Obedience Q&As

April 29, 2011

I have some questions about using an electric collar, can you help?

Hello Cindy, First, thank you for the quality products and great DVDs you offer; we have purchased several items and have enjoyed everything we have bought. I have two questions pertaining to whining and digging. My GSD is not a big backyard digger, but he has seemed to find a few select locations where he likes to dig. We have not been able to catch him digging. Is this solvable with corrections or an E Collar? Can you recommend a solution? Lastly, both of our dogs are comp...
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April 29, 2011

Do you think it is a good idea to use an e-collar to house train a dog?

I had a few questions about e-collar training. Do you think it is a good idea to use an e-collar to house train a dog? Would you simply correct the dog with the collar when they are actually in the act of using the house to potty with a stern NO! command and then place them outside in the area they need to go potty (then reward when they do go in the right place)? I am figuring that this would teach the dog, if you go potty in the house, you will get a shock.
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April 29, 2011

One of our dogs is dominant aggressive and last year fought with our 10 year old GSD and caused her death. Would proper use of the electric collar resolve this?

Dear Mr. Frawley, Spoke with Ashley to order E-collar and she recommended I consult with you regard the proper equipment for the problem. The pack consist of 2 female GSD, 1 male GSD and 1 male Golden Retriever. The male GSD is Alpha and the 3 year old female is dominant and aggressive to the other 3 year old female. She is in a constant state of challenging and threatening but only to the other female. They have fought on numerous occasions. Her companion ty...
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April 29, 2011

I'm working with a successful trainer who started my dog at a 5 with the Dogtra when she worked with him. My understanding is to start low and then work your way up. Am I wrong?

Thank you so much for the information you put out there on training dogs. I have some of your dvds and I think they are very good. I have a question and hope you can answer this. I use a Tritronic e-collar for my dogs (all pitbulls or pit mixes). I visited with another trainer who owns a successful training business, is involved with schutzhund with her Malinois and she told me that she gives a stim when the dog does as she wishes, as well as when it does something that she doesn't...
75% (3 out of 4)
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April 28, 2011

How do I incorporate the pager into my electric collar training?

Hi Cindy, I just recently purchased Dogtra 282NCP Platinum e collar from Leerburg along with Cinch It Collars and Ed's DVD training for e collar. After watching the video I do not recall him mentioning the "pager button," maybe I missed it. How do I incorporate the "pager" into training, on the discussion board some users apply to recall. I have 2 soft GSDs that I am beginning to train for e collar, mostly to go on walks thru woods and open fields so I can control them not to chase de...
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April 28, 2011

My 185 lb dog is perfect on the leash except for when he sees another dog, and then he rips it out of my hand causing considerable pain and injury. How can I stop this?

My dog, Max walks perfectly on a leash. I can walk him for miles with one finger holding the leash, so he really is not a "puller." BUT... when he see's another dog, he goes crazy and rips the leash out of my hand, causing considerable pain and injury. The other dog and it's owner see this giant thing running towards them and they panic. I really need help with this problem. The last time I walked him was the day after Christmas. I didn't see the dog and Max took off after him and...
68% (36 out of 53)
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April 28, 2011

Will the electric collar work on a 2 year old GSD that goes ballistic at the front door whenever anyone knocks?

Hi Cindy, I got your catalog which shows your DVD about training with the e collar. My question is do you think this training would work for a 2 year old GSD who goes ballistic whenever anyone comes to the door? He is pretty much out of control with ferocious barking, jumping on the door, ignores me. He is not vicious, though he acts like he is, as he acts like a kitten when I open the door. This is embarrassing and I know it scares anyone who doesn't know him. I have an e collar b...
100% (2 out of 2)
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April 28, 2011

Did I make any mistakes in using the e-collar for too many different issues on day 1?

Hi Ed and Cindy, I have a question I haven't seen addressed on your website (even though it may very well be there) concerning what to expect from my dog after beginning e-collar corrections. I have a 9 mo old yellow labrador that we purchased at 8 wks of age. He is a really great dog and very smart. I started training basic commands as soon as we got him and he really likes training sessions. He took one obedience class for distractions. (I wish I had spent that $200.00 on ...
100% (11 out of 11)
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April 28, 2011

Does back yard play biting and chasing between my dog & my son’s dog contribute to more aggressive chasing?

Hi Cindy, I have just ordered the DVD on training with an E-collar and hopefully I'll be able to use that to answer part of my question. I have a well-trained yellow lab/husky mix (the dominant dog), and introduced my son's 1-1/2 year old stray (very little training) into my home. Both dogs are 60 pounds, get along well, but engage in chasing and play-biting behavior, running around and nipping at each other's necks and legs and mouthing each other. No one is getting hurt. Is this ...
67% (2 out of 3)
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April 28, 2011

My dog is showing an interest in chasing shadows, if I correct him for this will it ruin his drive?

Dear Ed/Cindy, First I would like to say that I love your website. I have bought several of your DVDs and products and have always been very satisfied. More important than just a supply store is that I have come to have a deep respect for your thoughts on dog training methods/philosophy (I read many of your eBooks, even the ones that don't really pertain to my situation). I even feed completely raw, and it has been great fun. So on with the problem. I have always grown up wi...
100% (12 out of 12)
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April 28, 2011

Is there a setting on my Tritronics electric collar that is dangerous for my 35 pound Border Collie?

Hello Cindy, I bought your DVD on e-collar training and loved it. Now comes the training, and I have a question. I am using the Tri-Tronics Sport Combo G3 collar for Becky, my 3 year old border collie, who weighs 35 pounds. I have set the collar intensity the way you suggested, and got her "look at the leg or ground" response at a very low setting, less than the number 1 on the dial, when she was relaxed in the house. Outdoors it was a different story when she was "focused" ...
100% (1 out of 1)
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April 28, 2011

I’ve had good results with the Dogtra 202 NCP with my small dogs, is there any reason I should not use it?

Hi, I have 2 dogs and will be getting another one soon. I purchased your video for e-collar and found it very interesting. Thing is I have a 20 pounds schnauzer and a 5 pounds poodle. I use the 202NCP GOLD on them and absolutely love it because it gives me a peace of mind to have them off leash on the trail I got to with them. I use the collar occasionally if they go after a dog even though I told them to come. I will soon be getting a 7-8 pounds yorkshire and am wonderin...
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April 28, 2011

My dog hid in the bushes after I used the electric collar the first time, did I completely screw this up?

Hi, I talked poor Donna's ear off, and she suggested I contact you for assistance. I am sorry this is so long, but I encountered a totally unexpected problem with the e-collar and am wondering if I can fix this or if I should just return it. Background: Raja is a male Doberman. He'll be two next month. He's a great, great dog. I'd done all the groundwork with him but I clearly messed up somewhere because we have two big problems: high prey drive and some self-control i...
80% (12 out of 15)
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April 28, 2011

Do you feel that my training warrants the use of this collar? Am I on the right page?

Hello, Thank you for your time, I have meant to thank prior for your website & information, but did not wish to take your valuable time. My question pertains to the e-collar I received yesterday, a dogtra 280ncp, & the video for training with such. In the video Ed speaks of minimums with alphabetic symbols, and as you know, this collar has numerical read-out. So, what # is a low stem to start testing with? Would it be 1? I also have two weeks before the answer will apply to my trai...
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April 28, 2011

My dog does fine when he is wearing an electric collar, but when I take it off he does not respond the same way. What did I did wrong or how can I improve the use of the collar?

Hi Cindy, My question regarding the electric collar is that I used on my dog (18 Months Pit bull) and he does fine when he is wearing it. He responds to commands but when I take it off he does not respond the same way. I got the video and collar from you can you advice what did I did wrong or how can I improve the use of the collar? Thank you. I love your news letters and web site. Adalberto
100% (7 out of 7)
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April 28, 2011

My dog killed one of our chickens today. Is it likely that we will be able to teach him to respect the chickens again? What do you think we should do?

We have a lot of chickens that are allowed to roam freely on our acreage. We got a dog last fall, and he is now about 8 months old. He is neutered, 1/4 miniature pinscher 3/4 jack russel. We had the original batch of chickens before we had the dog, and he treats them with respect, especially because the rooster chases him. We have a newer batch of half grown chickens that are more skittish. Unfortunately, he killed one of the small chickens today. We scolded him sharply, but I'm no...
100% (5 out of 5)
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April 28, 2011

I am wanting to purchase an electric collar for my Saint Bernard. Which model would you recommend for an 105 lb saint. He is 11 months old?

I am wanting to purchase an electric collar for my saint bernard. He gave me a huge scare last night when he refused to come when called after he slipped out the front door. I have conditioned him to wearing a long line, but he can still tell when it's off, and will completely disregard me and act like it's some kind of game when I call him. I'd like him to know that no matter where he is, I can reach him. It is frustrating, scary, and infuriating when he runs from me, and he won't respond to...
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April 28, 2011

I have a 1 year old Malinois. I want to make him neutral to other dogs and I wanted your advice on how to do this.

Hi Cindy, I love the newsletter I get. It's very informative. I have a question. I have a 1 year old Malinois. I want to make him neutral to other dogs and I wanted your advice on how to do this. I have several of the training videos already. His recall is good with the ecollar on and off but when there are dogs around he wants to go and play. Do you think this is because of his age? Some times I have to give him a little extra stim because he wants to play instead of returning rig...
97% (31 out of 32)
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April 28, 2011

What should I do if my dog does not really respond to a nick at a certain level but will respond to continuous on that same level? Does this mean that my level is too low?

I had a question about remote collar training. I have already conditioned my 7 month old female pitbull for the collar. My biggest question is, what should I do if my dog does not really respond to a nick at a certain level but will respond to continuous on that same level. Does this mean that my level is too low? Also when you use your dogtra 1900ncp, generally for a 7 month old dog what level do you use. I know that stem level does not have correlation with age, but I was just wondering...
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April 28, 2011

I am deciding between the Dogtra Electric Collar and the Tri-Tronic. What is the real difference? Do they not accomplish the same thing?

Mr. Frawley, Let me first commend you on such an informative and well thought out website. This website keeps me occupied for hours, I just flat out love it. I am new to dog training but have been around dogs for a while. I am a 20 year college student and I own a pit bull, but let's get back to that in a minute. I recently bought your e-collar DVD and I have purchased the Dogtra 1900 ncp collar (I got it because I saw it was one of your favorites on your web site. I have no...
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