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May 3, 2011

My 5 month old GSD is constantly itching. What can I do?

My wife and I currently own a German Shepherd puppy that is 5 months old. He seems to scratch continuously. As per the vet, we put him on a special food and he still scratched. Is this something that is just normal for these puppies? Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. John
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May 3, 2011

Which brand of natural kibbles from your site's list would you suggest for a dog with allergies?

Cindy, Three months ago we rescued a three-year-old GSD. He was starving to death, because his owner had not been giving him medication for pancreas insufficiency. He had other serious health issues including allergies. He is recovering well, but even on a diet of Hill's Prescription Diet ZD for food allergies, he is still itching. Which brand of natural kibbles from your site's list would you suggest for our Julius von Narnia? Thanks in advance for your help, Cynthia
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April 29, 2011

I live on a farm and my 18 month old GSD is free as a bird. Lately, she has been tracking me when I leave. How Should I continue using the collar?

I have a 18 month GSD. I live on a farm and Lili is free as a bird. She is very devoted to me and quite obedient, very loving and likes everyone. However, due to illness in the family, I have not been home as much as usual. She tracked me into town (about seven miles) one day so I lock up her up. Last week, I had to stay over night and could not lock her up--so she had tracked me again and visited a neighboring farm. They identified her from her collar and brought her home so she was here whe...
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April 29, 2011

My dogs are great with their vests on but at home, they jump on people and turn a deaf ear to anything we tell them. Would you recommend an ecollor for these issues?

Hi Cindy, I spoke with someone today from the company and they told me to email you. I have 2 dogs and the one that is 3 years old just started, since he was recently neutered, jumping at doors and windows and has broken 2. I do not leave the front door open so that he doesn't do this. He is also a jumper on people when he is overly excited to see them. I have tried the gadget that goes around the legs and it did nothing for him. He is well behaved when out wearing his servi...
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April 28, 2011

My 9 month old GSD is starting to nip at us when she comes and pushes our hand to get pet. She is also starting to bark when she is in the crate. What can we do?

Mr. Frawley, Recently our 9 month old GSD has started to nip at us for no reason. We can be sitting on the couch and she'll come and nudge with her head to be pet and once I start to pet her she begins to nip at my hand. Lately her nipping has become a lot harder and more with me then with my boyfriend. She was crate trained from when we first got her but now when we put her in she begins to bark. She also barks if I'm in another room with the door closed. I'm not sure where we wen...
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April 28, 2011

Will the collar irritate my dogs neck?

Will the collar irritate my dogs neck?
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April 28, 2011

I'd really like to start using the ecollar with the dogs. Is it an appropriate training tool to introduce them to the cats in the house? What type(s) of e-collars would you recommend?

Hi Ed & Cindy! Before my question I'd like to let you both know that we switched the dogs to a raw diet and they are THRIVING on it. Their tummies actually do worse on a non-raw diet now, who'd have thunk it? ;-) Had a question or two on the e-collar: I'd really like to start using it with the dogs (two huskies). Is it an appropriate training tool to introduce them to the cats in the house? We've had to keep them separated for far too long but they have such HIGH prey d...
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April 28, 2011

My dog keeps scratching him self on the neck and is making it raw. I never leave the collar in the same spot I have also tried to keep it looser. Help?

Hi, Thank you for reading my email. I have purchased many of your videos and have great success. My question to you is I have conditioned my dog to the E-collar and he is doing great. The problem I am having is he keeps scratching him self on the neck and is making it raw I never leave it in the same spot I have also tried to keep it looser but then I get intermittent connection sometimes. I thought you could tell me how to cure this problem because I am sure you have run into this...
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April 26, 2011

My Rott and Akita mix have been fighting. Is there any way to stop the aggression?

I have 2 dogs. I've had my Rot for about 6 years and I've had my Akita/Lab mix for about 1 year. About 2 months ago my Akita/lab mix started fighting my Rot for food and water. They are both females (the Rot is fixed, the Akita/lab mix is not). It started over the food, then we made a pen for the Akita/lab mix for feeding time. Now it is over the water. Is there any way I can get them where they are not aggressive?
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April 26, 2011

My male and female Chows have started fighting. Most of the time they are inseparable, then the female will start a fight. Do you have any advice?

Hi Mr Frawley, I have spent the last hour reading all your Q&A on dog fights, And it seems like all your answers come down to keeping the dogs apart for good, or muzzled when together. I have two chows male and female and 95% of the time they are inseparable and love each others company. then out of the blue the female will start a fight for no reason. She is getting fixed in less then a week but form what i read on your website that wont help. I can't imagine them having to...
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April 26, 2011

Our 8 year old Chesapeake Bay Retriever bit our 1 1/2 yr old baby on her hand. My wife wants the dog to go, I don't know what to do.

Cindy, Our 8 year old Chesapeake Bay Retriever bit our 1 1/2 yr old baby on her hand. My wife went into the kitchen quickly leaving them alone, less than 5 seconds, so she didn't see what happened. The dog drew blood - could have used a stitch or 2. My wife wants the dog to go, I don't know what to do. Sarge {our dog} has had possessive issues since he has been a pup. Thanks for any thoughts that can protect all involved. Tom
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April 22, 2011

My Doberman was attacked by a pit bull. Now she acts afraid of every dog she comes in contact with. What can I do to make her brave again?

Hi, I really appreciate your article on breaking up dog fights. Recently, my 85 lb. Dobie was attacked by a pit bull while we were out hiking. It was really frightening but she is physically OK. However, now she seems to be afraid when she encounters any dog, even if it is non-threatening. She flops over on her back, exposing her belly, even though she snarls. I'm interpreting this as a sign of submission. She didn't act like this before the pit bull attack, and I'm worried that any dog w...
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April 22, 2011

I have 4 inside dogs. We have dog fights and when I tried to break up the fight I had 2 fingers that were badly bitten. Now my husband if afraid of our dogs. What can I do?

Hi, I just registered. I was hoping to get some immediate info about a problem I'm having w/ my male german shepherd. I have 4 dogs male shepherd, 3 yrs old (sire is K-9 Police dog, from Netherlands) female shepherd, 6yrs old and the dame/mother to male shepherd labrador, 4 yrs old, shepherd/golden retriever mix. 7 yrs old. The male shepherd has always shown a high prey drive.. frequently stalking the male (neutered) lab. It has been just play. The female shepherd has on occ...
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April 22, 2011

I have 7 Great danes living in my home. Some are mine and some are rescue dogs. I have dog fights occasionally. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Hi. I have 7 Great Danes living in my home. I did rescue for a while and have in the last year quit as it is to hard emotionally and financially on me and my dogs and family. Anyhow, I do have dog fights occasionally and I know that is probably normal since I have so many dogs. All my dogs are altered. I have two females that are both deaf. One of them is mine and the other is a rescue that will be adopted when the time comes. I have to be on watch at all times with all of them as in a moment...
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April 21, 2011

My puppy with coccidia poops in his crate, now that he’s getting better how do I retrain him to not use his crate as a bathroom?

Hello, I'm a first time dog owner, and have just recently purchased a Morkie (Maltese/Yorkie cross). As to date, he is 14 weeks old. A week after I brought him home (6 weeks ago), he was diagnosed with Giardia. Unfortunately, the vet I brought him to was incompetent, and gave me the wrong meds. After finishing those meds and not seeing any improvement in his diarrhea, I brought him to another vet, and that's when they told me he not only had Giardia but also Coccidia. He has 2 more...
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April 21, 2011

My 7 month old pup chews when he sleeps in the kitchen at night and when he is loose in the back yard. What can I do?

I have a 7 month old male GSD and I have a problem with him chewing on things. If anything is left outside or in the kitchen, were he sleeps he will chew it up. I have completed your basic obedience video and we are continuing to train him. But I don't know how to stop him from chewing things up. I have been giving him corrections when I catch him in the act, but those times are few and far between. Can I correct him for chewing if its the next day when I find something chewed up. ...
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April 21, 2011

I received my puppies much too early from the breeder that I bought them from and your formula is working great!

Ed, I just want you to know how much I appreciate your website. I received my puppies much too early from the breeder that I bought them from. (She told me that I had to take them, as mom did not want to feed them anymore, and had actually killed one of the ones that I had put a deposit on). They are 3 days shy of 5 weeks old. She told me that she had weaned them early, and that they were eating hard food already. Well, when my husband got home from picking them up, they were prett...
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April 20, 2011

Is it too late to teach my 2.5 year old dog a reliable out?

I have a 2 1/2 year old male Mal with high drive. I did not tug with him as a young puppy and teach him a reliable out. When he gets overly excited he will not out the ball, bite pillow etc. Is it too late to teach him a reliable out or is there a way to do it. Holding the object still, he holds and holds. Trying to trade one object for another does not work, food does not work as he is more toy driven. Penny
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April 19, 2011

No matter how often or long I take my dog outside to eliminate he will not do it, but will wait until we get back in the house to go. What am I doing wrong?

Hello, I really hope you can provide me with some guidance in housebreaking my puppy. I have an 8 week old Yorkshire Terrier mix and am confused as to what I may doing wrong in attempting to housebreak him. No matter how often or long I take him outside to eliminate he will not do it, but will wait until we get back in the house to go. Even when he's showing obvious signs inside the house that he's about to go, and I direct him outside he still does not go until he returns in the house (n...
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April 15, 2011

My dogs go crazy in their crates when my son visits with his dog. They are otherwise well behaved, what should I do?

I am hoping that you can help us. I have two ? Australian Cattle Dogs. The ? comes when my step son?s Australian Cattle Dog (neutered male) (Ryder) comes to stay with us for two days every two days (my step-son is a fireman at Otis AFB, here in Mass.). I have a spayed female (Libby) and a Champion show dog (Diesel). ALL these dogs are crate trained. All these dogs are registered ACDs. When Diesel and Libby are home and out of their crates, they are very good together, I am the pack lead...
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