Puppy Training Q&As

April 21, 2011

My 8 week old Goldendoodle uses a litter box. Is this OK or is it preventing him from learning to hold it?

Hello. I have an 8 week old Goldendoodle puppy who I have been crate training. When I first got him he was perfectly happy going to the bathroom in his crate and then sleeping in it. I got him on a routine of going outside and he is doing better. I put a litter box in his crate for him to use during the night and during the day when I am at work. He does a great job using it, and not going on the floor of his crate. My question is, is this preventing him from learning to hold it? Is it ok...
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April 21, 2011

My 8 month old Pug just can't seem to figure out the potty training. She is very skittish and if anything scares her she will not potty outside. Do you have any advice?

We have an 8 month old female pug (Dande) and a 7 year old female pug (Daisy). We are having difficulty house breaking her. Our vet indicated she was closer to 7 or 8 weeks of age (instead of 10 weeks as told when we purchased her) and this may be our problem. Dande is crated during the day when we are at work and other times when she will not potty outside. Our biggest problem seems to be getting her to let us know when she needs to go out. She is very skittish about everything - empty b...
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April 21, 2011

My 5 month old Chihuahua still urinates in his crate. How old should he be before I can give him more freedom in the house?

I have a five month old male Chihuahua I have had him for several months now and I have taken on the mothering role, I have him on a routine that I thought he had gotten used to, but there are times that he urinates in his crate even after I have taken him out. How old should he be before I give him more freedom, I love to have him play but I have three children and can't always keep as close an eye on him as I would like. How do I know he is done relieving himself? Toni & Gizmo
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April 21, 2011

I am having the worst time house breaking my puppy. I have tried everything. I know I am doing something wrong, but don't know what. I really need some advice.

Having the worse time housebreaking my puppy - have tired recommended time outside, diapers. She stills pees and poops in the house - I watch her like a hawk but she beats me, and is quick about it - we don't put her in a crate - because she also does it in there, she pee's in her diaper. She doesn't pee on a regular time intervals, I tracked it by time and sleeping patterns - I am confused and trying to patience with her. I know she isn't acting out and trying to be disobedience but I ca...
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April 21, 2011

My 6 month old Cockapoo is STILL not housebroke. When will he figure it out?

We have a six months old cockapoo that we got when he was 10 weeks old. We crate trained him from the beginning. He cried for a couple of nights but then took to it just fine. When I take him out of the crate, I take him outside and he will pee on command. I take him inside and give him free time in a confined room such as a kitchen or family room or on a leash. He will then go in the house again even if it has only been 10 min since he was outside. 90% of the time he had an accident in th...
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April 21, 2011

My new Cairn Terrier Puppy is a Pee Machine!! He will go potty in the kitchen even if he'd been out recently. Any advise will be greatly appreciated!

Dear Mr. Frawley! I hope you can help me with a problem I am having - your advise on your web site. to new puppy owners has been excellent and seemed to help others very much. We have an adorable 3-1/2 month old cairn terrier puppy that we got at age 9 weeks old from a wonderful breeder who really took amazing care of her dogs. Our puppy has been doing very well but seems to have a problem with peeing in the kitchen where he is confined during his play time. I am home with h...
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April 21, 2011

My trainer days that my Shih-Tzu messes in her crate because she uses a potty box inside. What do you think?

My continued research carried me to your great web site. Female senior citizen and first time dog owner purchased a female Imperial Shih-Tzu (the shadow), 6 weeks old - now 5 months old. She is very precious, smart, funny, lots of personality, etc. For many reasons I wanted to train her to 'go' inside in a potty box. I am using an in-home trainer. He used the leash training first and is now going into off leash training and she is doing great in those regards. My big problem...
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April 21, 2011

I feel mean when I put my puppy in a crate and let the older dog run loose. Should I put the crate closer to the other dog?

We bought a Mini Dauschand puppy when she was 8 weeks. I also have a standard who is 11 and is not doing so well with her health. We got her about 5 weeks ago. Her living arrangements were very clean and they were well looked after. I did try to crate train her, but I gave up. I wish I would have read your site in the beginning!! Anyways, I messed up! She did pee in her crate and whined constantly, so of course I took the easy way out and put her in bed with my other dog. My older dog we ...
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April 21, 2011

My boyfriend's dog is 5 years old and still is not housebroken. He is destroying furniture by peeing on it. What can I do?

I recently moved in with my boyfriend. I knew beforehand that his dog, a 5 year old German Shepherd / Doberman was not very well trained. After my boyfriend's divorce he allowed his dog to sleep in bed with him. Since I moved in last November, Buddy knows not to do that but will sneak up there when I go in the shower or my boyfriend will allow him to when I leave the room. Not only that, but this dog is allowed to sleep on the couch. Everything smells like dog! He also has 2 Doxin's that ...
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April 21, 2011

I think that German Bloodline dogs are harder to house train than American Bloodline dogs.

Hi Mr Frawley, I am finding your web site very helpful. I have had GSD all my life and back in June lost our best friend of 11 years. I now have (my first, and much wanted) a new 100% German bloodline female. She is 4.5 months old. I have a urination problem with her as well as many I read on your board. I am convinced at this point that this is a German bloodline thing. I have had all American breeds until now and have never had this problem. My question is: how do you know a pupp...
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April 21, 2011

We have an adult rescue dog that we want to crate train like your video instructs. Is it different crate training a puppy than an adult dog?

A question has arisen about crate training. We do have a cat, and intended to use the info in your article on introducing dogs to cats. Right now we always keep them in separate rooms if they are in the house. However, since our dog is a rescue, he's never had experience with crates at all. You have a lot of info about crate training for puppies, but we're unsure how to proceed. Our dog is already housebroken at 20 months. We were considering beginning to offer his regular food in the crate a...
86% (6 out of 7)
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April 21, 2011

Why would my 4 and 5 year old dogs suddenly start urinating inside the house after being housetrained their entire life?

I have a question regarding my 5 year old Jack Russell Terrier and my 4 year old Miniature Pinscher, within the last 6 weeks both of my dogs have been urinating in my house in every room. We have a 1 1/2 year old son and when we brought him home from the hospital they were fine. I am now pregnant with my second child and just out of the blue they are both peeing on furniture, carpet, anything they can lift their leg on. They are let outside frequently because I work from home. We have blo...
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April 21, 2011

My two dogs are 2-years old. They are crated when I am gone. When I come home the lab gets so excited he pees on the floor before I can get him outside. What can I do?

I have two dogs; a 2-year old golden and black lab. Both were crate trained since pups, but they've had the run of the house for about 6 months now and I haven't had any problems with anything until now. My black lab seems to get too excited when I come home and he pees before I can let him outside. I'm only gone at the most for 5 hours in a day, and I'm not sure what to do. Should I not leave water for them while I'm gone? The black lab has a tendency to over drink, but I don't want to leave...
67% (2 out of 3)
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April 21, 2011

I have a 6 month old Rott. I followed the book on housetraining but he still poops on the floor when I leave the home. What can I do?

Dear Ed, I am the owner of a 6 month old rottweiler puppy. From the day I got him at eight weeks I followed the book on housetraining. I went out with him every time, praised him when he went outside, only scolded him when I caught him in the act of going in the house etc. My dog still won't stop going to the bathroom in the house. I am at home most of the day, but occasionally I leave for an hour or two, when I return there is pee and poo all over my living room and kitchen. I did...
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April 19, 2011

I have a 6 month old Rott. I followed the book on housetraining but he still poops on the floor when I leave the home. What can I do?

Dear Ed, I am the owner of a 6 month old rottweiler puppy. From the day I got him at eight weeks I followed the book on housetraining. I went out with him every time, praised him when he went outside, only scolded him when I caught him in the act of going in the house etc. My dog still won't stop going to the bathroom in the house. I am at home most of the day, but occasionally I leave for an hour or two, when I return there is pee and poo all over my living room and kitchen. I did...
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April 19, 2011

We feed our pup by hand after it poops outside. The problem is the pup poops in the dog crate at night. Is it a mistake to only feed the dog what it eats as a reward for pooping?

Ed, I have been enjoying your articles on puppy training! Your sense of humor has helped me find mine about our new puppy. We have a 12 week old Goldendoodle, cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. We have had her about 10 days. After the first few days of whining she is doing great in her crate at night, and during the day when we are gone or for some quiet time when we are here. The problem is that she is pooping in her crate every night. I tried making it smaller by putt...
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April 19, 2011

We are going to neuter our dog before we get it so it will not leave his scent all over our house. Is this enough?

Hi there. My family and I are considering a mini-dog and he will be neutered before we get him. Our concern is that he will put his scent all around the house and it will become smelly. Does the scenting happen less often after neutering or if we are still concerned about this situation should we be just considering a female dog only? Please help before we consider our dog choice. Thank you, Vickie
33% (1 out of 3)
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April 19, 2011

How much time should a dog spend in a crate?

After watching your puppy video, we are working to crate train our GSD who is now 15 weeks old. I work at home, and I keep the dog in the crate in my office as I work. I take him out a couple times a day to relieve, eat, and for a short walk. When my wife gets home, about 4pm, she takes him upstairs. She does not crate him (even when he gets pesty), because she feels that the dog is more attached to me and she feels that if she crates him, he will like her less. Do you believe this is tru...
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April 19, 2011

Our 15-month-old Beagle is going out the 2-way door to the garage and peeing rather than the second 2-way door to the backyard. What can I do to fix this?

I have a gorgeous 16 month old tri-color beagle. Her name is Annie. She has the typical sweet beagle disposition, doesn't tear things up and is great with kids. We love her to death. The vet says she's the prettiest beagle they've ever seen. We have only one problem. We have two doggie doors in our house which lead to a small fenced yard. She goes out through the garage that leads to a small channel where she goes out the other doggie door to the yard. In other words, she goes thro...
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April 19, 2011

I recently adopted a 7-year-old Yorkie that never lived in a house. It will go for weeks and then make a mistake on the white rug. What can we do?

I have an adorable 7-year old Yorkie named Sassy. I got her from a disreputable breeder when she was 6-years old - she was about to be put down. I saw the makeshift kennel where she was kept - it is obvious she spent the first six years of her life there. He never even bothered to name her. She has adapted well to her new surroundings BUT, she is not house-trained yet. She has been thoroughly checked out by a vet. I am using a crate to train her - which she has pottied/pooped in. W...
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