Puppy Training Q&As
April 19, 2011
I have 6 dogs in my home and they are all peeing inside. The biggest problem is a 2 ½ year old Chihuahua that is peeing on the furniture. What can I do?
I need help desperately! I have a Chihuahua male that is about 2 1/2 yrs old. He is peeing on my furniture all the time and I don't know how to break him. We have scolded him then put him outside but to no avail. Please help!
I have 3 other female that are all spayed they are peeing all over the house too. I have a cocker and basset mix she is 14 yr old and having problems holding it so I think her sent of her mishaps are there for the others. But the male is the one ...
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April 19, 2011
We recently moved and our 10 year old dog has started to poop in the house – even after it has just come if from outside. What should we do?
I have a couple of questions regarding behavior I did not see in your questions section. I have a 10 year old, 10 lb., miniature female schnauzer whom I have had since she was 5 weeks old and whom I bottle fed. I also have a 3 year old, 50 lb., standard male schnauzer whom I have had since he was 6 months old. We have recently relocated to a new home in the redwoods of northern California from the desert. They seem to have adjusted to the move, the standard has even ceased his separation anxi...
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April 19, 2011
How can I teach my 13 week old pup to go sit at the door when she has to go outside?
We have a 13 week old maltipoo (maltese/poodle) who is doing pretty well with housebreaking. We got into the habit of taking him outside every few hours and giving the command "go potty" which he has now learned. The problem is, he doesn't understand that he should go to the door when he needs to go. Instead, he'll hold it until we take him out. I would really like to get to the point where he can tell us he has to go, instead of us taking him out all the time. How can we teach him to go and ...
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April 19, 2011
Our pup is 5 weeks old and will pee in the crate after one hour if we are in the room. She normally holds her pee all night. Why is she doing this?
We have a 5 1/2 week old American Eskimo who we are trying to house train. The problem is, she won't hold her bladder when we are around. We know she is able to, because we've left her for several hours and she holds it and she also holds it at night. But when we are in the room and she is in her crate, she will often pee in the crate after less than an hour of being in there, despite the fact that we walked her right before. Also, when we let her out to play, she will need to go out several ...
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April 19, 2011
Our friend has a humane society dog that pees on the rug. They won't keep it in the crate because it cries. What can we do?
I have taken your advice several times with great results and have your puppy training video as well. This letter is on behalf of a friend who has had a lab-type 2 year old that she got from the humane society about a year ago. This is a great dog with a cheerful personality but apparently she often urinates on the living room rug. Last night my friend called to say that after a long walk in the park, the dog walked in the door and hit the rug once again. My friend is about to get rid of the ...
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April 19, 2011
My 15 week old puppy pees in her crate while she is sleeping. What should I do?
I have a 15 week old female Dalmatian. We thought she was peeing on our furniture and in her kennel. The truth is that she wets the bed. She is totally asleep when it happens. She doesn't even wake up. She does drink enormous amounts of water.
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April 19, 2011
We house trained our puppy using pee pads on the floor. Now he will not relieve himself outside. What should we do?
I have a 7 month old Maltese puppy that I am having great difficulty training to go to the bathroom outside. He is perfectly trained on puppy pads and never has accidents however making the transition to the outdoors has been rather unsuccessful. I have even tried taking the pads outside to make this transition easier for him to associate with but it doe not seem to be working. I have read that you suggest taking dogs on walks until they go but this puppy for some reason has a...
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April 19, 2011
My Bishon was housetrained but now she pees on the bed when she chases squirrels from window to window.
We have an 11month old Bichon who is still not housebroken. It has been a couple of months since she peed in the house and so we thought that part of the problem was fixed....then today she was racing through the house (chasing squirrels from window to window) and she jumped up on the bed and peed. We correct her and take her outside and I know she knows where to go...and "most" of the time she will head in the direction of the door when she needs to go out, but just when we think she's g...
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April 19, 2011
When should we stop crate training our dog?
I have read many articles on how to crate train a puppy properly. However, one thing always escapes me. How do you know when it is time to stop? How do you know when to trust him? Should he be put in his crate for bed even when he is an adult?
Thank you,
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April 19, 2011
I do not want to use a dog crate to house train our puppy. What can we do to correct the mistakes that we are experiencing?
How do I potty train my puppy we don't want to crate train her instead we gave her the laundry room at night she is getting better but not very fast when we first got her she made a "poop" and quite a few puddles in her room at night now is just a "poop" every other night or so and its a puddle but just one we have a full grown lab who pick the room training up in approximately 2 days. we have had her for 2 months and still not trained. she is a very smart puppy she learned sit, shake in 2 da...
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April 19, 2011
My boyfriend has 3 year old dogs that are not yet house trained. What can I do?
A friend of mine gave me your web site and I must say it is incredible. You have so much information. I probably have just blown off an hour at work just looking at the sight. Don't tell my manager.
I have a problem. My boyfriend and I are moving in together and he has two teacup poodles. I love them very much. Their names are Minnie and Teddy. I am afraid that I will end up moving right back out after I move in because the dogs are not yet house trained, and they are 3 years old! ...
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April 19, 2011
My dog won't go to the bathroom outside...
I have a 13 month old yorkie, shih tzu mix. She refuses to go to the bathroom outside. I take her out with my other older dog, who is perfectly house trained, and barks at the sliding glass door when she needs to go out. She NEVER has any accidents in the house, and really never did, she is a golden retriever, black lab mix and is about 10. When I take Chloe, my little dog outside she sees Sammy, my bigger dog go to the bathroom and be praised, but she won't go. It doesn't matter how long we ...
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April 19, 2011
When can I consider my dog house trained?
Hello. Your site has been helpful in getting us to train our 5-month old lab retriever using a crate, and it's prevented any more yellow urine stains on our off-white carpet (we've found that the product "Nature's Miracle" works wonderfully at getting both the stain and the smell out of the carpet). Annie seems to be taking to the crate fairly well. I just have a few questions regarding her behavior. We realized we needed a crate when after a week of taking her out every hour or so, she'd...
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April 19, 2011
Our 14 month old dog is 100% crate trained. We would like to start allowing her to be loose in the house when we are gone (instead of in the crate) How do we do this?
I have a 14 month old dog that I've housebroken and trained using your videos. She's been crate trained since day one and was very easy to house break and we've only lost one heating pad cord due to her chewing mainly because whenever we leave the house we place her in her cage.
Recently I've been considering allowing her to stay in an area in the basement where she can do no harm. I'd love her to eventually be able to roam the house or at least the whole basement but in...
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April 19, 2011
My 4 month old puppy has a serious problem with submissive peeing. Every time I approach she squats and dribbles. What can I do?
I have a puppy ( 4 months old ) that was raised with a family rather than a kennel so they would be socialized. Unfortunately whatever happened there has created a life time submission pissing and not liking of children We do behavioral training no hitting positive reinforcement and encouragement training, so with all my skills I'm at a dead end here. and very frustrate as a trainer, this happens at no apparent time mostly when she thinks she's in trouble. We just go on and act as though ...
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April 19, 2011
When my friends 8 month old pug had an accident in the house he corrected it so hard that now it rolls on it's back and pees when he calls it to him. What can he do to fix this problem?
A friend of mine told me he is having problems with his 8 month old pug mix (male) he said he corrected him to hard after he had an accident in his house and now it seems every time he is corrected (and he claims even when he isn't corrected) but his name is called, he rolls on his back and begins to urinate. How do I help him break this? I value your opinion. Thank you for your time. Is there any book on the market you recommend that will help me understand dog behavior better?
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April 19, 2011
When can I leave my dog alone in the house (outside of the crate)?
Dear Ed,
First of all your tapes and products are outstanding and I recommend them to anyone who has a dog.
My pup is now 9 months old. I crate trained him from the very beginning when I brought him home. Everything that you said in the tape "Your Puppy 8 weeks to 8 months" is true. He seems to be doing fine without supervision and does not tear into the couch cushions, shoes, etc. He seems to be very well behaved after being in the crate for 8 months.
Question: When ...
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April 19, 2011
My 16 week old pup can only hold her bladder for 2 hours in the crate. She has been checked by a vet and there is no urinary infection. What can we do?
I read all the info on your site, but didn't see anything in regards to my particular problem.
I have a 16 week old Australian Shepherd, Lab mix who is completely house trained and crate trained. She now rings a bell on the door when she needs to go out. However, she needs to pee very frequently - about every 2 hours or so (but can hold it all night). So, when I have to leave her in the crate for over 2 hours, at a certain point she cries and cries. I believe because she simply cannot hold...
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April 19, 2011
No matter how often or long I take my dog outside to eliminate he will not do it, but will wait until we get back in the house to go. What am I doing wrong?
Hello, I really hope you can provide me with some guidance in housebreaking my puppy. I have an 8 week old Yorkshire Terrier mix and am confused as to what I may doing wrong in attempting to housebreak him. No matter how often or long I take him outside to eliminate he will not do it, but will wait until we get back in the house to go. Even when he's showing obvious signs inside the house that he's about to go, and I direct him outside he still does not go until he returns in the house (n...
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April 19, 2011
Is there something that will attract a dog to a specific part of the yard to relieve itself?
What is the best technique to have my 5 year-old (Female) G. Shepherd relieve herself in one area of the yard only? Are there safe products available to attract her to a certain area ... should I construct a 'sand pit' for her to use?
Any ideas?
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