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June 14, 2011

Recommended We’ve been raising our dog for protection work and following Raising a Working Puppy. When we go on vacation next month, I doubt our dog sitter will keep our dogs from playing together & I doubt she’ll just feed him and not interact with him. Will this undo all our hard work?

We have a 5 month old Doberman, and a 6 year old Doberman. Both are house dogs, but we're also raising the puppy for protection work. Our breeder made us aware of your website, and I must say, it is wonderful!! I've had many dogs, and felt I knew how to train them. But your system of marker training is incredible! It has opened my eyes. Thank you for such a complete and thorough training system and website. We're following your DVD on raising a working puppy, and incorporating the advice y...
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June 20, 2023

I went to a dog park against what I was taught and lost control of my dog.

I did it. Went to a dog park. Against what was taught in the course. Everything was great for 2 months. My dog is a European Doberman, female, 1-year-old. Needs a lot of exercise. Today, she is great at the park until a woman shows up with a ball and a long stick for throwing it. My dog is excited, chases the ball, runs back to the lady, and jumps on her. She starts yelling and swinging the stick, kicking my dog. I'm running to grab my dog as she thinks the lady is playing. Not good, my dog ...
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November 16, 2020

We contacted you about a year ago after we rescued a dog that had been shot and passed through a number of homes because he would run away anytime a gate or door was left open. I wanted to give you an update on him.

Dear Cindy, About a year ago we rescued a beagle/lab that had been shot with a shotgun and rifle. "Freight Train" had been passed through a couple of homes because he would run away through an open door or gate. We contacted you online for advice for dealing with him. You instructed us to keep him on leash for a long period of time to build a good relationship with him around food. He stopped running away and built up enough trust that we allow him supervised yard time with us. Yesterday a...
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June 16, 2020

Should I correct my 17 month old dog with the remote collar for anxiety in the car?

My 17 month old Dutch Shepherd has travel anxiety, she pants and won't relax in the 2nd seat of our SUV. She is in a safety harness and can lay down. I tried a name brand herbal calming product which did not seem to help, I'd like to avoid Benadryl or vet Rx. Chew toys or treats are ignored. Would it be o.k. to use the e-collar to break her thought process, say as part of saying down, (she ignores commands when so agitated) or would a tap or click make things worse? She didn't have any ...
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March 17, 2020

My dog is excited and reactive to most dogs when she’s on lead, she wants to say “hi”. No one has been able to help me eliminate this behavior completely, do you have any advice?

Hi, my 3 yr old RR is (after years of training) still reactive to most dogs on lead, she wants to say hi. From 8 wks old she has been like this & despite every type of training (I have trained many dogs out of this habit with no problem) she has continued to be a challenge. She walks very well on the lead, unless we encounter a dog. As a puppy I briefly used a prong on her to calm her down and it worked wonders, that in itself taught her to walk well on the lead. I only used it for 1 month...
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October 7, 2019

What treats to do you use when you train?

Hello, you've probably been asked this a million times but, what treats to do you use when you train? Thanks.
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July 15, 2019

My German Shepherd puppy literally has to be under me ever second I am around. Can you suggest any corrective measures I can take or will he be fine being that completely dependent on me?

My German Shepherd puppy literally has to be under me ever second I am around. He will not go in the back yard without me to use the restroom, he stays under my feet, in between my legs while we are walking or standing still, he'll sit on my foot when I am cooking, washing dishes, cleaning, laundry, etc. Even when I vacuum the house, the vacuum cleaner noise doesn't deter him from up under my feet and in between my legs or following next to me. It's like he has to see me, watch me, and he lit...
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January 20, 2014

I'm about to be a new K9 handler. When the dog arrives I will have a new baby and two dogs. I'm think about making an outside kennl for my K9 to live in. Is this a good idea?

I am going to be a new K9 handler his summer. My wife and I are expecting our first child in May and plan on picking up my K9 partner in July. We have a female German Shepherd and a male Siberian Husky. My question is I have been flirting with the idea of having an outside kennel and my k9 living out there. My thought process is that he can be well rested and not stressed with a new baby and two dogs when he comes home from work. Is that a good idea? I live in Iowa and also wondering what you...
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December 30, 2013

My dog has started attacking one of my other dogs who has heart problems. I'm afraid my dog is going to kill the other dog. What would you suggest I do?

I am looking for some guidance as to what type of training my dog needs. I have a female miniature Schnauzer/Maltese mix that will be 2 in January. She has recently began attacking our 11 year old poodle (also female). The poodle is sick with heart problems and the attacks on her are becoming more frequent. Millie, the mixed breed, also chases the cats and tries to go after them but not in the aggressive nature that she has with the poodle. The poodle now trembles when Millie is anywhere near...
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December 14, 2011

I have an 8 month old male and he has reached puberty and he bites at his private area and tries to pleasure himself and whines while doing this. We have a friend who has a female that just went into heat and they want to breed her with our dog... Would this be a good idea? Would it maybe help his problem and calm him a little?

I have an 8 month old male and he has reached puberty and he bites at his private area and tries to pleasure himself and whines while doing this. He does this a lot and we have a friend who has a female that just went into heat and they want to breed her with our dog... Would this be a good idea? Would it maybe help his problem and calm him a little? Thank you, Karri
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September 15, 2011

After marking a behavior with yes my dog will look for the reward/treat. Is it ok if she looks for the reward after the mark?

Hi Cindy, We have purchased 2 of your videos and have been watching several of your free videos on training. We are volunteer puppy raisers for Canine Companions for Independence and have made great progress with our puppy and with our 2 other dogs (lab/golden mixes). We did have a question and have not found it on the videos (although I am sure it is there, we just haven't been able to come across it yet). After marking a behavior with "yes" she will look for the reward/treat. Is it o...
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May 20, 2011

We adopted a dog 3 months ago and he goes nuts when we leave the house, the reaction is almost immediate. What should we do?

Hello Ed, This is a question about separation anxiety. I've been over all of the posts on your website and on the forum and I am still wondering what you would recommend as my next step with my dog, given what we've done so far. If you have the time to give me even a short answer, that would be great! I have your Pack Structure and Basic Obedience DVDs. I've been following your rules on pack structure and obedience and have a very well behaved 1.5 year old Australian Shepher...
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May 18, 2011

Do you recommned anybody to train my dog in Protection?

Hi Ed, I am moving to Indy from Texas. I have a SchH3 female that I adore. She is very smart and very loyal and very affectionate. I had her bred to a breed certified male SCh and she has had 4 great puppies, all with her smarts and demeanor. I want to get one trained specifically for protection ( as in elite protection) and perhaps tracking/rescue( I am firefighter). The only one I can find nearby that looks like I can trust is Al Gill, but he is too busy with police work. Can you...
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May 18, 2011

How long should our 10 week old puppy spend in the dog crate? We get up at 2 AM and let her outside when she cry's, should we stop doing this?

Ed, I just rec'd your puppy video and watched it today. What a super video to watch!! We got a GS puppy (10 weeks) 2 days ago. I only have a couple questions after watching (I know I'm not supposed to have any) :) On crating the pup, how long/often during the day should he be crated so he's used to it and it works effectively? I don't want to be using it too much. Does that time wind down as he gets older? The video states that with food up at about 6:00 and water by 7:00, h...
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May 17, 2011

How do I determine if my puppy is sharp?

How do I determine if my puppy is 'sharp'?
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May 17, 2011

In protection work, should the helper be a stranger or friend to the dog?

My question is about choosing a helper. Should the helper be someone the dog knows, or not? I have read a lot of articles, and some say the dog shouldn't know the helper, some say they should and some say it doesn't matter. I have read a lot of your articles online and it seems you know what the hell you're talking about. I would appreciate it if you gave me an answer to this question. Sincerely, E. Jones SFC US Army
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April 28, 2011

Our rescue dog is a fear biter that is also dominant. We string her up when she does not do extended sit stays. She is still stubborn. What can we do?

We utilize a muzzle and choke collar in training. She is dominate aggressive and used to be a fear biter however that is changing with socialization and the prudent use of a muzzle. The dog has been checked by a vet and the vet found no reason for this behavior. she was adopted from a shelter with very little background known. We have had to string her up twice. The problem of dominance shows basically when she is determined not do something that is asked of her even though she is fully c...
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April 28, 2011

I have an 11 month old Rott. The trainer tried to make him down and the dog tried to bite him. He said he was a FEAR BITER and recommended putting the dog to sleep. Should we?

Hi Ed, First, I want to thank you for having such a wonderful site. I have read it frequently and learned a great deal. It is the first place I go when I have a question. I just read your section on Q&A on Fear Biters, and either I missed it or it did not address the situation I have. I have an 11-month old AKC male Rottweiler named Roark. We got Roark from my brother 2.5 months ago, just before my brother committed suicide. While I know that Roark was never mistreated, he d...
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April 28, 2011

My dog bit a recently bit a lady while on a walk. She is great around the family, but is the complete opposite around other dogs and people. What should I do?

Dear Ed, Our family is in a terrible position and we have a very difficult decision to make. We have a 5 year old Wheaton terrier, Reilly, that is a sweet and very loving dog with our family. We have 5 children ranging from 9-19 and she has been incredibly docile with them. She was the tiny one in her litter and very scared of her siblings. In retrospect we should have known that this could become a problem. She has a very weak stomach and requires special food. We tried to board h...
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April 28, 2011

My dog has been fear biting ever since an incident while traveling by plane. I don't want to do anything that will cause more damage, what do you suggest?

Mr. Frawley, I sincerely hope this email reaches you. I have been an avid reader of your web site. and have purchased some of your material in the past. I have a problem. I am a dog trainer of six years, I have experience dealing mainly with working dogs. Sled dogs, some entry level sport, and personal pets. My problem lies with a female Malinois I own from an irreputable breeder from Oklahoma. I have raised this dog as of 5 weeks of age, the dog is now approximately 16 months old....
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