Obedience Q&As

May 19, 2011

I have a 1 year old rescue that hates the crate and barks the entire time it is in the crate. When we let her out she is wild. What should we do?

Hello, I did read pretty much the whole site. Couldn't find a question completely like this one and it is probably something other people deal with. We have a really good GSD. She is easy to train and easy to live with. We have not had her that long, but she is 1 year old (rescued). When we kennel her for any length of time, she tries to get out of the kennel non-stop and barks non-stop. I understand that we can use the e-collar to fix the barking problem. Again, like...
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May 19, 2011

I am considering volunteering at our local shelter. The women who runs the shelter trains with clickers and head-harnesses. Does your training comply with these tools?

I have a question. I have just started volunteering at a small shelter. The new director seems to like click-training with a clicker. She also likes using a head harness called a Gentle Lead (goes fairly tight on the mussel and behind the ears). Before I order the video are these methods consistent with your teaching methods? Please comment. Joyce Perry, Iowa
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May 19, 2011

My mother has a problem with training the two dogs she did not have from puppies. She's a good trainer. What's your opinion?

My mother has a 1yr old spayed dachshund. She is well behaved but has a problem that when she is hurt or scared by something (physically, like her lastest, a spiral fracture) she will go hide and not come out when called. She will lay and look at you, thumping her tail, but has to be physically removed frm her hiding place (crate, bushes, under the truck). My mother does allow she has good recall, but only when things like horse poop or playing with the cats are not more exciting. Then it...
100% (2 out of 2)
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May 19, 2011

My dog comes in fast but always sits crooked. Any suggestions?

Hi There, I always read your articles, but for some reason can't find one on this. I have a problem with my dog doing his Heir. He comes in fast BUT always sits crooked. I have tried to use food and toys. And I have tried corrections but can't seem to get him to understand. Do you have any suggestions? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Jennifer
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May 19, 2011

My 11 month GSD went after a deer and was gone for 15 minutes. What should I do?

Hello Ed, I am training my puppy - an 11 month old GSD - in SAR, and I am a beginner at this. A few days ago she did something very bad - she ran after a deer and was gone for 15 minutes. I know that this can only get worse, and I want to nip it in the bud ASAP. Do you have an article or a video that addresses this? I have received conflicting information from other trainers and the internet, ie: 1. Get an e-collar and correct her. (Sounds good, but how do I get a deer to coop...
100% (17 out of 17)
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May 18, 2011

My dog is obedience trained but it will not come when it sees another dog. What can I do

I have a one-year old German Shepard. He is well trained to sit, down, come, etc. I can work with him at a strange location on a 30 ft leash and he still obeys. The only problem I have with him is a come when he is off leash and he sees another dog that he wants to play with. At that point I lose control and he won't come. I have tried a throw chain to get closer to him, but he could care less about that. He is also quite dominant in his play so I can't allow him to play with a smaller do...
100% (11 out of 11)
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May 18, 2011

My dog will occasionally break a recall, maybe 1 in 10 times. What can I do?

Mr. Frawley, I can't imagine how many emails you receive so I will keep mine short and simple. My dog is 5 now and is very obedient. I have two questions for you, the first one is on the recall I just got done reading your q&a and saw similar questions but not the exact one. When I walk my dog in the afternoon we play with his ball or his tug and he is very good. If he can see another dog he will only sometimes break a recall( 1out of every 10). I have put him on the long lead and ...
93% (13 out of 14)
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May 18, 2011

My 1 year old dog comes slowly when I call her. What can I do to increase her speed on the recall?

Ed, I bought a female from you back in Sept. 99. She is 1 yr. old and I just read an article that said I should not lie on the floor and pat my dog or let her lie at my feet and lay on my feet that she may see that as dominance. She does not seem dominate to me but I wonder if these little things are slowing her recall training. She is a very beautiful female at year a very substantial bitch a lot of prey drive and a very hard bitch. Thank you very much for the time you put into br...
100% (9 out of 9)
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May 18, 2011

My dog will not come when it does not have the long line or the prong collar on. She plays keep away. What should I do?

Dear Mr. Frawley, I was wondering if you could help us with a problem we are having with our 9-month-old GSD. We watched your obedience tape and have been working with her on the here command. We have put her on a long line and have treats and praise for her when she returns. One problem is, she knows when the line comes off, that she is free and will dash off, so we've been keeping it on. Another problem is... she has been running out through our front door and when I call her she...
72% (42 out of 58)
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May 18, 2011

My dog will not come when I take the leash off. I think I have created this problem, but don’t know how to fix it...?

I have written to you before, taken your advice and bought your Basic Obedience video. My 9-month-old GSD bitch is great in most respects (temperament & basic commands) however she has developed a serious habit of refusing to come when called. The situation is that we live on a beachfront where lots of people walk their dogs - there are also many parks nearby. Most of the time she minds (especially if I have a toy - she does not seem to respond to food) but sometimes she decides to keep h...
93% (13 out of 14)
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May 18, 2011

How do I get my dog to respond to me and come back when I call her, especially outdoors?

One of the dogs that I have, a German Shepherd/Husky breed named Tera (approx 2 yrs old), is always looking for an opportunity to get loose and take off. I have taken her to obedience school. She does respond, inside and when on a leash, to the command "come." However, when she is off of the leash she takes off. Eventually she does come home. I thought, at first, that it was because she knew there where cats that lived at a neighbor's house, which is true. When she does take off that is u...
70% (7 out of 10)
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May 18, 2011

My 1 year old Great Pyrenees escapes from all attempts to chain her and then will not come when called. She just runs around barking. What can I do?

We have a year old Great Pyrenees bitch that I have been looking forward to breeding. She is incredibly obedient even to the subtlest commands when she is in your immediate care. However, we live in a hilly rural area and when she is allowed to be unrestrained she completely rebels against any command and runs all over tyrannically barking and disappearing into the hollows. She has somehow escaped every method of restraint no matter how I've chained her. We have yet to complete a farm fen...
78% (7 out of 9)
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May 18, 2011

My dog minds when he has a prong collar on, but not when it is off. Do I need an electric collar?

I would like to start by thanking you. I purchased your video Basic Dog Obediance and it was wonderful. I did what you said on the tape and my dog realy responded will to it. I have to say that when my pup was little he was very good at home, but just awfull on a leash in public. Now, after your video and a pinch collar, he is very good out in public and on a leash, but just awful at home. He is now eight months old and my problem is that he will be well behaved as long as you have his le...
67% (2 out of 3)
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May 18, 2011

My 9 month old American bloodline GSD just bit the mailman. What should I do?

I have a big problem with my 9 month old shepherd. I have two pups, one 4 months old from your bloodlines and the 9 month old from mainly American lines. The problem is with the older one, he is not neutered yet and he appears to be developing some territorial aggression. Last week he bit the mail lady, he has never been this way before! Today, he chased a young boy across the school yard that we live next to his hackles were raised and he would circle the boy and bark!! I had one hell of...
100% (7 out of 7)
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May 18, 2011

I have a problem with the come command with my dog.

I have a question for you. I have an almost 10 month old GSD from very good working lines in Germany. He has been working towards his HGH and SchH titles and progressing very well. I got him at about 4 1/2months of age and he never made the 16 week bond with an owner but rather was with dogs at that time, he was given back to the breeder due to personal problems not related to the dog, he originally went out at 8 weeks. Well needless to say he was very independent and slightly doggy when ...
83% (5 out of 6)
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May 18, 2011

My dog knows the basic obedience commands but still runs away. What should I do?

I think I have a "problem" dog. He is a 14 month old purebred beagle that was bred as a hunter. I got him when he was 8 weeks old and for the most part, he has been pretty good. Except, he has a nose that won't quit and that leads to more problems. He wont listen when called, pulls on his leash until he is choking, and will run away if let off his leash. He seems to be very protective also, almost vicious. Any advice? I have taught him basic commands which he follows most of the time. ...
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May 18, 2011

I love to play frisbee with my dog, but it won’t bring it back to me. Should I do a forced retrieve?

I want to train my lab to retrieve Frisbees, tennis balls, etc. She loves retrieving, but likes playing games of not really giving it to me when she returns. Would the Forced Retrieve video that you sell be a good idea, or is it really intended for competition dogs? Bob
100% (9 out of 9)
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May 18, 2011

When should I start pack structure with a puppy?

Hi Cindy and Ed, I love everything you guys do with dogs, but I'm a little bit confused on when to start Establishing Pack Structure with the Family Pet. Do I start it with a brand new 8 week old puppy or does the puppy have to be a few more moths older? Please advise!
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May 18, 2011

What can you tell me about desensitizing my puppy to dogs barking? It's the biggest stress for him. Could this be a bad, early warning sign of something in his temperament?

Hi, I have a quick question... I really value your advice! I have a 14 week GSD puppy named Leo that I've had since 9 weeks. I'm following all your advice and it's going great. He's very outgoing, LOVES people, very very mouthy, extremely smart... learns QUICK! I take him for walks on busy streets and he's great, ok with trucks, Harleys... random noises. Sometimes when he sees something he doesn't recognize he'll get cautious, but then plug forward bravely to check it out. I'll dro...
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May 18, 2011

My 15 week old puppy gets diarrhea when I give her hot dogs or other treats. What can I give her?

Hi, I would like to ask you a question about my dog. I don't know if it is okay with you but I need your experience. I have a dog who is 15 weeks old and I don't know why, but when she eat a lot of protein like hot dog sausage for treat or other treat, my dog have diarrhea few hours later. Do you know why or what can I give for my dog for treat? The vet. don't know why and she's only thinking the dog have fragile intestine. My dog is a female Amstaff. I will appreciate a lo...
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