Obedience Q&As

January 13, 2014

I'm not sure if a prong collar or an ecollar is the best choice for our situation. What do you think?

We have 3 male dogs. We have purchased your DVDs and learned SO much information on those and through your website. (Apparently we did a lot wrong in the past but we are moving forward thanks to you.) We feel your information isn't mainstream enough and that everyone who gets a dog should watch your DVDs. We would like to get a prong and then e-collar for our 10-month lab/coon dog mix, Duke (he's one of two we recently rescued). We don't feel clear on if we should get a prong collar, and how ...
100% (6 out of 6)
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January 2, 2014

Recommended My dog & I are in training for our CDX and until recently his sits have been straight and beautiful. He has started sitting crooked and repetition has not helped fix this. Do you have any input?

My Terrier and I are training for a CDX. He had a beautiful, straight sit until recently. He has started tucking his fanny almost behind my left heel. If I say "sit straight," he corrects his position. Repetition has not helped eliminate the problem. I use only positive training methods and basically no corrections. Repetition solved our previous errors, but not with his curled sit. What am I doing wrong? Thanks a million for your input,
93% (14 out of 15)
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December 30, 2013

I'm considering teaching my dog commands in another language to help her focus more. What's your take on this, and what languages are on the top of the list as far as tone and sharpness to consider?

Good morning, As always, all your reply emails help us make our pup a better pet and working dog. First I would like to say that the idea of a Leerburg University sounds great. For folks like my wife and I, I think it will beat having to purchase DVDs. On another note, I have a question about verbal commands. I'm aware some choose to teach their dogs in multiple languages. I was in search of another language for my verbal commands as I feel my dog doesn't always know we are talking t...
100% (6 out of 6)
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December 16, 2013

I learned the 'European methods' of working dog training in my early years, and now reading the articles and seeing the videos of your methods of dog training, I need help in how to fix the bond damage caused by them. How can I correct/mend/repair my relationship with the dogs?

I learned the "European methods" of working dog training in my early years, and now reading the articles and seeing the videos of your methods of dog training, I need help in how to fix the bond damage caused by them. I had learned from trainers I observed to use the leash end as a whip. If the dog doesn't respond to a command, you issue a "correction" lash to their behind and then repeat the command. I respected these trainers and they had great dogs, and even though I didn't like this metho...
89% (8 out of 9)
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December 10, 2013

I hike with my dog off leash. If I don't get him when we approach another dog, he runs at them and barks. He doesn't listen to me when I tell him to come. Is this because he doesn't look at me as Alpha? Any ideas?

Hi Ed & Cindy, I have a 2-year old GSD. When I hike with him and there is an approaching dog, I immediately put him on leash. If I don't get him in time, he runs up barking and carrying on. If the other dog doesn't take kindly to this, my dog will run back to me, but if the other dog runs, he will chase and run it into the ground. He won't bite, but I want to correct this. I usually walk the other way and call him and he eventually comes. Is this because he doesn't look at me as Alpha? If ...
100% (33 out of 33)
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December 6, 2013

Recommended Why does your webpage say that you think neutering is bad for a dog's health? Shame on you!

Why on earth does your page say that you think neutering is bad for a dog's health? Suggesting to owners that they shouldn't neuter is totally irresponsible given the global problem of strays and unwanted pets being put to sleep. There is a dog welfare crisis in every country which isn't helped by this kind of misguided advice. Breeders likewise are responsible for much of this overpopulation and owners should be encouraged to adopt a rescue dog rather than buy from someone who's purely profi...
95% (78 out of 82)
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December 6, 2013

I'm training my dog in competitive obedience and he has always listened very well until recently encountering a female coming into season. It ruined our entire training session. Can you advise any training tips to help with this problem?

Hello, I recently started in competitive obedience training with my 5 year old Doberman. He is intact and has never been a problem other than being a very high energy dog. I am very intune with him, watch his every move esp. when we're out and about. He listens very well inhouse and while off leash on our runs through the woods. My problem is that he was doing very well in obedience class until he encountered a female coming in season. His nose was on the mats and being 95 lbs, I could ha...
100% (1 out of 1)
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December 6, 2013

My trainer and I disagree on using markers while teaching nosework. What are your thoughts?

My question concerns rewarding for an odor 'find' during NW. I am having a disagreement w/nosework trainer who is certified in NW, but does not have an obedience training background. My dog is conditioned to my verbal marker, and when I give it he instantly knows he's giving the correct behavior, and that he can expect a food or toy reward momentarily. Per my trainer, we are not to give direction to the dog during NW practice, but she apparently believes this includes verbally marking the wan...
100% (5 out of 5)
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December 2, 2013

Would you recommend training a dog for explosive detection after it failed out of a narcotic detection course?

Would you recommend training a dog for explosive detection after it failed out of a narcotic detection course? And if so, what could we do to ensure he is no longer alerting on narcotics?
95% (19 out of 20)
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October 29, 2013

Recommended How do I get my dog to bring the tug back to me after I let him have it?

Thanks for a great informative site! With that said I have the DVDs on The Power of Playing Tug with Your Dog and The Power of Training Your Dog with Food. I have a 6 month old GSD I am training for Schutzhund. When I tug back and forth for a bit and then let him have the tug, he runs away with the tug and is possesive of it. I tried putting a leash on him, and giving him small pops back to me, but Michael Ellis, in the video, was telling the trainers not to do that. How do I get the dog...
91% (10 out of 11)
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October 24, 2013

Recommended I've been working engagement training for 2 months and my dog whines a lot. Should I correct him for this?

Ed/Cindy, I have worked for past 2 months using your "engagement" methods, which I feel is the right way to train. But my 17 month, high energy male lab mix whines far too often that is very disappointing. He whines in the house, he whines when we visit neighbors while he is on leash, he whines on walks on leash. Is it still all about "engagement"? To date, I have not really corrected his whining, although I really feel like some very hard corrections is what is needed, is it? I use a ...
100% (7 out of 7)
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October 10, 2013

Recommended How do I wean a dog from a raised target or touch pad to a flat target?

Hi Cindy! Wondering if there are any videos or instructions on how to wean a dog from a raised target to a flat target? I am using raised target for an easily aroused dog in agility with good success, however am struggling with the transition to a more flat target. Maybe I am just transitioning too quickly to a lower target?? Thank you for your valuable information. Take care.
100% (11 out of 11)
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October 4, 2013

Recommended I'm having a lot of fun training my dog with your marker DVD. Will he be as responsive if we're out and about and I don't have a treat with me or he's not hungry?

I am having tons of fun training our Vizsla with your Marker training video. He responds very well to it. I am concerned though about the "end-game." Will he be as responsive if we're out and about, and I don't happen to have a treat with me, and his hunger drive is low? I am wondering if we're building in an expectation for him, to always have food, which is logistically difficult. Thanks for your opinion.
96% (26 out of 27)
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September 24, 2013

I hired a trainer to help with distraction training and he created a bad experience with the ecollar. What do you think of what happend?

I have a Brittany rescue that I've had for about 4 1/2 years. She's well trained in the house and yard but gets very distracted outside. I had thought about trying an electronic collar but when I first got her I stupidly hired a trainer recommended by the rescue people. He was trying to get her to come and was working quickly and somewhat roughly with her. He took her to a conservation area down the street after a quick session in the yard with an e-collar. She didn't come when he called her ...
100% (8 out of 8)
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September 24, 2013

Your electric collar training methods worked great for me!

Hi Cindy and Ed.?I have approximately 6 or 7 of your DVDs and two of them are on remote collar training. I couldn't be happier with the knowledge and information you have given me via your DVDs. I have 3 rescue dogs that had some serious "barrier frustration" issues with fences. First and foremost: my dogs are exercised daily, have good obedience and live with in routine. However, they would get so worked up w/?various dogs on the?opposite?side of?the fence that they would often demonstrate r...
100% (2 out of 2)
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September 24, 2013

Recommended I started the raw diet about a month ago and my dogs are doing well except that they eat very fast & swallow their food whole. Is there any way to get them to slow down?

I have 2 huskies, one is 10 months old and the other is 2 months. I started feeding them raw chicken necks and backs about a month ago and they took to it well, but they eat it too fast. They're eating the necks whole without chewing and they can down 3 necks in matter of seconds. Any way to get them to slow down?
86% (6 out of 7)
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September 11, 2013

Recommended I recently switched my dogs to a raw diet and they are itching. Could they be allergic to chicken?

Cindy, I recently switched my 2 GSDs (a male, 3 years old & a female, 10 months) to a raw diet. It's been 3 weeks now. I have no issues w/poop, etc. Both love it. My 3 year old's teeth are already white again! And his coat is softer & shinier. I feel pretty confident in my meal prep, but I do have a question? Have you heard of dogs being allergic to chicken? I ask, because both are scratching like crazy, especially at night. Today I remembered that when I got the male, the breeder had ...
100% (6 out of 6)
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August 27, 2013

Recommended I recently switched my dogs to a raw diet and they are itching. Could they be allergic to chicken?

Cindy, I recently switched my 2 GSDs (a male, 3 years old & a female, 10 months) to a raw diet. It's been 3 weeks now. I have no issues w/poop, etc. Both love it. My 3 year old's teeth are already white again! And his coat is softer & shinier. I feel pretty confident in my meal prep, but I do have a question? Have you heard of dogs being allergic to chicken? I ask, because both are scratching like crazy, especially at night. Today I remembered that when I got the male, the breeder had him...
83% (5 out of 6)
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August 13, 2013

Recommended I was doing the OUT command with the tug and my dog was chewing the tug. He wouldn't release and chewed on my hand so I grabbed the tug and smacked him on the head, now he shies away from the tug. What can I do?

Hi, I have received the 2 DVD from your site (train with food and play with tug). I just need some quick advice. I was doing the "out" command with my dog, but he was chewing the tug toy. I narrowed and clamped closer to the muzzle, I said no. But he continue to chew, I was holding it really still. Then, he start to chew on my knuckle (hand), I said no and he continue. This happened a few times and finally today (my hand got cut and bled), the chewing got so painful and I grabbed the...
94% (16 out of 17)
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August 1, 2013

Recommended My obedience dog moves his feet and scoots sideways during group sit stays. This started after another dog went after him. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Hi, I am having a small problem with my Obedience dog that, I don't want to become a big problem. During sit stays he is moving his front feet to the point that he "ooches" sideways. This is my Novice A dog... presently we are working toward our CDX title. This started after a dog went for him. I have been working with "safe dogs," but still moves. I have been to two seminars with Michael Ellis and bought all of his DVDs and numerous other products from Leerburg. Any suggestions you have w...
100% (5 out of 5)
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