Obedience Q&As

March 26, 2012

When playing tug and I let my dog have the tug, he runs away with the tug, sits and tries to just chew on it. How do I get the dog to bring the tug back once I let him have it?

I've watched the DVD on The Power of Playing Tug with Your Dog. I have a 5 month old dog and I use a tug to play with him. He sits, outs, and listens while playing. However, when I tug back and forth for a bit and then let him have the tug, he runs away with the tug, sits and tries to just chew on it. I tried putting a leash on him, and pulling him back, but Michael Ellis in the video was telling the new trainers not to do that. How do I get the dog to bring the tug back once I let him have i...
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March 19, 2012

Recommended One of my dogs is getting sores on her skin from our other dog's saliva when they play. Is there anything we can put on her fur to make it taste bad, but won't cause her any arm?

Hello, I read quite a bit of your Q&A about dog biting and nothing really applied to my situation. I have 2 Golden Retrievers just under a year old. They are from the same litter, sisters. They are the best dogs I have ever owned but the problem is when we put them outside, they wrestle around and play. They are in no way trying to hurt each other and they never do this in front of my husband or I. The issue we are having is when they wrestle, they grab at each other's necks. One of th...
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March 16, 2012

My 13 year old dog is allergic or doesn't like many foods. Can you recommend the supplements he will need that he won't get from his raw food?

I have a 13-year-old, healthy, Pekingese who has been on the Nature's Variety raw food for 90 days or so before he refused to eat it. He is an incredibly fussy eater (except for any junk food he gets a hold of, i.e. hamburger, sausage patties, treats etc.). Up to today, he has refused to eat anything for almost 4 days. Today, I brought home freshly ground raw food from a local natural pet food store and he ate it. The mixture he likes is the ground turkey backs with added veggies (75% meat/25...
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March 14, 2012

I'm trying to teach my dog an emergency down from a distance. I was wondering if you had maybe one of your short videos on your website on how to do this or if you could direct me to where to find it in your Q&A.

Hi, I was wondering if you could help me. I'm trying to teach my dog an emergency down from a distance and I'm having a hard time finding this in all your Q&As. So, I was wondering if you had maybe one of your short videos on your website on how to do this or if you could direct me to where to find it in your Q&A. I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks! Chuck
71% (5 out of 7)
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March 14, 2012

Is there a national nosework organization?

Hey Cindy, Is there a national nosework organization? I would like to start a club here in Vermont so I would love to talk to the correct people about how to do that. I would also love to have someone like Andrew Ramsey come out and do a talk and clinic about the sport. Any help you could give would be great. Thanks, Nathan
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March 12, 2012

I’ve been reading some of your Q&As about puppies. I have to tell you that you are so right that a pup being attacked by another dog can have dire consequences.

Hi Cindy, I?ve been reading some of your Q&As about puppies. I have to tell you that you are so right that a pup being attacked by another dog can have dire consequences. My almost-4-year-old Doberman came from a breeder who took great pains to socialize him to be a very confident, almost unfazeable boy who loved all people and other pups. He was a dream of a puppy. Not knowing any better at the time, I took him to a puppy class when he was about 12 weeks old. He was great for the first co...
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March 8, 2012

Most of all though I feel sorry for the dogs you train and own. How awful it must be for them to have to experience so much pain simply because of your ignorance and stupidity.

Hi Cindy: I just finished reading your pile of you know what about dog aggression and dog parks--unfrickinbelievable....what an ignorant not to mention callous and cold-hearted individual you are. So you would pepper spray someone's dog who is just approaching your precious little canine? You would have no qualms about smashing the skull of another dog who showed aggression towards your dog? You would use a cruel spike collar and remote device to control a dog's misbehavior? And on and on a...
94% (241 out of 256)
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March 6, 2012

Recommended Your DVDs have set us up with a wonderfully trained dog. We're debating on doing more with our dog, but I'm not sure if I will be able to maintain such a high level of training long-term. Is it a bad idea to play tug, get her into bite work if I never plan on having her go to the level of meeting a handler?

Hello, First, my wife and I wanted to thank you for providing us the information in Your Puppy 8 Weeks to 8 Months DVD and Obedience training DVD for setting us up with a wonderfully trained dog for life. The training has been fun and rewarding, so rewarding we are debating on doing more. We have a high-drive female Doberman that just turned 17 weeks old yesterday. I have been interested in protection work and Schutzhund competition but we don't have any good trainers locally. Also, I...
100% (4 out of 4)
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March 1, 2012

We're worried about our new GSD puppy injuring our Yorkie. Do you have any words of wisdom for me? Is it unrealistic to think that at some point the GSD can be taught to be careful with the Yorkie?

Hi Ed, I've enjoyed your website and have ordered a couple of DVDs and high value treats as well. I have a question but can't seem to find it in your FAQ archive. Our 8 week old male GSD arrived this past Wednesday. We also have a 9 year old male Yorkie (3 lbs). Our 14 year old GSD now lives with our adult son (so he can enjoy a stress free life without a rambunctious puppy!). Our older GSD and the Yorkie are the best of friends, and we've never had to worry about the Yorkie's safety. T...
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February 29, 2012

How does a person socialize a puppy to be a therapy dog?

I understand the reasons why a normal family or protection dog shouldn't be socialized by having strangers touch or feed them. My question is: how does a person socialize a puppy to be a therapy dog? This will involve being touched, hugged, handled, petted, fed, etc.- by children especially- (since the dog will be a READ therapy dog- http://www.therapyanimals.org/R.E.A.D.-Program.html#Q5150). Do I still just keep puppy in the vicinity of others and her attention focused on me, or do I nee...
67% (2 out of 3)
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February 29, 2012

We have two German Shepherds & switched to raw about a week & a half ago. Initially they were in heaven, but now they have both had the runs on & off since we started. Should I add to, drop something?

Hello, We have two German Shepherds & switched to raw about a week & a half ago. Initially they were in heaven, now the female has gotten picky. She did not eat supper well last nite & no breakfast today. The male is starting to follow her. He did not eat breakfast. They have both had the runs on & off since we started. Not ploppy, but coming out stream like & lord, really stinky!!! I realize if a dog has the runs, that kinda affects their appetite. Since they're kinda big dogs, being shep...
100% (2 out of 2)
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February 29, 2012

I'm a bit worried about feeding her fish. I know it's good for her, but does the same thing apply to fish bones as to other meat? Can I feed her whole mackerel-type fish with heads and fins and bones?

Hi Cindy, I have a 3 month old female Rottweiler, she was weaned onto kibble by the breeder. After reading your website (among others), I switched her onto a raw food diet and she's loving it. Best thing is to watch her open an egg for herself! I'm a bit worried about feeding her fish. I know it's good for her, but does the same thing apply to fish bones as to other meat? That they're safe when raw, but brittle when cooked? What I'm getting at is can I feed her whole mackerel-type fi...
100% (7 out of 7)
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February 29, 2012

Recommended I am teaching my puppy to go in the kennel by throwing a treat inside and giving a kennel command. Now I'm trying to transition to giving the command and then rewarding the behavior with a marker/treat, but now the dog won't go inside first and keeps staring at the treat. Where did I go wrong here?

Hi guys, I have purchased several of your great videos and they have been awesome. However, I am getting hung up in one area. I am teaching my new puppy to go in the kennel by throwing a treat inside and giving a "kennel" command. Now I'm trying to transition to giving the command and then rewarding the behavior with a marker/treat. Sounds simple... but now the dog won't go inside first and keeps staring at the treat. Where did I go wrong here? Thanks in advance!
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February 27, 2012

How do we handle our pup in the ExPen when we aren't training and she is crying and jumping to get out? Also, we have to go back to work soon, what's your recommendation on how to leave her?

Hello, watched your video with the pen training/leash traing and using yes instead of clicker and lots off value rewards... Our girl is almost 8 weeks and it is actually going amazing so thank you,! Question, the pen is a change for her and she is being great but what do we do at the times when we are not training and she is crying and jumping to get out. We are either making dinner, watching tv or desk work but remain where she can see us. Also we have not left her alone but soon wil...
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February 23, 2012

Recommended I am planning on switching my dog over to natural food soon. Can I really trust a grocery store to sell me chicken that is safe for my dog before cooking it? Aren't there dangerous pathogens that are destroyed with heat?

I am planning on switching my 5 year old Shih Tzu over to natural food soon. I know that dogs eat raw food in the wild, but I'm worried about buying him raw food at the grocery store. I have heard that raw food for humans does not have as strict regulations on it, because we cook our food. Some natural, raw food companies claim that they have higher regulations than food in our grocery stores because it is meant to be safe before cooking. Can I really trust a grocery store to sell me chicken ...
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February 23, 2012

Recommended When I try to touch or interact with my dog, she gets extremely wiggly and tries to lick me constantly. Should I just take her to the vet or groomer to get her nails trimmed? Or will marker training go faster than I think?

I adopted a German Shepherd from the local humane society. She is friendly, gets along with my other dogs, loves and trusts people and loves to fetch a ball. She is about two years old. When I try to touch her or interact she gets extremely wiggly and tries to lick me constantly. It seems very submissive but it is hard to deal with a dog that I can't even brush because she tries to lay down and lick my hand. Of course I don't want to yell at her. I need to treat her like a puppy, albeit a ver...
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February 15, 2012

We have 4 month old male German Shorthairs. We currently crate them together but are wondering if and when we should move them into seperate crates.

We have 4 month old male German Shorthairs. They are brothers and have been together since birth. We currently crate them together but are wondering if and when we should move them into seperate crates.
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February 15, 2012

My 10 month old dog doesn't seem to bark or alert us when people walk up to the gate. I would like her to give us a warning when people approach. Maybe 10 months is still too young? I was wondering if this is trainable.

Hello, I have a question about our 10 month old purebred german shepherd female. She is a fantastic dog who socializes well with people and animals (except cats). My question is about our fence and gate. She doesn't seem to bark or alert us when people walk up to the gate. I would like her to give us a warning when people approach. Maybe 10 months is still too young, I don't know. I was wondering if this is trainable. She does very well in obedience. Any help would be appreciated. Thank...
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February 15, 2012

I taught my GS to come and sit in front of me with a treat in my hands in front of me. I'm trying to teach her with my hands to the side now, but she keeps sitting off to the side. Please help.

I taught my GS to come and sit in front of me with a treat in my hands in front of me. Does this great and does finish. Now I am trying to call her and sit in front of me with my hands beside me and no treat. She wants to go for my hands which makes her sit off to side. I am told that in akc obedience my hands need to be at my side. Loosing major points for this. Thanks, Andy
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February 9, 2012

Recommended Our dog was crate trained at the foster house he lived in before. However, we've been having trouble getting him into the crate. Can we reverse his reaction to his crate?

I've been trying to crate train my 9 month old collie mix. We've had him for 8 days. He was crate trained at the foster house he lived in before we adopted him, and would willingly go into the crate with or without being told. However, when we say, "Go to bed," he tries to get away, will roll over and play dead, or do anything that it takes to not go into his crate. I'm thinking about moving his crate into the family room and luring him in with treats to get him to start liking it again. We d...
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