Recommended Q&As

November 5, 2013

Recommended My 11 month old GSD lays down on the ground and refuses to get up when it's time to get in the car. Today she mouthed me hard when I tried to pick her up. Help!

My 11 month old GSD lays down on the ground and refuses to get up when its time to go in the car. Today she mouthed me hard (drew blood, it was on my cuticle) when I tried to pick her up and put her in the back of my SUV. I've tried the following: removed the crate and replaced it with a dog barrier. Treats (high value), toys, excitement, moving my car to a different location and even coming to the car from a different location. Once she's in the car, she's fine. No whining or pacing. S...
95% (39 out of 41)
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October 29, 2013

Recommended How do I get my dog to bring the tug back to me after I let him have it?

Thanks for a great informative site! With that said I have the DVDs on The Power of Playing Tug with Your Dog and The Power of Training Your Dog with Food. I have a 6 month old GSD I am training for Schutzhund. When I tug back and forth for a bit and then let him have the tug, he runs away with the tug and is possesive of it. I tried putting a leash on him, and giving him small pops back to me, but Michael Ellis, in the video, was telling the trainers not to do that. How do I get the dog...
91% (10 out of 11)
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October 29, 2013

Recommended I know I need to establish pack structure and I can only afford 2 DVDs, which ones would be best for me?

I have been reading different articles on your website and wish to purchase a DVD but only have $ to spend on one maybe 2. I have a 6 month old part lab, part Tibetan terrier with loads of energy. I also have two boys one 5 and one 2 with loads of energy. I need to be a pack leader. I am not with my pup. I am great with my kids. A friend recently suggested the leash training. In the house and outside to establish I am the leader. We do not have a fenced yard and the kids and I were playin...
100% (13 out of 13)
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October 25, 2013

Recommended How do I deal with people who want to touch/pat my Shepherds? Despite telling people to leave my dogs alone they still try to touch them, suggestions please!

Good Morning Cindy, My question is this: How do I deal with people who put there hands on/ want to pat my Shepherds? When I walk them (separately), and stop to talk to someone, many times a person will reach out to put their hands on the dog. Despite my telling them to leave the dog alone and putting the dog in a down position, this still happens. Example: I stop to talk to my neighbor, put the dog in a down position, and her husband comes over and puts his hands in the Shepherds face. He ...
96% (27 out of 28)
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October 24, 2013

Recommended I've been working engagement training for 2 months and my dog whines a lot. Should I correct him for this?

Ed/Cindy, I have worked for past 2 months using your "engagement" methods, which I feel is the right way to train. But my 17 month, high energy male lab mix whines far too often that is very disappointing. He whines in the house, he whines when we visit neighbors while he is on leash, he whines on walks on leash. Is it still all about "engagement"? To date, I have not really corrected his whining, although I really feel like some very hard corrections is what is needed, is it? I use a ...
100% (7 out of 7)
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October 22, 2013

Recommended My house trained dog has started urinating on our bed. Is this a dominance issue? What should I do?

Hello, My otherwise very sweet, well-behaved and house trained cavalier puppy (9 months) has started urinating on our bed frequently. Especially when I'm washing the sheets and the duvet and mattress are bare. She is crated during the night but is allowed in the bed for snuggles. I've ruled out medical issues as she seems fine the rest of the time. Is this a dominance issue? What should we do? Thanks
100% (9 out of 9)
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October 10, 2013

Recommended How do I wean a dog from a raised target or touch pad to a flat target?

Hi Cindy! Wondering if there are any videos or instructions on how to wean a dog from a raised target to a flat target? I am using raised target for an easily aroused dog in agility with good success, however am struggling with the transition to a more flat target. Maybe I am just transitioning too quickly to a lower target?? Thank you for your valuable information. Take care.
100% (11 out of 11)
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October 10, 2013

Recommended Is it ok to let our new poodle puppy sleep in our bedroom in his crate his first few nights?

Hi Cindy! We are a young couple who will be getting a miniature poodle puppy and we are wondering if it is a good idea to let the puppy sleep in our bedroom in his crate for the first couple of nights so that his transition to his new home is easier. Would that be spoiling the puppy and making it want to sleep in our room for ever or would it be easy to move the crate to another area of the house after the puppy has settled in its new environment? If so, do you have any suggestions for th...
100% (10 out of 10)
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October 10, 2013

Recommended We have a new adult dog and she is wonderful except that she poops in the house. It’s gotten to the point that we walk her straight inside to her crate. That’s no life for a dog, please help.

Hi, I have a female two year old Daschund that we rescued from another owner. She is a wonderful dog and gets along with my other two dogs. The problem is that she poops in the house. She will pee outside no problem but for some reason, as soon as she enters the house, she will poop on the carpet. We don't have a fenced yard so we take her out on a leash, many times a day. It has gotten to the point that we walk her straight from the door to her crate. That is no life for a dog. Please help!!
100% (6 out of 6)
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October 4, 2013

Recommended My 5 month old Dutch Shepherd becomes aggressive and bites me at times, I've tried alpha rolling but that makes him more aggressive. Do you have any suggestions?

I have a 5 month old dutch shepherd. He is the second ds I have owned. He sleeps in his crate and does not get fed from the table. He is wonderful on a leash when we go for walks. I am working with him to come when called and releasing toys with food reward. The only problem I have is there are times that he becomes aggressive and bites at me. An example is when I am watering plants and he grabs and attacks the water hose. if I take the hose from him, he bites my hand. I was trying th...
90% (19 out of 21)
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October 4, 2013

Recommended I'm having a lot of fun training my dog with your marker DVD. Will he be as responsive if we're out and about and I don't have a treat with me or he's not hungry?

I am having tons of fun training our Vizsla with your Marker training video. He responds very well to it. I am concerned though about the "end-game." Will he be as responsive if we're out and about, and I don't happen to have a treat with me, and his hunger drive is low? I am wondering if we're building in an expectation for him, to always have food, which is logistically difficult. Thanks for your opinion.
96% (26 out of 27)
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September 24, 2013

Recommended My dog wants to kill everyone. We can't even take him for walks anymore. What are we to do now?

My pitt bull is 6 years old, we got him right before my daughter was born, he was raised along side her. He has been an amazing family dog, never ever has shown signs of aggression towards us in any way. But for everyone else, he hates everyone, he wants to kill. and I mean KILL. We can't even take him for walks anymore because now he wants to kill everyone/dog we see and also cars??.... Its painful walking this terror on a lead. What do you do with a red zoned dog? We can't have him around a...
79% (73 out of 92)
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September 24, 2013

Recommended My German Shepherd has been having seizures, my breeder feels this is environmental. Do you know of any chemicals or substances that would cause this?

My 5 year old GSD had a seizure a month ago and was fine but had 3 today. I called our breeder who feels this in environmental since he has never had one before. We are remodeling our bedroom there is drywall dust, old paint. It has been quite a long process since our house is so old. The men working here today were doing some demo and kicked up a lot of old dust from our walls. Could this be the problem? They only lasted about a minute each one and he snapped out of it and was fine. They hap...
100% (4 out of 4)
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September 24, 2013

Recommended I started the raw diet about a month ago and my dogs are doing well except that they eat very fast & swallow their food whole. Is there any way to get them to slow down?

I have 2 huskies, one is 10 months old and the other is 2 months. I started feeding them raw chicken necks and backs about a month ago and they took to it well, but they eat it too fast. They're eating the necks whole without chewing and they can down 3 necks in matter of seconds. Any way to get them to slow down?
86% (6 out of 7)
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September 24, 2013

Recommended My 10 month old GSD is biting my ankles and jumping up and grabbing the leash on walks. How do I correct this?

Question if you would be so kind, I have a ten month pure bred West German show line German Shepherd from German lines. She is starting to rebel and a little difficult to control. On her walks she likes to bite her leash, jump and go after my ankles. I recently have started to tell her no bite, give a little more lead, and ignore her and she stops. But now on the walks she does this two or three times. Not sure if this is just a rebellious stage, play, or if she is challenging my leadersh...
68% (46 out of 68)
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September 11, 2013

Recommended My boyfriend's dog has killed and eaten 3 cats that we know about and is aggressive to most animals. Is it possible to have her wear a muzzle until she understands not to go after cats?

Hello, I'm really hoping you can help me. I am a cat lover and have a 6 month old kitten/cat, we are about to move in with my partner who is a dog lover, he has 2 french pointers, mother and daughter. The mother is highly aggressive toward smaller animals, she is a rescued dog who has never fulfilled her hunting nature (we guess because of whatever was done to her when she was small, he got her when she was just 1 year old, she is now 4). She has killed and eaten/torn apart 3 cats tha...
80% (16 out of 20)
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September 11, 2013

Recommended My dog is bored when home alone, she gets into things while I'm gone. Any ideas on how to stop this?

My 2 y.o. German shepherd female is getting bored when at home alone... even if just for a few minutes. She gets plenty of exercise and eats well. She is a very high drive working dog. Any thoughts on things I can do to curb this undesirable behavior? I have taken video while I'm gone and some of the things she does : she dumps the laundry, chews on a brush, takes a kids permission slip, and chews a couple foam ornaments.
45% (13 out of 29)
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September 11, 2013

Recommended I recently switched my dogs to a raw diet and they are itching. Could they be allergic to chicken?

Cindy, I recently switched my 2 GSDs (a male, 3 years old & a female, 10 months) to a raw diet. It's been 3 weeks now. I have no issues w/poop, etc. Both love it. My 3 year old's teeth are already white again! And his coat is softer & shinier. I feel pretty confident in my meal prep, but I do have a question? Have you heard of dogs being allergic to chicken? I ask, because both are scratching like crazy, especially at night. Today I remembered that when I got the male, the breeder had ...
100% (6 out of 6)
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September 11, 2013

Recommended I have a 7 week old Doberman puppy who isn't growing like the others in his litter and he makes a weird sound in his throat. Any ideas?

I have a Doberman puppy that came from a litter of 6. He was born by C-section, as mom was having problems getting the first puppy out on her own. All the pups were pretty uniform in size for the most part at birth. This one particular male has not grown much at all in comparison to the rest. At 4 weeks of age the others' average weight was 10 to 11 pounds and this little guy only weighed 4 pounds! I took him to our vet and had a full blood panel done and nothing looked abnormal, not even...
91% (10 out of 11)
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August 27, 2013

Recommended I recently switched my dogs to a raw diet and they are itching. Could they be allergic to chicken?

Cindy, I recently switched my 2 GSDs (a male, 3 years old & a female, 10 months) to a raw diet. It's been 3 weeks now. I have no issues w/poop, etc. Both love it. My 3 year old's teeth are already white again! And his coat is softer & shinier. I feel pretty confident in my meal prep, but I do have a question? Have you heard of dogs being allergic to chicken? I ask, because both are scratching like crazy, especially at night. Today I remembered that when I got the male, the breeder had him...
83% (5 out of 6)
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