Puppy Training Q&As

December 16, 2013

Our new puppy hates all men. He seems very fearful of them. We've also had some problems with him going to the bathroom in the house. What can we do?

Hi, I have a question on our new puppy...his name is Toby and is 9 months old. We recently got him free from another family. He's a great dog, just having small issues with him. #1 and main issue, he hates all males (human). He can't stand my boyfriend (he lives with me) and this is from when we picked him up. He shakes uncontrollably with fear, barks, howls, growls and will even bite him when he goes to pet him, walks in from work, is anywhere around. We've tried giving him treats when he...
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November 26, 2013

Recommended A prominent dog trainer told me that if a female dog trainer raised a male puppy for him it would cause problems later when the puppy comes back to live with the male owner. Have you heard of this?

Hi Cindy, A prominent dog trainer recently said that if a male owner who had a male puppy he couldn't raise himself the first few months of the puppy's life, has the puppy raised by a female, this would cause later problems when the puppy comes back to live with the male owner He said that if she raised a female puppy for the male owner, there would be no such issue He said that if a male raised a puppy for the male owner, there would be no such issue regardless of whether the puppy is a m...
100% (11 out of 11)
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November 15, 2013

Recommended I am puppy sitting for a Rottweiler puppy & he's very nice until you pick him up and try to cuddle him. He has quite a temper and tried to bite my face. Are these signs of an aggression problem?

Hi Cindy, I am watching a 12 week old Rottweiler puppy and he is the cutest little guy. He loves to play and seems like a very nice puppy until you pick him up to try to cuddle him. He displays quite a little temper and becomes aggressive. He tried to bite my face. This does not come across as playing as his personality changes to a mean streak. He means business. If I didn't dodge the bite, there is no doubt he might have bit me hard. As much as I like him, I wonder if these are sig...
100% (36 out of 36)
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November 12, 2013

We have 2 four month old puppies and the Golden Retriever is beating up on the Cavalier. Help!

I didn't read your article to not get 2 puppies at one time. Now that it is to late we have a female Golden Retriever and a male Cavalier both about 4 months. we have had them for 1 month and potty training is pretty good we do have the occasional accident. Our big problem is the Golden is beating up on the Cavalier. We have tried putting her in her crate when she starts, we have tried loud noises and spraying water but to no avail. We can't let either one go as they both have physical proble...
100% (4 out of 4)
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November 1, 2013

What are some suitable, stimulating toys to leave with my puppy?

Hi, I've just brought my 8 week old GSD home. He will be left alone for 4 hours each day. Just wanted advice on suitable, stimulating toys. I have stocked up on chews, etc. Thanx
100% (2 out of 2)
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October 22, 2013

Recommended My house trained dog has started urinating on our bed. Is this a dominance issue? What should I do?

Hello, My otherwise very sweet, well-behaved and house trained cavalier puppy (9 months) has started urinating on our bed frequently. Especially when I'm washing the sheets and the duvet and mattress are bare. She is crated during the night but is allowed in the bed for snuggles. I've ruled out medical issues as she seems fine the rest of the time. Is this a dominance issue? What should we do? Thanks
100% (9 out of 9)
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October 10, 2013

Recommended We have a new adult dog and she is wonderful except that she poops in the house. It’s gotten to the point that we walk her straight inside to her crate. That’s no life for a dog, please help.

Hi, I have a female two year old Daschund that we rescued from another owner. She is a wonderful dog and gets along with my other two dogs. The problem is that she poops in the house. She will pee outside no problem but for some reason, as soon as she enters the house, she will poop on the carpet. We don't have a fenced yard so we take her out on a leash, many times a day. It has gotten to the point that we walk her straight from the door to her crate. That is no life for a dog. Please help!!
100% (6 out of 6)
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October 10, 2013

Recommended Is it ok to let our new poodle puppy sleep in our bedroom in his crate his first few nights?

Hi Cindy! We are a young couple who will be getting a miniature poodle puppy and we are wondering if it is a good idea to let the puppy sleep in our bedroom in his crate for the first couple of nights so that his transition to his new home is easier. Would that be spoiling the puppy and making it want to sleep in our room for ever or would it be easy to move the crate to another area of the house after the puppy has settled in its new environment? If so, do you have any suggestions for th...
100% (10 out of 10)
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October 4, 2013

Recommended My 5 month old Dutch Shepherd becomes aggressive and bites me at times, I've tried alpha rolling but that makes him more aggressive. Do you have any suggestions?

I have a 5 month old dutch shepherd. He is the second ds I have owned. He sleeps in his crate and does not get fed from the table. He is wonderful on a leash when we go for walks. I am working with him to come when called and releasing toys with food reward. The only problem I have is there are times that he becomes aggressive and bites at me. An example is when I am watering plants and he grabs and attacks the water hose. if I take the hose from him, he bites my hand. I was trying th...
90% (19 out of 21)
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September 24, 2013

Recommended My 10 month old GSD is biting my ankles and jumping up and grabbing the leash on walks. How do I correct this?

Question if you would be so kind, I have a ten month pure bred West German show line German Shepherd from German lines. She is starting to rebel and a little difficult to control. On her walks she likes to bite her leash, jump and go after my ankles. I recently have started to tell her no bite, give a little more lead, and ignore her and she stops. But now on the walks she does this two or three times. Not sure if this is just a rebellious stage, play, or if she is challenging my leadersh...
68% (46 out of 68)
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August 16, 2013

Recommended My question is regarding playing tug with your pup vs correcting the pup for inappropriate mouthiness when you are not playing. How do you teach the pup to differentiate?

I am a dog lover and dog owner for most of my life. I currently have a 12 year old bullmastiff who I trained myself, and has always been very well behaved. My training methods have come from personal experience (trial and error) and from just about everything I try to get my hands on to read or watch - and Leerburg has been invaluable. My question is regarding playing tug with your dog as a puppy vs. correcting your dog for being "mouthy" when you are not playing tug. Obviously, you don't ...
92% (12 out of 13)
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August 6, 2013

Recommended My 3 1/2 year old dog is housebroken but is sneaking off to pee in the house. Can you help?

I have a question regarding my three and half year old Belgian Malinois. I got her when she was about two and a half years old wandering the streets. When I first brought her home over a year ago, she would urinate in my kids' bedrooms and my closet. I assumed house breaking issues so I purchased your eBook on housebreaking and followed the steps there several times, always having to start over. I recently got married and that has made the problem worse. My wife found that she had urinated ...
100% (6 out of 6)
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August 1, 2013

Recommended My 13 week old pup has so much energy & I'm paranoid about hip dysplasia, should I be restricting her exercise?

I have Puppies 8 weeks to 8 months and the series of building drive and focus. I love them but have a couple questions as a first time dog owner. I have a GSD working line puppy that is 13 weeks old now. She has soooo much energy that I'm having a hard time gauging how much exercise is too much. Right now, I'm walking her around the block about 3 times a day (sometimes I take her for a longer walk because she has so much energy) and I train her once a day in the backyard. I know I'm not su...
100% (13 out of 13)
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July 10, 2013

Recommended My 9 month old Doberman commits to biting the sleeve well during bite work but doesn't want to grip the tug and hold it when playing with me. Any tips you could share would be great.

Hi Cindy, I recently watched the Michael Ellis video Playing Tug and Foundation of puppy bite work. Great videos for someone that is not a formal dog trainer. He answers most of your questions w/out me asking. I'm working a 9 month old Doberman for my fiance and am having a challenge having her gripping the tug and holding it. It feels as though she is not committing to holding it during play w/me. She holds the puppy sleeve great during bite work but won't commit to holding on to...
100% (19 out of 19)
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June 28, 2013

Recommended My 3.5 month old pup and I have been playing tug but he wants to lay down as we play, is this a problem and if so what should I do?

Hi Cindy, I have many of your videos including "playing tug." My 3 1/2 month pup and I are playing tug. This has went along pretty good at first, but now he wants to lay down as we play. To counter this I move the tug toward him and up as to not push the tug back into his mouth. The forward pressure gets him back on his feet, but when I start pulling away from him he will lay back down and try to hold onto the tug. Is this a problem at this stage and if so what should I do. Thank you
89% (8 out of 9)
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June 13, 2013

Recommended I have 2 puppies (age 6 months and 3 months) and everyone seemed to think this was a good idea. They are fighting quite a bit and I'm not sure what to do. Should I give one pup to a friend or is there hope?

Hi Ed and Cindy, I read your article on why not to get two puppies. Very informative. Unfortunately I have done this. I got one puppy first, waited until he (male) was 6 months, and then adopted an almost 3 month old puppy (female). They are both maltese/yorkshire terrier mixes. Almost everyone I talked to said this would be a good idea. I was wondering if you had any extra tips as they are not the exact age and not from the same litter or parents. You mentioned in the article to never lea...
100% (7 out of 7)
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May 28, 2013

Recommended Can you give me your honest opinion on a puppy I plan on importing to my country?

Hi Cindy, Trust you are doing well. I need your help, Cindy. I attached a video of a puppy. This is the puppy the breeder selected for me. He is 8 weeks old in this video. Can you give me your honest opinion? This really is a big step for me and this will be the first Dutch Shepherd in my country. According to me, the dog shows a lack of drive or interest in the bite work. The breeder reckons he is independent and will be a slow maturer. Whatever that means. Maybe his prey drive has...
100% (3 out of 3)
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May 16, 2013

Recommended My 3 month old puppy is lunging at my face and redirecting doesn't work. She also jumps at the side of her ex pen constantly. I'm raising this puppy for protection and schutzhund. Nothing I do is making a lasting impact, suggestions?

I have a 3 month old professionally bred working line GSD. She is high drive with a tenacity to learn. I have both 8 weeks to 8 months and Working Puppy. While both videos are extremely helpful I still have 2 questions. 1. We have "conquered" ankle and pant leg biting and work relentlessly on redirecting with hand biting. Little progress has been made there - but it is the lunging at the face that concerns me most. Once she begins the lunging it does not quit until I leave. She wears a lea...
100% (14 out of 14)
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May 9, 2013

Recommended If my puppy refuses a command, do I say NO or just lure him into the position I asked for?

Hi Cindy, When I am sure my puppy knows a command and he does it 99 times when I tell him, but refuse to the 100th time, do I give a negative marker(NO) or do I just repeat the command and lure him into a sit? This puppy of mine knows exactly what a sit is but sometimes he looks at me with those "what are you talking about" eyes. Thanks
100% (21 out of 21)
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March 22, 2013

Recommended My new Malinois puppy will not stop barking/whining and crying in the crate, she chews on the bars and throws a tantrum. I've had her for 2 days and 2 nights, do you have any suggestions?

Hi Cindy, I just brought home an 8 week old F Belgian Malinois. I have 2 other dogs. A 3.5 year old F Rottweiler and a 5.5 year old M Boston Terrier, and so I'm pretty familiar with how to raise a pup. But it seems that the Malinois pup is a bit more challenging when it comes to the crate. I've had her for 2 days and 2 nights. She goes in voluntarily and comfortably in and out of the crate, when the door is left open, but once it closes, she goes on a high pitch barking/whining/crying t...
97% (136 out of 140)
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