Behavior Problems Q&As

July 22, 2019

I have an 11 month old GSD that hasn’t been socialized much. He is too old for the puppy video you have and was wondering is it too late to train him for good socialization skills?

I have an 11 month old GSD that hasn?t been socialized much. He is a rescue; I got him at about 4 months old and have had him out in public, but he needs obedience training. He is non-reactive to other dogs, cats, children etc. I want to try and train him to be a service dog (I suffer from PTSD) as he appears to have a very good temperament. I purchased the Michael Ellis self study Training with Food. He is too old for the puppy video you have and was wondering is it too late to train him for...
89% (8 out of 9)
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July 5, 2019

We are struggling with building up the confidence of our 9 month old puppy. Where is the best place to start?

Hi, we have a 9 month old Berger Blanc Suisse. She is so smart and we are just in love with her. It is our first Shepherd, and our first herding breed, so we are learning a lot! We are struggling with her confidence and building it up. We will be moving in a couple of weeks, so are excited to finally have that whirlwind over and get settled and really hone in on training. Not that we haven't been doing anything with her just not as much as we anticipated with everything going on. Is the Raisi...
100% (10 out of 10)
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January 23, 2019

My dog obsessively marks outside when we go for walks. Any suggestions?

My dog obsessively marks outside when we go for walks. I?ve been able to minimize the behavior with focused leash training. However, when I take him for a walk somewhere new, he will do anything he can to mark even to the point of loose stools. He does not mark inside. Any suggestions?
90% (9 out of 10)
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January 22, 2019

Any time my dog gets approached by an off leash dog during our walks, he wants to run away. How can I teach him to hold his ground?

Hi Cindy, Any time my dog gets approached by an off leash dog during our walks, he wants to run away. Whether it's a small poodle or a large dog, my 1.5 year old male German Shepherd with no training always wants to run away from off leash dogs. How can I teach him to hold his ground? It's so embarrassing, and I don't want to hit other dogs.
89% (16 out of 18)
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February 27, 2018

What do you suggest for training a 9 month old Lab who jumps on people when they first come in the house?

I have a 9 month old Lab that is super excitable and jumps all over anyone when they first come in. Family members, strangers, delivery men, it makes no difference. I've been trying to teach him to do a down stay when I answer the door but he is so hyper! He does pretty well when it's just me at home and we practice this but as soon as the kids come home from school he's all over the place! What do you suggest?
71% (35 out of 49)
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October 30, 2017

I need some encouragement with my reactive GSD puppy

Dear Cindy, I may need a bit of encouragement here on a 6mos GSD we have. FYI, He is our fifth German Shepherd so not new to the breed. Anyways, he is very leash reactive, more so than any of our other GSDs in the past. I have Tyler Muto's Leash Reactivity DVD. I take him to parks, pet stores, walks in the neighborhood, etc. he seems most fixated in our neighborhood environment. He’s not mean at all he would just sniff the dog if given the chance and prob play -also people he would lic...
100% (3 out of 3)
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May 5, 2017

How do I redirect my 8 week GSD puppy when she tries to chew and tug with the blanket under her ex-pen?

We've had our new puppy for a week and she is being crate trained; spends all her time either in her airline crate (at night), in the wire crate in our living room when we're watching TV, or in an ex-pen (that's been closed up a bit since I don't have enough room in my office to fully open it). My office is carpeted and not very comfortable (cheap carpet) so I have a fleece blanket set up in the bottom of the ex-pen with the blanket past the edges of the ex-pen to help keep it in place. So...
90% (19 out of 21)
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December 19, 2016

Over the last two years, our dog has become increasingly yappy. Should we considered a training collar, or is there something else we should try?

I have an 11 year old altered female Sheltie. I've had her since she was a puppy. Over the last two years, she has become increasingly yappy. Even more so since we adopted an altered 4 year old female German Shepherd. The Sheltie is the alpha of the two. Sheltie pretty much announces every move the shepherd makes, as well as most movements my husband and I make. Should we considered a training collar, or is there something else we should try? Patience is wearing extremely thin. Thank you.
91% (30 out of 33)
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October 25, 2016

When we drop (our dog) off at daycare, he is showing separation anxiety. He tries doing these little nips at the staff when they put him in the runs in the beginning of the day. Should we nix daycare?

We have an almost 7mth Malinois who when we drop off at daycare, is showing separation anxiety. He tries doing these little nips at the staff when they put him in the runs in the beginning of the day. They said the rest of the day, he is perfect; it's just right after drop off happens. He starts crying when we pull up to the clinic not wanting to go but then they say he does excellent all day long! We don't get it. Just want to address the nipping issues because some techs are starting to get...
100% (73 out of 73)
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February 16, 2015

My dog barks ferociously at anyone passing my car when I'm not present. I'm considering a bark collar but I don't want to inhibit his protective instincts. Suggestions would be appreciated.

Hello Cindy, I have a 14 month old male german shepherd that travels around in the car with me all of the time. He is very good in the vehicle when I am present, but when I leave him unattened he barks ferociously at everything that moves within his view. I am considering putting a bark collar on him whenever I require to leave him in the vehicle alone. My concern is that I don't want this to inhibit his protective instincts in anyway. Your insight and suggestions would be much appreciated.
72% (88 out of 123)
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February 12, 2015

I'm actively working with my puppy on marker and engagement skills. Do I just keep doing as I'm doing?

Hi! At the present time I'm actively working with my puppy on marker and engagement skills. I'm having a great time and we are having tons of success. However, when I'm taking Alice (15 weeks doberman x Dutch Shepherd) on leash to the back door to go outside to the bathroom, she will see our adult min pin and try to jump and pounce on her. I engage her in that situation and it works but it's every time she sees the min pin its always the same behavior. I understand she is just dying to pla...
100% (22 out of 22)
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February 6, 2015

Recommended My dog gets stressed out when we need to handle him for flea treatments or baths, do you have any advice?

Hi Cindy, I have used some of your videos and they are great. I have a 3 year old Shiba Inu and I am having problems with putting flea treatment on him. I know that you are not advocates of flea treatment, but I haven't been able to control the fleas through other methods. Last time I put frontline on his neck he was very distressed, snapping and crying. I think its fear rather than aggression. Overall, he is a well trained dog, very polite, and a pleasure to live with. He was stubb...
60% (24 out of 40)
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December 19, 2014

Recommended Our brother-in-law does Schutzhund with his German Shepherd and when we visit he asks us to ignore the dog and not pet it. We are dog lovers and it feels wrong for me to treat the dog as though I don't want to pet it. What is your opinion on how we should treat this dog?

Our brother-in-law does Schutzhund training with his 2 year old GSD. The dog lives in the home with the family which has 6 and 8 year old children. The dog and the other family dog live in the house, sleep with the mother and father and plays normally with the children and the other dog. When we visit we are asked not to pet the GSD. The dog wants to be pet by us and repeatedly comes for attention only to be growled at by the owner because when she is pet by us she pees. His opinion is that w...
85% (195 out of 229)
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December 9, 2014

Recommended My son has a laser light and my 10 month old dog loves chasing the light. Now she's constantly looking for lights and shadows all the time. Is there a way to train her out of this?

I have a 10 month old GSD from a strong Czech and German working lines. She's doing quite well in her bite training. About two months ago my sons got some of those laser lights and started playing with the dog. The dog loved chasing the lights and would jump up and stomp on the light with both feet which everyone thought was funny. This went on for about two weeks and then I put a stop to it because the dog was becoming obsessed looking for the lights constantly. It's been at least two months...
78% (42 out of 54)
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October 27, 2014

Recommended My dog is fearful of people he doesn't know and today a stranger reached out towards my dog and he snapped at the guy. Should I have walked away sooner?

Hello, I have a year old while German shepherd dog. I got him as a 9 week old pup. We also have an adult Beagle, and 2 cats. Sax GSD gets along with everyone in the home. He is extremely loving and playful and has lots of energy. He has not been neutered yet but we do plan to do that this month. He has always been fearful of strangers out side the home. If someone comes into the home he is better after he gets to know them. However, when we are walking it is hard to go a block before ...
98% (45 out of 46)
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October 1, 2014

Recommended My rescue dog won't go in her crate, what should I do?

Hi, We just rescued a dog and are trying to crate train her and are in your "foundation phase" of training (in a crate or on lead at all times). The first few times she went into the crate no problems. Now, even treats can't get her inside. She doesn't seem to have a strong den instinct. I started giving her all her food and treats in the crate, but she won't go in when she realizes that I am going to crate her. My question is, how do I get her in the crate? I don't want to physically push...
87% (13 out of 15)
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September 24, 2014

Recommended An individual at the dog park was pushing away a puppy that didn't belong to him and when it tried to nip him he grabbed it by the scruff, shook it and threw it. This happened 3 times before someone intervened. What would you advise to do if your puppy is handled this way?

Hi there Cindy/Ed. Big fan of your work. I know you do not advocate dog parks. I will admit I do frequent them from time to time. Anyways I was witness to what I believed was another horror story. An individual at the dog park was trying to water his dog. A 3 month old husky puppy belonging to another owner took over his water bowl. He kept trying to push it away, and when the puppy nipped at him he lost his cool and gripped the pup by the scruff of the neck, lifted it, shook it and to...
82% (98 out of 120)
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August 22, 2014

Recommended My 8 month old dog loves other dogs and is very playful. When at the dog park he grabs other dogs by the face and ears & won't let go. The other owners at the park think my dog is aggressive and judge me as an owner. Should I use a muzzle?

Hi there, I own an American bulldog male 8 months old and desexed. I have been having problems with him around some other dogs. He is very playful and loves other dogs, but doesn't know his limits. He will play with a dog and then grab their face or ears and won't let go! Some dogs scream, which makes him more excited and longer to let them go. He never has harmed them though, but it's such a problem people think he is aggressive and judge me as an owner. I'm highly contemplating a muzzle ...
97% (35 out of 36)
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July 8, 2014

Recommended I take my dogs to a place for grooming that offers dog socialization. My older dog loves this but I am not comfortable allowing my puppy to interact with these other dogs. The owner of the facility says I am sheltering my puppy & I need to re…

I adopted a puppy at ten weeks, she is now about 4 1/2 month old Aussie mix, smart, driven, and loving. I've worked hard with her on basic training and socialization letting her interact only with dogs that are proven puppy friendly. Here's my dilemma. We take our older lab mastiff mix to get groomed at a place where they offer dog "socialization" (dogs pre screened and vetted). Elvis thrives in these types of places. I am much more cautious with my puppy, because she is a puppy. Today the ow...
97% (32 out of 33)
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May 20, 2014

I have a 2 year old GSD that is almost ready for her BH title, but she becomes too aggressive with the handler/decoy on purpose. Any ideas on how to fix this?

Hi, I have a 2 year old female GSD that is almost ready for her BH title. I say almost because when she bites the sleeve or decoy, she becomes extremely aggressive. When she goes to bite, she starts growling and tries to shred the sleeve or suit or she tries to pull whoever is on the receiving end to their knees. She has gotten a hold of the handler/decoy few times on purpose also. Her obedience is excellent, but this level of aggression isn't acceptable for a Schutzhund trial. You can't t...
100% (17 out of 17)
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