Obedience Q&As

January 24, 2013

Recommended Which videos should I order to begin training with my puppy? Also, in regards to training with food and the e-collar, do you do one or the other or can you combine the two?

Hello Cindy, My name is Mark, I have a wife and two girls (9 and 14) and I want to purchase another German Shepherd towards the end of 2013. My last Shepherd was killed some 12 years ago and it was hard to recover from that but it is now time to get a son back in my life. My last Shepherd had some basic command obedience schooling but now I want more training and protection skills for my future boy now that I have a new wife and step children. I want them to understand the rules and role o...
100% (2 out of 2)
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January 10, 2013

Recommended Do you have any info on teaching a dog to respect the road and avoid cars?

Hi Ed and Cindy, Do you have any articles or other info on teaching dog to respect road/cars or to avoid cars? As a child, my family lost 2 dogs to road and one other injured. Thanks
100% (17 out of 17)
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January 7, 2013

Recommended My dog has a bad hip, can I still play tug with him? Is playing tug hard on the joints?

Cindy, I'm interested in purchasing The Power of Playing Tug to help grow my training with my cattle dog. However, he is 7 years old, had been in an accident with his previous owner, and has a somewhat bad hip. I was wondering if playing tug is hard on the joints? Thank you! Ellen
100% (7 out of 7)
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January 3, 2013

Recommended If I purchase a digital streamed video do I have access to it forever? Can I then access it from my iPad and iPhone, correct?

Hi, If I purchase a digital streamed video do I have access to it forever? Can I then access it from my iPad and iPhone, correct? Thank you for your time.
100% (38 out of 38)
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December 28, 2012

Recommended When I’m walking my puppy and it’s time to turn for home he plants himself and refuses to budge. Using marker training methods do I correct him, drag him, lure him, formally call him, or what? I don’t want to have a fear motivated dog, what should I do?

My wife and I have an 18 week old Bull Mastiff (our last dog was also a BM). We have had him for 8 weeks. We purchased your video on puppies from 8 weeks to 8 months as well as Michael's video on training with food. We also have your Basic Obedience video. All of which are excellent. I have watched and re-watched. Today I ordered Michael's Recall, Tugging and Motivation videos. I read your eBook on marker training and totally agree with the concept and have been trying to apply the principle...
75% (6 out of 8)
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December 26, 2012

Recommended My dog is motivated in training but when I get to a trial she sniffs and looks away. It looks like she has no motivation in the ring. Do you have any pointers?

Hello, I do obedience training with my 3 year old springer. When I practice with her she is very motivated and does what I ask. I am in open A CKC. When I go to a trial, she is in her own world and does not cooperate and sniffs and looks away. I have just purchased the Michael Ellis DVD Focused Heeling. I have practiced this a week and I do see an improvement. How long does this take, I practice a little every day? It almost looks that she is not motivated when I go in the ring? Do y...
80% (4 out of 5)
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December 5, 2012

Recommended I have an 11 week old GSD puppy from strong working lines and he's very smart and catches on to things quickly. I'm interested in training him to be a good companion and personal protection dog, which videos would you recommend? You have so many, I'm a little confused on where to start.

I have a 11 week old GSD that comes from strong working lines. So far he's one of the best puppies I've ever had. Super smart and catches on to everything very fast. I see you have a ton of videos... And I'm interested in purchasing whatever ones I need, but I'm a little confused on where to start. I was thinking your video "Establishing Pack Structure with Your Puppy." I did notice he's a little more "nippy than other puppies I've had." Can you recommend the videos I should start wi...
100% (7 out of 7)
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November 20, 2012

Recommended My dog tries to follow us when we leave our gated estate. Do you have any ideas on what we could do to stop this behavior?

Hello, We are a British couple living in Thailand and we own a Thai Dog. We've had him since he was 10 weeks old and he is now 9 months old. After reading up on Thai dog breeds we learned that they are a very stubborn breed of dog and fail to acknowledge commands at times. We live on a gated estate where he is free to run around all day with his brothers and sisters but when he sees us leave the estate he tries to follow us down the road. (The entrance to the estate is on a blind corner to...
71% (5 out of 7)
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November 12, 2012

Recommended When my 10 week old pup is playing with other dogs she gets really wound up and we have to hold her down or grab her by the scruff to make her listen. She screams and tries to bite when we do this and it can take a long time before she settles down. How do I calm her down so she doesn't feel like she needs to bite? She doesn't bite in any other situation & I don't like scaring her.

Hello! I have a 10 week old female lab (born Aug 26th). When she is playing hard with other dogs and I need her to calm down and listen I try to stop her by holding her back, or grabbing the scruff of her neck. Sometimes she will stop other times when she is really wound and I stop her by getting a hold of the scruff of her neck and pick her up by the scruff of her neck she will twist around and snap at me or my husband. We pick her up and hold her in that position close to our bodies unti...
100% (3 out of 3)
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November 6, 2012

Recommended How do I get my high food drive GSD puppy to except food reward more gently?

How do I get my high food drive GSD puppy to except food reward more gently?
40% (2 out of 5)
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November 1, 2012

Recommended My 6 month old puppy tears up everything in my back yard. I’ve tried spanking him, hollering at him, and tieing him up as a time out but he escapes from collars & harnesses. Please help!

I saved a starved, mixed breed, 8 week old puppy out of a ditch about 4 months ago. Now he's a healthy 40lb, 6 1/2 month old, super smart dog. He can sit, fetch, shake, high five, lay down all kinds of things. He would be such a smart, obedient, well behaved dog, if I could get him to STOP tearing up EVERYTHING! He is an outside (half Acre to play on in the country guarded by a wireless pet safe fence) dog with my 4 year old, rescued Bull Mastiff female, who doesn't tear anything up. He is pl...
63% (29 out of 46)
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October 26, 2012

Recommended Is there ever a time you would use low value food in training?

Hi Ed & Cindy, I am new to training and have an awesome 3 year old GSD. I have recently purchased The Power of Training Your Dog with Food DVD and had a question concerning treats. It mentions using treats that your dog considers high value. I see a big reaction with my Shepherd with hot dogs, so I have begun using them starting this training. My question is, is there ever a time you would go back to lower value treats during training? Or do you always use what would be a high value reward...
96% (22 out of 23)
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October 18, 2012

Recommended I am thinking about purchasing some tugs for my 4 month old. Which tug would you recommend?

Hi Cindy, Thank you in advance for your advice. I very much appreciate the help. I have a 4 month old border collie/aussie and I am thinking about purchasing some tugs for her to play with. She loves to chase a long rope and catch the end of it, and she is very quick, but it is hard to get her to out the toy. Would you recommend using the furry fleece tug (she loves furry animal toys), the synthetic puppy tug or the leather puppy tug? Thank you.
100% (7 out of 7)
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October 16, 2012

Recommended I’ve been using the ecollar for recalls and for sit stays, my dog now sits and stays when I nick him with the collar. Any advice?

I am training a Redbone Coonhound. While working on obedience, he is responsive to the "here" command but is easily distracted by other dogs. Using an ecollar gets his attention and he will come most of the time. Lately, and quite often, he gets confused with the ticks from the e-collar when he hears the "here" command and gets a correction. This repeats several times. He sits and stays, I call "here" and he stays. I have to bend down and say okay go or praise him. I have probably been too co...
100% (2 out of 2)
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October 9, 2012

Recommended Can a dog get a blockage from raw chicken legs?

Can a dog get a blockage from raw legs? Someone I know has fed raw for years and her 10 year old male just got sick and died. Vet said it was a bowel blockage? I started feeding this way and now am concerned.
100% (6 out of 6)
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September 19, 2012

I would like to do this to increase motivation during training. Is it OK to only feed the dog once a day, instead of 2 times a day?

Hello everyone at Leerburg! I feed my 2 1/2 year old doberman female raw (and kibble once in a while, due to limited storage capacity in our little house). The question is: is it OK to only feed the dog once a day, instead of 2 times a day? She is about 80 pounds and I feed her about 2.5-3 pounds of raw. Would it be too hard to digest all at once? I would like to do this to increase motivation during training. She is a crazy bitter and she loves tugging but at times I need to use f...
100% (5 out of 5)
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September 14, 2012

Recommended I have been working on the retrieve and the send away and now when I throw the dumbbell, my female runs out and touches it (like the send away) and wants to come back for her tug reward without the dumbbell. Any input would be appreciated.

Hi Cindy, I have several Michael Ellis DVDs purchased from Leerburg and really enjoy them. My problem is I have been working on the retrieve and send away (Michael Ellis way)?but recently, when I tell my female to "bring" the dumbell, she thinks all she has to do is go out and touch it (like in the send away) and come back for a tug reward. She was doing good until now. I think I will quit working the send away until she gets the retrieve down better but I am looking for help to solve ...
100% (18 out of 18)
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August 31, 2012

Recommended How do you introduce a puppy to a flock of chickens?

Cindy, I have a client who just purchased a super nice male pup from us. They have 25-30 chickens and want to introduce him to the chickens... What would you suggest as the best way to do this? Thanks in advance.
100% (7 out of 7)
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August 24, 2012

How much exercise can a 5-month-old puppy handle?

Hi Cindy, All my training and rehab experience has been with dogs over eight months. I have the opportunity to add a 5-month-old working Malinois to our pack. My question regards standardized leash work and pack walks. We walk twice daily on average, a minimum 3.5 miles or 7 miles daily. With a pup under eight months, how much walking exercise can they handle? Not ruining growth plates, or hips in early development? I need advice on daily exercise.
100% (10 out of 10)
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August 9, 2012

Recommended Can you tell me how you set up your training sessions?

Cindy, Can you tell me how you set up your training sessions? For example, do you work on only one exercise at a time? Do you go over learned behaviors and then teach new behaviors? As a trainer, I do the familiar exercises, then the new stuff, then go back to an exercise the dog does really well, so we can end on a positive note. How do you set up your sessions? How long do they run? How many minutes do your sessions run? How frequently? 7 days a week? 5? 3? Thank you for your input.
72% (18 out of 25)
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