Food and Health Q&As

May 3, 2011

My pup has pano and I am wondering if there is anything that I can feed or give him that would help this go away?

I just read the article on pano. I have a 6 1/2 month old american bulldog going through this. The vet has him on rimadyl, I was feeding him large puppy food. I read about the raw diet and wonder if you could tell me more about that, what all is in it. Or what should I be feeding him to help him get over this. Thank you, Reba
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May 3, 2011

I just wasted a lot of money on bad xrays. I wish I would have seen your eBook sooner.

Hi, I was recently sent your eBook by a friend. I have recently started breeding standard poodles. I went to get their hips checked and came away with some bad films. In my ignorance I thought I had to take the films. I thought if I, an amateur, can see that the dog is not straight surely the OFA can as well. I was told by the OFA to go to a different vet and get the x-rays done again. Well, now I am out the $150.00 for the first x rays and the $150.00 for the second x-rays. Not to...
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May 3, 2011

My dog has Babesia and I want to switch him over to a raw diet, but I wasn't happy with what my veteranarian had to say about it. What are your suggestions?

Dear Mr. Ed Frawley, I have a German Shepherd of 7 month old (65 pound) that has a Babesia infection, I'm feeding with commercial food (Eukanuba), I want to change to a Natural Diet. I asked my Veterinarian but I'm not glad with his answer. Please, can you give me your opinion. Many thanks for your reply. Best Regards, Sergio Panama
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May 3, 2011

Our dog was recently diagnosed with pancreatic enzyme deficiency. I am wondering if you have any suggestions to keep her healthy?

Dear Ed, I have a four year old female German Shepherd that has been diagnosed With pancreatic enzyme deficiency. She is fixed, and we are not breeders. She is from all German lines and we have notified the breeder of the problem. Her TLI results was 1.5 with the range being from 5 to 35. She is very active, Has not had a weight loss problem and her hair coat is immaculate. She weights About 57 lbs. Our vet prescribed Pancre Ved Powder made by VEDCO to add To her food at every mea...
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May 3, 2011

I put a deposit down for a puppy. When they were born, there were only 3 of them and 1 was a stillborn. Is this a cause for concern? The mother also has pannus.

Thank you so much for all of the work you have put into your web-site, its content has been invaluable to me...My question is, I put a deposit down on a working-line GSD this past summer, and the pups were just born a few weeks ago. The litter had only 3 pups, and one of which was still-born. Is this a cause for concern? Also, the breeder just found out that the bitch has an eye problem called Pannus. Based on my research, I am getting conflicting information about the likelihood of th...
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May 3, 2011

Why do you do hip x-rays when you do them?

I came across your website and was reading your questions and answers about hip xrays, dysplasia, etc. I noticed you mentioned that you prelim your dogs between 6 and 10 months of age. Why those ages? I prelimed a male weimaraner at 15 months. He came in as mild dysplasia with Subluxation checked off. I called OFA and spoke to the prelim vet, Dr. Keller. He stated that there was No arthritis or change in the ball or socket, but because there was more subluxation in my guys hip...
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May 3, 2011

Our dog is constantly licking/kissing everything, is there something wrong with him?

Good Morning Ed, We received our dog vest and all looks great ... thank you! But, I did have a quick question regarding Maltese behavior. I was wondering if you know why, our 8 year old male Maltese who we adopted from a rescue 6 years ago, loves to lick (kiss). It doesn't matter if it's a pillow, blanket, a person's hand or foot, arm etc. he just loves to kiss. Can you attribute this behavior to anything? Any insight would be appreciated. Sincerely, Rick
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May 3, 2011

How do you get around rabies vaccinations at the vet when you live in a state that requires them? And are over the counter things at places like Pet Smart okay for parasites and worms?

Hello: Thank you for delivering this valuable information about vaccinations. My question is two part: 1. If you live in a state like we do, N. Carolina, that requires rabies vaccinations, how do you get around that so that you can still take your dog to the vet for other needed services? 2. Do dogs have to be vaccinated to protect from worms and parasites or does that over the counter stuff at Pet Smart work? Thank you, Linda and Brad
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May 3, 2011

My dog loves doing agility work, but suddenly he just doesn't want to do it. I noticed that he has been drooling a lot too. Any suggestions on what could be wrong?

Hi Ed, My wife and I acquired a black lab / beagle mix (Shadow) from the humane society about six months ago. Shadow will turn two next month. We thank you for so much info on your site, and we've purchased the puppy DVD, basic dog obedience, and all of us have been learning a lot. It helps that Shadow is the smartest, most engaged dog I've ever had. His sit / down / sit&down stay / heel, and come have been great. We've even been doing some agility training with him ...
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May 3, 2011

One of my pups owner's called saying that the pup has a urinary track infection. I did not see it, any ideas in your experience of what the problem might be?

I have one of my female puppies that is 10 weeks old and the owner has called me now a second time within 2 weeks saying that the pup has a urinary track infection, other then her having a tilted vagina (which the vet has not diagnosed) and I did not see either, any ideas in your experience of what the problem might be? Thanks, Monika
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May 3, 2011

My dog has Pano and I'm wondering if you can give any advice or insight to the situation before I bring him to the vet.

I have a 13 month old GSD half German/American blood lines. His parents are both champion show line dogs. The other day during out fetch the ball session Zeus began to favor his left leg. His appetite is unchanged and he does not have a fever however, I have noticed there is now some limping. I called the breeder and she took a look at him. She has over 35 years experience raising and breeding champion GSD's. She explained to me that it appears to be "Pano" and to simply keep an eye...
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May 3, 2011

Could point me in a direction for finding a vet that doesn't make you give shots? Also, would Heartworm be considered one of those types of medications that dogs don't really need?

I absolutely love your site, and I've bought several items. I want to find a vet that won't make my dogs get shots, any recommendations on how to find a vet like that? Also, is it ok to give "Revolution" for fleas, ticks and heartworms? or do they not need heartworm med's? I wasn't sure if this is also unnecessary or not like vaccine boosters. I had a schnauzer, died at age 9, had every problem under the sun, and my cat started out with "crystals" progressed to diabetes. I don't want my a...
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May 3, 2011

Why don't you x-ray females that are in season?

May I ask why you never have females who are in season x-rayed? I have a female pit bull that I just had x-rayed. They have diagnosed her with loose hips at 9 months old. She happens to be in heat. Is this significant. Please advise me as I am greatly concerned. One thing I would like to mention that is a bit funny is they kept referring to her as a he. I kept thinking, being that you are a vet, don't you see the swollen vulva. You can even see it on the x-ray. It was a bit annoying, but I am...
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May 3, 2011

I have never had my 5 year old GSD's hips X rayed because I have been told there are risks to anesthesia. Should I bite the bullet and get it done anyway?

I have a German Shep. that is 5 years in Oct. I have not had his hips x-rayed because all my friends in training class say anesthetics have risk! He runs agility, I keep jumps low most of the time (18 to 20) inches. He has never shown any sign of a problem, all of the dogs in his pedigree for 5 generations, are breed surveyed except 1. I give a very good Glucosamine supplement. The A frame is 5ft. 6 in., and I think pushing 93 lbs. up that is a pretty good test. The vet says if there is a pro...
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May 3, 2011

My 15 month GSD is small and my vet says he has a growth hormone problem. He also has a severe flea allergy. What can I do to help him?

I have a white male shepherd dog which has not grown very big. He is 15 months old and is much smaller than the average German Shepherd. My vet says that he has a growth hormone problem and there is nothing I can do. My dog also suffers from a flea allergy which causes him to get really sick. He gets a horrible smell, his hair falls out and his skin erupts into sores and goes red. This happens every two to three months and he has to go on cortisone. He is treated for fleas, but nothing se...
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May 3, 2011

My 2 year old GSD has shifting lameness. Do you have any experience with this or any suggestions for me?

My German shepherd is 2 1/2 year old, and he has shifting lameness. It starts in his front then shift to the left rear, then goes back to the front. I have never seen nothing like. The Vet has given him doxycycline tables 100 mg, Deramaxx 100 mg for tick born illness. We have him on Clucosamine Chondroitin. Being that you see some many shepherds have you ever seen such? I know that you are not a Vet. Have you ever experience that in any you've dealt with? I won't bother you again with this.
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May 3, 2011

I lost my 10 year old dog to Lymphoma. Do you have any advice for minimizing the risk of this disease with my new puppy?

I just lost my companion of ten years to lymphoma, She was a female shepherd. I have a new registered pup being delivered in May. Do you have any dietary clues which could help minimize this devastating disease, I just purchased your video on puppies , 8 weeks to 8 months. Excellent training video.
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May 3, 2011

What is an appropriate age to spay a female?

I had my 6 month old German Shepherd spayed a month ago and she died on the table, before they made an incision. We believe it was the vets fault (we are having them investigated), but my question is when should a female shepherd be spayed? I got another pup from the same breeders and I am terrified. I have switched vets, but they also recommend spaying at 6 months like the other vet. They say it helps prevent some kind of cancer. I want to do what's safe for the pup. I am not going to tr...
75% (3 out of 4)
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May 3, 2011

What do you use for tick repellant at your kennel?

We have been enjoying your videos and dvds in training our dog, Lucas. Your toys and balls are the only ones he can't destroy. We discovered a tick on his head and removed it. He became ill and hasn't eaten since last tuesday! We took him to two vets and discovered a high fever for the tick bite we think. Which tick repellant do you use and recommend? All of your advice we have used so far has been right on! Thank you for your help! Steve
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May 3, 2011

My 14 month old GSD favors a back leg after playing. The vet put her on Rimadyl. Is there another supplement that I can put her on that will help?

I have a 14 month old GSD that has been favoring one of its back legs after playing ball or running. I took the dog to the vet and they do not believe that is her hip they think it is her knee. Also, the one knees is bigger on the bad leg (it sticks out father then the normal leg) they gave me Rimadyl for 7 days she was fine while she was on it. I have read on your web site where you talk about the problems of Rimadyl and I am taking her to the vet tomorrow and don't want to give her any ...
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