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March 11, 2019

What is the difference between a Video On Demand Stream and an Online Course?

What is the difference between a Video On Demand Stream and an Online Course?
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May 23, 2012

I'm due to have a baby in 2 months and I'm thinking about getting rid of my 3-year-old dog. When I let her in from outside, she jumps on the sofa and acts very hyper. I don't want her to jump on the baby. What can I do?

Could you give me some advice and help with my dog? I'm due a baby in 2 months and am thinking of getting rid of my 3 year old Staffordshire bull terrier. The reason for this is because when I let her into the house from the garden, she storms in jumping on the sofa and is very hyper and I would be scared of her jumping on my new baby or something. I thought I would ask you first as I really love her and would like to try and sort her out before I would give her up. Please get back to me. Tha...
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September 12, 2011

I have a couple questions on spaying & neutering.

Hi Ed, I'm a customer of yours and I have many of your training DVDs. I have a question for you regarding perhaps both training and just general advice. I will be getting an 8 week old Czech/DDR female puppy soon, which by virtue of genetics and early testing should be potentially a very hard dog with extremely high prey drive. Presently, I have a 4 year old GSD, an unneutered and professionally trained male (both obedience and protection), who thankfully is not at all dog aggressive...
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May 19, 2011

My Corgi had and incident with my fiance and he evacuated his bowels, his bladder, and his anal glands onto the tile floor and I have a few questions about what happened.

Hello, I have a 10 month old Pembroke Welsh Corgi male that seems to be doing very well. He was neutered around 6 months and is usually very obedient. He's been crate trained since 8 weeks old and generally spends 4-6 hours out of the crate over the course of the day in 1-2 hour periods. To me he feels like a soft dog where only a verbal correction is necessary to get him to respond in most cases. A smack on the butt is usually more than enough to correct other more persistent things such ...
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May 16, 2013

Recommended My 3 month old puppy is lunging at my face and redirecting doesn't work. She also jumps at the side of her ex pen constantly. I'm raising this puppy for protection and schutzhund. Nothing I do is making a lasting impact, suggestions?

I have a 3 month old professionally bred working line GSD. She is high drive with a tenacity to learn. I have both 8 weeks to 8 months and Working Puppy. While both videos are extremely helpful I still have 2 questions. 1. We have "conquered" ankle and pant leg biting and work relentlessly on redirecting with hand biting. Little progress has been made there - but it is the lunging at the face that concerns me most. Once she begins the lunging it does not quit until I leave. She wears a lea...
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January 18, 2013

Recommended I'm thinking about a prong collar but I've seen from your videos that they can come apart? What type would you recommend and how would I use it so it doesn't come apart? Why don't you recommend quick release prong collars?

Hi Cindy! Hope all is well. You've given great advice to me in the past regarding raw diet and such, amongst other things, which made a huge difference in my dogs lives. I'm very grateful, thanks for that. So now I have another question, & figured, there would be no other person best to ask but Cindy. It's regarding the prong collars. I don't have sound on my computer so it's hard for me to watch the videos. I have tried everything in existence to stop my dog from pulling on the leash. There ...
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August 1, 2011

Recommended I've watched The Power of Playing Tug with Your Dog and my Malinois loves to tug. The problem is she is biting my hands while tugging. How can I show her the proper way?

Hello Cindy. Hope all is well with you. I emailed you from Afghanistan about my female Mal, who is now 14 months old, about her eating her poop. Thanks for the nutritional advice on that; your advice was spot on. Now I have another question. When I play tug with her, she bites my hands (I am sure inadvertently) right by my thumb and forefinger. I have tried widening my grip, but eventually she still bites it. I really do not think she is doing it on purpose. She is very intense about tuggi...
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February 4, 2020

I read your article about dog parks and completely agree, do you have the same feeling about doggy daycare

Hello, I have an 8 month old akita. I was reading the article about Dog Parks and completely agree. I would not take him to one. I was wondering if you have the same feelings about doggy Daycare. We have considered trying a half day a week. it seems to be well run. They bring in new dogs into a separate area and introduce one new dog at a time starting with the dogs with the best temperament. Eventually they will be in the general area if all goes well. Our puppy has had have very little inte...
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July 6, 2011

We're crate training and finding that we need to force the dog into the crate. This doesn't seem like it establishes the right pattern. Can you give us any advice?

Our dog is a 1 year old husky retriever mix, about 50 pounds. We received her from friends that decided against keeping her. After viewing your DVD on establishing pack structure, we started crate training. This began about three weeks after having her, and on the second day of the crate training, she refused to go into the crate after her walk. I had to force her in and later after her next walk, my 16 year old daughter had to force her back in. At first she responded well to going in after ...
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May 19, 2011

I'm trying to socialize my pup, what signs should I be looking for to tell me that she has had enough exposure to noise, people, etc?

Dear Cindy, My mal puppy I have written to you about is fear/aggressive, and I am trying to socialize her. Sometimes I think she is improving well, and other times she is scared of such little things. What signs should I be looking for to tell me that she has had enough exposure to noise, people, etc? She is 3 mos old and I would like to train her for personal protection some day. I have been watching all of the DVDs but the only thing I have seen is letting strangers give her t...
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May 17, 2011

Our local police k9 handlers use electric shock sticks on the dogs testicles to get them off the sleeve. Is this an accepted method of training police dogs?

Dear Mr Frawley, I am quite disturbed about a training technique that my police K-9 unit is using with their K-9's. To fairly evaluate my decision I attempted to search for articles regarding this but have found none so I am writing to ask for your opinion. I learned that the agitator will regularly use a cattle prod or shock stick on the dog's testicles to increase agitation or get him to out/off the sleeve. I am not an Officer but work with the police Dept. and have watched some ...
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May 10, 2011

Why don’t you use an OUT command on the hidden sleeve?

I have many of your videos, but as I watch the police and personal protection videos I notice that you don't use an ?out? command on the hidden sleeve, but you just pull the dog off. Why don't you use an ?out? command on the hidden sleeve? Thanks again......... Sincerely, John
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April 22, 2011

We never noticed our 10-yr-old dog was aggressive until our son was born 6 years ago. She's been barking and growling whenever someone knocks. Is she too old to train?

I'm hoping you can give me some advice on our dog. We own a 10 year old Chow/German Shepherd mix dog. She went through puppy training at Petsmart and we had a personal trainer come to our home for basic commands. We are having problems with aggression. We never noticed any aggression until our son was born 6 years ago. She is very protective of our children and house. If a person rings our doorbell or knocks on the door she goes crazy. She literally lunges at the door trying to get to the...
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April 21, 2011

I have a question on the leash pressure section in 'Focused Heeling'

Hello Cindy, I've watched the "Focused Heeling" DVD and am incredibly impressed. I've fixed a problem that I had been having for months in about 20 minutes! I have a question though on the leash pressure section. I show my Rottweilers (one 3 1/2yrs old and one 10 months old) in sieger shows and am unsure I really want to train the leash pressure because I need them to lean into the leash while stacking them. I use the pressure to change footing to get the best stack. I was wonderin...
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April 19, 2011

My dog digs holes in the yard. I have tried filling them with water and holding his head under for 2 seconds, hitting his feet with wood spoons. Nothing works, what should I do?

My husband and I have a 2 1/2 year old male German Shepherd. He is very sweet and great with children. He is also very high strung. At times he will dig many holes in our yard. None by the fence. He has no rhyme or reason. He will go for weeks without digging and then dig half a dozen at a time. We have tried filling his holes with water and holding his head under for about 5 seconds. Filling the holes with feces. Spanking. Hitting his digging feet with a wooden spoon enough to make him n...
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January 3, 2021

Recommended Our family is waiting for our German Shepherd puppy to come to our home in March - What would you recommend as we start our preparation and plan our training for the dog in the next 12 months?

Hi Cindy, Our family is waiting for our German Shepherd puppy to come to our home in March. We are first time dog owner, and we are serious about properly training our dog. I am amazed by the amount of training material and courses you have made available on your website, but at the same time feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start. What would you recommend as we start our preparation and plan our training for the dog in the next 12 months? Looking forward to hearing from you. ...
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July 17, 2014

Recommended Would it be alright for my 4 month old German Shepherd to walk quickly next to my bike while I ride it short distances?

Somewhere in your DVDs or written word, I read that one should not jog with a dog younger than 12 months of age. My German Shepherd is 4 months of age and I was wondering if it would be alright to have him walk quickly alongside my bicycle as I ride at a slow speed for short distances? My thought was that it would be good to have him get used to this at a young age so as not to pull me off my bike as he gets older and stronger. I have thoroughly enjoyed your tapes and your written training ma...
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March 27, 2014

Recommended My dog runs out to the dumbbell and touches it instead of retrieving it. I don't want to stop working on the send away but I am not sure what to do.

Hi Cindy, When I throw the dumbbell and she runs out to get it but doesn't pick it up, I either will race out there with her and give it a little kick and repeat bringand "usually" she will pick it up or sometimes. I may go pick the dumbbell up and put it in her mouth then I run backwards a few yards and tell her to bring and she will normally do this with a front sit (she doesn't hold the dumbbell tight, which is another whole different topic). She likes to retrieve but she is just a ...
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October 29, 2013

Recommended I know I need to establish pack structure and I can only afford 2 DVDs, which ones would be best for me?

I have been reading different articles on your website and wish to purchase a DVD but only have $ to spend on one maybe 2. I have a 6 month old part lab, part Tibetan terrier with loads of energy. I also have two boys one 5 and one 2 with loads of energy. I need to be a pack leader. I am not with my pup. I am great with my kids. A friend recently suggested the leash training. In the house and outside to establish I am the leader. We do not have a fenced yard and the kids and I were playin...
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August 1, 2013

Recommended My 13 week old pup has so much energy & I'm paranoid about hip dysplasia, should I be restricting her exercise?

I have Puppies 8 weeks to 8 months and the series of building drive and focus. I love them but have a couple questions as a first time dog owner. I have a GSD working line puppy that is 13 weeks old now. She has soooo much energy that I'm having a hard time gauging how much exercise is too much. Right now, I'm walking her around the block about 3 times a day (sometimes I take her for a longer walk because she has so much energy) and I train her once a day in the backyard. I know I'm not su...
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