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January 19, 2012

My dog has pretty sensitive skin and a healthy, but thin coat. She seems to itch a lot in a few hot spots and I find a flea or two every now and then. What do you suggest for flea control and tender skin?

Hi Cindy, A non-training question: my Brittany seems to have pretty sensitive skin and a healthy, but thin, coat. I have noticed that she seems to itch a lot (scratches and chews though doesn't have any "hot spots") and though her outdoor kennel has a thick bed of cedar chips and she gets bathed about every couple months (she just doesn't get very dirty). I continue to find a flea or two every now and then. I don't think her skin can handle harsh chemicals and I don't like to use them anyw...
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January 19, 2012

I have watched most of your DVD on being the pack leader and introducing new dogs to the pack, but in each instance I only saw male vs female. I have a 1 yr old male from a working breed and I would like to add another male pup from another working breed. Is this doable?

Hi Cindy, I have watched most of your DVD on being the pack leader and introducing new dogs to the pack, but in each instance I only saw male vs female. I have a 1 year old male from a working breed and I would like to add another male pup from another working breed. Is this doable? Thanks, Carl
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November 30, 2011

Our recently adopted dog is determined to kill my cats. I just watched the Remote Collar training video, but I'm not sure that I should get a remote collar. What would you suggest?

We have recently adopted an adult neutered male pit bull from the local shelter. They asked that we take this dog because we have had two other pits in years past with no issues. He is relatively smart and obedient to basic come, sit, down and stay, and he is fine with our Sheltie. The problem is that he is determined to kill my cats. All training goes out the window when he sees one. He is not dog or person aggressive. We have done obedience classes and had a professional trainer come to the...
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August 15, 2011

My dog has a sock addiction. Our vet recommends that he wears a muzzle when he's at home. What type would you suggest?

Hello! My family and I have two wonderful labs. The oldest is a little over a year and the youngest is just about 6 months old. His name is Hugo and he's the best! Sadly, he has an addiction to socks. He is crated when we are not home (both dogs are) and he's confined to the downstairs when we are (gates). Occationally we have a "jail break" and he sneaks upstairs and digs around for socks (the dirtier the better). We have young children who sometimes forget to lock the gate when they fly ...
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July 18, 2011

I would like to know what the ideal weight should be for a 6 month old female malinois pup.

I would like to know what the ideal weight should be for a 6 month old female malinois pup. Thanks! Bob
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May 24, 2011

My 15 week old Golden developed diarrhea after his shots. What do you suggest?

My Golden Retriever is 15 weeks old. Upon getting his first and second round of puppy vaccinations, he developed a very sensitive stomach and frequently has diarrhea (strong smell and consistency of pudding) in his crate in the mornings when we get up. I have told my vet of these concerns, and he attributes it to food, treats, allergies, but never the vaccine. I have switched to Wellness natural dog food and only give him 100% natural treats, and he still has the problem. It is now time for h...
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May 24, 2011

My dog is constipated and is on the raw diet. I tried adding pumpkin, but that doesn't seem to help. Any suggestions?

A year ago I read all the articles on the web site and decided to feed my GSD the raw diet. She does not like beef or most other red meats but will only eat chicken and other fowl. My question / problem is she looks great, lots of energy, and for the most part is healthy except she has become extremely constipated. I tried the pumpkin mixed with the chicken but no help and she won?t touch any kibble. Have you ever experienced this before? Thanks for you time. Dale
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May 24, 2011

We have a 8 1/2 year old Kangal from Turkey. We boil Chickens, have raw meat cut into 1” stew size and he eats around 3lbs per day. He recently has been having some stomach problem is there anything I can give him to settle his stomach down.

We have a 8 1/2 year old Kangal from Turkey. His name is Yurek. We have had him since he was 10 weeks old fed him a raw food diet, he weighs 136lbs.. We boil Chickens, have raw meat cut into 1? stew size and he eats around 3lbs per day. He recently has been having some stomach problem is there anything I can give him to settle his stomach down. Robert
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May 24, 2011

Can I buy RMBs at the grocery store? If not, where do I find them?

Can I buy RMBs at the grocery store? If not, where do I find them?
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May 23, 2011

I have a 2-week old pup that isn’t gaining weight. I let her nurse by herself 3 times a day. What should I do?

I have a litter of ten puppies that was born two weeks ago today. Nine of them are doing great. The tenth one is confusing me. She appears healthy. Her coat looks good, she appears to be nursing fine (without the other puppies). The other pups push her away when they want to eat. I have not seen any sign of the milk coming back up after she has nursed. She does not have cleft palate. The problem she is not gaining weight as quickly as the others. They are all gaining 1 1/2 - 3 oz per day-she ...
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May 23, 2011

What food do you recommend for pregnant females?

What food do you recommend for pregnant females?
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May 20, 2011

My 5 year old Lab X has recently started chewing holes in the walls when we are gone. What can I do?

Hi Ed, I've searched your website looking for some help. I have a rather unusual problem. I have a 5 year old black lab mix (I think she is part pit bull but she is mostly black lab.) She has recently begun chewing on my walls. Yup, chewing holes in the walls. She only does it when I am not at home and I don't know how to correct this behavioral problem. I've tried getting up early to take her for walks in the morning before I leave for work, and leaving toys and treats for h...
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May 20, 2011

My dog is chewing up the walls in my house, what can I do?

Hi Cindy, I have to do something quick before my dog destroys my house. 7 yr. old mix. She spends most of the day outside. Inside at night and has run of the house(that may be the problem). She has started chewing holes in the walls. I have had them patched but she continues to do it and sometimes in the same place but always in the same room. Any idea why and what can I do? Frantic, Amy
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May 20, 2011

My young dog has an uncontrollable urge to escape my yard, is this because he isn’t neutered?

Cindy, I have a 17 month old male APBT, who is intact. He is exercised twice a day. But he has this uncontrollable urge to want to escape my yard and roam the neighborhood. I supervise outside in my fenced in yard, but my gate has a little play in it and a 3 inch space where the latch comes together, this is where he's been able to get his big head out of and his body follows. It happened to me the first time as a surprise. He saw something and went to the gate the next I knew he was out r...
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May 20, 2011

Our dog bites people in certain situations. How would you handle this and what do you suggest?

Hi Mr. Frawley, I've been on your site several hours because it's the most informative and well written site on the internet. Thank-you for taking the time to put this all together. I have a 2 year old female English springer spaniel. Smart, loving, companionable etc etc purchased from a show breeder. In my ignorance, because the dog is so smart and follows me around all day, I never did obedience training with her, my son taught her 'sit, paw.' She always came when called... And re...
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May 20, 2011

My dog whines all the time. Is it just her or am I missing something?

Kind of a silly question since we have had several litters of gs dogs but our 4 year female puzzles me. Likes people, other dogs no problems in particular. She has been to the vet, has had one small litter, gorgeous pups, wrestles with the male, good appetite-but she whines all the time. Vet check ok whines when you are outside, whines when you bring her in, it's like there is something wrong and I don't see it or something in her personality I just don't understand. Is it just her or am I mi...
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May 19, 2011

Since the day I got my 1-yr-old GSD, I have been preparing him for Schutzhund. However, I have an OUT problem right now.

Mr. Frawley, I have a problem with my one year old German Shepherd whom I am currently training for Schutzhund. Since the day I got him, I have been preparing him for Schutzhund. Especially the protection phase. Originally I taught him basic obedience with very few treats. I only used treats to perk up interest because Saber (my GSD) has a high desire to please and didn't need treats at all to learn quickly and remember his lesson. I made a terrible mistake with him though. A tr...
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May 19, 2011

My dog is aggressive to dog he meets. He does well in the drive work. Can he do Schutzhund work is he is afraid of other dogs?

First, I'd like to commend you on your informative web site and your excellent videos. I bought your "Drive Training with Bernhard Flinks" video and have been using his methods on my 5 month old GSD with excellent results. I would like to begin schutzhund training with this dog, but I have a concern about his temperament. Cosmo has great prey drive, is calm and friendly around new people, and is confident in new situations. However, he is fearful of other dogs. When first meeting a...
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May 19, 2011

Should I wear sun glasses when I train?

Members of my club were talking about wearing sunglasses During Training. I never wear them because I want the dog to look in my eyes when it looks at me, and not see a reflection of itself in my glasses. Some said that it did not matter. One person said that it depends on the dog. He said if a dog is insecure it was better to wear glasses so that the dog would not be intimidated. I would like to know what you think. DENNIS
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May 19, 2011

My pup does not have a lot of food drive for tracking. What can I do?

Hi Ed, I have a 9 month old puppy. She doesn't naturally have a high food drive, so my trainer says we will need to build it. When line tracking, if she is not REALLY, REALLY hungry, sometimes she may not care to do the exercise. (We do not feed her before training exercises.) We have backed off on obedience training at this point since she is young, and also because she didn't really show a high interest in the food reward. Do you have a video that would help me to build this kind of d...
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