Obedience Q&As

April 28, 2011

I adopted a 5 year old poodle who was allowed to sleep in bed with the previous owner. We want to stop this. When we put her in a crate she howls all night. What can we do?

Dear Mr. Frawley, I just adopted a 5 year old toy poodle. Her previous owner was an elderly single woman who kept her on her lap and had her sleep on her bed. She's a good dog. She gets along well with my 1 1/2 year old miniature poodle. My only problem is, how to get her to sleep in a crate and out of my bedroom. She connected with my husband and would love nothing more then to sleep in our bed. I managed to get her off my bed and onto a day bed but I rather she spen...
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April 28, 2011

I have a roommate who does not believe in strict obedience in dogs. I enforce my commands to my Rot. It has serious monster potential. How can I get through his thick he?

The issue at hand is my roommate and I have 2 different views of dog training. I see it like "the dog does what I say or deal with the consequences" and I can be rough. I don't mean to be rough but it has always produced good dogs in the past. His view is "let the dog do what it wants without consequences" when it involves others. He views it as good socializing and the dog will get better in time. We don't listen to each other re:dog training because we differ at the very basic philosoph...
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April 28, 2011

My rescue Greyhound snaps at me. What can I do?

I hope you don't mind questions. I have a dominant female Greyhound X. She is very dog aggressive and will bark and nip friends that visit on a hit and miss basis. We have done obedience classes and she is about 70% on sits and downs. Her stays are 20% and only with treats. I have no idea how to convince her. We got her from the pound a year ago and she is 6 years old. We let her sleep in the bed and she is less then 4 feet away when we eat. I like her sleeping with us. What should...
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April 28, 2011

My Beagle growls at me when he gets up on the SETTEE. What can I do?

We have a lovely 7 month old Beagle who is a great dog who loves other people and dogs and will willingly shares her toys and food. She is not allowed on the bed or settee but when she does get on there and we go to lift her off she growls quite badly her tail is underneath her and she has snapped. The only other time she does this is when she has something she shouldn't have i.e. a sweet wrapper, lolly stick or sock etc. We do have a young child and are not used to this sort of behavior (our...
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April 28, 2011

My 2-year old chow challenged me last night. We are considering starting a family and I am concerned about this dog. What can we do?

Dear Ed, I just finished reading some letters on your website and liked your answers. I have two dogs...one a chow/lab mix and one full blooded chow. The full blooded, Pride, lunged at me the other night and darn near scared me to death. We got him when he was six months old. We've had him for 1 1/2 years and he has never done this before. He growls a lot, but my husband says that is his way of talking. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don't. Anyway, my other dog had jumped up and ta...
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April 28, 2011

My male Jack Russell Terrier almost killed our new female puppy. What should we do?

Dear Mr. Ed Frawley: I found your website on the Internet, and I was hoping you would be willing to help with some advice or maybe a referral to someone who would be able to help us. I am sorry to say that we are having a problem with our Jack Russell Terriers. We have a 5-month-old male Jack Russell Terrier who we bought from a friend who bought him from a pet store called "Just Puppies." We have had our male dog for about 1.5 months. My husband bought me a 12-week-o...
67% (10 out of 15)
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April 28, 2011

My girlfriend has a rescue dog that has bit her twice. Her trainer advised her to Alpha Roll the dog to correct it’s aggressive tendencies. What do you recommend?

My girlfriend is sharing a house with 2 other girls. One of the girls owns the house, and she also owns a Vizla (a 3-year-old dog from a rescue). I understand the dog was abused by a prior owner. The dog has bitten the owner twice, once in the hand (about two weeks ago) and on both her cheeks (two days ago). After the first bite on the hand, the owner sought advice from a dog trainer that advised her to assert an alpha roll by ignoring the dog, not feeding it for a couple days, and then h...
83% (5 out of 6)
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April 28, 2011

Our 7 year old Rot won’t mind me and growled at my 2 year old. What should I do?

We have two dogs, a 7 1/2 year old female rottweiler mix (neutered) and a 7 year old male rottweiler (not neutered). We have had both since they were puppies and both were raised as outside dogs. The male is very dominating toward the female and will push her out of the way any time we try to pet her. He is also very aggressive towards our neighbor's dog (a toy poodle) and rushes the fence when it barks at him. He refuses to mind anyone but my husband and is therefore very difficult for m...
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April 27, 2011

Recommended My dog has started to shut down when I bring out the tug. What do you suggest I do?

Hi Cindy, Let me start by saying I love your website and the changes you made to the streaming videos are excellent. I have purchased various DVDs and equipment and thanks to you I have a very obedient and happy dog. I hope you can help me with a problem that just occurred with my 14 month old female GSD. She has good nerves and a wonderful temperament. She can go anywhere with me, experience different situations, meet other dogs and people without a single change in her behavior. She i...
100% (13 out of 13)
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April 26, 2011

Our 7 year old female attacked our new GS puppy and broke it’s jaw. What should we do?

I have a problem I hope you can help me with. I have a 7-year old female GSD and a 14 week old male GSD. About 4 weeks ago my 7-year old attacked the pup over a rawhide and broke his jaw. I normally don?t give my animals rawhide, but the pup has a biting/mouthing problem and this helped. (He was taken away from the mother at 3 weeks of age by the breeder with a bad injury and left at an emergency vet. That is where I adopted him). My female showed no signs of bite inhibitors during this i...
80% (4 out of 5)
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April 26, 2011

We have 2 Jack Russell Terriers who almost killed each other. What can I do?

I found the information on your website to be very helpful-particularly about dog fights. I have two male (neutered) Jack Russell Terriers. They have been together since one was 12 and the other was 8 weeks old. We initially questioned having two males-we had always heard that JRT's of the same sex would fight to the death if given the chance. But when we introduced the younger dog to the older one they immediately took to one another-the older one allowed the younger one to sleep in his ...
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April 26, 2011

My 6 year old lab/chow mix attacked my son today when I tried to put him in the crate. What can I do?

I have a 6-year-old lab/chow mix. He has always been a good dog, but not very obedient. Because of his behavior lately (eating food off counter, sleeping on couch) I locked him into my bedroom while at work. He destroyed my carpet trying to get out. So I went to the garage to retrieve the crate we used years ago for him. He refused to get into it, and when I tried to physically put him into the crate. He attacked me! It was much more than a snap, he grabbed hold of my arm, and star...
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April 26, 2011

Why are you against allowing dogs to live together in a pack situation?

I read a few of the pages on your sight about the case of the Rottweilers who killed the boy waiting for his school bus. I find it interesting that you are generally against a pack living situation for dogs. I'd like to hear your reasoning on this. Many thanks, Kristina
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April 26, 2011

Our Scottish Terrier pees on my husband’s leg. What should I do?

I am wondering if you can help us or tell us where to look for more information. Our Scottish Terrier, Angus, is 11 months old. He is a male and we also have two female Labrador Retrievers, one 6 years old and one 12 years old. Angus of late has urinated on his master twice now once when he was in his rubber boots and once when he was in moccasins. Needless to say my husband is not pleased. Is this a dominance issue or is he marking my husband. My husband does most of the fe...
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April 26, 2011

We have a dominant bitch who has recently started attacking other dogs while on our daily walks. Can this be corrected?

My husband and I acquired a Gordon setter from a breeder who told us that Indy was a dominant bitch and couldn't get along with other bitches. We have another older dog, which is a big friendly kind of guy. We had some problems with Indy immediately, but we did get her to get along with our older dog. Four months ago, Indy began snapping at other dogs while out on walks. In one instance, my husband was bitten as he tried to pull her off another dog. These incidents are escalating q...
100% (2 out of 2)
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April 26, 2011

My friend has a new baby and a 9 month old dog. The dog is getting nippy, what should she do?

I'm writing on behalf of my friend Candace. She has a nine-month-old neutered male GSD named Canaan. Canaan comes from a line of even-tempered shepherds and was raised with children. Candace did some obedience work with him, though he tends to not always listen to her as well as others. Candace had a baby five weeks ago. Although she did all the appropriate things to prepare Canaan for the baby, he has not adjust well. he is fine with the baby, but takes it out on Candace. He has grabbed at h...
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April 26, 2011

Should I Alpha Roll my 20 month old Rot who is snapping at me when I correct him?

I have a 20-month-old male Rott. Over the past few months he has been displaying aggressive behavior when corrected. What I mean by aggressive is growling, bearing of teeth, and just last night, he actually snapped at my hand as a warning, in my opinion. He is getting to where even a stern tone makes him pin his ears, and become defensive. Even growl. He listens to commands when growling though. I can put him in a down position, and he obeys. We have 2 children 3 and 8. Also when he is permit...
100% (3 out of 3)
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April 26, 2011

My dog, (who used to be friendly to everyone), has been teased by a co-worker. Now he is very protective. What can I do to make him friendly again?

I have a two-year-old Australian cattle dog that was given to me as an adult at one and a half years of age. He was such a loving dog when I got him, he liked everyone. I am a construction worker and took him to work with me to socialize him. He stayed in the back of the truck all day long and never got out as long as he could see me. He was a dog for everyone. Children use to play with him all day long. This guy at work started teasing him because he said he looks like he would bi...
100% (2 out of 2)
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April 26, 2011

I have a 10 month old Rot that always grabs the leash and acts threatening when I try to stop it. What should I do?

We have a male Rott that is ten months old, he has one annoying habit. When on the leash he will periodically bite at the leash and we have tried everything to try him to break this habit, he seems to do it to get something going and then he gets feisty and argumentative. If you try to use force, it gets worse. The Alpha roll does not seem to get it. He is better with my wife, he really tries to get something going with me. Looking for help, we would like to break him from this and we do ...
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April 26, 2011

My dog has recently taken a disliking to my husband. What should I do?

My 6-month-old Australian Shepherd is an extremely smart, responsive dog but has no use for my husband. I walk him everyday and I used to feed him. Since we noticed this problem my husband has begun to do all the feeding, and though the dog is nicer to him he won't leave the house with him or play with him. Thanks for any help you can give us. Kathleen
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