanted to let you know I read almost all of your site. I was trying like mad to find out what to do after our dog nipped our neighbor. Our dog was a 2 1/2 year old cattle dog. She was a humane society dog and took to us right away. We extensively researched the breed before adopting and were prepared for all possible problems. I'm a decent runner and jogged the dog about 12-15 miles a week. We have a fenced yard and did a stint of organized training. She has never been g...
50% (4 out of 8)
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April 12, 2011

My Springer bit a neighbor boy. The dog was not provoked at all. My vet said to put the dog down. Do you have any suggestions?

My eight year old female springer has just seriously bitten a neighborhood 12 year boy on the hand after darting past my teenage son who was putting his bike away in the garage. The incident was unprovoked. The dog seems much more territorial lately growling and showing teeth when the mail carrier arrives and had growled at my daughter a few weeks ago, when she pulled on her paw while the dog was sitting on her place. My daughter is 8. My vet has suggested we put the dog down citing the e...
100% (2 out of 2)
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April 12, 2011

I have a 9-month Chihuahua puppy who recently became aggressive towards me. I know that the cause of his behavior is my own fault. What can I do to correct this?

Hello Mr. Frawley, I am a college student that got a chihuahua puppy about 7 months ago for a companion. I live in a 1 bedroom condo in San Francisco. He's almost 9 months old now and lately he's been showing a lot of aggression towards me (growling and showing some teeth) when I pick him up or hold him. I've been at a loss of what to do and I heard to alpha roll him and so I have been but it's only seems to make things worse. He's very stubborn and persistent and I don't want to make him ...
100% (2 out of 2)
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April 12, 2011

Our dog has bitten 4 people. We are thinking of putting him dow. What should we do?

I've enjoyed your web site immensely. It's an education. If I ever think about getting another dog, I'm going to read every book you recommend and then wait a year to make sure it's not temporary insanity. Perhaps you have a moment to answer a question. We have a 4 1/2 yr old male Lab/chow from the pound. We let a lot of people handle him when he was a puppy. Nonetheless, he is an ill-bred, fearful dog. He bites people and we think it's time to put him down. We've called two vets a...
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