Obedience Q&As

May 17, 2011

Is the dominant dog collar an appropriate tool for corrections while training heeling?

Hello Cindy, Question: If I am training heeling and a correction needs to be made while we are walking, is the dominant collar an appropriate tool and will it allow me to give enough of a correction to get the dogs attention or do I need a muzzle with the prong? If the muzzle is the answer, can you help me with the correct size the dog is 13 mths and 110 lbs. History: I have a male Black Russian Terrier that I am taking through obedience training. He is doing well in...
96% (22 out of 23)
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May 17, 2011

I’m confused on what type of correction to use for not coming when called.

Hi Cindy just a brief question, I?ve read your advice and other peoples on your blog and such and am a little confused on the issue, you and some of the other people say it must be 100% compliance to the COME command, the only thing NEVER mentioned is the type of correction used, (this I find most curious as this is the most important part of it). If I punish or firmly correct my dog when he doesn?t come what motivation is it to come once he has disobeyed it and knows there is a correctio...
76% (31 out of 41)
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May 17, 2011

My dog barks at me and won’t leave me alone when I sit in a chair to put my shoes on. I push him away and he just barks at me. How can I fix this?

Dear Mr Frawley, My german shepard likes to come up to me as soon as I sit down in a chair to put my shoes on and will not leave me alone while I put my shoes on. When I push him away and tell him no, he barks at me. Not in a mean way, but barking to be noticed I guess. How could I fix this problem? I bought your Basic Dog Obedience DVD already but only have got to the intro to markers. Thanks for your time and help. Mike
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May 17, 2011

When I start formally teaching the puppy, where should I teach her to heel? Also is it safe at any point to use a connector leash so that one leash controls 2 dogs?

Greetings, I have a 7 year old Rescue Dutch Shepherd and a 15 week old Australian Cattle dog. I've never had two dogs at the same time before. Following your advice; they are getting along famously. The Dutchie is good on walks (not a perfect "heeler" but stays by my left side and doesn't get ahead or behind). I haven't done any formal leash work with the pup but have taken her out on leash for socialization purposes. At some point I will want to walk both dogs togeth...
100% (7 out of 7)
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May 17, 2011

I recently purchased your DVD on Basic Obedience Training. My dog has been doing well with the marker/treats training but will ignore me if I don't have any. Ideas?

I recently purchased your DVD on Basic Obedience Training. My dog is a two year old Yellow Lab. He has been doing well with the marker/treats training. He knows very well the basic commands of sit, down, and stay. He is very attentive when we do the training with treats. However, if we are somewhere and I don't have treats, or if he is distracted by the presence of someone else, he pretty much just ignores me. It's like he is saying 'I know what I'm supposed to do, but if you're not givin...
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May 17, 2011

Can you elaborate what a level 1 to level 10 correction are?

Dear Leerburg, We purchased your Dog Obedience training DVD. We only have one question. You mentioned correction levels from 1-10. Can you please elaborate on what a level 1 and level 10 correction are? Thank You, Maxine
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May 17, 2011

Can you recommend a school for dog trainers?

Dear Cindy, I would be interested in your recommendation of a school which I can attend with my Doberman to become an instructor in all phases of dog training, particularly obedience, protection and tracking. Also, it should provide some kind of certificate. I have a few of your videos, but I really want and require working with instructors who can provide guidance on techniques. I look forward to your response. Many thanks. Best regards, Michael
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May 17, 2011

Our dog is obedient but when on a leash, she forgets you exist. Would Focused Heeling with Michael Ellis be something that would work for us?

Cindy, I have a 4 year old female Brittany who was given to us when she was one and a half because she was afraid of the shotgun and wouldn't hunt. She is very obedient around the house and in our backyard but the second you put a leash on her and take her out she forgets you exist. She is too busy observing the birds and squirrels and she pays no attention to the person at the other end of her leash. I had a trainer come to my house and whenever he is around she walks nicely but a...
100% (2 out of 2)
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May 17, 2011

My 10 month old GSD drags me when I try to walk her. She barks and sniffs the ground constantly. The previous owner trained her in S&R. How do I stop this behavior?

Hi Ed and Cindy, I adopted a female GSD (then 6 months old) from another family a few months ago. She is now 10 months old. Her previous family trained her in search and rescue at a very young age, and I think they did this without even training her in basic obedience. When we got her, she was practically pulling my arms out of the sockets during walks and sniffing the ground the entire time. They also taught her to "speak" when she wants something, and now she is constantly whining and ye...
100% (3 out of 3)
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May 17, 2011

How do I teach a stubborn sighthound to heel? I used markers and treats but have now replaced it with correcting her on the leash. She still pulls and is distracted.

Hi Ed and Cindy, First of all, thank you so much for your website. It is the best resource on dog training I have found, and I appreciate the range of information. It is sad that so many trainers seem to think treat training is the only way to go (especially with a stubborn breed). I have a rescue dog - a purebred Basenji - 4 years old. She came to me basically untrained and out-of-control. I trained her initially with markers and treats to learn basic commands like sit, dow...
100% (18 out of 18)
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May 17, 2011

How do I train my adult dog to leave home? I can’t get him to leave the yard with me!

Dear Cindy, How can I train an adult dog that it's Ok to leave his property? I have a 5 year old Rottweiler that refuses to leave our property. I have tried enticing him to come with me using food and toys. He'll have none of it! He just panics and bolts for home. When I hold him back he almost strangles himself on his collar. This makes vet appointments almost impossible. Any suggestions? Thank you, Fany
100% (1 out of 1)
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May 17, 2011

Do you think my dog would be a good canidate for a narc dog or some kind of work dog? Are there people who are not police officers who have work dogs?

Hi, I have a question for you, in January I bought a female German Shepherd, that I wanted to breed, she will be two years old this coming April 22nd. I usaully buy pups and then raise them and give the obiedence training myself as I am raising them. But for some reason or other this one caught my eye, and there seems to be something I believe is special about her. Her father's side isn't any thing magnificent, but on her mother's side she comes from a line, of German imports and s...
100% (2 out of 2)
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May 17, 2011

I have 2 dogs how can I walk them both together? Two leads or a brace lead? Should one be on my right side and one on the left?

I have 2 dogs how can I walk them both together? 2 leads or a brace lead? Should one be on my right side and one on the left? If this is the best way would the one on the right side still be able to heel? Thank you
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May 17, 2011

I have seen subtle signs of what I think is dominance around the house, but by all means not aggresive. Can you help me determine which collar to use?

Hi, Let me say that I think your website is wonderful and full of great information. I have a problem with my 6-month old female Doberman and wasn't sure which DVDs and items to purchase for correction. My (dog's) problem is this: I have seen subtle signs of what I think is dominance around the house, but by all means not aggressive. We've been training her and she usually does OK - that's why I want to buy your training DVD. She needs correction big-time. She hasn't real...
100% (1 out of 1)
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May 17, 2011

When entering the house through the doorway, should my wife let the dog in first or the dog to follow?

When entering the house through the doorway, Should My wife let the dog in first? or the Dog to Follow?... same as walking up and down stairs. Bill and Rita
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May 17, 2011

What do you recommend for a year and a half medium - large size dog (60 pounds) who is a very aggressive chewer?

Hi Cindy, Two quick questions..... Just bought two bully sticks from you.....and yes I know what they are and it makes me smile to think of it as I know a few people that might need the same treatment......but that's another story... What do you recommend for a year and a half medium - large size dog (60 pounds) who is a very aggressive chewer. Bones (real or artificial are out) rawhide bones are ok, cheap bully sticks last two seconds, and she guts stuffed animals....
100% (3 out of 3)
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May 17, 2011

Is it possible to leash train two dogs at the same time?

Is it possible to leash train two dogs at the same time? I have a bishon/poodle and a schnauser and I am having difficulty trying to teach both of them at the same time to heel. Is this possible or do I need to train each dog separately??? Thanks
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May 17, 2011

I recently bought a one year old female working lines GSD. She is trained in German commands and I would like to switch her over to the English commands. How do I do that?

Hello Cindy/Ed I have several of you DVD and products and I find them very useful. I have recently bought a one year old female working lines GSD, she is trained in basic obedience and she has started her protection training. She is trained in German commands and I would like to switch her over to the English commands. How do I do that? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
100% (2 out of 2)
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May 17, 2011

My dog loses her mind when approchaed by dogs and people. Is this part of a prety drive even though she just wants to play?

Hi Cindy, I am hoping you can help me. I have a now one year old Plot Hound that I rescued at 8 weeks. Without going into endless repetition, all I can say is that training her has required a lot of patience but with one exception is paying off. She has a strong prey drive but now is easily controlled with birds and squirrels. She responds well to commands, and shows absolutely no signs of aggression to people or dogs. The difficulty stems from her wanting to be with ...
100% (11 out of 11)
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May 17, 2011

Can a dog build tolerance to the prong? What's your recommended action to resolve this? Should I work on my level of corrections when he pulls and use a higher level?

Hi- thanks so much for the great site, I currently am spending money with you guys and will continues to do so to support a great resource. I know you get tons of questions and I have read through hours of the site on multiple occasions. I have a just turned 2 year old GSD male, not perfectly trained by any means but I am working on it hard. I really want to get 1 thing under control and its the pulling on leash. My dog will come when called, stay forever, sit, down all that on command an...
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