Recommended Q&As

August 23, 2013

Recommended I've adopted an adult dog and the lady I adopted her from wants to have the dog visit her for a few days from time to time so the dog doesn't feel abandoned. What do you think?

I just recently adopted a 5 year old basset hound from a lady that is getting married and moving in September. She had a special request when I picked up the dog. She wants to let me have the dog but she wants to see the dog from time to time because she is very attached to the dog and she wants to transition away from the dog slowly. To give you a little background, the lady went through a divorce 6 years ago and she was awarded custody of her daughter, but her ex-husband took the dog. That ...
92% (12 out of 13)
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August 22, 2013

Recommended My puppy is having his ears cropped and the vet prescribes Rimadyl for post surgical pain. Do you have a suggestion for pain medication instead of Rimadyl?

Two weeks from now, my 6 week old Dobe, is scheduled for ear cropping. The Doctor who will perform the surgery, is well known for his skill, but following the procedure, they plan to send us home with Rimadyl, for pain control. I know that you do not approve of Rimadyl, so do you have an alternative, or other advice for pain control; if necessary at all! Thank you in advance
100% (10 out of 10)
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August 16, 2013

Recommended My question is regarding playing tug with your pup vs correcting the pup for inappropriate mouthiness when you are not playing. How do you teach the pup to differentiate?

I am a dog lover and dog owner for most of my life. I currently have a 12 year old bullmastiff who I trained myself, and has always been very well behaved. My training methods have come from personal experience (trial and error) and from just about everything I try to get my hands on to read or watch - and Leerburg has been invaluable. My question is regarding playing tug with your dog as a puppy vs. correcting your dog for being "mouthy" when you are not playing tug. Obviously, you don't ...
92% (12 out of 13)
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August 13, 2013

Recommended I was doing the OUT command with the tug and my dog was chewing the tug. He wouldn't release and chewed on my hand so I grabbed the tug and smacked him on the head, now he shies away from the tug. What can I do?

Hi, I have received the 2 DVD from your site (train with food and play with tug). I just need some quick advice. I was doing the "out" command with my dog, but he was chewing the tug toy. I narrowed and clamped closer to the muzzle, I said no. But he continue to chew, I was holding it really still. Then, he start to chew on my knuckle (hand), I said no and he continue. This happened a few times and finally today (my hand got cut and bled), the chewing got so painful and I grabbed the...
94% (16 out of 17)
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August 6, 2013

Recommended My 3 1/2 year old dog is housebroken but is sneaking off to pee in the house. Can you help?

I have a question regarding my three and half year old Belgian Malinois. I got her when she was about two and a half years old wandering the streets. When I first brought her home over a year ago, she would urinate in my kids' bedrooms and my closet. I assumed house breaking issues so I purchased your eBook on housebreaking and followed the steps there several times, always having to start over. I recently got married and that has made the problem worse. My wife found that she had urinated ...
100% (6 out of 6)
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August 1, 2013

Recommended My obedience dog moves his feet and scoots sideways during group sit stays. This started after another dog went after him. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Hi, I am having a small problem with my Obedience dog that, I don't want to become a big problem. During sit stays he is moving his front feet to the point that he "ooches" sideways. This is my Novice A dog... presently we are working toward our CDX title. This started after a dog went for him. I have been working with "safe dogs," but still moves. I have been to two seminars with Michael Ellis and bought all of his DVDs and numerous other products from Leerburg. Any suggestions you have w...
100% (5 out of 5)
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August 1, 2013

Recommended My 13 week old pup has so much energy & I'm paranoid about hip dysplasia, should I be restricting her exercise?

I have Puppies 8 weeks to 8 months and the series of building drive and focus. I love them but have a couple questions as a first time dog owner. I have a GSD working line puppy that is 13 weeks old now. She has soooo much energy that I'm having a hard time gauging how much exercise is too much. Right now, I'm walking her around the block about 3 times a day (sometimes I take her for a longer walk because she has so much energy) and I train her once a day in the backyard. I know I'm not su...
100% (13 out of 13)
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July 26, 2013

Recommended My question is about your food based reward system. Do your dogs ever behave like normal dogs or are they always staring at you? I'd like a dog that understands to be attentive when it's time to work but isn't staring at me 24/7.

Hi Cindy, I'm getting an 8 week old Malinois in about a month (just purchased your Ex-Pen the other day). It will be my first working/protection dog. Although I don't possess near the training experience you have, I've trained 2 Chesapeake Bay Retrievers to Master Hunter in NAHRA as well as 2 German Shorthair Pointers that ran in field trials. These were (and 2 still are) my own personal dogs. I realize some aspects of this training are different from the breeds I've worked with, but I'm l...
100% (5 out of 5)
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July 18, 2013

Recommended We have 3 dogs in our house and a friend is moving in with their dog. Our oldest dog and the youngest dog keep trying to pick fights with our friend's dog. How can we prevent this?

We have 3 dogs in our house and a friend is moving in with their dog. Our oldest dog and the youngest dog (golden retriever and chihuahua) keep trying to pick fights with our friend's dog. How can we prevent this? My mom tries punishing them, but I know that there is a better way.
100% (4 out of 4)
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July 17, 2013

Recommended Will the bark collar shock my dog when he drinks water or chews on a bone?

Hello, I am thinking of purchasing the bark limiter for my 130lb german shepherd. I will be living in a basement apartment where the family above me has a newborn and needs predictable quiet time. With the collar on, can the dog drink water without the shock? What about chewing a bone? Thank you for you answers.
100% (30 out of 30)
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July 11, 2013

Recommended Two of our males bred our femaile in heat, will the litter be viable?

We breed Coton de Tulear puppies. We have the mother and father. We also have a boy from the first litter. The female is in heat. We were keeping the boy separated but mother and son locked last night. The sire has locked before and after. When the female and sire mate they usually do several times. Is the litter not viable? What do I do???
100% (7 out of 7)
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July 10, 2013

Recommended My 9 month old Doberman commits to biting the sleeve well during bite work but doesn't want to grip the tug and hold it when playing with me. Any tips you could share would be great.

Hi Cindy, I recently watched the Michael Ellis video Playing Tug and Foundation of puppy bite work. Great videos for someone that is not a formal dog trainer. He answers most of your questions w/out me asking. I'm working a 9 month old Doberman for my fiance and am having a challenge having her gripping the tug and holding it. It feels as though she is not committing to holding it during play w/me. She holds the puppy sleeve great during bite work but won't commit to holding on to...
100% (19 out of 19)
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July 2, 2013

Recommended I have 9 week old GSD who chews on all leashes. I need short one for her drag in house. Any recommendations??

I have 9 week old GSD who chews on all leashes. I need short one for her drag in house. Any recommendations??
92% (11 out of 12)
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June 28, 2013

Recommended My 3.5 month old pup and I have been playing tug but he wants to lay down as we play, is this a problem and if so what should I do?

Hi Cindy, I have many of your videos including "playing tug." My 3 1/2 month pup and I are playing tug. This has went along pretty good at first, but now he wants to lay down as we play. To counter this I move the tug toward him and up as to not push the tug back into his mouth. The forward pressure gets him back on his feet, but when I start pulling away from him he will lay back down and try to hold onto the tug. Is this a problem at this stage and if so what should I do. Thank you
89% (8 out of 9)
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June 26, 2013

Recommended How do you get a dog to settle down in the house when you aren't training? My dog paces and whines in the house, I can't find the off switch.

Cindy, I have had a few high drive GSD. Great dogs, except when we are in the home relaxing. I am relaxing but the dog is pacing and whining. He never seems to be able to turn it off. I was not able to ever find his "off" switch. Can you help me with some ideas or make a DVD on how to turn your dog off when you are not working? Think there is a need for us novice dogsters. Thanks
95% (18 out of 19)
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June 26, 2013

Recommended Our young dog was scared by a person who charged at her during a family gathering and now she reacts aggressively in other situations. Do I have a problem?

Hi Cindy, I have a 16mo GSD. A month ago, someone charged my dog for "fun" at a family party. Initially, my dog cowered, and everyone got a pathetic laugh. That same person who charged my dog, could not stand up from a sitting position without my dog jumping up on all fours and barking aggressively at the previous perpretrator. My dog could not relax while that person was present. This person told me that I had a serious problem with my dog. I laughed. Today I took my GSD to the vet. Th...
100% (15 out of 15)
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June 17, 2013

Recommended I have a question about drinking water as it pertains to the groundwork/pack structure phase of training.

I have a question about drinking water as it pertains to the groundwork/pack structure phase of training. I work nights 9pm - 7 am. When I get home at 7, I wait about 20 minutes and then feed my dog. Regarding water, should I keep water in the crate when the dog is in the crate? Or should I put a dish of water in the crate several times a day and then take the dog out to go pottie after they have drank? What would you do?
100% (8 out of 8)
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June 13, 2013

Recommended I have 2 puppies (age 6 months and 3 months) and everyone seemed to think this was a good idea. They are fighting quite a bit and I'm not sure what to do. Should I give one pup to a friend or is there hope?

Hi Ed and Cindy, I read your article on why not to get two puppies. Very informative. Unfortunately I have done this. I got one puppy first, waited until he (male) was 6 months, and then adopted an almost 3 month old puppy (female). They are both maltese/yorkshire terrier mixes. Almost everyone I talked to said this would be a good idea. I was wondering if you had any extra tips as they are not the exact age and not from the same litter or parents. You mentioned in the article to never lea...
100% (7 out of 7)
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June 10, 2013

Recommended I'm training my dog for competition obedience and he is trained through utility. He anticipates recalls when my back is turned and breaks when I leave, putting him back in place makes him worse. Do you have any ideas?

I own a golden retriever that has been trained through utility but is not ring ready. He is a high boy that anticipates his recalls when my back is turned. He fidgets at the set up point and explodes when I walk across the expanse of the ring. Putting him back into place only makes this much worse. Any ideas? Thank you
100% (3 out of 3)
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June 7, 2013

Recommended My mom's 13 year old dog has been a biter since he was a pup. He is my mom's master and has bitten her several times severely enough to require trips to urgent care. Any thoughts or advice?

Hello, I'm looking for advice regarding my 75 year old mom and her 13 year old miniature schnauzer mix dog. Her dog, since a pup, has been a biter, snipper, growler, barker, etc. not to mention overly aggressive. He has to date bitten my mom several times resulting in trips to the urgent care or Dr. She is slower to recover from wounds as the most recent was a day ago. My response has been to put the dog down because I don't see how he can be trained after all these years from bad bree...
96% (23 out of 24)
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