Behavior Problems Q&As

May 13, 2011

I am not sure what the distinction between getting a 2nd puppy to keep your older dog company and raising two pups at the same time is. Can you please clarify?

Hi Ed, I really appreciate your online content. I've read a few days worth and still see there is much much more to go. I have a question about your 'no two dogs' article. The first line talks about an example like "no, do not get a second puppy to keep your older dog company," but the article mainly talks about how people shouldn't raise two puppies at the same time. I want to make sure if and what the distinction is. I am currently in the approximate position you me...
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May 13, 2011

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May 13, 2011

We are thinking about getting another dog. Do you think our dog can have a relationship with another or is it too late for him? Should we just not get a puppy?

I need your help in making the right decision. We have a large bullmastiff that is a 4 year old male. When we brought him into our family we had a male black lab who was 9 years and a female golden retriever who was 7. They adjusted to the bullmastiff just fine. The male black lab was the dominant dog and there was never any trouble with fighting. In fact, the bullmastiff would pretty much bow down to the lab. He played regularly with the golden. Last November we had to put the black lab ...
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May 13, 2011

We're thinking about getting 2 miniature Schnauzer puppies, both boys so we're fretting over having 2 male pups with out other dog. Any thoughts?

I have been reading many of your responses to questions about raising 2 puppies at once, and still have some outstanding concerns about my own situation before committing to adopting a couple of new family members. Up until a couple of months ago, I had 2 miniature schnauzers, Basil (13 years old) and Oscar (8 years old). Oscar succumbed to a rapid cancer a couple of months ago and passed away peacefully thanks to our loving vets. Basil was raised from a puppy with our previ...
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May 13, 2011

I have 3 small children and would like to add a puppy. Some people have been telling me to wait until the little one is at least 3. What input do you have?

Been a long time fan of your kennel and training methods. Have a question that I would like your expert opinion on. My wife and I have three small children 5,3,1 and would like to add a puppy to this mix? I have been getting mixed reviews about having a dog with three small kids and that I should wait till the little one is at least 3? My question too you is have you sold dogs in the past to people in my situation and how did it work out. We have narrowed down the search to with a GS...
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May 13, 2011

I'm trying to introduce an 11-week-old Malamute into the house. The older dog stands over her and follows her around. Is this something I should worry about?

Hello, I have read most of your articles on bringing a dog into a home with other dogs, I have not been able to discover your suggestion on what to do if you have a new puppy. I have 3 dogs a 12 year old, a 7 year old, and a 3 year, these are the dogs that I have had for years I have raised all these dogs from less then a year old most since they were puppies. The 3 year old is the only one that I have questions on, he is a malamute and he is a big baby. The puppy I am trying to introduce ...
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May 13, 2011

We recently rescued an 8-month-old female who's become aggressive and has attacked our other female. Is something like this possible to fix?

Perhaps you could give some very desperate owners some advice on how to handle this? We have three rescue dogs two about twelve; male and female one recently rescued about 8 months old a female just over her first heat. She became very aggressive with the older female, she has established her dominance but still there has been several attacks and the last few were bloody ones and harmful to the older female. Is something like this possible to fix and how? We're planning to h...
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May 13, 2011

We are planning to add to our family. Is it a myth that the best pairings are male-female rather than adopting a dog of the same sex?

Cindy, We are planning to add to our family. Currently, we have a 3 year old, spayed female GSD who we purchased from the breeder when she was 9 weeks old. Raven is very sweet and 'soft' in temperament ? definitely not an alpha female. With the increase in home foreclosures, loss of jobs, etc., we feel as though it would be more socially responsible to adopt a rescue dog. My question is this: is it a myth that the best pairings are male-female rather than adopting a dog o...
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May 13, 2011

We have 3 dogs and 3 cats. The pitbull won't stop trying to kill the cats. Would an electric collar work? Or a muzzle?

Hi There. I found your website while trolling for ways to control or train a new to our house Pitbull. We rescued her a few days ago and she is slowly putting weight back on, just skin and bones when we caught her, which wasn't hard! We already have three house/garden dogs and three cats. The Pitbull, now named Harley, just won't stop trying to catch and kill the cats! How do we control Harley as we do not wish to have her put down? Would an electric collar work? What about a muzzle? ...
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May 13, 2011

Our old dog is afraid of our new dog. What can we do to fix the situation?

We are owners of a Cavalier King Charles 2 year old female. We have been discussing the prospect of adding a 'buddy'? for her to our home and finally decided that it was time. We also decided it would be a rescue from the Cavalier Rescue of Chicago. About 10 days ago we drove with our dog (Sophie) to the foster home to meet Merlin (male 2 years old). The foster home had 3 other cavaliers in the home so everyone was at ease when we introduced Sophie. The immediate attention to one a...
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May 13, 2011

How and when do I introduce our two dogs? What can I do to help the older dog accept the puppy?

I have your videos on Pack Structure, Puppy 8 weeks to 8 Months, and Basic Obedience, have read your articles and tried to find this on the discussion board but have been unable to do so. First, I am a former math teacher and have had a lot of experience with teenage boys and a normal amount of experience with dogs. Your training methods for dogs are just what I applied in the classroom. I am retired and spend most of my time with the dogs. My husband is a pack member but he doesn'...
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May 13, 2011

I am having a problem introducing my new dog to my cats, as he is fairly aggressive towards them. Can you recommend a training video or other that can help me with this?

Hi, I just adopted an intact 5-yr old male German Shep who, I'm told, is Level 3 Schutzhund-trained. He's been retired due to an injury. I am having him neutered in the next 2 weeks. I am having a problem introducing him to my cats, as he is fairly aggressive toward them. Can you recommend a training video or other anything else, that can help me with this? I am reluctant to use shock collars and other extreme measures. My goal is to get him to be friendly with the cats...
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May 13, 2011

Last Saturday we picked up an 11 month old Australian Shepherd / Shih Tzu mix after being spayed. She is a huge handful. Do you think she is the wrong dog for us?

You came highly recommended by a coworker and I could really use your advice. Last Saturday we picked up an 11 month old Australian Shepherd / Shih Tzu mix from the SPCA after being spayed. I have two girls one 8 and one 12 and a 13 year old cat. So far the cat and dog definitely do not get along and the dog has gone from constant submissive urination to becoming aggressive, hyper and even destructive. Unfortunately, I have had her crated all night and then again during the day while we w...
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May 13, 2011

Our new pup seems to be afraid of everything. She wont nip at us, she just shakes if we come near her. Any advice would really help, if you can.

Hi Cindy. My name is Katrina. Recently, a couple of days ago, I bought a puppy from a lady. The puppy is a mini Aussie, 5 months old (in 4 days). I think I might have made a mistake. When I picked her up (I drove 500 miles to get her), she seemed ok. A little scared, but I thought that was normal. Now that we are home, I don't think she was ever around humans before, except to get fed. She will not come to me with kisses or whistling, or anyone else. I put her in the house, and she...
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May 13, 2011

I think we're rushing our training with our 4-month-old puppy. What are your thoughts on the situation?

Hello Cindy, We recently (only been 3 days now) got a 4 month old puppy and I was wondering your opinion. The dog is great in terms of how nice it is, and it seems to already be learning quickly. The issue I was wondering about was the time we spend with the dog. I am thinking that we kind of rushed into getting him without really thinking enough about the time that we should spend with him. My wife and I both work full time and can't really be home in the day time. I can and have ...
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May 13, 2011

We would like to adopt a new pup and leave it inside at night and out during the day. Will this effect her negatively?

Our 7-yr-old black lab passed away a month ago. We are thinking about adopting one of my brothers puppies. They are black lab and golden retriever mix. We would like to do inside at night and outside during the day (like our last dog). We have a 20' x 20' kennel. My only concern is if we do put her in there if it would have a negative effect on her behavior skills? Also how much time would you recomend for her to run around outside supervised? My husband and I really want another dog but ...
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May 13, 2011

I have always had dogs, usually strays, but never trained or had one as a puppy. What are the different philosophies of training and which do you follow?

I have always had dogs, usually strays, but never trained or had one as a puppy. I would like to know from A-Z what books or dvds to start with. I am trying to do my homework before we get my first puppy. I have children at ages 2, 2 and 9. We currently have a Great Dane, age 6. I would like to get a German Shepard probably in 1 year or maybe 2. My goal is to have a well trained dog to protect the family, stay in our 1/2 acre yard and be good with the children. What are the ...
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May 13, 2011

How and what is the best way to socialize a 2 1/2 year old dog that has not had the exposure early on to people and dogs?

Hi Cindy! What a great site you have. We have recently adopted an adult female GSD. She came from a very loving family going through a divorce that did not have time for her. She is well trained--electric collar, but missed out on much interaction with people outside of the family and very little if any socialization with other dogs. She has bonded with us well--I have a 16 year old son and 18-year old daughter. She does not obey them or my husband as she does me, but so far...
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May 13, 2011

I have a 12 year old mini poodle, who is starting to feel his age. I have a chance to get a little 1 year old female poodle. Any words of wisdom?

Hi: I have a sweet 12 year old mini poodle, who is starting to feel his age, with poor vision and hearing, but he remains sweet and funny. He?s about 30 lbs. I have a chance to get a little 1 year old female poodle and would like to, but my husband says it may break the older boy's heart. Any words of wisdom? Diane
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May 13, 2011

Do you think it's a problem for me to handle a bull terrier? For my first dog?

Greetings from Norway. My name is Kenneth, I am 22 years old and I am used to having a dog in my family. My mom has a dog, and my sister has a dog. But I have never had my own dog. I loaned a couple of your movies from a friend, and they are very good. The dog race I want to buy is an English bull terrier, I've heard they are quite stubborn and often dominant. I have seen your DVD on dominant dogs. But I dont really know what I am getting myself in with buying a bull terrier. Do you hav...
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