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April 12, 2011

Our 2 year old Golden Retriever has developed serious aggression problems with our family. She has had a lot of training. These aggression problems came on very suddenly. What can I do?

I have been reading your web site and everything else that I can find on aggressive dogs. Sassy just turned 2 and is a golden from very good show lines and also according to the breeder from good temperament lines. She has had some food aggression problems in the past that I have worked on with her since we had her. I thought we had it pretty much fixed. I took her to training at 10 weeks old because of this and we have enjoyed it and been in training ever since. She has passed her therap...
40% (71 out of 177)
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April 19, 2011

My dog has separation anxiety, it will rip the siding off my home if left outside too long. What can I do?

I'm pretty much at my wits end. I'm what I would consider an experienced dog person; my age, my life, etc. I have a foster Golden; 6 yr old, SF...she came to me with some serious issues. She is storm phobic, has "separation anxiety", etc. etc. A behaviorist nightmare. If left outside longer than she wishes, she will rip the siding off our house. The timing can be five minutes, or fifty...the trick is figuring out how long is too long...letting her in BEFORE the behavior starts. She h...
40% (6 out of 15)
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November 6, 2012

Recommended How do I get my high food drive GSD puppy to except food reward more gently?

How do I get my high food drive GSD puppy to except food reward more gently?
40% (2 out of 5)
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September 21, 2011

I began feeding my dog raw food last April. I'm wondering if you think there is a connection between raw food and recurrent giardia?

Hello Cindy, I began feeding my dog raw food last April, in large part because of the wonderful information I found on the Leerburg website. The FAQ's are SO helpful and really convinced me it is the right way to feed my dog. So, thank you for all that information! I'm writing to you to ask if you think raw food could have some connection to recurrent giardia. My 17 month old American Bulldog has giardia for the 3rd time in 2 months. The vet prescribes Metronidazole and Panacur, which ...
40% (2 out of 5)
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August 11, 2011

I have an 11 month old husky puppy and am having an extremely hard time house breaking him. He goes inside the house at least once a day and he doesn't want to go outside, we have to force him. Please help!!!

I have an 11 month old husky puppy and am having an extremely hard time house breaking him. When we go for walks, he will not relieve himself until he gets to our backyard. Even when we take him out in our backyard a lot of times he won't do anything, but once we get into the house a couple minutes later he will pee in our walkway (one of two places that he will pee in the house). He knows he does wrong when it happens because he runs to his crate, no matter how many times we take him out thr...
40% (2 out of 5)
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May 23, 2011

What is the difference between a dominant male alpha puppy and a high drive alpha male puppy?

Hi Ed, What is the difference between a dominant male alpha puppy and a high drive alpha male puppy? Thank You! Jerry
40% (2 out of 5)
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May 20, 2011

We have a yellow lab that is 4 years old and she recently began chewing up our house when we are gone, what can we do about this? We’ve had Rotties before so Lab behavior is new to us.

Hello, I got your email address from your website. My husband and I have a 4 year old yellow lab who recently started chewing again. We tried to keep her in a crate when she was a puppy, but when we would come home, the carpet was tore up, webbing and nose bleeding. Fairly painlessly she grew out of it for about 1.5 years. She then about 9 months ago started chewing the dining room furniture while we were away and the baseboards in the house. Bought a plastic crate so she couldn't...
40% (2 out of 5)
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May 17, 2011

Our trainer doesn't allow prongs and likes gentle leaders. What are your thoughts?

Hi Cindy, Thank you so much for your very quick reply. No, the instructor does not allow prong collars in her class. She likes the gentle leader and feels she has had success with it. Her daughter is training her new dog in this class and she is using a gentle leader on him. I gather this is a personal preference issue among dog folks. But, I am more prone to your thinking. I think we will only have a problem if something excites Dante enough for him to lunge as he did yeste...
40% (2 out of 5)
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May 13, 2011

I have a 2 year old shih tzu who is can be unpredictably aggressive. She weighs about 13 pounds. Would a muzzle be appropriate for her, which one should I use?

I have a 2 year old shih tzu who is can be unpredictably aggressive - she growls, shows teeth and then bites. she weights about 13 pounds. I was wondering whether a muzzle would be appropriate for her and, if so, which one should I use? Esther
40% (2 out of 5)
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April 12, 2011

I have inadvertently allowed my dog to have a chewy grip by throwing a ball for him as a reward. I'm looking for some advice as to how I can remedy this grip problem.

I have a 7 month old GSD with loads of prey drive and is also displaying defense drive already. Training is going really well except for one area: Grip! I have inadvertently allowed him to have a chewy grip by throwing a ball for him as a reward during other types of training and allowing him to run back to me carrying the ball to commence a game of tug. During this run back to me he has been mouthing the ball, without me taking much notice and now that I want to do grip training I...
38% (6 out of 16)
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May 18, 2011

Can you tell us how to housebreak our puppy?

Can you tell us how to housebreak our puppy?
38% (3 out of 8)
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May 18, 2011

Ever since I corrected my puppy for growling at me, she acts fearful. What should I do now?

Dear Ed, I am a first time dog owner who recently purchased a toy poodle puppy at 8 weeks old. She is now 12 weeks. I got a toy breed because I live in an apartment and because this is my first dog. I chose a breed in which I thought would be easy to train and be a good house pet. Even from 8 weeks, I started doing basic training at home, and she very quickly learned to sit, down, stay, and come (although she really only comes consistently when she knows I have food). She seemed li...
38% (3 out of 8)
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April 20, 2011

The nipples I'm using to bottle feed keep getting clogged. Help!

Having probs: Maybe the egg yolks on rewarming the formula. Stuff is sticking in the nipples and both the pups and I are getting frustrated. The nipple gets clogged with the fast flow vent nipple. My son sees no reason for evaporated milk if you use the yogurt/water. HELP Can you just use the yogurt/milk and drop the egg for the next week? Some of the pups seem hungry. Some will take the bottle and others fight. New mom being a pain.10 GS pups at risk DOB 4/3 Judy
35% (22 out of 63)
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May 23, 2012

My pup used to break out of the crate. I've now secured the crate but he now is tearing up blankets and barking loudly. Would a muzzle help?

Hello, I have a five-month-old Shepherd pup. I'm having issues crate training my dog. When I have to go to work, I have my pup crated. So he is crated for four hours, then I come home and take him out and walk him for an hour, then he's crated for four hours, and then when I return home at the end of the day, he's then fed, walked, and played with. Originally my problem was with him escaping his crate and then tearing up my carpet. Some trial and error, a blanket under the crate, and ...
35% (6 out of 17)
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April 28, 2011

The expert bahaviorist could not deal with our dog. The behaviorist and our vet recommended putting the dog to sleep. Is this the right decision?

Mr. Frawley, I am hoping you can help us today! We adopted George from a local shelter 15 months ago, he is a German Shepherd mix, about 3 or 4 years old. From the beginning he has showed dominance towards me when he found food outside, going after me with a strong, viscous bark, but has always let me take away his food if I have given it to him. Since then my husband and I have given birth to a beautiful daughter who is now four months old. We have tried some training and met with...
33% (19 out of 57)
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April 21, 2011

My 6 month old Cockapoo is STILL not housebroke. When will he figure it out?

We have a six months old cockapoo that we got when he was 10 weeks old. We crate trained him from the beginning. He cried for a couple of nights but then took to it just fine. When I take him out of the crate, I take him outside and he will pee on command. I take him inside and give him free time in a confined room such as a kitchen or family room or on a leash. He will then go in the house again even if it has only been 10 min since he was outside. 90% of the time he had an accident in th...
33% (4 out of 12)
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May 23, 2011

I bred my male to my bitch 3 times. How do I know if she is pregnant?

How do I tell if my bitch is preg? Have had her to the vet, he say's he does not think she is, but could be just to early too tell. They mated the 10th, 15th and 18th of April 2000. The male is only 6 months, so we were surprised to say the least the mating took place. The Vet also said that it is possible she could be carrying only 1 to 2 pups, that would not be so easy to detect. We have noticed sluggishness and seems to us her ribs are spreading. How can we tell, other than with time? I do...
33% (2 out of 6)
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May 17, 2011

I'm worried about my neighbor's police dog when it comes to mine and my pup's safety. Should I be?

Dear Ed, I am writing you because you understand police K-9s and I want to know if my fears are ungrounded. I have a 4-1/2-month-old bijon-peke and I live next door to a police officer with a German Shepherd police K-9. He has had the dog 3 years. I have seldom seen the dog because it has been trained not to bark and I don't know when it is out in their yard. However, since we got our first puppy, I've been in our backyard more often than before playing with the puppy and...
33% (2 out of 6)
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April 29, 2011

I am a Deputy Sheriff who loves English Bull Dog. I want to train one be a narcotics dog. Can this be done?

I am a deputy. We have two drug dogs already, (Chocolate Lab), (German Shepherd). I am an English Bulldog Nut..... Nut is the right word. I am going to purchase my own English Bulldog not the American Pit bull and would like to know if this breed would work well as a Narcotics Trained Dog or do you have information on what type of training this breed is best suited for when it comes to police work. If this breed is an asset to the Sheriffs Department can you tell me who to c...
33% (2 out of 6)
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April 12, 2011

I have a young dog that I have started in drive work. It is not ready for OUT training. How do I get the toy away?

I have a young dog that I have started in drive work. It is not ready for OUT training. How do I get the toy away?
33% (2 out of 6)
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