Behavior Problems Q&As

May 20, 2011

My young dog is trying to bite me if I block her from having something that she wants. I don’t use a long line anymore because she gets tangled in it, what should I do?

Dear Cindy, I have a 10 month old female GSD. We have the use of our neighbors acre size fenced yard and I take my dog over every day to let her run and exercise her. Today, she was getting into something I didn't want her messing with and when I tried to block her getting to what she wanted, she lunged at me a few times trying to bite. I literally had to kick her back to keep her from biting at me. I have seen the pack structure DVD and she has been through obedience training since the ...
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May 20, 2011

My dog went missing for two weeks. Now that she is back, she seems afraid. What do I do?

While I was at work the ups person made a delivery and did not shut my door all the way. My 8 month old GSD got out and she was gone for about 2 weeks. Before she left she has always been upbeat not a coward at all she is from working bloodlines so she has always been high strong dog. I got her to herd, protection work. Then I had put up signs for her and had her name out there suddenly I was out in my yard as she comes crawling up. Usually I had to brace myself with Berlyn seeing me but s...
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May 20, 2011

My dog is a dream to be around except when she wants to meet another dog, what can I do? She’s not being aggressive, just enthusiastic.

I'm so hoping you will read this and respond :) I just ordered your e-collar DVD and looking forward to learning correct training methods with the e-collar. I have a 15 month old Bernese Mountain Dog who is very dog reactive, not aggressive just VERY enthusiastic to meet other dogs, any dogs. She has been well socialized starting at 11 weeks old and this problem persists. We have gone to classes also and she still acts like she's never met a dog in her life! The main problem is when she...
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May 20, 2011

My doberman hovers and growls over anything she has in her crate. What should I do?

Thank you so much for all your help. I wish I had known about you sooner. We are doing the Pack Structure DVD. We have a 3 year old male and a 5 month old. Is this going to set them back in any way on the things we have worked with them on? Do I need to do this with my 5 month old also? I have started, I hope I have not messed up. How do I know when they are crate submissive? I trust what you say and am doing things the way you say, but it sure is hard not to talk and to love on your dogs....
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May 20, 2011

My dog is extremely skittish, we kept him isolated for the first 5 months of his life and he’s afraid of everything. What can we do?

Hi Cindy, I've gone over your website many times and I've learned a lot from it. I have some questions in regards to my 1 year old intact male Shiba Inu. My boyfriend and I got him from a breeder last year when he was 10 weeks old. Unfortunately we didn't do enough research. The breeder only brought the sire out to meet us and told us that the mother was too skittish to take out. We bought the puppy anyway. She had warned us not to bring the puppy out anywhere where another dog might be be...
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May 20, 2011

Our 13 month, very dominate male GSD, has decided he doesn't like it when my husband or 17 year old son laugh. Do I need to be concerned about this? Please help.

Hi Cindy, It has been awhile since I have wrote, but I have another question as we have developed a bit of a new problem. Murphy, our 13 month, very dominate male GSD, has decided he doesn't like it when my husband or 17 year old son laugh. He can be in another room, sound asleep and when one of them laugh, he will come running out barking at them--like he is yelling at them. He doesn't attack them or anything, but he makes it well known that he doesn't like it and would prefer they quit. ...
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May 20, 2011

Do I need to treat my 3 dogs like they are each a new dog to the pack in order to fix my pack issues?

Ed, I have read tons of your articles and will watch the DVDs, but I need to know right away if I need to treat my 3 dogs like they are each a new dog to the pack in order to fix my pack issues. I read the groundwork articles, but you seem to specifically talk about when you get a new dog and I need to fix problems with the three I already have. I couldn't find any articles about how to begin fixing the mess I am already in. I have a 12 yo neutered Lab/Pit Bull, a 6 yo spayed Pit Bull, and...
80% (4 out of 5)
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May 20, 2011

My dog marks constantly, 2 to four or five times daily, all over the house. What can I do?

Help! My wife is ready to kick myself and my 8yr old Schnauzer out. He marks constantly, 2 to four or five times daily, all over the house. We have 2 females in the house, one spayed one not. What can I do??? Larry
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May 20, 2011

My dog whines all the time. Is it just her or am I missing something?

Kind of a silly question since we have had several litters of gs dogs but our 4 year female puzzles me. Likes people, other dogs no problems in particular. She has been to the vet, has had one small litter, gorgeous pups, wrestles with the male, good appetite-but she whines all the time. Vet check ok whines when you are outside, whines when you bring her in, it's like there is something wrong and I don't see it or something in her personality I just don't understand. Is it just her or am I mi...
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May 20, 2011

As a new owner/trainer, I feel like I'm missing some tools to optimize my 'boy's' behavior - tools that perhaps my trainers have not recognized that I need. Can you help me with him?

Hello, Let me give you some background first: 11 mo. 3 week old intact male, Belgian Tervuren Has been in training (mostly obedience; now starting rally) since 12 weeks old. Training at a local all-volunteer - established - training club This is my first dog - and I'm wanting to try many sports with him following conformation finishing. "Wyatt" has extreme prey drive and is VERY food driven. My continuing problem is the collar situation in conjunction with training my 'alpha' mal...
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May 20, 2011

I want to teach my dog basic obedience. In watching the marker video I was totally impressed but wasn't sure if that is the method you use for basic obedience. What would work the best?

Hello, I'm hoping you can answer what I hope to be a very easy question. I have been searching the internet for weeks trying to find a good training video. I happened on your site and feel that the answer is on here but I am so totally confused at this point from all the information and opinions I have read it is all becoming a jumble. First a little about my dog. She is an 18 month old pit bull we just got about a month ago from a couple who was splitting up and neither one of them cou...
100% (3 out of 3)
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May 20, 2011

My pup barks at the TV relentlessly, sometimes she does it when there are loud noises but sometimes just because. She does not show these things when my trainer is here-what can I do?

Hi Cindy, I have a 9 month old female Norfolk Terrier. I am working with a trainer now but he is out of town and I need to understand what is going on. Here is the scenario. A little background. I have behavioral problems with my pup. She will bark at the TV relentlessly, sometimes she does it when there are loud noises but sometimes just because. She will lunge and bark at bikes and cars etc. SHE DOES NOT DO THESE THINGS WHEN MY TRAINER IS OVER FOR A LESSON - She is a perfect lit...
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May 20, 2011

My 9 month old pup does great with commands on leash, but as soon as the leash comes off he turns into a beast. What can I do?

Hey there, I have a 9 month old neutered GSD, who already weighs 85 lbs (he is not over weight, still see contour and vet says he's just big). We have used your videos about pack structure and basic obedience. We try to follow all the rules all the time. He waits before going through door ways or gates, waits for his food at at sit. He knows sit, stay, come, down. Just when I think we can let him off leash (using prong collar) in the house, he turns in to an absolute beast. He jumps on all...
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May 20, 2011

I have a 4 year old American Staffordshire Terrier. She is having problems with my brother's new pup. Where do you think they should start?

Hi Cindy, I hope you can help me with an issue. I have a 4 year old American Staffordshire Terrier who has her TDI and CGC. She is a rescue that I got at 10 months old and when I got her I was advised the rescue group used to let her play with the young dogs and puppies, because she was soft with them. My brother and his girlfriend brought home a male pup from the HSUS about 8 months ago. The pup (Harvey) was about 4 weeks old and already neutered when they brought him home, so he defi...
67% (2 out of 3)
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May 20, 2011

We have a bull terrier. My older pit bull mix has mothered him since he was 6 weeks. I am thinking the electronic collar would be best used. Which do I buy?

Good Morning, I have been reading information on your web site. Thank you, it is very informational. We have a puppy, not by choice, but we love him just the same. He is a bull terrier, miniature as the vet said he will only be another 10 lbs. He has become the flying monkey from hell!! My older pit bull mix (9 yrs) has mothered him since he was 6 weeks. So we have adjusted to him. We kennel at night and when we are away from home. We muzzle for biting and rough bite playing. This has work...
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May 20, 2011

I have a 3 year old pure bred Intact female German Shepherd that I just got in December 2008. At first she seemed calm and easy to train. I don't think I can train her. Please help.

Hi I have a question, I have a 3 year old pure bred Intact female German Shepherd that I just got in December 2008 well at first she seen calm and easy to train. She is pretty smart with learning but then later on I notice she has prey drive. Well her prey drives got stronger I don't want to re home her into a family home or people who just don't know what to do or how to handle her. She was $XXXX and now I feel like I can't rehome her with that price. I am waiting on her registered papers to...
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May 20, 2011

My 12 month old female German Shepherd does not like to be pet. Is this petting issue abnormal?

Cindy, My 12 month old female, German Shepherd, Bella, does not seem to like to be pet. In fact, she does not seem to like to be touched at all--this includes grooming. As a puppy, whenever I tried to pet her she would turn and nip at my hands. I would always tell her no and thought that she would grow out of it. She hasn't. I have found that after a good walk she will allow me to brush her without it turning into a wrestling match although I still have to use a lot of treats. I found o...
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May 20, 2011

When we went in to the vet my dog sat in her carrier and trembled. What should I do for her? She wanted to nip at the vet's hand when he offered it to her--what should I do about that?

Dear Cindy, Thanks so much for all your good answers for me concerning my adult dog and puppy who is now 8 months old. I have just finished for the first time the Dominant Dog DVD and it was so helpful--especially differentiating between corrections; for disobedience and also for inappropriate pack behavior (that was/is most of my puppy's problem). My main question right now is; last week she was spayed and is doing really well not bothering her stitches. Next Thursday we go to have the...
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May 20, 2011

I'm applying what I read in the Newsletter to my own dog.

Cindy, Thanks for doing this Q&A in the newsletter, it's a great adjunct to the web site, where I've learned a lot. There's always more to learn about working with dogs. We have a pack, consisting of my husband Brian and me and four dogs: Golden Retriever Spenser (9, neutered M); and three European show-line GSDs: Bonnie (9, F spayed at 7), Kaja (19 months, F intact so far), and 'Pollo (19 weeks, M intact). Brian and I were already doing most of your 'pack structure' program even before...
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May 20, 2011

I have a Boxer and an American Bull Dog that occasionally fight and I'm not sure why. I love both my dogs and don't want to get rid of one or the other, but what can I do for these dogs?

Mr. Frawley, I recently found your web site and would like to ask you a question for some help. I have a Boxer and an American Bull Dog that occasionally fight and I'm not sure why. My Bull Dog is the aggressor and has caused damage to my Boxer, nothing serious but I feel like it may get worse. Of course I love both my dogs and don't want to get rid of one or the other, but what can I do for these dogs? Thank you very much, Rick
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