Obedience Q&As

May 17, 2011

My puppy is in training for agility and only likes to tug on my sweatshirt arms while I'm wearing it. Should I get a puppy sleeve and let her continue to tug on my arm?

Hi, I looked through your Q and A and did not find the exact answer I am looking for. I will try to be quick. I have a 4 month old aussie/BC cross who I will be training for agility (and life skills in general). Right now we are just playing. She is not overly driven but does enjoy tugging, etc. The problem... and I do not really see it so much of a problem but she really prefers tugging on the sleeves of my sweatshirts over any toy that we play with. I tried using a glove.....
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May 17, 2011

My dog only has food drive, can I still benefit from Focused Heeling with Michael Ellis? Also, if I’m not interested in competition can I still do this type of training?

Cindy, I'm amazed by the focused heeling video that Ed just sent out. I have a few questions. My dog has only food drive, though it's a very strong food drive. Will this be a problem for that training? Will tugs be involved in the focused heeling training? The site has jute tugs that you can put food in, would that be a good to teach my terrier mix to like tugs? I'm also wondering if the DVD would be good for dog owners not engaged in any competition training. Thanks. -Ben
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May 17, 2011

We need some ideas for playing with our dog. He does not fetch, retrieve, or anything of that nature. Any suggestions would be great!

Hi, I have a 4 year old dog who has lived with us for about 2 years now. Due to issues with strangers, other dogs, and anxiety we have found a wonderful trainer and have been actively involved in obedience training for several months. The trainer has also assisted us in making changes in our home to establish pack order. He's made huge gains and we no longer consider rehoming him as we did when he first arrived. My question now is that we need some ideas for "playing." He loves to...
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May 17, 2011

I haven't used a toy as a reward for training, only thrown toys for the dog to bring back. How do I break him from just wanting to chase toys?

Have not used a toy like this as a reward. As a matter of fact I have not used a toy at all to reward for bringing me back something I have tossed out. He loves to bring any ball i throw but not as a reward. So how do I break him away from just wanting to chase and bring back his ball to throwing something else entirely and then rewarding him with this throw ball I am now purchasing. He is around three (3) years old and has a very high prey/play drive so I think changing him from just ret...
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May 17, 2011

When I play tug with my dog he gets really excited and sometimes gets my hand. Can you give me any advice?

Hello Cindy, I have a question about playing tug with my dog. When I play tug, he gets really excited which I like, but when he jumps up for the tug he swings his front legs at me. One at the hand holding the tug and one like he is trying to push my body away even when I hold the tug as far out as possible and when he does hit me with his paw it hurts. Also when I reward him with the tug he is fast and can jump rather high so there are times he gets close to getting my hand. Any advice you...
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May 17, 2011

I’m struggling to bring prey drive out in my 15 week old GSD puppy. He has no interest in a ball or a rag, do you have any suggestions?

Hi, Cindy, I have a 15 week old GSD. I am struggling to get his prey drive going. He isn't interested in ragging on a towel or chasing a ball. I have seen both parents and they have high prey drive but my pup just isn't interested. Could it be his age as I have been told to give him time and he will develop his drive? Thank you for any advice, Steve
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May 17, 2011

My 8 month old dog won't release the Frisbee when I play with him, what’s the best way to teach a dog to return and toy and release it?

I have an 8 months old American Staffordshire Terrier... He knows basic obedience (sit, down, beg, stay) but I don't really know how to make him release the Frisbee once he got it? I have tried to throw one Frisbee while keeping another one with me to lure him to me. Once he got to me he released the one he just got to get the one with me and then I would throw the other one... This does not seem to be working. What is the best way to teach a dog to bring things to you and 'Aus' th...
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May 17, 2011

I have a younger dog I am doing Schutzhund with and would like implement agility as well. Our trainer says teaching 2 different things may confuse her.

Hi Cindy, We have a 4 year old German Shepard. We took obedience classes with her when she was young and did agility with her as she grew up. We have a bit of an attention problem in that when she get excited about an activity she feels she no longer need my guidance. I am trying to be polite but actually she is not. She blows me off. I tell her she is being rude and that is not acceptable. If we are doing agility lets say we will start off okay, but she get excited and runs her ow...
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May 17, 2011

My young dog is yelping and whining when we play tug. Is this good or bad?

When I play tug with my 10 month old German Shepherd, she is starting to yelp and whine while holding on to the bite toy. She is pulling stronger than she ever has. Her prey drive is at its highest point also. So I do not know if she is whining because she wants the toy badly or maybe she is in pain. Is this common? Is it a good or bad thing? Sincerely, Sven
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May 17, 2011

My 7 month old dog will run away with the tug when we are playing, what do you suggest?

Hi Cindy, I have a 7 month old German shepherd from working lines. He was playing tug and with balls, but the last two weeks he is not keen to play with any toys with me. He will hold the tug in his mouth for a second and take it off. Please can you advice. Kind Regards, Hemant
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May 17, 2011

What is the deal with the food tug, does the dog open the tug during the game to access the food?

Cindy, What is the deal with the tug with food inside? Does the smell of the food make the tug more appealing? Is the dog supposed to open the tug during the game to get the food? I assume the food can not pass through the leather like a permeable membrane/osmosis. Thank you for the help, Mark
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May 17, 2011

I can’t get my puppy to play tug with any type of toy, but he’ll tug on our pants. Do you have any suggestions?

Hello Cindy, I was wondering if I could get some help and advice. I have a German shepherd puppy who is a few months old. Still a baby of course but we have started marker/clicker training as I do with all my dogs. The shepherds I have had in the past all matured slowly but they at least showed some form of prey drive as babies. This puppy comes from good working lines and is high energy. However, I cannot get him to chase ANYTHING. We have put various tugs on a string, including buffa...
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May 17, 2011

Which tug toy would you recommend using with the new Tug DVD?

Hi Ed: Dean Campbell here - long time since I talked to you. I bought Kato vom Leerburg from you years ago was a great dog. Thanks. Anyway, my wife has a 13 month old working line GSD male. She is using Michael Ellis approach to dog training, got the 1st DVD from you, will get the second when released. She want to get some tug toys to use with that training, do know what tugs Michael or you would suggest for his style of training. She is planning to attend a tw...
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May 17, 2011

What are some good toys for drive building with my dog? Is a drive building toy different than a training toy?

Cindy, What are your best drive building toys and are they different than your training toys. I don't like those tugs with a loop on one end because my dog tends to get to close to my hand. I like something that gives more space and distinction from my hand, like a ball on a rope. But this isn't a good drive building toy is it? What do you recommend ? Thanks a lot, Roz Memphis
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May 17, 2011

I have a very high energy Golden Retriever mix, how can I teach my dog that running with me is fun?

Dear Cindy, My 18 month old GSD/golden retriever mix has an extremely high energy level. The way we (try to) tire her out now is by playing lots of fetch with her ball, which she absolutely loves. I would also like to start taking her on runs and eventually on bike rides. My question is whether you can 'teach' a dog that running is fun? Walking her is fine, the issue is that when I run with her now, she lags behind and really doesn't want to pick up pace. I'm trying to encourage he...
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May 17, 2011

Is an automatic ball launcher that uses tennis balls worth the risk? Do you know of any other launchers?

Good afternoon! I found an automatic ball launcher for my crazy-ball-drive 14 month old male GSD, but am hesitant to purchase it before I receive expert feedback regarding the safety of using regular size tennis balls. I order the Orbee balls from you guys, preferring the ones on a string because it's easier to throw, and I can use the smaller ball without worrying about him swallowing when he catches them. I have read enough horror stories about tennis balls to be wary of u...
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May 17, 2011

How do you feel about 2 pit bulls in the same household? Am I asking for trouble? Will the pack mentality set in w/ 3 dogs, etc?

Hi Ed. I've emailed you before and I've bought a few of your DVDs. Thanks so much for your continued assistance. Here is my question: "How do you feel about 2 pit bulls in the same household?" From what I have experienced (dog mushing, dog daycare, literature, hands-on experience, etc), as long as dogs receive plenty of exercise, discipline, and routine, they adapt nicely. I currently have a 8.5yr old GSD-mix male and a 3.5 yr old male Pit Bull. They get along GREAT! I'm thinking o...
100% (13 out of 13)
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May 17, 2011

Sometimes my pit bull becomes aggressive, I think when she has too much energy and is running circles around my apartment. Do you think maybe just more exercise will help?

Mr. Frawley, Let me first commend you on such an informative and well thought out website. This website keeps me occupied for hours, I just flat out love it. I am new to dog training but have been around dogs for a while. I am a 20 year college student and I own a pit bull, but let's get back to that in a minute. I recently bought your e-collar DVD and I have purchased the Dogtra 1900 ncp collar (I got it because I saw it was one of your favorites on your web site. I have no...
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May 17, 2011

How do I get my Pits to stop running the fence and getting into fights because of another dog?

I have two pitbulls that are brother and sister that are almost three years old. I have come home twice now to them being a bloody mess. They get into fights and the sister always loses and this time she could have died... this never happens when I'm home and I really don't want to make one stay inside because of this. I am pretty sure what causes it because when I'm home I see the signs. It starts up because of a neighbor walking her dogs and stopping in front of my house with her dog......
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May 17, 2011

Should I have put my dog to sleep? I feel terrible.

Dear Mr. Frawley, I was just reading an article that you wrote on your website and just felt like telling you my story. My name is Nicole, and my husband, Scot, and I recently had our 3 year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Rudy) put down for aggression problems. This has been the most painful decision we've ever made, and I am having a very difficult time coming to terms with our decision. We got Rudy from an out of state breeder that we thought was reputable. We had Rudy since he ...
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