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May 24, 2011

My dog constantly pushes his dry food out of his bowl all over the floor. Sometimes, he tries to dump the food bowl over. Do you know of any such product?

Ed, I have a Great Pyrenees who constantly pushes his dry food out of his bowl all over the floor. Sometimes, he tries to dump the food bowl over. We have no idea why he does this but are seeking a bowl that will not be able to be overturned and will not allow him to push the food out with his nose. Do you know of any such product? Many thanks! Leslie
31% (16 out of 52)
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May 20, 2011

I have a very hard pup, but she freaks out whenever I leave, even if it is just for 5 minutes. How can I fix this or will she grow out of it?

Hi, I can't tell you what it means to me to have the invaluable free information on your website. Some dog owners just don't have the funds for purchasing training tapes and videos and what is out there on the market is usually garbage anyway. Thank God there is someone who knows dogs that we can all turn to. I know you must have saved thousands of dogs just by having it there. We humans just have no natural instincts for raising pack animals. We need to be taught. I ha...
31% (4 out of 13)
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April 22, 2011

My Pembroke Welsh Corgi has been snapping and growling lately. What can I do to get this aggression to stop?

I got a pembroke welsh corgi last year at about this time, he never acted this way before but...anyway Whenever we go off for a drive, when I try to pick him up [or anyone for that matter] he will snarl, bite, so on. I'm only trying to help him into the car, he use to let me do it, but now... Then, just recently, he started this, I tried to pet him just this morning and his ears go back and he snaps at me and backs up. I scolded him and he gave me a deep deep growl and wande...
30% (6 out of 20)
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May 11, 2021

Recommended How much socialization with other dogs does my adult German Shepherd need?

Hi, how much socialization with other dogs does my almost 5 year old gsd need? He interacts with son's golden daily in short increments and is with me pretty much 24/7.
29% (42 out of 143)
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May 23, 2011

I am trying to bottle feed a pup. After it eats milk comes out it's nose. Will tube feeding stop this?

Hi, First I wanted to say you really must love your dogs!!! We are currently bottle feeding a pug pup he was born on New Years day,his mom just isn't getting the milk in, after reading this I think I understand I need to be tube feeding him the last couple of days when I feed him or even 2hrs after he eats you will see milk coming out his nose.... does that mean the milk got in his lungs??? Do you have any advise, for me, he is a big part of our family now, I really need help, I have bottl...
29% (2 out of 7)
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March 16, 2022

Recommended Do you recommend puppy classes where puppies are turned loose together to “socialize” ? 

Hi Cindy, I hope you are well. I cannot find anything that specifically addresses this question, so I am reaching out. Puppy socialization classes: specifically, a local trainer has classes where puppies, grouped roughly by age, are placed together to "socialize." Do you/Leerburg recommend this sort of class? Thank you!
28% (74 out of 268)
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April 26, 2011

My dog attacks other dogs without a warning. What can I do to stop this?

I write you because my dog attacks other dogs without warning. I've had 2 different trainers revue her and find nothing wrong with her, one trainer specialized in aggressive dogs. My dog doesn't attack all the time, it's extremely random. She gives no warning signs except for some posturing, there is no growling or anything. In fact she is quite silent. Never barks. A huge problem is I'm not strong enough to really pull on the pinch collar enough to do anything useful when she gets into fight...
28% (11 out of 40)
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April 26, 2011

My Bichon Frise shows aggression to children. I am taking him to obedience classes at Pet Smart. This is not helping. What can I do?

I know you probably don't hear a lot about these dogs, but here goes: I purchased him from a private breeder (mother very sweet, siblings all looked fine-clean home, etc - husband and wife stays home with dogs. We brought him home and everything was fine. He would play bite was the only major thing I noticed in like the first month. About a month after we got him, some relatives came to stay for 6 weeks temporarily with us. They have 2 children, ages 2 and a half and 6. Both of the...
28% (5 out of 18)
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April 21, 2011

My Lab poops in the bed of my truck everytime I load him up. How can I help my dog to learn that what he's doing is not acceptable?

My 5 Year Old Lab has a problem with going to the bathroom. A good friend suggested I contact you. I hope you can help. My Lab poops in the bed of my truck everytime I load him up to take him to the river or for a run in the country. He just gets so excited, I don't think he can help himself. My Lab lives to hunt and retrieve! That's all he's interested in. He doesn't care for petting and playing, just working. He gets a good deal of excercise as he walks three miles with me each ...
27% (4 out of 15)
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May 17, 2011

My white dog has discolored fur around his collar, will his fur go back to its normal color if I discontinue using the metal prong collar?

Cindy, I have a white Lab and have been using a metal prong collar. Lately I've noticed that his fur around the collar is discolored (grey colored). Is the discoloration caused by the metal prong collar? Will his fur return to its original color if I stop using the metal prong collar? Thanks, Steve
27% (3 out of 11)
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April 22, 2011

Why did my dogs kill a deer?

I need some advice. Hopefully, I'm just being paranoid. I am the proud mama of 3 dogs... a 5-yr. old male 50-lb. mixed breed, a 5-yr. old female 70-lb. German Shepherd, and a 3-yr. old male 75-lb. German Shepherd mix. They stay w/ my in-laws' house on an 11-acre parcel of land in the country whenever my husband & I leave town. My in-laws have 3 dogs as well, so when the grand puppies are visiting we joke that they are quite the little "pack." All of the dogs are good with other dog...
25% (7 out of 28)
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November 29, 2012

You offer many ecollars, which one would work best for my situation?

Cindy, There are so many choices from you product offering. I'm uncertain as to which one is best for me. I have purchased the electronic collar training DVD (as well as Dominant & Aggressive, Tug, Rewarding with food and a few others) and currently own a "Petsafe" brand ecollar and its effectiveness is disappointing. A bit of background: I have a 3 year old Doberman/Greyhound (75 lb) cross problem who is fast, athletic and has A LOT of drive. He is a rescue dog I have been handling...
25% (2 out of 8)
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April 12, 2011

Our dog has bitten 4 people. We are thinking of putting him dow. What should we do?

I've enjoyed your web site immensely. It's an education. If I ever think about getting another dog, I'm going to read every book you recommend and then wait a year to make sure it's not temporary insanity. Perhaps you have a moment to answer a question. We have a 4 1/2 yr old male Lab/chow from the pound. We let a lot of people handle him when he was a puppy. Nonetheless, he is an ill-bred, fearful dog. He bites people and we think it's time to put him down. We've called two vets a...
25% (2 out of 8)
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September 12, 2011

Recommended My Great Dane recently lost her entire litter of puppies. Would it be bad to breed her again so soon? How many litters should I let her have before it starts to affect her health?

I have a 4 year old Great Dane that had a litter of puppies and none of them made it so she didn't go through the feeding process. She is now healthier than she was before she had the puppies and should be going into heat again very soon. Would it be bad for her to breed again so soon? How many litters should I let her have before it starts to affect her health?
25% (1 out of 4)
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April 15, 2011

When my 15-month-old Doberman hears the slightest sound, he keeps barking. Is there a way teach him how to distinguish between noises or perhaps could he grow out of this pattern?

Hello Cindy, It has been a very long time since I last emailed. I ordered several of Ed's videos and searched his site on quieting a barking dog. Simply put, my 15-month-old Doberman is very obedient thanks to your videos but for some reason if he hears the slightest sound outside, upstairs or even if my wife opens the basement door to talk to me for something he just keeps barking. I don't mind him nor will I correct him for barking at strangers walking by or hears noises ...
25% (1 out of 4)
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April 12, 2011

I am seriously thinking of putting my dog down but can't find a vet to do it. The dog has bitten several people. What do you recommend?

I just read your article. I found it comforting since I am in the process of coming to terms of having to put my dog down. Jack is aggressive and has bitten people. Fortunately none of the bites broke the skin ............until this last one. And while everyone was always very understanding (honestly) I know I no longer can control him and now live in an area where there are children. However, I can not locate anyone who will put him down - his vet says because he isn't sick he won't do i...
25% (1 out of 4)
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May 19, 2011

My dog has no food drive. Can you help me?

Hello, I have a question about Force tracking. I own a rottweiler with an excellent working pedigree but I'm having a serious problem with tracking. He doesn't have good food drive so that method is of no use. I was hoping you'd be able to give some ideas or direct me to some sources of information that would be of help. Many Thanks, Terry
24% (5 out of 21)
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April 26, 2011

I have a 16 month old Cairn Terrier that has been aggressive to my 3 1/2 year old son. What can I do?

Mr. Frawley, I hope you can help our family. We have a 16 mon. old cairn terrier male neutered at 6 mon. He is generally a good natured dog. We have had typical problems with house training, but generally he is a typical cairn. Problem is with my 3 1/2 year old son. There seems to be some confusion as to who is higher in the pecking order. My son is very gentle with this dog, but when the pup was 4-5 mon. old he bit my boy in the face. He still bares the scar. Over the past ...
22% (4 out of 18)
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February 15, 2012

Is a dog grabbing a dog by the scruff of the neck and shaking it like a toy an aggressive behavior? How can I correct this?

I have a 9 month old GSD spayed female that really is a sweet dog. She generally is good with other dogs. I have been taking her to the dog park since she was 6 months for socialization and excercise (I now know this is not recommended by Leerburg and plan on discontinuing my visits). Is a dog grabbing a dog by the scruff of the neck and shaking it like a toy an aggressive behavior? How can I correct this? She does this to only specific dogs. 2 dogs so far. Today she got in a fight with...
21% (5 out of 24)
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April 26, 2011

My dog was attacked by another dog, now I'm worried that she may be traumatized and be the first to attack now. Can you help me in what she is feeling?

Hello, I have been browsing your website and am very impressed by it. I was not able to find the answer to my question and called your establishment. I was directed back to your website and if need be email you. My 10 year black lab is a very protective, loving and friendly dog. She has killed her share of skunks and chased many cats but has never had a dog fight. She has growled and let it be known she does not like female dogs. Today on a walk down our country road a neighbor's dog came...
20% (2 out of 10)
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