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December 16, 2021

Any advice for transporting our new puppy home from the breeder? It will be a 3 to 4 hour drive.

Hi Cindy, we will be bringing an 8-week old Boxer puppy into our family (pet dog) in about a month. We’ve started ordering supplies-crates, toys, equipment-but have a question about the actual trip, which will be a 3-4-hour drive. My understanding is that the safest transport would be in an airline-style crate (which we will have) but it’s a full size-we just plan on putting a large box or something to prevent it from being a pee station until the puppy is bigger. What’s your advice for...
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December 9, 2021

How far should I be walking my 10 week old puppy?

Hi Cindy - I'm rewatching Ed's DVD on your puppy 8 weeks to 12 months - and have a question on how far I should be walking our 10 week old German Shepherd puppy. She loves to walk but I see we shouldn't over do it. Just a general idea - a couple of blocks, 1/2 mile? Thanks in advance
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December 2, 2021

How do you use the crate for a ’time out’ for a dog that has done something wrong?

Hi Cindy. In one of the videos, Ed suggests giving your dog a "time out" by putting your dog in his crate when he has done something wrong. He said that it doesn't have to be a long time-out period. It can be only a few minutes to be effective. Even so, won't the dog start generalizing being put in their crate with having done something wrong? Won't it cause confusion when you send your dog to his crate to "go to your bed" at night?
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November 18, 2021

My new puppy really isn’t into his food and will only eat it if it’s soaked with water. Do you know why this is happening?

Hi, my 10-week old puppy, since we got him, has never really been into food. We got the food the trainer suggested... didn't like it. Got a new brand, liked it for a day, then didn't like it the next. The only way he'll eat ALL of his food is if I soak it in water and let it sit for 30 minutes... Any suggestions as to why this is happening? Is it just a puppy thing...? Thanks!
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November 11, 2021

How do you keep your dog’s teeth clean and when should I have my dog’s teeth cleaned by a vet?

Two Questions: !). What do you do to keep your dog's teeth clean? 2). I have a 2 y/o Belgian Malinois. When should I have his teeth cleaned by my Vet? What age?
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November 4, 2021

My 8 month old GSD is heeling well on and off leash and I have been using the remote collar for more than a month. When she noses the ground while heeling I give a low level E-collar stimulation and then when we walk back over that area she will side step and avoid the spot where she was corrected. Should I be correcting her with the E-collar?

Hello Cindy, My question is concerning an 8 mons old working line GSD. She heels very well both on and off-leash. I have been using an E-collar with her for more than a month now. So far all E-collar training has been relatively Distraction free. One quirk that puzzles me is a few times now when she noses the ground during a heel command I will give her a low-level stim to correct her. When we walk back over this same area again which is usually grassy she will side step the spot she rece...
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October 21, 2021

Our German Shepherd is a major barker and he has developed the habit of barking and then going after our other dog if he hears something outside. How can I get him to stop this?

Hi Cindy! Thanks so much for all the helpful info you've shared. We have a 2.5-year-old male GSD, Jake, who has always been a major barker when he hears someone outside our house – especially other dogs. We and our trainer have been trying to train him out of it and thought we were seeing progress up until recently. He developed a scary habit where upon hearing someone outside, he not only barks but quickly goes after our other dog (a 3-year-old malinois) as if she were the threat, even...
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October 18, 2021

Can I use a remote collar on my 16 week old German Shepherd?

I have pick of the litter male German Shepherd. Using your training techniques with streaming. Still having bad habits and getting worse. Daily training by me, leashed but free time, no responses to No, Come, and runs, bites, etc. Basically incorrigible and I’m pretty firm and had breed in the past. Is he too young for E-Collar? I’ve been watching your free videos on the collars. Advice?
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September 20, 2021

I want to learn how to properly play tug with puppies, is the Foundation of Puppy Bitework video suitable for non protection breeds?

Hi. Will the information in the Puppy bitework dvd apply to non-protection breed/sport puppies? I just want to learn how to properly start playing tug with puppies.
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September 7, 2021

Can you ever trust a cat-chasing dog around cats if you are not present to correct them?

If a dog is known to chase cats, and the behavior is worked out with corrections (I'm thinking e-collar), can they ever be trusted with them when you're not there to correct them? The question kind of relates to the theme in the Dealing With Dominant and Aggressive Dogs video about how a dominant dog will respect family members while the pack leader is around but not necessarily when the pack leader isn't around. I've owned two other dogs that had strong prey drive with rabbits and squirrels ...
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September 2, 2021

Where do you set the limit for puppies when it comes to letting them look at things in the environment? I know you don’t want to allow them to get too focused or excited by what they see but shouldn’t you allow them to look at things so they understand the world?

Hi Leerburg. I have watched Leerburg videos on Youtube and also bought the DVD Raising your puppy with Michael Ellis. I get my German Shepherd puppy home in about 4 weeks. I have a question about when Michael talks about not letting the puppy be too focused on something that happens in the surroundings, Like other dogs, or a cat, or people. But the puppy must be allowed to be curious and at the same time be allowed to look. Where should you set the limit? I understand that I should not le...
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August 26, 2021

My dog loves to be chased, it’s her favorite game. Is it possible to build a strong recall with a dog that enjoys running away from you? Can I use this to my advantage?

I have a question which I think could be interesting for various dog owners. My dog loves to be chased. It's by far her favourite game. It seems counter productive to play chase if one try to have a dog who loves to be near you, and hope to build a strong recall. Is there a way to use the chase game in our advantage? Can we transfer chase to a different game? Thank you
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August 23, 2021

My young dog won’t play the “two ball” game. He is happy to just possess one ball and isn’t interested in the second one. Which Michael Ellis video deals with possessiveness?

Which Michael Ellis DVD deals with dogs that are possessive with toys? My 8-month-old GSD won't play a two-ball game. He is quite happy to just possess one ball and isn't interested in the second ball.
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August 19, 2021

I think the ball on a strap that I have is too hard and/or too small for my 13 month old German Shepherd, do you have a recommendation?

Hi, I have a 13-month-old German shepherd and I purchased the: Roni Ball with Leather Strap Handle Option1: 2.25 inch. I think the ball might be too hard and/or small for her right now, so is there a different one you would recommend? I recall seeing a video that mentioned getting the appropriate toy, so I want to make sure I get the right one, so I don't lose engagement with this type of toy.
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August 16, 2021

Ed advises not to feed dogs sugar but are blueberries ok?

Hey Cindy, Ed advises not to give dogs sugar, but condones giving blueberries as treats. Is he referring to refined sugar like table sugar? Are the natural sugars in blueberries carcinogenic? Thanks
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August 12, 2021

My 5 month old German Shepherd likes my 8 pound Yorkipoo but he’s too rough with her. How do I introduce them?

Hi Cindy, I have a 5 mo. old German Shepard puppy I've had since he was 8 weeks old. I have an 8 lb Yorkipoo & a labradoodle. I haven't been able to introduce him to my Yorkipoo because all he wants to do is paw her and mouth her to play and she's too little so we keep them apart. My question is how do I introduce them? He really wants to get to know her but he's too rough. Thank you
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August 9, 2021

At what point will a puppy be ready to be left home alone most of the day while my wife and I are at work?

Hello, I want to start off by saying I thank you all so much for all the training content you all give to dog enthusiasts like myself. I went to college at UW Eau Claire and heard about your website through the grapevine and have been hooked ever since. I have a quick question regarding raising a puppy. My wife and I are both teachers and work full days. We are getting a puppy mid July and will be starting school come September. I was wondering at what point (with diligent crate traini...
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August 5, 2021

My dog’s fur is discolored from the curogan prong collar I purchased, do you have any recommendations?

Hello, I purchased the Curogan collar as suggested so it wouldn't discolor my dogs fur, however it still does. Do you have any recommendations?
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August 2, 2021

How do I teach my dog not to jump on me or other people?

What's the best way to teach my adult dog not to jump on me or other people - looking for something that can be relatively fast learning for the dog?
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July 29, 2021

Can I use a Micro prong on a French Bulldog puppy?

I have a french bulldog puppy (6 mos. old) with a neck that measures 13". Can I still use the micro duo with extra links?
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