Obedience Q&As

May 13, 2011

We have a terrible neighbor who poisons dogs with anti-freeze. What can we do?

Hello Ed, I have searched your site this evening trying to get help with training my shepard not to eat antifreeze. We have horrible neighbors that just poisoned another neighbors dog with it. Alex is just like one of our children. My husband has done some training under a man in Oklahoma City and purchased Maxwell Rude Von Raughlen a Rottweiler. ( I'm not sure the correct spelling). At any rate, when Max passed away we got Alex. He done some training with him but was unable to spe...
86% (6 out of 7)
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May 13, 2011

Our new rescue dog digs under the back yard fence and runs away – after a few hours it comes back. What can we do?

We just adopted a 2 year old lab mix, un-neutered male. He is a very sweet dog, EXCEPT...the second he is free (outside), he bolts for the road. If we can immediately go after him, he will come to us when called. The problem is, we sometimes have to chain him up. He maneuvers out of his collar, digs under the fence and is gone! So far, he has returned a few hours later, but we can't keep this up! How can we train him to stay home? (He will get neutered later this week). If this a h...
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May 13, 2011

My dog wouldn't go into his dog crate so I pulled him in with a prong collar. He growled so I pulled him out and jumped on top of him. Was this the right approach?

Ed, Quick question. I have a 9 mo GSD Male about 80 lbs. He has been great, very good with our 1 year old and very out going, has not shown signs of bad nerves, etc. Recently though he has been getting a bit possessive of his kennel I think. He has snapped at my wife twice when she has tried to reach in and pet him in his kennel and he gas growled at me twice (never snapped) and yesterday he barked and snapped at my sister when she tried to pet him when he was in his kennel. He has...
80% (4 out of 5)
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May 13, 2011

I have a white GSD. People say we have to train these dogs differently. Can you tell me how we do that?

I adopted a almost two-year-old, White German Shepard Dog from the local Humane Society. He has not been a problem dog as yet. However, after reading much of your site I found that I am in the process of "grooming" him to be a problem dog. I now firmly believe in basic obedience training for all dogs as well as owners. Here are some questions I have before purchasing advice. 1. So many sites claim White German Shepard Dogs are different than regular German Shepard Dogs and need to ...
20% (1 out of 5)
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May 13, 2011

My dog always wants to chase other dogs if it hears them. Will a shock collar work for him? Will it effect his

I have your Basic Dog Obedience Training video which is great and we are SLOWLY proceeding with our mix golden retriever/yellow lab. now 18 months-neutered male. I have to use a leash from house to car and back as I can't trust him not to bolt if he hears a dog, and he usually hears one somewhere. Also I would like to control his barking at dogs when in the car. I've been told a remote training shock collar will work. . He did learn quickly not to try to jump the back fence. Took only 3...
100% (4 out of 4)
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May 13, 2011

I have a 18 month old pomeranian who just bit me. I had recently used a choke collar in training. Do you think this aggression was caused from using the choke collar?

I am in a desperate need for a help with my dog. I was reading your article on internet and thought you would be able to give me some suggestion. I have a male pomeranian. It is one year and six months old. I've had him since he was three months old. Since little, he is very very shy and intimidated around other dogs. Every day I take him to park where 20 other dogs are running around off leash. First few months he was just scared that he would be on my lap. After getting used to t...
20% (1 out of 5)
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May 13, 2011

I have a deaf dog and I have problems with her pulling me out of the card. I keep her on a leash but she is so wild. What can I do?

Hi, I have a deaf australian shepherd and she is really a good dog except she can't hear. So I keep her on a reel leash or a run line. Am afraid she will get hit by a car or truck as she can't hear traffic. My problem is that when she gets out of the truck(on a reel leash) she takes off running so am wondering if a choke lease collar would be a training tool for her. She pulled me out of the truck onto the ground and am recovering from bruises. Did not beat the dog! H...
100% (6 out of 6)
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May 13, 2011

When my lab sees birds he runs off and will not come back. I think prong collars are not humane. What can I do?

I have a 2 year old black lab mix that chases any thing that moves and will take off and not come back until he is ready. I do not want to use a prong collar. I think it is cruel. He doesn't pay attention when he sees a bird or anything else. HE listens to come when leashed but when unleashed he doesn't. What can I do.
60% (3 out of 5)
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May 13, 2011

I started training my 5 month old pup using food. I think that may have been the wrong thing to do. Am I right?

I am having some problems with my GSD. He's five months old and showing almost every sign of aggression and dominance listed on your site. Even as I am typing this he is giving my husband a hard time(growling and barking because he has been forced into a down position and wants to get up). I made the HUGE mistake of buying him from a woman advertising puppies in our local paper ....I didn't know I was making a mistake then...but I have certainly learned a lesson. This may seem leng...
100% (2 out of 2)
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May 13, 2011

I train for 10 to 20 minutes every day and I am having problems teaching my dog to walk next to my knee in a heel position. What can I do?

Hi Ed, I have a problem with my 2 year old male GSD which I bought approximately 3 months ago. We started obedience training approximately 1 month ago but I am still having problems getting him to heel in direct alignment with myself he always wants to be approximately 1-2 foot in front of me. I started using right about turns which made him take notice of me then It was almost like he had eyes on the back of his head he could tell when I was turning so he turned. So I said fine le...
75% (6 out of 8)
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May 13, 2011

What do you think of halti's?

Ed: First thank you for your great web site and training tapes. I have purchased your basic obedience tape and will be purchasing other tapes in the near future. The advice on the tape has helped greatly with the training of my Kangal. (I own several other breeds - 3 kuvasz, 1 landseer newf (old) (water rescue trained) and one very young sweet golden retriever, who will be using your training method on agility etc. of course on a very light level 1 correction - unlike my Kangal (al...
88% (7 out of 8)
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May 13, 2011

Should my wife and I both obedience train our dog at the same time?

My name is Rusty, and I have ordered and received your training tape on basic obedience training for our german shepard...AND I think it is one of the BEST tapes I've ever seen for (Like Me) a beginner!!..I have only one question, that I didn't see addressed on the tape?..Is it advisable for both the wife and husband to work together in this "Basic" training? Or is it better for one to handle this? until the dog is trained...IF one trains her? will the dog Then listen and obey the other? ...
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May 13, 2011

When we walk our 8 month old dog she pulls us down the street when we get near a house that she knows there is another dog at. Can a HALTIE solve our problem?

Hi. I have a problem while I walk my 9 month old dog Annie. I do not want her necessarily to heel the whole time I just want her to walk on a loose lead. When I walk her because she knows where the dogs in the neighborhood live she will pull harder near a dogs yard until we get there then she will bark at the dog. Then when I finally get her away from the dog she pulls until the next dogs yard. We live on a street with many dogs so there is no avoiding them. She basically just wants to sa...
67% (2 out of 3)
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May 13, 2011

When our dog gets out of the yard, we need to chase it around the block with our car until it tires out. Then it will jump in the car. How do we keep him in the yard?

We have a gorgeous black and white german shepherd. I suspect it was the runt of the litter, but she's gorgeous. She is neutered and five and a half years old. She's terrified of thunderstorms and fireworks so we have to drug her. However, that's not our major problem. She gets out of the house and we can't get her home unless I drive our van around the block until she gets tired. She has never attacked anyone but we have a new neighbor with small kids that has called the police on us for bei...
100% (3 out of 3)
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May 13, 2011

Do you train with e-collars?

I'd like to know if you personally would train one of your working dogs with and electric collar. I'm also curious how you feel about them in comparison to traditional correction with prong or slip collars. If e-collars are the most humane, what is all the fuss about? If anything, what don't you like about this type of training, even in the hand of an experienced e-collar training?
100% (3 out of 3)
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May 13, 2011

My 6 month GSD was sent to an outside trainer. Now it never minds. I train it an hour a day and it still has problems. What can I do?

Let me start off by saying that I'm glad with the way you handle some of the questions, sometimes you're very blunt and that's needed to make sure even the clueless get it. You seem very knowledgeable in your field. Now to my story. I have a 6 month old GSD male. we got him when he was 8 weeks and did a good job of socializing him with people and other dogs. He would run up the stairs, play in the pond being out house, sit, lay, walk with us off leash on the golf course staying nea...
100% (3 out of 3)
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May 13, 2011

I have been sending my 2 year old dog out for training since it was 6 months old. It still does not mind. What can I do?

Dear Mr. Frawley, I have a 2 year old German Shepherd, just became 2 this August. My dog has undergone training in obedience with several trainers whom I paid for but I was never satisfied. Recently I hired a private trainer which according to him he had experience in dog training and would like to try it on my GSD. Although there was some improvement, I noticed that the dog is still disobedient, when I walk him off leash, he would run away and will not listen to my callback. When ...
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May 13, 2011

What is the best way to teach a puppy the “stay” command?

What is the best way to teach a puppy the "stay" command?
60% (6 out of 10)
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May 13, 2011

My dog lays down when I ask her to sit. What should I do?

Dear Ed: I have purchased your basic dog obedience tape and it is great. However, I still have a couple of questions if you don't mind answering. My GSD (8 months) knows the sit, lay and stay commands as well as the come command (without the sit. Just started working on that). And you were right in your tape that the lay was much harder for her to comply with. However, now when I ask for the sit she will either sit or lay and it is usually lay. Do I need to work on that a...
100% (4 out of 4)
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May 13, 2011

My dog is doing well in obedience but 99% of the time, the dog will respond well to the correction but the other 1% of the time, it goes crazy. What can I do?

Dear Ed, First thing I wanted to say is thank you for an excellent training aid. I recently purchased the Basic Obedience training video and found it to be an inspiration. Already my dog is doing the sit - stay (with level 6 distractions) on a thirty foot line after about a week of training. I have one question. Normally when I issue a correction, the dog responds in the normal manner - I correct and then order the sit - stay command and 99% of the time there is no problem. ...
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