Obedience Q&As

May 13, 2011

Can you explain the different types of corrections used in dog training?

Can you explain the different types of corrections used in dog training?
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May 13, 2011

What is your opinion of these new Sonic Collars that use sound and not electricity to train a dog?

Hello Mr. Frawley, I wanted to know what your opinion on the product below was, is it worth buying. The new Pro Trainer Plus is an electronic pet training aid that uses sound, not shock, to teach your dog or cat to behave. The Pro Trainer Plus gives you four different training tones. Three obedience tones are provided to teach your pet specific behaviors such as Sit, Come, Heel, etc. A rapidly pulsating, irritating "NO!" tone is provided to deter barking, jumping, digging an...
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May 13, 2011

My redbone coonhound is being trained in S&R, but it will not come after the first two finds. What can I do?

I have a redbone coonhound pup. She is 9 months old. She has done quite well on her obedience training. We belong to Evergreen Search Dogs, (Vancouver, Wa.) My problem is she will not come after one or two finds. She starts running. I use treats on her returns, however, after one or two finds she's in la-la land. Any help would be appreciated. Dale
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May 13, 2011

I took my dog to a professional for training. The professional hung the dog with a second helper. Now my dog shakes whenever I take the training collar out. Ideas?

Dear Mr. Frawley, Recently, I decided that I wanted to learn competition obedience, and had a Schutzhund instructor recommended to me. I took two 4-year-old males that I had taken through several obedience classes. One male is extremely pain sensitive, and I have always been very careful since he would yelp with a light pressure pop on his choke leash. My previous instructor had never taught me to teach my dogs to focus, and I wanted to teach my dogs this skill when heeling....
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May 13, 2011

I can’t seem to teach my 2-year old Rott to jump in my truck. Can you give me some ideas?

Mr. Frawley I have a 2 year old female rott, she is trained for basic obedience on and off leash, but there is one problem I have with her, I can not for the life of me get her to jump, all I am really wanting is for her to jump up into my truck, she loves going for rides and gets excited at the mention of the word "ride" but it is very annoying to have to lift this 130 lb k-9 every time, she has no problem getting out but going in all she will do is put her front paws on the seat ...
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May 13, 2011

My rescue dog is very timid. She sulks and drops to the floor after a soft correction. What should I do?

Dear Ed, I received your Basic Obedience tape a couple of days ago and was eager to start training. I had already been to my local obedience classes, so she knows sit and down, but performs only when I have a treat in my hand. She is very soft, so I used an extremely gentle leash correction and she became scared. She froze and put her ears down. I praised her greatly, but when I stopped she tried to run. I stopped and tried again after a few hours with similar results. I ado...
80% (4 out of 5)
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May 13, 2011

My dog cowers when I grab it by the collar. What can I do to fix this problem?

Ed, I bought your basic obedience video. Great video!!! I have a 13-month-old female Rottweiler. She would be considered a soft dog. She is very submissive to any other dog or person. This is not a problem. What concerns me is that when I raise my voice or grab her by the collar, she cowers away and usually rolls over. I have never hit her, but have never hesitated to grasp her by the collar or scuff of the neck to correct her when nipping or swatting at me. Is there any type of ex...
33% (1 out of 3)
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May 13, 2011

I am hearing impaired and have some serious concerns about my two dogs when they meet strangers and other dogs on our walks. Can you offer some advice?

Hello I just came across your site. I find it very interesting and informative. I have two wonderful dogs, one is a 2 1/2 year old Border Collie female (have had her since 10 weeks), and the other one is a 4 (?) years old German Shepherd mix (adopted her a year ago). I am in the process of training them ...I haven't been such a good trainer or alpha leader in the past, but I am learning greatly from books I've purchased and articles on the Internet. I have a few questions, but first I nee...
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May 13, 2011

My 11 month old GSD has crazy prey drive. I am having trouble controlling his nipping when he plays in the backyard. What should I do?

Ed, greetings from Miami. I need your advice on an issue that's driving me crazy. My GSD is now 11 months and is very playful and his prey drive is very high. My concern is that when we are in the backyard he becomes unmanageable with the way he plays. He jumps up and bites your hand and runs away like a speeding bullet and comes back and does it again. He doesn't get the message when I correct him and I do correct him hard. He has a prong collar and I sure yank the hell out of him and te...
100% (1 out of 1)
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May 13, 2011

My East German bloodline male continues to jump on me. He has knocked me down several times. What should I do?

Hi, you helped me once before when I had a puppy with severe hip dysplasia. He was put down at six months of age. I am hoping you can help one more time. Two issues. First - 9 month old East German male, great dog, high drive for prey and reproduction. I have no idea if he has any defense or not, he is so bomb proof with nerves, he may show it later in training. Right now he is extremely good in area and article searches both on and off line. He is a great little tracker, still learning c...
86% (12 out of 14)
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May 13, 2011

I have a problem with my dog doing a long down. It won’t stay when I move away from him. What should I do?

I have been training my dog with your tape for three months now. My dog learns fast, but the problem is that when I tell him to stay, no matter the position, he gets up and runs away when I turn my back. I sit him down and correct him for not staying, but its like he doesn't even care. I have bought him a prong collar. He still doesn't care. What can I do so he listens?
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May 13, 2011

Our new dog is constantly sticking its head under the back yard fence and barking at the neighbor’s dog. Any ideas of what we can do?

My female GSD has a problem with the male Australian Shepherd next door. If she is in the yard they both try and stick their noses under the 8 foot privacy fence and go nuts barking. I go out and get immediately and she is mainly an inside dog and so is he, so it doesn't happen often. I know that she needs work and I have purchased your Basic Dog Obedience video. She will pay attention when on the leash and if is corrected, but off is another story. I am guessing I need to have a long lea...
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May 13, 2011

My fiance is inconsistent with reinforcing obedience training. Do you have any suggestions?

Hi, I have a few questions that I hope you'll be able to answer for me. I have a small dog that is almost four years old. He is very obedient in the home unless he becomes distracted by strangers, outside noises, etc. I understand that this means he is not fully trained. I've had problems with completing his training in the past mainly because of two reasons. One being that my fiance is inconsistent with reinforcing the training (for example I correct the dog for getting on the bed and the ne...
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May 13, 2011

My dog is obedience trained. His problem is that he knows when the leash or long line are on and will mind, but gets stubborn when the leash is off.

I have heard mention correcting a dog many times in your articles. My question is what would a level 10 correction look like compared to a lower level correction? My dog is almost eighteen months old and grabbing by the back of the neck does not have the same affect as it did when he was a puppy. Most of the time he minds, but occasional he will be a knuckle head. He knows basic obedience and most of the time he will respond to me saying "no." Another problem that I have is that he knows when...
100% (2 out of 2)
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May 13, 2011

My dog loves a ball. He won’t perform a down stay when I throw a ball. Should I use an electric collar?

My dog is totally ball crazy. He always walks around the house with it in his mouth and is always ready to fetch. For exercise I take him to the park and let him off leash I hit the tennis ball with a racquet to get some distance. I put him in a down-stay and as soon as I hit the ball he is off after it. Totally ignoring the down-stay. At all other times he will correctly execute the down stay even with loose dogs running around him. I have pulled him back to his down-stay spot, after tri...
33% (1 out of 3)
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May 13, 2011

My 2 labs have started chasing “game” while on walks. What could we do to stop this?

I have two beautiful three year old labs. They are not trained except for the basic commands. I walk them in an open mesa area near my home every morning. The problem is they have begun not only chasing young rabbits, but when they do catch one they pick it up and clamp down, thus causing internal organ damage, which of course kills the rabbit. I am a nature lover and very upset by this behavior! I have thought of getting a shock collar and using this devise to get them to quit chasing th...
100% (1 out of 1)
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May 13, 2011

My dog goes wild when I praise him. How can I calm him down?

I have just purchased your obedience video and only have one question. How did you get the dog in the video to be so calm? My dog turns one this month. Is a lot of this age? When completing an exercise any praise makes my dog go wild - as you say in your video she stops thinking. Does this mean I should immediately move on to the next exercise if she is bored? When she does go wild I use a number 7 correction. In the video you had a level seven correction which you had thought some people...
100% (1 out of 1)
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May 13, 2011

My 8 month old dog growls when you go near his food. How should I deal with this?

Zeke is an 8 month old un-altered GSD from working lines. We've had him since he was seven weeks old. He is obedience trained and minds well. However, although I've had GSD's before, he is by far the most stubborn of them. In any event, he understands that he is "low man on the totem pole" and will accept corrections from any family member, although I seem to have more influence with him. One problem we cannot solve, however: Zeke hates having anyone within 3-4 feet of him when he is eati...
50% (1 out of 2)
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May 13, 2011

When my 4 month old GSD sees other dogs, his hair stands up, he barks low, and sways his tail back and forth. Is this normal?

When we approach people and especially other dogs on our walks around the street or in the local pet store and in puppy kindergarten class his hair stands up, he barks low and sways his tail slowly back and forth. Or it stays partially limp, not stiff nor tucked. When he's in actual contact with them, he's fine. Perhaps a bit shy, but not scared. This is sending me mixed signals. Is he just happily greeting, feeling threatened, or being protective.
100% (2 out of 2)
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May 13, 2011

My dog chases cars and bikes and doesn’t come when called...?

I have an 11 month old female shepherd named Tasha. I have never owned a dog before and I've been very surprised at how much work she has been the entire time. At this point Tasha is not very trained and is in her adolescent stage. I've gotten very frustrated with her and I'm looking for your advise because I'm at my wits end now. First let me start by saying that I've not taken as much time with her as I'd imagine I should have. I am a mother of two girls and have only so much tim...
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