Aggression Q&As

April 22, 2011

Our dog bit a 3 year old child.

We currently own a 120 lb 9 month old Boerboel we got in South Africa. Over the last month he has been showing signs of aggression towards children (growling). We just had him neutered this past week to hopefully help eliminate the aggression. We also were looking into obedience training. However, while we were out at the park this weekend our dog bit a 3 year old boy. The attack was completely unprovoked and happened very quickly. Luckily the boy is fine and while the dog did break skin ...
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April 22, 2011

My dog has bitten 48 people. Do you have any suggestions on how I can handle him?

Where do I start. Maxx is a Black Cocker Spaniel that I rescued when he was 6 months (now he is 23 months). I rescued him from being put down. Maxx is very aggressive and I don't know what to do. It seems like he doesn't want to be around anyone by me. He is very selfish and doesn't even want anyone or another dog to touch him. Examples: When I put Maxx out to go to the bathroom (he is very Obsessive Compulsive) he always goes to the bathroom in the same place in the yard which is a good ...
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April 22, 2011

Does your DVD “Establishing Pack Structure with the Family Pet” cover a situation like ours where we need two dogs to learn their place?

Hello Mr. Frawley, My name is Mark Wright. My wife, Cassie, and I have two dogs? and a newborn (our daughter Anna was born a week ago). Our dogs are Lacey, an 11-year-old pure bred Cocker Spaniel and Gidgit, an 11-month old Beagle/Collie mix. Prior to Gidgit?s arrival, Lacey was fine and understood that we are the masters. I believe that is still understood today. I can approach Lacey and pull a bone or other toy away from her without her becoming aggressive towards me....
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April 22, 2011

I moved into a home with a Pitbull Mastiff who is completely blind. I've embarked on being the pack leader. How do I correct him when he growls? Is yelling NO enough?

Thank you for your site. I've spent hours poring over the material, and plan on purchasing some of your DVDs. First however, I wanted to contact you because my situation really is different from anything I've read. One month ago, I moved into a home with a 120 pit bull mastiff, who is completely blind. The dog is a foster dog and has been living with my two roommates for 6 months. He's very poorly trained, dominant, and shows aggressive tendencies (such as growling). After reading your ...
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April 22, 2011

We adopted a 2 year old Aussie 8 weeks ago. He has been biting people and I just don't know what to do. Do you have any advice?

Hi Ed, I adopted a 2 year old australian shepherd about 8 weeks ago. He is a 40 pound red merle named Casey. Casey belonged to an 18 year old girl until she had a baby and could no longer take care of Casey...I was told. >From there he went to a foster family and then to an aussie rescue foster family. It was from the aussie rescue family that I adopted him from. I also have a 2 year old german shepherd. I had a 12 year old shepherd that I had to have put to sleep. The hip displays...
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April 22, 2011

My Pembroke Welsh Corgi has been snapping and growling lately. What can I do to get this aggression to stop?

I got a pembroke welsh corgi last year at about this time, he never acted this way before but...anyway Whenever we go off for a drive, when I try to pick him up [or anyone for that matter] he will snarl, bite, so on. I'm only trying to help him into the car, he use to let me do it, but now... Then, just recently, he started this, I tried to pet him just this morning and his ears go back and he snaps at me and backs up. I scolded him and he gave me a deep deep growl and wande...
30% (6 out of 20)
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April 22, 2011

Our male dog we've had for 10 years has always shown aggressiveness but now with my 3 1/2 year-old, I'm concerned. What should I do?

Hello, I would really like your opinion on the following situation: Almost 10 years ago we decided to adopt a dog from a shelter. The dog was healthy, and we guessed he was somewhere between 4 and 6 months of age - he was loosing baby teeth. The shelter noted him as a stray and there were no other details. We visited him on two occasions at the shelter prior to adopting him. He had a lot of energy, like to play ball and seemed to be a generally happy dog. We could only guess at the bree...
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April 22, 2011

My 3 year old neutered Rott has attacked 2 children and my puppy. He is the love of my life-- what can I do?

Hi Ed, Thanks so much for sharing your experience and advice on and through this web site. I am hoping you can help me and perhaps lead me in the right direction. I am interested in several of your videos and was wondering which you would recommend for my circumstances. I have an 8 year old neutered Basset Hound, a 3 year old neutered Rottweiler mix whom we rescued, and a 14 week old Newfoundland girl. My problems are with the rottie mix and I would really appreciate any adv...
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April 22, 2011

Our recently adopted 10 month old Dachshund jumps up and snaps at my 19 month old son. What can I do?

Hello, I have a concern about our 10 month old dachshund we adopted from a dachshund rescue web-site in Nebraska. He is a intact male, but just recently had him neutered. We have only had him for 3 weeks now, we love him and enjoy him very much, he is so far very good with our oldest child, my husband, myself and our other little dachshund. He doesn't get along well with our 19 month old son. I think he is a fear bitter, and I really have to defend the dog on this part because my s...
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April 22, 2011

My 7 month Lab X still mouths my daughter when they play. I want a reliable protection dog, but also want my dog to be safe with kids. What do you think?

Hi Ed, I have a 7 mo. old Lab/Redheeler (and possibly German Shepard) mix. She was a stray that we took in when she was approximately 3 mo. old. We have a great vet for her and an appointment this week for her to be spayed. I would like to have a well trained family pet and also reliable protection (We live in a very shady part of town). I am a college student and stay-at-home with my 2 1/2 year old. We are also on a very tight budget and cannot afford professional training. I have...
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April 22, 2011

My 5 month old Mini-Dachsund has started snapping at my children and husband. What can I do before this escalates?

Hi Thank you for offering advise. I have looked through your articles and information but still feel the need to email you. We have just gotten a 5 month old female miniature Dachshund. We have had her 2 weeks. She has been very sweet and easy going. She has been friendly with strangers. We have a 4 and a 7 year old. children. She has suddenly started snapping. First she snapped at my son who is 7 years old. He approached her from behind while she was chewing on her c...
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April 22, 2011

I have a 2 year old adopted dog who has just started growling at some people. Will he really bite someone?

Hello! First off, I was reading about the prong collar and if I decide to try this I just know that if I were to go to PetSmart who probably sells it they will tell me how cruel it is. They always do that which makes me wonder why they sell the stuff if they want to make their customers feel bad about buying it. Ok, I adopted a dog about a year ago. He was then 1.5 years old. Now he's 2. He typically is a real sweetie, and he is neutered. A few months ago in my house the lit...
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April 22, 2011

I want to teach my 2 year old GSD to baby-sit my twins. I want the dog to learn to keep the kids in the yard. Do you have any advice on this?

Hello: My wife & I are having twins. Our German Shepherd is now 2 years old and for the most part well behaved. We have been told many different ways of presenting our Lola to the babies for the first time. Also my goal is to have Lola baby sit as much as possible in the future. Lola is rarely on a leash in the front or back yard. Already knowing her boundaries, I would like to teach her to keep the kids in their own front yard & out of the street. Of course this is in the future &...
100% (2 out of 2)
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April 22, 2011

I have a 1 year old German Shepherd that is aggressive towards little kids. I'm not comfortable putting the dog in another room when kids come over. What can I do?

I have a year old German Shepherd, and seems to be aggressive towards little kids. I have had him since he was 7 months old. There are no children in the house, just 3 adults. He has not been professionally trained, just basic trained.. like "No," "sit," "shake" etc....He has never showed any aggression towards adults, just kids. He will bark and try to bite kids. I hate locking him in a room while little kids are around. I think it might be the voices of the kids, that he doesn't like. He is...
50% (4 out of 8)
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April 22, 2011

I have 2 young basset hound/golden retriever mix dogs, which are brother and sister from the same litter...

Hello, I have 2 young basset hound/golden retriever mix dogs, which are brother and sister from the same litter (They will be 2 March 20, 2002), and they have begun fighting with each other. This has been going on for about a week. One is male (BG); one is female (Penny). They have a large lot in which to run. I bought each one a chew toy (a green one and a blue one of identical shape & size) and it seems that the fighting started after that. The male is shorter, looking like a basset houn...
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April 22, 2011

I need to know what products to buy to help with my Springer Spaniel. I cannot get a muzzle on him so I can take him to the vet to be neutered. He tries to bite me.

Hello, I have visited your web site, and found some very interesting book/videos/equipment, but I am not sure what knowledge/equipment I need to make my dog behave. Can you recommend some training equipment for me? Here is my story. My problem is this- I have a Male Springer Spaniel who is NOT neutered, I am unable to muzzle him or clean his ears, or pick him up. He will bite if this is attempted. I want to get the dog neutered, but I am unable to get the muzzle on him in fear of b...
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April 22, 2011

My dog bit our neighbor and caused 17 stitches. Our vet recommended filing the dogs teeth and neutering. Should we put the dog to sleep?

I have a 5 year old male German Shepard that bit my neighbor last week severely enough to need 17 stitches and will need some plastic surgery. The dog has never been a problem before and always has been very friendly with our family friends. We were visiting at home with my wife and another couple at our lake house when the next door neighbor came over as he usually does when we are at the lake. We welcome him to come over any time and enjoy his company. He and my dog have never go...
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April 22, 2011

We have an Old English Sheep dog that is becoming very very aggressive. What can we do?

I have a 1 year old Old English Sheepdog. We originally wanted to get one because of how they are supposed to be good with children and other pets. All was well until he was 10 weeks old and was attacked by a Boxer adult in the town. He was dog shy for quite a while after this. At 5 months we took him to "Super dog" recall training classes, as with all other training (sit, tricks) he would listen, but not come or stay when called. This class took 6 weeks, once a week, and we continued the ...
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April 22, 2011

A week ago my dog attacked another dog (he did $618.00 in damage). Is it true that he will be more aggressive now that he has tasted blood?

About two years ago I rescued a large mix-breed dog from a veterinarian. The dog had been abused and tossed out the back of a pick up truck and left to die, until it was brought in to the veterinarian's for care. Since the rescue, my dog has demonstrated mild aggressive behaviors and has displayed few dominance problems. He has occasionally nipped at certain people, but never broke skin . He had responded well to correction. He shows similar behaviors when playing with other dogs, and aga...
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April 22, 2011

My dog killed two sheep today. He has killed cats. We originally thought he was just playing rough – it seems he has a taste for this.

Hello, My name is Lisa. I have a 3 1/2 year old Shepard male named Bud. I found him when he was a few months old and so I'm not sure about his temperaments in blood lines. We recently had some sheep on the property and he got loose and killed two. He has killed cats before but we thought he was playing too hard. Today he went after a calf, but luckily I was there to stop it. I punished him but it doesn't seem to do anything. I don't want to put him down. Is there any thing to do to...
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