Obedience Q&As

July 26, 2013

Recommended My question is about your food based reward system. Do your dogs ever behave like normal dogs or are they always staring at you? I'd like a dog that understands to be attentive when it's time to work but isn't staring at me 24/7.

Hi Cindy, I'm getting an 8 week old Malinois in about a month (just purchased your Ex-Pen the other day). It will be my first working/protection dog. Although I don't possess near the training experience you have, I've trained 2 Chesapeake Bay Retrievers to Master Hunter in NAHRA as well as 2 German Shorthair Pointers that ran in field trials. These were (and 2 still are) my own personal dogs. I realize some aspects of this training are different from the breeds I've worked with, but I'm l...
100% (5 out of 5)
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July 18, 2013

Recommended We have 3 dogs in our house and a friend is moving in with their dog. Our oldest dog and the youngest dog keep trying to pick fights with our friend's dog. How can we prevent this?

We have 3 dogs in our house and a friend is moving in with their dog. Our oldest dog and the youngest dog (golden retriever and chihuahua) keep trying to pick fights with our friend's dog. How can we prevent this? My mom tries punishing them, but I know that there is a better way.
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June 26, 2013

Recommended How do you get a dog to settle down in the house when you aren't training? My dog paces and whines in the house, I can't find the off switch.

Cindy, I have had a few high drive GSD. Great dogs, except when we are in the home relaxing. I am relaxing but the dog is pacing and whining. He never seems to be able to turn it off. I was not able to ever find his "off" switch. Can you help me with some ideas or make a DVD on how to turn your dog off when you are not working? Think there is a need for us novice dogsters. Thanks
95% (18 out of 19)
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June 10, 2013

Recommended I'm training my dog for competition obedience and he is trained through utility. He anticipates recalls when my back is turned and breaks when I leave, putting him back in place makes him worse. Do you have any ideas?

I own a golden retriever that has been trained through utility but is not ring ready. He is a high boy that anticipates his recalls when my back is turned. He fidgets at the set up point and explodes when I walk across the expanse of the ring. Putting him back into place only makes this much worse. Any ideas? Thank you
100% (3 out of 3)
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May 31, 2013

Recommended As my puppy gets older I'm finding it harder to get engagement with food. He's gotten to the point where he's not even interested in steak. Do you have any advice?

Thanks for taking the time to read this email. Your previous responses to my questions have really helped. I just finished placing my order for some training videos; retrieve, tug, puppy bite work, and some equipment. I have a question regarding engagement. I have been training my dog with Michael Ellis' The Power of Training Dogs with Food. It has been a few months now and my pup is doing great. My problem, I have noticed, is that it is harder to keep his engagement with food. Befor...
100% (21 out of 21)
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May 22, 2013

Recommended I was wondering what you guys think of using one certain piece of equipment just for nosework that tells the dog when you wear this you are working. I've heard guide dog and tracking people say that they only use a particular harness when the dog is working and they get the idea that when they put that one thing on it's time to go to work. What do you think?

Hi Cindy!! Well, Dexter loves his walkeez harness!! I may have to get one or two more in different colors!! :) We just started in nosework--we've had two whole classes! I was wondering what you guys think of using one certain piece of equipment just for nosework (say a particular collar or harness) that tells the dog "when you wear this you are working." I've heard guide dog and tracking people say that they only use a particular harness when the dog is working and they get the idea tha...
100% (10 out of 10)
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April 18, 2013

Recommended We have consulted with 3 trainers about training our aggressive 9 month old dog. Two of them said that you should not use food for training as it increases dominant behavior in dogs. Can you give us some advice?

Cindy, I have recently purchased the videos "dominant and aggressive dogs" and "ecollar training" from your site. I have a 9 month old alpha female doberman and a 4 year old Golden Retriever. The doberman shows handler aggression, aggression towards our golden retriever and toward her bones/toys. I have watched both videos and we have implemented the back to basics approach where we ignore the dog for 2 weeks, keep her on a leash with us in the house at all times, removed all of the t...
85% (11 out of 13)
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April 17, 2013

Recommended When I play tug with my 9 week old GSD pup he humps after winning the towel. Is this a worry?

I have a 9 week old male pup from strong working lines. had him a week. Really super, level headed, drives that us working folk are looking for. One snag though. When playing with a towel, rag, old shirt, he has started humping it? after winning it. Is this a worry, what action should I take. So far I distract him and continue the game. I'm following Micheal Ellis systems on training. Would appreciate some sort of guide.Thanks
83% (5 out of 6)
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April 12, 2013

We have consulted with 3 trainers about training our aggressive 9 month old dog. Two of them said that you should not use food for training as it increases dominant behavior in dogs. Can you give us some advice?

Cindy, I have recently purchased the videos "dominant and aggressive dogs" and "e collar training" from your site. I have a 9 month old alpha female Doberman and a 4 year old golden retriever. The Doberman shows handler aggression, aggression towards our golden retriever and toward her bones/toys. I have watched both videos and we have implemented the back to basics approach where we ignore the dog for 2 weeks, keep her on a leash with us in the house at all times, removed all of the toys...
100% (5 out of 5)
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April 11, 2013

Recommended I've had a few high drive GSDs, great dogs but they can't seem to relax in the house. I was never able to find the off switch. Do you have a DVD about this?

Cindy, I have had a few high drive GSD. Great dogs, except when we are in the home relaxing. I am relaxing but the dog is pacing and whining. He never seems to be able to turn it off. I was not able to ever find his "off" switch. Can you help me with some ideas or make a DVD on how to turn your dog off when you are not working? Think there is a need for us novice dogsters. Thanks
97% (31 out of 32)
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April 11, 2013

Recommended My dog is ball obsessed, she will never spit it out. Nothing works. Can you help?

I have a female pit bull, spayed, I've had her since she was 5 weeks old, she was born at the shelter and I'm a failed foster! She is now 3 years, went to puppy classes, obedience, agility, she is a phenomenal dog and I could probably take her on to do anything I chose to do with her as she is just that smart and obedient. That is until it comes to her tennis balls. She is so ball driven, and uses that as her reward system instead of food. This dog has no food drive whatsoever. Only ball driv...
54% (110 out of 203)
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March 29, 2013

Recommended My dog pays too much attention to the neighbor dogs behind the fence and he won't come when I call him. I need to work on his recall, do you have any suggestions? Do you recommend a tug toy?

I have a 2 year old (65 lbs) Belgian Malinois. Have had trouble with him fence fighting. He pays too much attention to the dogs behind the fence because they are barking at him. I need to work on his recall. I have been working with someone that has me putting him on a long line and calling him when he starts to get too close to the fence. I was watching some of your videos on YouTube and I saw the restrained recall with the tug toy. Is there a video you recommend to learn more about the reca...
100% (13 out of 13)
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March 18, 2013

Recommended I have some questions after watching the new Power of Training with Food.

Hi Cindy, I just finished watching the new training dogs with food video with Michael Ellis. Owning the old and the new, I found the new one to be considerably better - good job Leerburg! I do have one question, which was highlighted after watching the new one (I thought I understood it before watching the new one). At the end of the video, Michael talks about reward schedules. He gives a few examples, all of which skip the marking - he simply just gestured like he was giving a relea...
100% (3 out of 3)
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March 15, 2013

Recommended Your newsletter videos don't play well for me, but one of your recent ones did. Is there any way your videos could be done in a YouTube format?

Hi Cindy, Your newsletters are always very informative and helpful. However, I have been unable to play your videos without constant stopping and stuttering until you sent out this video which played perfectly on my computer. I can always play YouTube videos without a problem and other videos sent to me. 1. Could you please send out videos that play like the 'A Good Explanation of IPO'? 2. Could your newsletter video clips be in a YouTube type format? We live in the country in Ontar...
100% (3 out of 3)
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March 7, 2013

I am feeding my two German Shepherds a raw meat-only diet. I would just like to check this is healthy. Should I be varying their diet more is it ok to only feed them raw beef?

Hey guys, I am feeding my two German Shepherds a raw meat-only diet. I would just like to check this is healthy. Should I be varying their diet more is it ok to only feed them raw beef? Any help would be great. Thanks Ed and Cindy, and keep up the great work you are doing at Leerburg.
92% (11 out of 12)
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March 7, 2013

Recommended My 10 month old puppy is on a raw diet and kibble but he has a lot of gas and seems constipated. Do you have any ideas?

I have a 10 month old Greyhound puppy who is on a raw diet much to the chagrin of my vet. I have two questions, he has a very hard time having a bowel movement and is very gassy. He gate chicken backs, veggies and some fruit, I also give him flak seed oil as his skin is quite dry. I have been giving him about 2 cups of kibble and has helped with the constipation but I am wondering if that is why he is so gassy. Thank you in advance
100% (11 out of 11)
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March 5, 2013

Recommended Is it a bad idea to teach my 17 week old puppy to play tug or do some Schutzhund protection if I don't plan on working with a helper?

Hello, First, my wife and I wanted to thank you for providing us the information in Your Puppy 8 Weeks to 8 Months DVD and Obedience training DVD for setting us up with a wonderfully trained dog for life. The training has been fun and rewarding, so rewarding we are debating on doing more. We have a high drive doberman that just turned 17 weeks old yesterday. I have been interested in protection work and Schutzhund competition but we don't have any good trainers locally. Also, I am not su...
100% (13 out of 13)
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February 22, 2013

Recommended Can you give me some tips on how to get my dog to lay down faster?

Hi, Can you give me some advice on how to get a faster 'down'? When I ask my dog to down, he is willing but always goes down really slowly. Do you have any tips to make it a bit snappier? He is a 16 month old Malinois with low/medium drive for the breed. Thanks
92% (11 out of 12)
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February 6, 2013

Recommended I have a 17 and a half week old German Shepherd pup. What supplements would you recommend I need to purchase to add to his raw diet?

Hello Ed & Cindy, I have a now 17 and a half week old German Shepherd pup (from working lines) & wish to ask you guys exactly what supplements you would please recommend I need to purchase to add to his raw diet? Many thanks
100% (4 out of 4)
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February 1, 2013

Recommended Can I give my puppy (who is learning marker training) a treat at an odd time without saying YES? In other words, Does she have to hear the word YES come out of my mouth before she receives a treat?

Hi Cindy, I'm training my 12 week old F Malinois using marker training and it's working great. I've purchased the bait bag from you that I have clipped on at all times. I'm doing a ton of engagement with her (eye contact) and she's focusing on me for up to 5 seconds before I say "YES," pause, and reward her with food (hotdogs) or a toy reward. I haven't began incorporating any commands, but that's just around the corner. My question is: Can I give my puppy (who is learning marker traini...
100% (27 out of 27)
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