Behavior Problems Q&As

October 5, 2011

We recently adopted a 5 year old GSD, we’ve had him 3 weeks. He chases our horses, what can we do? Would an invisible fence work to contain him?

Dear Ed and Cindy, We live have a german shepherd dog who is five years old. We have had him three weeks. He is a super dog, intelligent sweet natured and obedient. A friend of mine asked me to rescue him as his family were divorced and had dumped him with mother/ mother in law who was disabled. He spent his days in a tiny garden as she was unable to walk him. The only problem I have is that he does chase the horses and then he gets so excited that he doesn't hear what you say. I feel t...
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September 29, 2011

Recommended My dog is afraid of sneezes and coughs. She cowers and tries to climb in your lap. How can I get her to stop being afraid?

Hello, Love your web site? I have order many products and in the process of getting my 3 Akitas trained, eating better and exercising more. I love your web site and you have amazing helpful tips. One of my female Akitas, when anyone sneezes coughs of clears their throat, she cowers and tries to sit in your lap?? Even if I ignore her so I don't make it seems like a big deal. She has done this since she was a puppy, I have no idea why? I assume she is very sensitive to noise? But thunder ...
83% (15 out of 18)
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September 22, 2011

My dog destroys stuff at night while we are asleep. Can you recommend a muzzle that he can't escape from?

We have a 110lb. Doberman. He is a 2 y.o. At night after everyone goes to sleep he goes through the house and tears up everything. We put out dozens of toys and rawhide chews to keep him busy but to no avail. During the day he has a half acre fenced yard to run in and when I am out working on the farm he has run of all of our acres. We tried the nylon fabric collars that Petco and all of the stores sell but he pulls them off within minutes and destroys them. This time I hooked the clasp aroun...
48% (15 out of 31)
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September 21, 2011

I got a new dog and he is trying to eat both dogs' food. Should there be a 'head' dog when it comes to feeding? Should they be fed together or separate? At the same time, same area or one first then the next? Which dog should be the dominant one? How can I help the dogs get along better?

Hello and thank you! I have a little 7 year old Bichonfrise and 4.5 months ago I brought home a Bull Terrior pup. The Bichon is very reserved and does not like to play with other dogs rather be left alone. The Terrior is a happy energetic pup but has come into the home and dominated the Bichon male. The Terrior intimidates the Bichon with food by trying to eat both their food, cuts in front of human attention and generally annoys the Bichon, sometimes playfully biting him. Maybe it is caus...
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September 21, 2011

On walks, if my puppy is not pulling, is allowing her to walk in front going to be a problem in establishing pack structure?

Hello, I have a five month old GSD that I got at eight weeks. On walks, if she is not pulling, is allowing her to walk in front going to be a problem in establishing pack structure? I find that once our walk gets headed back she likes to be in front and can be quite polite about it. The walk stops if she pulls. Thank you.
71% (5 out of 7)
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September 9, 2011

I recently boarded my dog and his voice seems to have changed. He greets me differently and isn't as chatty. What do you think happened? Will his normal voice come back? What can I do to get it back?

Hi Cindy, I recently boarded my dog at a kennel, and when I picked him up three weeks later, his voice had changed. He would normally greet me with happy, excited barks and roo roo roos. But instead, he greeted me with happy, excited squeaks. The kennel owner told me that he had squeaked that way for her and her husband since the first day. He continues to have a deep bark for strangers, but his happy bark is now a squeak. He also used to be very chatty, especially when he wanted attention...
75% (9 out of 12)
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August 9, 2011

I adopted a dog as a companion for my old, deaf dog who suffers from separation anxiety at night. Unfortunately this has not helped with the anxiety. Do you have any advice?

I have a 13 year old lab called Flossy who is deaf and suffers from separation anxiety at night. She paces the floor and scratches at my bedroom door until I can't stand it any longer and I let her in. I have adopted a 2 year old lab/cockerspanial as companion to Flossy hopeing that this would fix the problem, but unfortunately it hasn't. Please can you help as I am getting very little sleep and it is effecting my health.
50% (3 out of 6)
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August 4, 2011

Recommended My friend moved into my brand new home with her untrained dog. My dog is trained but I'm afraid he's going to start marking in the house before I get her dog trained. I'm so upset I am ready to leave my own home and leave her and her dog there. Do you have suggestions?

I am sending you this email from outside of my house. I'm so upset I can't go in right now. I have a 1 year old dog that is house trained and a week ago a friend moved in my brand new home with her dog. Her dog is not house trained and it seems the owner has no desire to train her dog. I am trying the crate training now but her dog and my dog cry all day and night wanting to get to each other. I am afraid my dog is going to start "marking" his territory again before I get her's house trained....
100% (2 out of 2)
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July 20, 2011

How do I know my dog's 'ghosts' are gone and can I transition her back to a reinforced kennel?

Hello, long time no hear (which is good but things have changed so I am back). 6 year old dog aggressive and separation/claustrophobic rescued Akita. Charm to humans. We purchased the aluminium crate about 5 years ago for when we boarded her she would bust of of their crates. It works great as you know. We have an indoor/outdoor kennel at home which until recently she respected. Bad lighting storm surged our house blew out electronics. She has not been happy in her kennel ever since but i...
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July 18, 2011

We have been using the Tri-Tronics G3 Bark Limiter on our 1 year old female German Shepherd with great success, but last night the collar malfunctioned.

We have been using the Tri-Tronics G3 Bark Limiter on our 1 year old female German Shepherd with great success. Last night, the collar appears to have malfunctioned, zapping her repeatedly at a 4 setting until we could get the collar off. It has been set at 1, and she was sitting calmly and quietly when it started. She is now extremely skittish and requires constant reassurance from us. Where do we go from here? I have contacted Tritronics about the issue, but I don't think I will be comforta...
100% (11 out of 11)
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July 18, 2011

Recommended Our dog eats paper and clothes. He ate my checkbook, money and disability parking pass. Do you have a muzzle you would suggest?

I have a cocker poo that we love dearly (weights 28 lbs) that eats paper and clothes. We have tried everything-behavior training, lemon juice, etc. If you leave something down for a second he is off and running. I use a walker so it is difficult to get to him. He is also bad when he goes with his dog walker trying to grab paper in the street etc. I even had a nutritional study done but he was fine. I am terrified that he will get ill. Recently a friend left her denim jacket on the couch for a...
89% (17 out of 19)
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July 14, 2011

Our dog constantly breaks out of her kennel. I'm thinking of trying the 24/7 crating with bark collar. How do I know her

Hello, 6 year old dog aggressive and separation/claustrophobic rescued Akita. Charm to humans. We purchased the aluminium crate about 5 years ago for when we boarded her she would bust out of their crates. It works great as you know. We have an indoor/outdoor kennel at home which until recently she respected. Bad lighting storm surged our house, blew out electronics. She has not been happy in her kennel ever since, but it was well constructed. 2 weeks after the storm, we moved to a new st...
18% (2 out of 11)
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July 13, 2011

Recommended My 10 1/2 month old dog has tons of drive to work but I've focused on protection training & I'm afraid I haven't socialized him enough. Can you tell me what to do?

Dear Mr. Frawley, I am a newer, but loyal customer. I just got the new Ellis DVD on working without a decoy and I thinks it's the best one you guys have put out yet. I have a 10 1/2 month old Dutch Shepherd and I have done a poor job socializing him. I have focused too much on protection training. He has tons of drive to work, but I need to really improve his socialization... can you please give me some guidance on how to, and what not to do. I greatly appreciate your time and advice.
65% (11 out of 17)
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July 12, 2011

In pack structure training, what does 'full crate submission' mean?

I just purchased Establishing Pack Structure with the Family Pet DVD and I don't understand what 'full crate submission' means. My dogs are going in & coming out submissively, however they still have moments when they cry/bark, especially at night. Jane
100% (7 out of 7)
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July 1, 2011

Recommended My 4.5 year old dog goes nuts over the vacuum cleaner. Is there any way to train her that the vacuum isn’t for lunch?

Hi Cindy, I have a 4 1/2 year old GSD that I got as a 2 1/2 year old. She absolutely goes nuts over the vacuum cleaner. thought she was afraid of it until I read on the site that her behavior is likely due to prey drive. That makes sense because she has a very strong prey drive as evidenced in play and her interest in chasing squirrels (which she doesn't get to do because she isn't off leash anyplace we might encounter them). Do you have any suggestions on how to train her to know the vacu...
89% (16 out of 18)
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July 1, 2011

My dog likes to smell and eventually lick our other dog's urine until he begins to slobber and salivate. How do I correct this behavior and what is the cause of it?

I purchased our dog from Lynx you in 2005 and I'm wondering if you can help me solve a problem I started to have with him. My girlfriend adopted a lab from the animal shelter and they get along great, but when the lab urinates Lynx has to run over smell and eventually lick the lab's urine until Lynx begins to slobber and salivate severely. How do I correct this behavior, and what is the cause of the behavior? Thanks.
72% (18 out of 25)
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June 29, 2011

Recommended My dog doesn’t seem to care where he puts his feet, he carelessly steps on my feet often enough that I want to stop this behavior. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Hi Mr. Frawley, I checked the training articles and discussion boards. Forgive me if the answer is there somewhere. My dog seems to care less where or what he steps on. He carelessly steps on my feet when walking near, running by, or even coming up to and sitting in front of me. It is not all the time but frequent enough that I want to stop this because I just do not like it. I have trouble thinking of a way to accurately correct this when the incident occurs- he steps on and off of my foo...
100% (17 out of 17)
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June 29, 2011

We have a dog who enjoys chasing cars. Any ideas how to handle this?

We have a part german shepred part wolf dog. She has started chasing cars or runs right toward them like she is going to hit them and then stops inches from them. She acts like she enjoys doing this. We have tried getting after her, that does not work. Any ideas how to handle this? We have had dogs all our life and never had this happen. Thank You for your time and help. Janell
89% (8 out of 9)
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June 9, 2011

Recommended My dog was running around and plowed broadside into an old, arthritic dog. The old dog was euthanized. I saw the dogs with their heads together earlier, could it be that the dogs were communicating about my dog helping the old one out of her misery? Is there such a thing as assisted suicide in dogs?

Ed and Cindy, Having just read your Dumb & Dumber Q&As I can see that you are not particularly tolerant of stupid questions, but I hope you will treat this seriously since it was a very upsetting event. I have a 5 year old Amer. Staffordshire Terrier (almost 80 pounds) that is very loving and gentle and we were spending a weekend at my daughter's in-laws cabin where several families and their dogs were present. In addition to my dog there were two Maltese and a Black Lab. All of them ge...
100% (5 out of 5)
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June 7, 2011

How can we better address separation anxiety? Are these medical problems common among the GSD breed? Is this something that she can grow out of as a puppy? Would you ever recommend medication? Outside of more intense daily exercise, is there any other solution?

Cindy, My GSD is now 1 year old and we had a very serious incident occur last week. She developed a severe case of bloody diarrhea and vomiting which resulted in a day long clinic visit and subsequent hospital treatment for two days. During this ordeal, she lost 10 lbs (from 68 to 58) and the Vet claims she came very close to death. Had we not sent her to the clinic and received treatment immediately to address the problems, she may not have survived. Our GSD has started eating again ...
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