Aggression Q&As

April 12, 2011

My 13 month old dog challenged me by not giving up his bone. I picked him up by the pinch collar & held him off the ground til he dropped it. Was this the best way to handle it?

Cindy, I think I done been challenged by my GSD pup. Dog--13 month old German working line GSD, intact male. Generally good natured and obedient when not distracted. Situation--I gave Otis a meat bone, which I do often. This time, he marched off with it and took it out of the room with purpose. He covered it with his paws when I went to check on him and growled seriously when I tried to take it away, then picked it up in his mouth and growled again when I told him "au...
99% (92 out of 93)
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April 12, 2011

How can I break my female Border collie mix of attacking other dogs?

Greetings Mr. Frawley, I've just spent an hour or so going over many of your articles and have learned quite a bit regarding my dominant female dog. She (Mia) is a rescue dog, boarder collie mix, 35lbs. When we first got her, she was incredibly passive. To this day she won't allow a stranger without a dog to pet her. However, in the year that we've had her she's opened up a lot and now plays energetically with several larger dogs in the neighborhood, mostly chasing but also some wr...
62% (8 out of 13)
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April 12, 2011

My dog only shows aggression when we tie him up outside, how should I correct this?

Dearest Cindy, Thank you for providing an excellent resource such as your web site. All of the training tools that you have for sale on it make life very easy. Speaking for thousands of your viewers, we really appreciate you and Ed imparting all of your wisdom onto us. We are truly blessed! My husband and I own a 15 month old, 80 lb, unneutered rottweiler named Sigma. He is a wonderful dog!... as per many peoples remarks. In addition to being very loving, he is very low in t...
67% (2 out of 3)
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April 12, 2011

My dogs go crazy when they see other dogs through the window. What can I do?

I have a 2 1/2 and a 10 month shih Tzu. I have had the 2 1/2 since she was 1 year and the 10 month since 8 weeks old, both shelter rescues. My problem is that they socialize a lot with people and dogs. They're fine with people, but for some reason when they see other dogs they go ballistic. If I take them close to the other dogs they just want to play. It is very embarrassing because if I am in the house and they see another dog passing the window they try and knock the window out trying...
33% (2 out of 6)
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April 12, 2011

My chocolate lab has becoming increasingly aggressive since he turned about 9 months old, I see him as a liability. What can I do?

Hi- We have a 5 year chocolate lab. We bought her from a breeder. About three years ago she started showing signs of aggression. I can't really pin point when it began. Anyway, we have had dog trainers, animal behaviorists, dog walkers (which we still have). She is food aggressive, has dog aggression and it aggressive towards my husband and me. It isn't ALL the time, but I am ready to get rid of her. I don't want to, I love her, but I am afraid of her. I just took her for a ...
56% (14 out of 25)
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April 12, 2011

Our loving Golden Retriever puppy becomes obsessed with certain toys and will growl when we are near her. Yelling at her doesn't work. Do you have any advice?

Dear Ed, I have spent a LOT of time searching and perusing your website. It has excellent articles and advice. Of course, we all think that our question is just a little different and we should ask it... I didn't find exactly what I was looking for so I thought I would ask you directly. I totally understand if you don't have time to answer but I would appreciate your advice. My husband and I brought home our new golden retriever puppy, a female, and the obvious leader of the...
75% (3 out of 4)
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April 12, 2011

My female GSD thinks it's her job to protect me, she places herself between me and other people. I no longer take her for walks because of this. What to do?

We adopted a 4 yr old GSD female about 1 1/2 yr ago. (She is def. an Alpha female). We immediately enrolled her in a beginners and then intermediate obedience class. My son (28) started taking her to a local Schutzhund club weekly. She does well, but the comment was always "she's a rescue"- as an excuse for the possibility she would not do well. Now they exclaim "And she's a rescue" because she does well. (I purchased a GSD puppy for my son). The problem is with me... She is the lo...
88% (7 out of 8)
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April 12, 2011

My daughter has a new boyfriend and 6 days ago we had an incident where the dog nipped him after he gave her some food. I don’t know what to do.

Dear Ed, I have a 10.5 year old German SHepherd. I got her when she was 6 weeks old. She was diagnosed as fear aggressive very early on. I have had two trainers and a behaviorist. To make this as short as possible, I will give you the readers digest version. She does not like strangers or other dogs. We have had her on Prozac and propanol since she was 3 years old. We can walk her outside without trouble but we do not let her near others on the street. We have a fenced in large yar...
100% (1 out of 1)
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April 12, 2011

We just adopted a 13-month boxer. We believe he was abused in previous homes those homes since he always growls and barks around new people. Will a dominant dog collar help?

Dear Mr. Frawley, We have been watching your videos on training puppies and dominate dogs. we had a question for you about a male pure bred boxer that is about 13 months old. He has been owned in six different homes before we had brought him into our home and lifes about 2 months ago. We know for a fact that he was beaten as a puppy and it shows even when you try to pet him or even make any fast movements close to him. He will either flinch or move his head back. we know that in yo...
100% (7 out of 7)
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April 12, 2011

My dog lunged from my bed and did a full mouth bite to my son’s face. I don’t want to keep him in a crate when I’m not home; I want him to interact with my family when I’m at work. Advice?

Ed, You are a wealth of knowledge and we are "lucky," yes lucky to have you... Thank You. I am asking for your knowledge and wisdom today... Here's my problem... 2 days ago I was in Emergency with my 18 yr. old son getting his faced stitched up after Dragon bit him. Dragon was lying on my bed (don't even say it... I know about the bed). Jeff was walking into the room, at about a foot away from the bed he lunged up at his face and did a full mouth bite to his face. ...
100% (16 out of 16)
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April 12, 2011

My 7 month old Giant Schnauzer has started unpredictably growling and barking at people, do you have any suggestions?

I have a 7 mos old giant schnauzer female, my third giant -- so I'm familiar with the breed. My problem is that she has suddenly started barking and growling at people (who aren't accompanied by dogs). But it's unpredictable. In a large crowd, she accepts strangers and tolerates the attention. It's typically when only one person approaches, or passes by even at some distance, that she will bark or growl. Also, it is unpredictable: first she'll let three people pet her, and then suddenly ...
56% (5 out of 9)
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April 12, 2011

I need a muzzle for my small border collie that has nipped several people when she’s off leash, what do you recommend?

Dear Mr. Frawley, I have a small (29 lb) Border Collie who has nipped several people when she's been off leash, and I obviously have to do something about it. I bought a shock collar for her, but that doesn't work beyond about eight feet. I assume I need a muzzle for her, but I don't know if that's the right way to go, or simply to keep her on a long leash. We have a nylon muzzle that we've tried, but she simply tugs and squirms until it's off. It's kind of like trying to muzzle a porpoise...
42% (5 out of 12)
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April 12, 2011

My dog only shows aggression when we tie him up outside, how should I correct this?

Dearest Cindy, Thank you for providing an excellent resource such as your web site. All of the training tools that you have for sale on it make life very easy. Speaking for thousands of your viewers, we really appreciate you and Ed imparting all of your wisdom onto us. We are truly blessed! My husband and I own a 15 month old, 80lb, unneutered rottweiler named Sigma. He is a wonderful dog! per many peoples remarks. In addition to being very loving, he is very low in the...
100% (1 out of 1)
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April 12, 2011

My lab has become aggressive over the past couple years. What do we do?

Hi- We have a 5 year chocolate lab. We bought her from a breeder. About three years ago she started showing signs of aggression. I can't really pin point when it began. Anyway, we have had dog trainers, animal behaviorists, dog walkers (which we still have). She is food aggressive, has dog aggression and it aggressive towards my husband and me. It isn't ALL the time, but I am ready to get rid of her. I don't want to, I love her, but I am afraid of her. I just took her for a ...
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April 12, 2011

I have two dogs who are in separate outdoor kennels during the day. I bring them in at night for a meal. When the younger is finished, he barks at his brother and they fight. Suggestions?

Hi, I hope that you can give me some advise how to handle this situation. I have 16 months old Bullmastiff Baron, and 18-month-old Bullmastiff Cesar. Sweet dogs, I raised them from puppies. I keep them separate in outdoor kennels most of the day, and take them inside over the night. I also take them for a walk twice a day and they both behave well, sit, down and heel. I was feeding them in the kennel twice a day, and everything was o.k., until now, when Baron the younger one, when ...
100% (3 out of 3)
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April 12, 2011

The lab mix puppy we recently adopted has been exhibiting some aggression which is quite unusual. I am wonder if we are handling this situation correctly and are open to suggestions.

Dear Sir: First, let me say that I appreciate your site very much. I have found it to be very helpful and informative. I also enjoy looking at your beautiful dogs! They are wonderful. I know you are terribly busy, but I hope you can help me with a puzzle. We adopted a lab mix puppy last year. He will be 2 years old in April. He is a great dog and very smart. He learned the general obedience commands easily and has several other tricks we taught him. However, he has t...
100% (6 out of 6)
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April 12, 2011

I have a 5-year old male German Shepherd that is very aggressive towards the others shepherds when my female is in heat. Any suggestions would help.

I have a 5-year old male German Shepherd that is very aggressive towards the others shepherds when my female is in heat. She is almost 10 and cannot be spayed due to congestive heart failure. I keep her in another part of the yard during heat but even during this time, my male shepherd will try to about kill my other males/females. I have 5 dogs total and do not breed them anymore. I am having him neutered next week but I was wondering if they made any kind of muzzle that he could wea...
100% (1 out of 1)
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April 12, 2011

My dog's behavior has gotten worse. Because dominance training isn't working, trainers are telling me it is a medical issue. Any suggestions other than euthanasia?

Ed, I am the owner of a 7yr old neutered English Bulldog. I have had him since he was 8 weeks old. Tank used to be a very friendly, social dog. He loved attention from people. Over the past year his behavior has progressively gotten worse. I have talked to many trainers in the past, all of which told me that since dominance training does not work (in fact disciplining makes him more aggressive), that it is a medical issue. I am a veterinary technician, and he has always gotten the ...
100% (3 out of 3)
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April 12, 2011

Do you have any advice for fending off aggressive dogs while riding a motorcycle?

Hello all, I was cruising around your website and I must say, VERY IMPRESSIVE!! You folks really know your dogs! While I don't presently own a dog ( we had a beagle when I was young ) I like to ride my bicycle -- a lot. Which is why I'm writing. My problem is: One of my favorite stomping grounds, and where I will live when I retire is Door County. The problem here is when riding on Door County's many farm roads, every now and then some idiot's aggressive unrestrained dog com...
100% (5 out of 5)
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April 12, 2011

My boyfriend's dog is awful - he doesn't listen and bites me. What should I do? Is this dog even capable of training?

I have read through some of your articles and feedback to relative questions by your audience, yet I still have no idea what to do. I had been with my boyfriend for approximately a year when he came home with a 13 month old shelter pup (German Sheppard mix) which he named Shadow. From the get go it was obvious that this dog had some behavioral problems (he growled & tried to bite the vet at his first check up). [**A little of my history, I have NEVER been fearful of dogs. I have had extre...
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