Food and Health Q&As

May 23, 2011

What do I do when my dog is constipated?

Dear Ed, Just looked in your Q&A section but couldn't seem to find anything regarding constipation. My 4 year old full male German Shepherd seems to be a bit 'bound up' at the moment and I was wondering if you (the guru himself) knew of any natural remedies for this condition. It very rarely happens to him by the way, probably 2nd or 3rd time in his life (that I know of). His diet is raw meat, bones, chicken necks etc. Always in great health, just wondered if there's something around th...
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May 23, 2011

I told a local boarding kennel to feed them adult food but was told that I should feed them puppy food and was wrong to keep them thin. What should I do?

Hello, I have read your Q&A. I took some of your advice for my two German Shepherds. I just wanted to ask you a question from your experience. I recently went out of country for a week and I figure who was going to take care of my dogs while I am out of the country so I decided to put my dogs in a boarding kennel near my area. I feed my dogs puppy Eukanuba. But when they turn six months old I started feeding them with adult Eukanuba food. So I took them to the boarding kennel the day be...
100% (4 out of 4)
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May 23, 2011

What food do you recommend for pregnant females?

What food do you recommend for pregnant females?
50% (1 out of 2)
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May 23, 2011

What brands of dog food do you recommend?

What kinds of dog food do you recommend?
11% (1 out of 9)
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May 20, 2011

A friend has a 6 year old dog that just started having severe seizures, is there a chance these are vaccine related? Her vet does vaccines every year

Hi Cindy, I just love your newsletter and have found it enormously helpful. My beloved 12 year old Collie also panics during thunderstorms. I don't know what I would do without Rescue Remedy. I use it always when a storm is coming for fear that she could have a seizure or worse if I didn't use this. If for any reason, I have to go out and leave her by herself when a storm is imminent, I give her some Rescue Remedy and put her into her crate prior to going out though I do my best to...
75% (3 out of 4)
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May 20, 2011

My puppy has hair loss that started after her vaccines. I think her immune system must have been compromised. What can I give her to build up her immune system?

Hi Cindy, I have purchased a packaged training video from your company and would only trust you folks for advice on hair loss. We have a 4 month old blue APBT that is well on her way in training. We follow everything your vids. say to do and its WORKING out great!!! But, we have a problem with her patches of hair loss around the right eye, chest and front legs and sides. We have tried borax and now Nu Stock. It seemed to be working a little with the Nu Stock. The hair looks like it...
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May 20, 2011

My 12 week old puppy is scheduled for his next round of shots today. He just had vaccinations 3 weeks ago but I'm scared if I don't take him that I'll cause him harm. What should I do?

Dear Mr. Frawley, HELP! I have a beautiful 12 week old purebred black German Shepherd puppy named Kincade. Against my better judgment I had him vaccinated at 9 weeks for Parvo and Distemper. I am in the process of moving, but presently live in an apartment and was terribly afraid he would pick up something since I cannot control the environment. He has had no reactions thus far and I feel very blessed and am praying he is fine. So he is supposed to go in for his next ...
100% (5 out of 5)
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May 20, 2011

My doberman bitch just had her vaccinations and is in heat. How soon can she be bred after receiving her vaccinations?

Mr. Frawley, My doberman bitch just had her vaccinations and is in heat. How soon can she be bred after receiving her vaccinations? I know most vets frown on giving pregnant bitches vaccinations, so I didn't know how soon was too soon to breed her. I appreciate your time and look forward to your response. Thank you, Christine
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May 20, 2011

When I take my dog to the kennel they require that he be up to date on all vaccinations. Is there any way around that?

I noticed that on your website it says that the Honest Kitchen brands verve, force and embark are not made with intense heat? does that not hold true for the keen brand that Honest Kitchen offers? I've also been reading up on the harmful effects of vaccinations and I'm seeing it's not good for my dog? but this is my problem? When I take him to the kennel they require that he be up to date on all vaccinations. I have not seen any kennel that does not require that, at least anywher...
67% (2 out of 3)
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May 20, 2011

What dewormer do you use on your puppies and at what age do you start? I was also told that my pups have a genetic defect because they had a bad reaction to vaccinations.

Mr. Frawley, What dewormer do you use on your puppies and at what age do you start? I have a litter of Goldens and my vet told me not to deworm my puppies until they are 6 weeks old and come in for their vaccinations. I am not planning on vaccinating my puppies after a horrible experience and reading your articles. All my puppies survived but it is not something I am willing to go through again. P.S. I was told that my puppies must have a genetic problem or they woul...
83% (5 out of 6)
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May 20, 2011

Our dog had a reaction to the rattlesnake vaccine, which according to our vet is unusual. What do you think?

Dear Cindy, Just read your latest comments on vaccinations for dogs. I live in Arizona and Rattle Snake vaccinations are almost a requirement. However, no one told me about the possibilities of some of the possible side effects. My German Shepherd pup (will not be 2 until June 15th.) had his series of two shots under his front leg toward the side in the fatty area. Within a couple weeks I noticed a large lump and took him into the vet. (I must say I have one of the finest vet's I h...
81% (29 out of 36)
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May 20, 2011

I am wondering if I should listen to my vet, and if the test shows his immune system is weak I should vaccinate again?

Hello Cindy, I would also like to ask you another question about vaccinations.Here in UK most vets insist on it, so I have vaccinated Tyson as a pup for DhPPi. Now I don't want to vaccinate him again no more, but the vet said a have to. I found another vets practice which said they wont vaccinate him, if I don't want to. However the vet advised me to run a titer test, and depends on the results, he decides if to vaccinate. I just wonder if I should listen to him,and if the t...
100% (2 out of 2)
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May 20, 2011

I know that you state that you no longer vaccinate your dogs. Does this include rabies shots also?

I've been reading a lot of information on your website and wondered if I could get you opinion on Vaccination. I know that you state that you no longer vaccinate your dogs. Does this include rabies shots also? I'm considering getting an Amstaff. While I will be a responsible owner, I still want to prepare myself for any mishaps. What is your opinion, should I opt for absolutely no shots at all, or do you have recommendation on what minimal vaccination is needed. Thanks, Erik
57% (4 out of 7)
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May 20, 2011

Am I not supposed to get any vaccinations at all or are there some I am supposed to get my dog?

Hi, I have two bulldogs and they have received every vaccination they have ever needed. I bought a malinois a few months ago and have not given him vaccinations, the breeder did but not the last set for the puppies (12 weeks). I like the idea of them not getting them from your vaccinosis article, but I am not quite positive about the process. Am I not supposed to get any vaccinations at all or are there some I am supposed to get him. I also have given my dogs all the natural foods. My mal...
100% (3 out of 3)
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May 20, 2011

In regards to not getting shots for puppies, does that mean you recommend that puppies don’t get any of their vaccines? If so, can that be detrimental?

Cindy: It is remarkable what you are doing with marker training and your horse. Unbelievable. I really never saw the advantage or reason for marker training or touching something but through your videos and articles, I learned that my biggest limitation is my own mind and understanding! In regards to not getting shots for puppies, does that mean you recommend that puppies don't get any of their vaccines (usually there are around 5 shots they get)? If so, can that be detrimen...
100% (2 out of 2)
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May 20, 2011

I heard you don't vaccinate your puppies and dogs at all. Is that true? Is it ALL vaccines or do you give SOME vaccine/s?

Hi Cindy! How are you? My questions are: 1) I heard you don't vaccinate your puppies and dogs at all at Leerburg. Is that true? 2) Is it ALL vaccines or do you give SOME vaccine/s? I think we have some REQUIRED vaccines here at Houston,Tx 3) Do you reccomend the heartworm PILL that is recommended monthly by vets or not? I just bought a lot of videos from you guys because I am purchasing a working GSD, and will be buying more in the future. Have a great day! Thanks a lot, Mark
90% (18 out of 20)
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May 20, 2011

Should I NEVER get my next dog vaccinated - even when it is a puppy? How do I make sure the breeder does not vaccinate it before I buy it?

Hi Ed, My name is Michelle and I want to thank you for providing your knowledge to help people be better dog owners and to have happier dogs. I respect you highly and love how you "tell it like it is" without sugar coating anything. I ordered one of your video tapes 12 years ago when I got my first German Shepherd to train him. Sadly, I had to have him put down last week. He was the best dog I ever had - with the help of your training methods. I'm still grieving and am not ...
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May 20, 2011

I am getting a pup which I will be using as a working cadaver dog, but I have been doing lots of research on whether I should get any vaccines for him. I had a few questions...

Hi Cindy, I am getting a German Shepherd pup which I will be using as a working cadaver dog and possibly do some bitework with him as soon as he ages up some, but I have been doing lots of research on whether I should get any vaccines for him and I'm leaning toward not because of all the issues that can arise from them. I found your web site and it was full of good information on the subject, and I just had a few questions for you, if you have some time. This dog will be exposed to...
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May 20, 2011

What proof do you have that you no longer need to vaccinate your pets for diseases? Do you have a vet that can back that up?

Hi Cindy, I just switched my dogs to Honest Kitchen. I was searching around the internet to find more information about the diet, what to add, etc and came across the video on your website. It was a good video I just have one question what proof do you have that you no longer need to vaccinate your pets for diseases? Do you have a vet that can back that up? It up sets me b/c being in the veterinary profession, telling people they don't have to vaccinate b/c of diet is miss leading!...
87% (13 out of 15)
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May 20, 2011

My Boston Terrier female is a Therapy Dog (TDI) and her new pup will be shown conformation and hope to do agility. For some of these events, proof of rabies vaccine is required.

Hi Ed, We got Rosie from you as a puppy in '97 from one of the Chelsea/Otis litters. She was the best dog ever. Unfortunately we gave her the Lymes Disease Vaccine and it triggered Auto Immune Disease in her. Despite our attempts to save her, the recovery drugs got her. I just wanted to make you aware in case there might be a problem with this vaccine. I think people should know this can happen. We miss her very much. Thank you for sending us a great dog.
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