Food and Health Q&As

May 20, 2011

How do you get away with not having to give Rabies vaccine? Is it not mandated in your area?

Hi: I have been sitting here reading your emails from people regarding vaccinations. I have had many pets die in the past after living to be only 5 to 7 years old, and I truly believe they were over vaccinated. Anyway, here is my question, how do you get away with not having to give Rabies vaccine? Is it not mandated in your area? I have 2 GSD's and I feed them a raw diet and I do NOT plan to give them any more vaccinations but I KNOW the vet is gonna pressure me but my main thi...
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May 20, 2011

Our dog is old and due for his rabies shot, but he is a fear biter and we're afraid he'll get hurt trying to give him his shot. What are your thoughts?

Dear Cindy, We have a 14 yr old Jack Russell mix who is a fear-biter. He is due for a rabies shot but we are thinking of omitting it for fear of harming him. Three years ago we gave him tranquillizers that he fought off, everyone in the vet office wore cat gloves and tried to pin him with a shield. He was given a sedative that didn't work until we brought him home when his eyes rolled back and his limbs went stiff. We thought he was dying. Back to the vet where he was given his sho...
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May 20, 2011

I had two pups and one passed away from parvo. Now I'm going to get the one left vaccinated. Should I be concerned about him getting sick?

I have an 11 week old Chihuahua that just lost his sister to Parvo. I purchased the pups together from a breeder so they would have each other when I am not around. Unfortunately one of the puppies passed away from Parvo. Of course I am concerned about the other puppy and getting Parvo. I am keeping a close watch on him and getting his vaccinations in a few days. My training issue is this: Both pups were great about not using the crate for peeing and pooping when they were together. Now th...
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May 20, 2011

My dog died recently and right before he had had a vaccination that had a 10 follow up booster. Do you think these shots had anything to do with his death?

Hi Cindy, I am so distraught over 1 thing though and was hoping you could help me with it. Max was totally healthy 2 months ago. We brought him to the vet for a vaccine that he was over due for. At that time they highly suggested another vaccine that needed to be followed up with a booster in 10 days. Max seemed fine after that visit but then we went back for the booster. He went steadily down hill after that booster. He 1st started drinking water continually. He couldn't get enoug...
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May 20, 2011

I have been limiting vaccines ever since I found your site. Recently one of my pups got parvo. I'm very careful with keeping things clean, I don't understand how he got it. Any ideas?

Last year I found your site and ordered several of the books you recommend. I also ordered your catalog including extras and give out with each puppy I sell. I try to inform all about the vaccine problems and tell them to order the books regarding this. This is my problem: This morning I woke up to a very sick puppy. Was fine yesterday, the puppy is a maltese chihuahua, they were born Oct. 20th of this year. Their weights are under 2 lbs and still nursing a little. I had had an appoint...
93% (13 out of 14)
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May 20, 2011

What's you opinion...our breeder always follows the latest recommendations from UC Davis & the American Animal Hospitals Assoc, etc. when recommending vaccinations.

Hi again, Cindy, Speaking of vaccinations, what's you opinion...our breeder always follows the latest recommendations from UC Davis & the American Animal Hospitals Assoc, etc. when she recommends vaccinations. At age 1 we did the puppy shot booster DA2PP, and then every 3 yrs., which is where we are now, we should do it again. And since we take our dogs with us everywhere, she suggests Bordetella every 6 mos. and Leptospirosis every 6 mos. since we live in the country with horse...
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May 20, 2011

What is your vaccination schedule for your pups?

Hi Ed, Hopefully you won't think this is too dumb a question we have just gotten a 3 month old German Shepherd Dog. The vets here say he needs his rabies shot at 4 months. The breeder says to wait until 6 months of age. I don't want any horrible reactions to this vaccination, but we're not sure what to do... about the other vaccinations. You say "two shots for puppies" and nothing else for the rest of their lives? What shots exactly do you recommend? We just ordered the obedience t...
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May 20, 2011

We recently vaccinated our dog for Lymes and her reaction to the shot killed her. It's important to let people know that this is a terrible vaccination.

Hi Ed, We got Rosie from you as a puppy in '97 from one of the Chelsea/Otis litters. She was the best dog ever. Unfortunately we gave her the Lymes Disease Vaccine and it triggered Auto Immune Disease in her. Despite our attempts to save her, the recovery drugs got her. I just wanted to make you aware in case there might be a problem with this vaccine. I think people should know this can happen. We miss her very much. Thank you for sending us a great dog.
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May 19, 2011

My vet told me that it's a good age to start my 8 year old lab on supplements. Do you have any suggestions?

Hello Cindy, I would like your opinions on a good vitamin supplement for my 8 year old black lab mix, Java. She is currently in great condition, good weight & tone, shiny coat, bright eyes, good energy, etc. but my vet told me that this is a good age to start supplementing to keep her that way. While I have not been able to feed her a raw diet (time and money) I have always fed her a natural, higher quality food (Innova Evo dry and Merrick canned). Please share your suggestions. ...
100% (2 out of 2)
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May 19, 2011

I have a 22 month old boxer diagnosed with hip displasy level D and disk problems level 3. What can I do to prevent her condition to get worse over the years?

Hi Cindy, First of all, thanks for all the wonderful information on your site, books (4 of them), and your DVDs (I have 5 already) as well the nice training equipment you sell. I have a 22 month old boxer diagnosed with hip dysplasia level D and disk problems level 3. The x-ray were taken at the age of 16 months. The father and grand-fathers were free of hip dysplasia, the female ancestors didn't have x-ray certificates. I just found your website this last year...
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May 19, 2011

My GSD eats raw and gets several supplements. The vet told me to give him glucosimine; he has arthritis in his back legs. Should I also add Joint Aid?

My GSD eats raw and gets several supplements. The vet told me to give him glucosimine; he has arthritis in his back legs. I give him the human form, should I add joint Aid 4 dogs, or should I stop the glucosime and give him grand flex?
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May 19, 2011

I am interested in purchasing your Atlantic Kelp. My dog has a lot of allergies. I wanted to know the process by which you make the kelp. Any animal ingredients in this?

Hi! I am interested in purchasing your Atlantic Kelp. My dog has a lot of allergies and although you have the ingredients listed, I wanted to know the process by which you make the kelp. I've read on other websites that many of them are organic and processed a certain way and in a certain time frame to ensure vitamins are not depleted. Can you please verify that. Also, are there any animal ingredients in this? Thanks, Kim
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May 19, 2011

I have a Walker Coonhound who is extremely afraid of thunder. Any suggestions for how to comfort her or train her to settle down and finish the walk?

Cindy, I have a Walker Coonhound who is extremely afraid of thunder. She is a rescue and I have had her for 3 1/2 years. We are guessing that she was about 3 when she was hit by a car and ended up in an coonhound rescue. She was in very bad shape and had a badly broken leg. She has had five surgeries and lots of physical therapy and is doing great but the threat of a storm or the actual rumbling sends her into hiding with trembling for hours. She is a very mild mannered girl and is...
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May 19, 2011

For Vitamin C and Vitamin E supplements, is there anything specific with them to seek out for? Should I get a natural Vitamin C supplement or is any Absorbic Acid powder sufficient?

Hey how are ya? For Vitamin C supplement and Vitamin E supplement, is there anything specific with them to seek out for? For example, should I get a natural Vitamin C supplement or is any Absorbic Acid powder sufficient? And for Vitamin E, is the D-Alpha sufficient or do you recommend all the tocopherols? Thanks. Sincerely, Bobby
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May 19, 2011

I have an 8 year old working line Shepherd that is starting to have some trouble when walking (this is sporadic). Can I help my dog by giving him some of these products?

Hi Cindy, First let me thank you in advance for your help in this. I just ordered two products from your kennel, the Joint Aid for dogs and the Grand Flex Glocosamine supplement for horses and dogs. I have an 8 year old working line Shepherd that is starting to have some trouble when walking (this is sporadic). I have taken him to the Vet but he can't give me a definite prognosis since my dogs limping problem is very sporadic. Can I help my dog by giving him some of these products ...
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May 19, 2011

How much Vitamin E do you recommend for a 30 pound Standard Poodle?

We have enjoyed browsing your website... great information. A question: how much Vitamin E do you recommend for a 30 pound Standard Poodle? I am aware that it is a fat soluble vitamin and can accumulate in tissues. Thanks, Jean
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May 19, 2011

What can I give my dog for discomfort due to hip dysplasia? We used a painkiller from our vet but realized the risks on the liver. Do you have any suggestions?

Hi there, I am a fan of your web-site and I have 2 West-line German Shepherds. My female will be 3 years-old in March and the male will be 2-years old in Feb. My female has hip dysplasia that recently started bothering her within the past 6-months. When taking her to the vet after two opinions, we were told to do surgery and said it would not be a sure fix. The vet mentioned a anti-inflammatory/pain killer, which we used but then stopped due to possible affects that can impact the ...
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May 19, 2011

I just received the Probios that I ordered. The directions said to give 1 tsp daily if dog is over 1lb. Is it safe to do this everyday? Also, should I give any to the puppies?

Hi Cindy, I just received the Probios that I ordered from Leerburg. I have 4 dogs & a litter of puppies that will be 2 wks. old on Friday. The directions said to give 1 tsp daily if dog is over 10lbs. Is it safe to do this everyday or just when they have a problem? Also, should I give any to the puppies? Right now they weigh between 2.5 lbs. & 3.5 lbs. I thought I would start giving it to them when they are weaned unless you suggest I start earlier. Than...
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May 19, 2011

Does Grizzly test their salmon oil for heavy metals and PCBs?

Does Grizzly test their salmon oil for heavy metals and PCBs?
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May 19, 2011

Can your Calm Anxiety tablets be given to cats?

Hi: Can your Calm Anxiety tablets be given to cats? (adjusted for weight of course). Thanks. Cory
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