Recommended Q&As

January 27, 2014

Recommended My dog wanted to play with another dog a lady was holding at the dog park. My dog eventually got the other dog's tail. The woman became angry and said I was unable to control my dog. What do I do in a situation like this?

Hi, I have a 6 month old Akita Inu. She's a really friendly dog but today there was an incident. A lady came into the park holding her little dog up in her arms like a baby. My dog wanted to play with that other little dog and kept leaping up to the lady to play with her dog. Eventually she got hold of that puppy's tail and held on causing the woman to lose her mind and accusing me of being unable to control my dog. What do I do in a situation like this?
100% (48 out of 48)
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January 22, 2014

Recommended We recently took in a foster dog and my dog has become aggressive. Why has my dog changed all of a sudden?

I adopted an 8 month old0 Pitt/Vizla mix from the humane society 4 months ago. She was an extremely great pet. Very loving, we could poke at her paws, ears and mouth. She loves to play with other dogs. This past week I began fostering a 10 month American Bulldog that she had previously played with. He is also a loving secure dog. Since the foster has come into our lives - my dog has become aggressive to my husband and myself. She won't let us look at her paws or rub her belly. She begins to l...
83% (19 out of 23)
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January 16, 2014

Recommended My dog has begun to guard me and occasionally growls at other dogs and people. He also recently bit my other dog. Any advice on how to handle this situation?

Hi Ed and Cindy! I have a 17 month old springer spaniel that I am having some problems with recently. As far as obedience and engagement he is awesome, our relationship if great. He has 2 legs on his BN title, his CGC and is entered in his first agility trial in a few weeks. My problem is that he has no off switch and we are struggling with exercise in these -50 wind chill days. He has also begun to guard me and I am not sure how to handle that. He gives a hard stare to other dogs and grow...
93% (39 out of 42)
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January 9, 2014

Recommended What's the best way to keep the snow from building up between my dog's toes?

I have a Bernese Mt dog. What is the best way to keep the snow from building up between her toes?
83% (5 out of 6)
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January 7, 2014

Recommended I recently acquired a new dog from my son because she nipped my grandbaby. The new dog is not getting along with one of my older dogs. I'm not sure what else to do, please help!

I recently acquired a new dog (4 y/o lab/shepherd mx)) from my son who got her 2 1/2 years ago from a rescue group. I brought her home because she nipped my grandbaby & I felt she deserved another chance. The problem is she and my 14 y/o Border Collie/Aussie mix HATE each other! The new dog is now dog aggressive with most dogs (especially if they run up to her) although she gets along with my little terrier mix and does not bother my 3 cats. We keep them separated, either with the crate or on...
100% (5 out of 5)
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January 2, 2014

Recommended My dog & I are in training for our CDX and until recently his sits have been straight and beautiful. He has started sitting crooked and repetition has not helped fix this. Do you have any input?

My Terrier and I are training for a CDX. He had a beautiful, straight sit until recently. He has started tucking his fanny almost behind my left heel. If I say "sit straight," he corrects his position. Repetition has not helped eliminate the problem. I use only positive training methods and basically no corrections. Repetition solved our previous errors, but not with his curled sit. What am I doing wrong? Thanks a million for your input,
93% (14 out of 15)
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December 30, 2013

Recommended How do you deal with the owners of loose dogs that charge up to your puppy?

Owners of loose, undisciplined dogs apparently take it deeply personal when I prevent their charging dogs from "saying hi" to my 3-month old Malinois. It's always "Oh, they won't hurt him" and just now, it was "your attitude needs an adjustment, young lady." I haven't had to kick any (out of a grand total of five dogs) yet, but I can just imagine the city-wide outcry that would follow if I dared to use anything at all beyond body language. These have all been full-sized or full-sized plus obe...
92% (119 out of 129)
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December 27, 2013

Recommended Is my 6 month old Corgi puppy dominant or does she just lack training?

I'm afraid this may be kind of a stupid question to seasoned veterans such as yourselves, but I've seen "dominant"/independent behavior from my 6 month old puppy ever since she came home with me at 10 weeks. She is a corgi so by breeding she's very stubborn and smart. She attempts to jump onto furniture all the time (I tell her OFF and enforce with body block if I have to), blows off my commands even in the house (or complies very slowly), bullies other puppies (not adults), used to be extrem...
100% (2 out of 2)
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December 26, 2013

Recommended I'm getting a new Black Russian Terrier pup and I've been told that a lot of your methods won't work for this breed of dog. Do you have any experience with this breed?

Leerburg, Brief history: A majority of my dog training experience through the years has been the "old way" of thinking - and it is frustrating to think of all the mistakes I've made with some wonderful dogs - and how things could have been different. With that said, I'm committed to continually learning so that my future canine relationships will gain the maximum benefit. I appreciate the wonderful accessibility to information your site provides. I've bought several of your videos and have...
94% (15 out of 16)
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December 19, 2013

Recommended Our dog gulps down her kibble, do you have any suggestions on how to get her to chew her food?

Hi Cindy, I hope things are well with you. We are getting on great training our two dogs but we have a problem with our golden retriever who is now nearly three years old. She gulps down her food (we give her Hills JD nuts/kibble). We feed her twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. To try and slow her down eating, we have put a large smooth stone in the middle of her bowl and the nuts around it, this slowed her down a little at the start but she has gone back to her old ways and g...
95% (18 out of 19)
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December 18, 2013

Recommended We have 2 four month old puppies and the Golden Retriever is beating up on the Cavalier. Help!

I didn't read your article to not get 2 puppies at one time. Now that it is too late, we have a female golden retriever and a male cavalier both about 4 months. We have had them for 1 month and potty training is pretty good. We do have the occasional accident. Our big problem is the golden is beating up on the cavalier. We have tried putting her in her crate when she starts, we have tried loud noises and spraying water but to no avail. we can't let either one go as they both have physical pro...
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December 12, 2013

Recommended Is there a way to break up a dog fight when you are alone or should it just be left to continue?

Ed, I recently tried to break up a dog fight between my 4 year old golden retriever and 5 year old yellow lab (both neutered males). The fight occurred in the middle of our large yard. I was alone but still tried to breack up the fight by grabbing the back legs of the dog that was wining and lifting and pulling back. As soon as that dog would let go, the other dog would attack. This went back and forth several times. Each time I was able to get one dog to let go, the other would attack. T...
63% (27 out of 43)
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December 12, 2013

Recommended My golden retriever killed my 5 year old yellow lab. Is there a way to break up a dog fight when you are alone or should I let them fight it out?

Ed, I recently tried to break up a dog fight between my 4 year old golden retriever and 5 year old yellow lab (both neutered males). The fight occurred in the middle of our large yard. I was alone but still tried to break up the fight by grabbing the back legs of the dog that was wining and lifting and pulling back. As soon as that dog would let go, the other dog would attack. This went back and forth several times. Each time I was able to get one dog to let go, the other would attack. Th...
82% (76 out of 93)
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December 10, 2013

Recommended Do you have experience with surgical intervention for a puppy with hip dysplasia?

Hi Cindy, My 6 month old female GSD has been diagnosed with CHD. The x-rays have been confirmed by another vet as being good, reliable x-rays, and he also says that our dog's hips are "poor" and will need surgery. One vet wants to do Triple Pelvic Osteotomy (TPO) and the other vet wants to do a FHO? Femoral Head Ostectomy. Do you have experience or knowledge about these two procedures? Both break my heart to think about them. The FHO seems to be less traumatic and have a quicker reco...
100% (3 out of 3)
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December 6, 2013

Recommended Why does your webpage say that you think neutering is bad for a dog's health? Shame on you!

Why on earth does your page say that you think neutering is bad for a dog's health? Suggesting to owners that they shouldn't neuter is totally irresponsible given the global problem of strays and unwanted pets being put to sleep. There is a dog welfare crisis in every country which isn't helped by this kind of misguided advice. Breeders likewise are responsible for much of this overpopulation and owners should be encouraged to adopt a rescue dog rather than buy from someone who's purely profi...
95% (78 out of 82)
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November 26, 2013

Recommended A prominent dog trainer told me that if a female dog trainer raised a male puppy for him it would cause problems later when the puppy comes back to live with the male owner. Have you heard of this?

Hi Cindy, A prominent dog trainer recently said that if a male owner who had a male puppy he couldn't raise himself the first few months of the puppy's life, has the puppy raised by a female, this would cause later problems when the puppy comes back to live with the male owner He said that if she raised a female puppy for the male owner, there would be no such issue He said that if a male raised a puppy for the male owner, there would be no such issue regardless of whether the puppy is a m...
100% (11 out of 11)
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November 22, 2013

Recommended Will Grand Flex help my GSD's digestive issues?

Hi Cindy, My GSD has had a hard time keeping a solid stool and she does not digest chicken at all. I have had her on a diet of Orijen fish food and she can keep a semi soft stool. My questions is, will grand flex upset her tummy? Thanks
100% (3 out of 3)
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November 19, 2013

Recommended Will a raw diet change my dog's mood or make him aggressive? If my 3 year old son falls and bleeds, will my dog be attracted to his wound?

Hi. I have a 10 month old BOERBOEL. I feed him premium dog food but he looks skinny around the hip. I am thinking of the raw diet but, will this change his moods and get aggressive? I have a 3 year old boy that plays with him. If my boy falls and bleeds, will this attract the dog to his wound?
83% (5 out of 6)
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November 15, 2013

Recommended I am puppy sitting for a Rottweiler puppy & he's very nice until you pick him up and try to cuddle him. He has quite a temper and tried to bite my face. Are these signs of an aggression problem?

Hi Cindy, I am watching a 12 week old Rottweiler puppy and he is the cutest little guy. He loves to play and seems like a very nice puppy until you pick him up to try to cuddle him. He displays quite a little temper and becomes aggressive. He tried to bite my face. This does not come across as playing as his personality changes to a mean streak. He means business. If I didn't dodge the bite, there is no doubt he might have bit me hard. As much as I like him, I wonder if these are sig...
100% (36 out of 36)
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November 8, 2013

Recommended My Catahoula Leopard Dog killed my Min Pin. What should I do?

Hi, Very heartbroken and torn on what to do. We got a Catahoula Leopard Dog when she was 6 weeks old. About 2 years ago she started to look at you scary when you gave her a treat and sat next to her on the couch. I think if I touched it she would bite me. Then she went after my Min Pin's treat and hurt her badly. She also goes crazy if a dog passes our house her hair goes up and when I try to make her stop she will get aggressive with me. But the worst thing about this is she could be so l...
84% (137 out of 164)
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