Behavior Problems Q&As

March 1, 2012

I recently adopted a dog and have started trying to establish pack structure and it's been an uncomfortable experience. Is this establishing method appropriate for my dog?

Hi Mr. Frawley, A week ago I adopted a 2 - 2 1/2 year old female Great Pyrenees. It's been an interesting week but the fact that I was online search for more help yesterday says it's not been ideal. I came across your website when searching for information on dogs being aggressive -- to other dogs and to people. I ordered your DVD on demand for establishing pack structure with the family pet and began putting her in the crate last night and it's been an uncomfortable experience. Is this...
100% (11 out of 11)
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February 29, 2012

Recommended My dog bites at my hand & feet and jumps a lot. How can I get rid of these behaviors?

Hello, I got a beautiful english lab at 7 weeks old. Now she is 7 months old. She is very smart, but dominant. Since she was a pup she keeps biting my hands, feet and jumps a lot. The biting has gotten worse. If my husband and I are watching television, she will growl and try to nip at us. We correct her but she then jumps back and growls and tries again to bite. Different levels of growling and running around our condo like crazy dog until she wears herself out. We have put a lea...
87% (71 out of 82)
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February 27, 2012

Recommended I have an idea for people who need a dog/people free area to walk their dogs without distractions.

Cindy, After reading an article about walking a new dog in an area without distraction, I wanted to give a recommendation. I take my 4-yr old GSD for a one to two mile walk each night through an industrial park near my house (too many stupid owners whose dogs 'just want to say hi' in my neighborhood). Yes, we have to get in the car and drive a couple of minutes, but we NEVER see people or dogs. Occasionally a police car will pass by and they might stop and chat for a few minutes, but...
94% (47 out of 50)
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February 15, 2012

Is a dog grabbing a dog by the scruff of the neck and shaking it like a toy an aggressive behavior? How can I correct this?

I have a 9 month old GSD spayed female that really is a sweet dog. She generally is good with other dogs. I have been taking her to the dog park since she was 6 months for socialization and excercise (I now know this is not recommended by Leerburg and plan on discontinuing my visits). Is a dog grabbing a dog by the scruff of the neck and shaking it like a toy an aggressive behavior? How can I correct this? She does this to only specific dogs. 2 dogs so far. Today she got in a fight with...
21% (5 out of 24)
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January 25, 2012

Recommended We have an outdoor dog that loves to dig. Nothing we've tried has worked. Do you have other recommendations as to what can be done to save our yard from being destroyed but also allow her more freedom?

Hello, We have an outdoor dog (beagle, cocker spaniel mix) that loves to dig. She digs anywhere and all the time. We have tried a lot of different things to get her to stop but because she is outdoor it is hard to catch her in the act. We have had to fence her in a paved portion of the yard in order for her to not dig while we are gone and can only let her out to play when someone is watching her. We have even hidden to where she didn't know we were there and used a shock collar to get her...
93% (42 out of 45)
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January 19, 2012

On your website you recommend not letting strangers pet or give treats to your dog so that the owner becomes the center of the dog's world (engagement); and so that the dog doesn't see strangers as sources of treats. However, almost universal in the description of the Doberman breed is the need for early and extensive socialization. Can you clear up this point for us?

Hi Mr. Frawley: We are preparing to bring home our 9 week old male Doberman pup. In preparation for our new arrival, we have extensively studied your website and your DVDs. We have had experience with smaller female terrier breeds but this will be our first large-breed male. Our goal is a highly trained, obedient, non-aggressive pet. We are planning on fixing the dog at 6 months. We have very carefully chosen the breeder for good lines and temperament. My question is this: On y...
82% (31 out of 38)
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January 19, 2012

My dog growled and barked once at me when I went to feed him this morning. He has never shown signs of aggression over food or anything else. What should I do?

Cindy, First let me say I have enjoyed the Leerburg DVDs I have watched and I have learned a lot from them. My problem is something that has just started occurring. I have a 2.5 year old GSD and just this morning when I went to feed him he growled and barked once. He was in his crate and he hadn't eaten since the morning before. He has never shown any signs of aggression over food or anything else. I have been established as pack leader but it felt different this morning. I want to m...
50% (4 out of 8)
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January 19, 2012

I have watched most of your DVD on being the pack leader and introducing new dogs to the pack, but in each instance I only saw male vs female. I have a 1 yr old male from a working breed and I would like to add another male pup from another working breed. Is this doable?

Hi Cindy, I have watched most of your DVD on being the pack leader and introducing new dogs to the pack, but in each instance I only saw male vs female. I have a 1 year old male from a working breed and I would like to add another male pup from another working breed. Is this doable? Thanks, Carl
50% (1 out of 2)
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January 16, 2012

Recommended My dog can sit for hours constantly mouthing a stuffed animal toy. Can you shine some light on what we might be seeing? Is this a nervous tic or a precursor to guarding?

Hello Cindy, I am hoping you can help shed some light on a particular chewing behavior our dog has. He's a 7-month-old male Malinois who has grown up the Leerburg way and he's a great dog with no real problems. However, he can sit for hours constantly mouthing a stuffed animal toy. If there's no stuffed animal, he will do this with his dog bed. By mouthing, I mean he chews on the toys. He's not tearing it or trying to destroy it, just repetitively "mouthing" it and he looks like he's zoned...
82% (106 out of 129)
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January 5, 2012

Recommended During the isolation phase of pack structure, is it still ok to still have the dog walker come take care of the dog? Am I going to be able to effectively run my dog through groundwork with out being able to walk in an area without distractions?

Hi Ed, I just finished watching your DVD "Establishing Pack Structure... and as eager as I am to start the program with my dog Ziva I have 2 questions/issues. The first is I work full-time, like most people, and in order to give my dog a little break from her crate and a mid-day potty break I have been using a dog walker. She visits for about 1/2 hour, takes her for a walk and bathroom break and returns Ziva to her crate when they're done. So I guess my question is that if during the gro...
100% (13 out of 13)
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December 19, 2011

Recommended My dog sees my husband as the pack leader and listens to him, but she doesn't with me. What can I do to get her to listen to me?

I have a question, I have a 11 month old pyr/berner mix and generally she's an all around great dog. She has had training since 10 weeks, finished 2 sessions, and knows all her basic commands. She views my husband as the Pack Leader and he just needs to point and ask her to do something and she does it. Not with me. I try to do all the same things he does, but she will only listen when she "feels" like it. I know she can do it because she only needs to hear his feet walking to the room and sh...
97% (30 out of 31)
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December 12, 2011

Recommended I currently have 4 dogs and am about to take on a foster. I would like your opinion of my current situation. Am I foolish to think that I can make it work?

Hi - I found your website last night and ordered a muzzle, a dominant collar and several of your DVDs (set 301, 302 & 308 and the house training ebook). I was very impressed with your website and your knowledge and wanted your expert opinion. I am divorced with 2 girls 15 and 16. We have 4 dogs and 4 cats. They all get along pretty well but several issues need to be corrected - thus the above training tools. The dogs are Candi - 12 year old golden - hips going, eyes going, etc. I made a mi...
100% (25 out of 25)
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November 30, 2011

We're moving and can't take the 10 year old dog with us. My boyfriend wants to put him down and I want him rehomed. How do you introduce him to a new owner when he only knows from us? Will he adjusts? Or is 10 years old to late?

Hello Cindy, My boyfriend has a 10 year old rottweiler. We are moving and can't bring Dale with us. He feels that we should put him down. I just don't have the heart to do so. Called the animal shelter and they said due to his age putting him down would be better instead of remaining in a kennel. He is a great dog. I believe from reading your article he would be classified as being a dominant dog. He is great with the kids and us. He has bitten over the years. I believe after reading yo...
57% (4 out of 7)
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November 30, 2011

We recently added a new pup to our home and want to make sure we're on the right track. Are we handeling things correctly? Is there anything else we can do to make it better?

Dear Cindy (and Ed), First of all, thank you so much for all of the information you have provided on your web page. I can't wait to order more of your articles and books. I've read through a ton of articles and q&a's, but frankly our problem isn't to the extent of what others have written in with, but I guess I am more so concerned with prevention of future problems. We have a 3-year-old mini Australian shepherd female. We adopted her over a year ago because her first owner didn't want ...
100% (11 out of 11)
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November 23, 2011

Recommended Should I allow my 11 week old puppy time to explore the environment a little when working on engagement?

Hi Cindy, I'm wondering if you could answer a question for me regarding socialization. When I take my 11 week old Malinois puppy out into new areas, should I be working on keeping her engaged with me 100% of the time and then putting her back in the car? Or should I allow her to explore a little with short periods of engagement work in between? She is still very easily distracted and I am struggling to find a good balance between exposing her to lots of new scents, sights and sound...
96% (44 out of 46)
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November 15, 2011

Recommended Our 11 month old embarrasses me by humping me or even family members. How do we deal with this?

Hi there... Love your website and everything you do and also as a customer please keep it up... I have a problem with my 11 months German shepherd, he is embarrassing me by humping on my leg or jump and hump on me or even sometimes with other family members especially while we are out for a walk in the beach or other places. Please let me know the correct direction on how to deal with it :(
91% (41 out of 45)
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November 3, 2011

Recommended Can I use a tether instead of a crate for establishing pack leadership for our aggressive dog? My husband doesn’t want a crate in the house.

Hi Ed, I just ordered a dominant dog collar and a 3 series DVD that you had recommended in one of your Q&As. My question is, my husband doesn't like to have a huge crate hanging around in our house, is it possible to substitute the crate for a 6 ft lead tied either in the dining room or our bed post, to follow your instruction on establishing pack leadership in our house. The only other option is to have the crate in our daughter's bedroom. I want to start from scratch, even though w...
100% (6 out of 6)
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October 20, 2011

Recommended My 11 month old dog gets what we call the zoomies. He tucks his butt and runs around like he's nuts. Why does he do this and what should I do about it?

Hello, I have used 3 of your videos, and they have been of tremendous help to me with my puppy (he is now 11 months old). But there is something I haven't seen addressed, or perhaps I'm not using the right terminology. We got Finley at 6 months of age from a shelter, and he has bouts of what I found on the internet to be called the zoomies. He will all of a sudden just change his demeanor... it used to start with a stare at me with a different look in his eye and you'd know it's coming, an...
99% (89 out of 90)
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October 10, 2011

Recommended We got a new puppy to help our dog get over the loss of our other dog. She has become aggressive towards the puppy. How can I help my older dog get over the loss of her bestfriend and accept the new puppy?

I need help. I recently lost my German Shepherd to cancer, she was only 5 years old. We also have a 3 year old Malamute that is very depressed because of it. Everyone we know told us to get another dog for our Malamute so we did, but she has become very aggressive towards the puppy and I am afraid she is going to hurt her. How can I help my older dog get over the loss of her best friend and accept the new puppy.
88% (22 out of 25)
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October 6, 2011

Recommended I'm considering adding a male GSD puppy to my home. Would you anticipate the same rank structure problems with the age difference between the two dogs, or am I going to have to get a female?

Cindy, I have read the article about introducing new dogs into the home. At the current time, my girlfriend and I have two adult cats, and an 18 month old male collie. The collie is playful and energetic and not dog aggressive. I am considering getting a male GSD puppy around 8 weeks old to add to the mix. Would you anticipate the same rank structure problems with this age difference between the two dogs, or am I going to have to get a female? Thanks, Jeff
100% (6 out of 6)
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