Puppy Training Q&As

April 19, 2011

My 10 month old pup is pooping in the night. I can’t crate her because it seems cruel. What would you suggest?

We have a ten-month old Yorkshire Terrier. She has been going through the night for several months without needing to go outside. We feed her early, around 5:00, and take her out several times after dinner and immediately before we got to bed. After reading several articles, I have read that dogs probably should be crate trained. We have had her seven months. We did not crate train her. It seemed cruel at the time and she howled for hours on end. Our problem is that during the last...
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April 19, 2011

My 4 month old puppy doesn’t always relieve herself where I want her to in the yard. Should I correct her for this?

I have had this 4 month old puppy for 3 weeks. When we first rescued her, we showed her where to go (urinate and defecate) in the yard. At first she did so well. I always praised her. We did not always go right back in the house afterward. Sometimes we would play or exercise. Now she is going anywhere she pleases. After a walk just now, I took her to the designated area and she did not go. I walked across the lawn to the garbage can with dog in tow and she stopped and went along the way. ...
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April 19, 2011

My dog is a submissive wetter, will she grow out of this?

I am interested in knowing what you think about submissive wetting. I am a trainer myself and am possibly getting a German Shepherd female that I know has been very poorly bred. She is a clients of mine that will not keep her due to this problem (I have tried to talk her out of it, but her husband is adamant). Is it possible she will outgrow it despite her not so great lineage? She is only five months old. Thank you so much for your time and your very valuable web site, it has proven to b...
67% (2 out of 3)
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April 19, 2011

Should I get up in the middle of the night with my 9 week old puppy?

We have just brought home a nine week old Rottweiler puppy--a female. I have read most of your web site and made a printout of the articles on housebreaking and teaching "No." This is my fourth dog and I have always used a professional trainer in the past for obedience training. Your opinions and advice on dog training remind me very much of a trainer in Michigan (who ended up becoming a good friend). That's why I come so often to your site for info. At that to ask one simple quest...
100% (4 out of 4)
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April 19, 2011

How do I stop my puppy from biting on the leash when I put it on him?

Mr. Frawley, I have read a lot of the articles on your website, but I have a question that I have not seen answered. I have a 14 week old GSD who has been a terrible biter. He appears to have a high drive and the biting has been horrible, but by keeping his leash in him and being able to pull him away from me and then redirect him to a toy, I have seen a reduction in his biting. However, he has his "moments" when he wants to chew on my shoes as I am trying to walk. My question is how do I ...
91% (10 out of 11)
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April 19, 2011

My 10 week old puppy pees all the way through the kitchen when I pick her up to take her outside every morning - help!

We purchased an Australian Shepherd who is now 10 weeks old. She likes her crate, but in the morning when I get up to take her out, she stands up and then immediately starts to pee, I carry her out and she pees all the way through the kitchen. She also seems to think that every time we go for a walk which is at least twice a day, that she has to poop in the street. Sometimes she will go when she first gets up, as soon as she eats, and then in the street on her walk. She does get ab...
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April 19, 2011

Our young dog has a submissive urination problem when I come home from work. What can I do?

Our young dog has a submission urination problem when I come home from work. What can I do?
97% (34 out of 35)
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April 19, 2011

We have a 4 month old lab/GSD mix. We can’t seem to get him house trained. What should we do?

We have a GS/Lab mix puppy who is 4 months old. We got him at the local animal shelter a month ago. We are having big problems with him at night. We have used a crate from day one when we leave during the day and for bedtime. I am home all day, so he doesn't need to be in the crate during daytime hours. We started out having the crate in our bedroom because there just wasn't room for it anywhere else (we didn't want to use the garage). He was fine in the crate, except he was wantin...
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April 19, 2011

How do you make a dog scratch a door when it has to poop?

How do you make a dog scratch a door when it has to poop?
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April 19, 2011

We simply cannot stop our pup from pooping in it's dog crate. We let it outside and it comes right back in and relieves itself in the house or crate. What can we do?

Hello, I know I write an awful lot but this has been the biggest problem I have ever dealt with. I have had other dogs (old and passed away now) and I have never run into this problem... My GSD pup (13 weeks old) has been peeing and pooping in his crate ALL THE TIME. He is in the crate when I leave my house, and I saw in one of your articles to crate train a dog you should place the dog in the crate a lot until he gets used to it. WELL, my pup will not stop peeing or pooping in his crate....
50% (5 out of 10)
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April 19, 2011

My girlfriend’s 4 month old dog digs in plants and jumps on people. She is getting ready to get rid of the dog, what can she do?

Hello, I have been looking at your site and have a question. My girlfriend bought a German Shepherd Puppy and it is now around four months old. We are having a problem with him destroying potted plants. We try and discipline him but he does it again. We think it is out of spite, and we would like to know a way to correct this. I read one of your articles and you said that if a puppy tries to stand over a child when he is lying down that we should be very careful with the puppy. There is one o...
100% (21 out of 21)
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April 8, 2011

Recommended My 8 month old Rottie growls at me when I try and take his toy away. What should I do?

I have an 8 month old rottie. He is a good dog, however, I have some problems making him give me something (anything) he has stolen from me. He just looks up at me and curls his upper lip. I don't think he wants to bite or harm me, he is usually a very gentle dog. I can put my fingers in his food bowl, and even put my hands in his mouth, however, when he takes something he will not give it back. What do I do?
91% (167 out of 184)
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April 7, 2011

What are the best toys for puppies?

What are the best toys for puppies?
62% (60 out of 96)
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September 10, 2010

When I take my dog out to pee and poop, is it right or wrong to giver her a treat for going outside?

I just rescued a 2 year old Cocker and she has been peeing in the house. I have since gotten a crate for night cause that is when she has be doing her business. What I want to know is when I take her out to pee and poop is it right or wrong to give her a treat for going outside? My friend said it is very wrong for giving her the treat as it says when you pee you get a treat so she pees in the she thinking she will get a treat. Thanks soo much for helping me. I have a 13 y/o JRT that I give...
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December 31, 1969

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