Aggression Q&As

April 12, 2011

Our dog has attacked three people. When the instructor in the obedience class tried to force him into a DOWN position last night he attacked her too. What should we do?

I have a two year old mix -German shepard - terrier (we think) he was rescued from a garage at the age of about 3 months. We was somewhat malnourished, but was very friendly. My problem with this dog is aggression. He has attacked three times. First was by a friend who took his treasured stick from him. The friend was told not to take anything from this dog. Second was another friend who took a piece of pizza from the dog. He also was told not to. I have been working with a training school th...
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April 12, 2011

Our 15 month old dog has been growing more aggressive on the street and at the door of our house. We had to give him back to the breeder. Is there something we can do to fix this dog?

I am desperate for some advice and found your web site very interesting and I am hoping you can give some guidance.... We got our dog at 8 weeks of age from a reputable local breeder. He is now 15 months old. He was socialized very well - loves kids and people in general. We were first time dog owners so at the vet's suggestions attended obedience school at 6 months (6 weeks). He was friendly with all participants in the class - both dogs and owners. The instructor of these classes...
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April 12, 2011

We had to put our dog down due to 'Springer Rage.' Have you ever heard of this?

My husband and I just had to have our 3 yr old English Springer Spaniel put to sleep. This was one of the hardest things that we have ever had to do, but for the safely of our grandchildren and other family members it was necessary. Our dog was purchased at 8 weeks old and was a loved member of our family. As a young puppy he displayed a fear of the dark that we could not comprehend. I have never had a dog that was afraid of the dark. He also would aggressively attack the vacuum cl...
43% (6 out of 14)
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April 12, 2011

I have a client who has a very aggressive shelter dog and cannot seem to give the kind of correction that is necessary to control this dog. What can I do?

I am a novice dog trainer (3yrs.) and have a client that has a dog who is very territorial and overprotective of her. Obviously, like in many other cases, the owner cannot give the dog the correction it needs to extinguish the behavior. I suggested an electric collar and she got one. My concern is this: I know that if the dog is at the height of its frenzy and gets a big correction, it will probably redirect at her. The dog cannot be muzzled at all times and I don't want them to get hurt but ...
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April 12, 2011

My Bichon Frise shows aggression to children. I am taking him to obedience classes at Pet Smart. This is not helping. What can I do?

I know you probably don't hear a lot about these dogs, but here goes: I purchased him from a private breeder (mother very sweet, siblings all looked fine-clean home, etc - husband and wife stays home with dogs. We brought him home and everything was fine. He would play bite was the only major thing I noticed in like the first month. About a month after we got him, some relatives came to stay for 6 weeks temporarily with us. They have 2 children, ages 2 and a half and 6. Both of the childre...
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April 12, 2011

I'm a police dog handler that recently got a new GSD. The dog has bitten me two times. I feel that the bites were caused by me. What do you think?

I am a Police Dog Handler and have recently picked up a new, black haired German Shepherd. He (Sam) came from a handler that recently left the dog section and is already trained in all aspects of Police work. He is a very hard and dominant dog. I have had him for 6 weeks and in this time I have been bitten by him on 2 occasions. The first was putting on the tracking harness, which got caught in his mouth. The bite put me off work for 10 days. The second time wa...
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April 12, 2011

We have an 11 year old springer who has attacked my daughter and me. This happens out of the blue. Do you think we should pull her teeth to deal with this?

I am the owner of an 11-year old female Springer spaniel who we have had since she was 6 weeks. Approximately 2 years ago we bought another Springer male. Although the older Spaniel has always nipped, she has now become more aggressive. My daughter who is 24 was just hospitalized for an infected bite and I myself was out of work last year for a week from a bite from the older Spaniel. There have been several other bites in the last few years. We have been to a doggy psychiatrist and have ...
67% (2 out of 3)
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April 12, 2011

I need to know what products to buy to help with my Springer Spaniel. I cannot get a muzzle on him so I can take him to the vet to be neutered. He tries to bite me.

I have visited your web site, and found some very interesting book/videos/equipment, but I am not sure what knowledge/equipment I need to make my dog behave. Can you recommend some training equipment for me ? Here is my story: My problem is this- I have a Male Springer Spaniel who is NOT neutered, I am unable to muzzle him or clean his ears, or pick him up. He will bite if this is attempted. I want to get the dog neutered, but I am unable to get the muzzle on him in fear of being b...
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April 12, 2011

My 2.5 year old male growls or snaps at people when they approach him while he is laying in bed or resting. He is growling more and more often. Can he be corrected?

Brutus, our 2 ? year old male mixed breed dog (he weighs about 30 lbs and looks somewhat like a coonhound) is quickly becoming a problem with his growling and snapping. He is neutered. If he is in bed or resting and someone comes up to pet him he may growl or snap. He has growled at me while I was sleeping with him for moving and or petting him. He is growling at my husband frequently for petting him while he is resting. Last night my husband walked into the bedroom where Brutus was sleep...
50% (5 out of 10)
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April 12, 2011

My 18 month old female is so dog aggressive I cannot control her with a prong collar or a shock collar. What can I do?

Below I have put my thoughts in email after reading your section on dominant dogs. I would appreciate your thoughts and ideas. I broke my comments into sections. My dominant dog: 1. Bedroom: My dog slept in the bedroom for first 6 months She is now 18 months and has been sleeping kenneled for the last 12 months downstairs away from master bedroom. She is not allowed to be in our bedroom. 2. Toys: She will 'drop' a toy if I command her to. She used to fight for it. This seems...
67% (4 out of 6)
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April 12, 2011

My friend’s cocker spaniel has bitten a number of people. He is a loving dog most of the time but will bite without provocation. What should we do?

A friend of mine has a 2 year old cocker. He is a smart dog, but you can?t trust him. He growls and barks when someone comes to the office, has bitten the owner quite a few times and she has always been so good to him. He was never hit, so there hasn?t always been a lack of discipline. The dog hates other dogs and can't be trusted with kids - takes 4 sedatives and also wears a muzzle in order to be groomed by a groomer. Is there good training to shape this dog up with? He is a lovable dog mos...
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April 12, 2011

I am 7 months pregnant and my dog is snapping at me, what should I do?

We have a Lab dog around 18 months old. We had a problem with her being aggressive around her food dish so we contacted a trainer. He told us to put a pinch collar on the dog and correct her hard. The situation got worse. We then contacted another trainer who told us that we must take an obedience course (one on one) and teach the dog what we expect from it. He also stated that the first trainer should not be training dogs because the dog must know what no means first before we give a hard co...
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April 12, 2011

My brother and his wife have allowed their two dogs to fight numerous times to settle the rank issue. Now they are going to have a baby. What should I do?

I really hope you can answer my question, as I am very concerned about a potentially injurious situation involving my brother and wife's newborn baby and an alpha female German Shepherd (age 6). I've read through your site but didn't find anything that COMBINES dog aggression with people aggression. Does a dog aggressive dog imply a people aggressive dog? Do they distinguish between the two? Could there be a problem if a new baby is seen as a threat? What would make this happen? Please he...
100% (2 out of 2)
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April 12, 2011

While on a walk to baseball with my daughter we were attacked by two labs while were running loose. I killed one with my baseball bat. The police are threatening to charge me. What can I do?

A situation happened to me and my family a couple of weeks ago that has me puzzled about law enforcement. It started with my wife my, two children, and myself walking our 2 GSDs. We live in a small town and about 1 block from our house our neighbors 2 labs rushed us. They were both snarling with their hair raised up on their backs. We were on a public sidewalk and I grabbed my kids and put them behind myself and my big male GSD. My male did not growl or snarl and the hair never did raise ...
100% (11 out of 11)
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April 12, 2011

I have a 1-year female German Shepherd who appears calm around my girlfriend and I. At any dog, she raises her hair and growls. Some even cause her to tear into a frenzy. What can we do?

I have just perused your web site for the article on dog aggression and have a few questions that I wonder if you could answer. Some of the previously answered questions were close to mine, but they just did not seem to fit the situation exactly. I have a one year old female Germ. Shepherd. She appears perfectly calm around my girlfriend and myself. However, she raises her hair and growls at almost any dog she sees no matter the size. Other dogs cause her to tear into a frenzy. Also, she ...
83% (5 out of 6)
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April 12, 2011

I have 7 dogs in the house and I am having problems with the chow-mix. What would you advise?

I have 7 dogs. Two chows both females & 5 Keeshonden 1 is a female. The youngest Keeshond, 1.5 yrs. old, is going after the 2.5 yr. old male all the time. He goes after him if he picks up a toy, a treat or just for the heck of it. He does it going down the stairs & in & out the doors also. Last week he sat on the edge of the bed & stared at me with scary eyes. I wasn't quite sure how to handle this. I did the wrong thing I'm told to stare him down. He jumped off the bed & came to m...
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April 12, 2011

Our 3 yr. Old male Bassett Hound is very aggressive to strangers. We have been told that removing the front 14 canine teeth is the way to correct this problem. What do you think about this?

I have read your web site carefully but I am still at a loss. My 3 yr. old male basset has been with us since he was 11-12 weeks old. His mother died giving birth and he and his litter mates were bottle fed. He was neutered at about 5 months. He is a wonderful, affectionate dog most of the time, but under certain circumstances he will attack. Usually the attack occurs when he is with me, is relaxing, and someone comes into the room. This could be any member of our family... he will growl, cha...
100% (2 out of 2)
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April 12, 2011

Our Chow-mix has bitten three people. We are going to put the dog to sleep but a trainer said there was medication that could help. What do you think?

I have a 5 year old chow/sharpei-mix male dog. My wife and I enrolled him in a obedience school when he was 2 years because he bit someone in the hand. Since then he has bitten three people in the arm or the hand. These people have always been over at the house. He is now serving his third quarantine. We have decided to put him down, even though it is very hard. The trainer told us that maybe we can medicate the dog to eliminate the aggression. Have you heard of this med. and what do you think?
75% (3 out of 4)
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April 12, 2011

My husband’s dog Gus is very aggressive to me. I am expecting a baby soon. My husband knows Gus doesn’t like children, but won’t get rid of the dog. What should I do?

Hi my name is Lisa and I live in Brooklyn. I have an intense situation that I would like your feedback on. I currently living in a household with a dog that I am fearful of. Let me give you some history. About 9 years ago my then boyfriend (Joe) purchased a male/American pit bull terrier (Gus). For 11 months before he matured I would walk Gus, feed him to help Joe out and even bring Gus up to my house where he socialized with other people. One day my grandmother approached Gus as h...
71% (10 out of 14)
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April 12, 2011

I want my dog to be able to protect itself, but not be a fighter, aggressive or dominant. Is this possible?

I have a German Shorthaired Pointer that is extremely well behaved. He is very submissive with the family. As a pup and even now he submits to family members readily. He was never dominant. I have never known him to fight viciously. I am defiantly a dominant owner and am a strict disciplinarian. I make him wait to eat, walk through doors, etc. He is extremely well behaved and obedient. At home, he barks when strangers and dogs go by. He growls at the door. He does not like when too many s...
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