Behavior Problems Q&As
July 8, 2021
Can you give me some strategies on helping my leash reactive dog? He is confident but wants to play with every dog he sees and gets frustrated.
In the Leash Reactivity video, Tyler talks about frustration as one of the sources of leash aggression, but never mentions how to fix it. The reviews on the paid course say that it is not addressed there either. Can you give me some suggestions on strategies to help a dog that is confident and secure, and just wants to play very badly with every dog he sees? Or point me to any resources?
100% (6 out of 6)
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June 28, 2021
Our dog is a relentless counter surfer, what can we do to address this?
We are having difficulty getting one of our dogs to stop counter surfing and going through gates which he has now learned how to open. In almost all cases he is doing these behaviors in search of food. We do a pretty good job of keeping food off the counters but this guy is relentless. What sorts of things can we do to address this nuisance behavior? I don't want him to eat something and poison himself. His appetite seems to have no limit. He has already eaten himself sick once when he broke ...
67% (4 out of 6)
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June 4, 2021
When I let my 7 month old Lab off leash to run around he eats things he finds on the ground. Any ideas for how to stop this?
We live by a golf course and I let my 7 month old lab off leash a bit so he can run around. Problem I find is he will catch a ball but then stop and find grass or something else to start eating. Yelling, Yuck or No does nothing to get him to stop.
As I approach he'll quickly swallow the stuff. I then say Yuck or No and put him back on lease. Any ideas for me to get him to stop this action??
100% (4 out of 4)
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November 2, 2020
My young dog has been anxious and aggressive to outsiders since our old dog has passed away. Do you have any suggestions?
I have 3 yr old shepherd, in April our 12 year old Belgian Shepherd passed away. Since then our 3 year old has had increased anxiety and is aggressive toward outside people coming into the house (not family). At one point, she did not walk any further than 5 houses away on our block. I have gotten her back into walking. Prior she was great personality, friendly to people coming and going (comfortable in her fur). She has anxiety attacks. Any suggestions would be great. I had 4 prior shepherds...
100% (7 out of 7)
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March 2, 2020
Our GSD has always barked when he hears noises outside but now when he hears something, he quickly goes after our other dog as if she were the threat. How can I get him to stop associating our other dog with noises he hears outside?
Hi Cindy! Thanks so much for all the helpful info you've shared.
We have a 2.5-year-old male GSD who has always been a major barker when he hears someone outside our house – especially other dogs. We and our trainer have been trying to train him out of it and thought we were seeing progress up until recently. He developed a scary habit where upon hearing someone outside, he not only barks but quickly goes after our other dog (a 3-year-old Malinois) as if she were the threat, even if she ...
100% (7 out of 7)
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February 4, 2020
I read your article about dog parks and completely agree, do you have the same feeling about doggy daycare
Hello, I have an 8 month old akita. I was reading the article about Dog Parks and completely agree. I would not take him to one. I was wondering if you have the same feelings about doggy Daycare. We have considered trying a half day a week. it seems to be well run. They bring in new dogs into a separate area and introduce one new dog at a time starting with the dogs with the best temperament. Eventually they will be in the general area if all goes well. Our puppy has had have very little inte...
100% (15 out of 15)
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December 3, 2019
How do I get my dog to stop barking every time someone passes my apartment door?
My apartment is right in front of the elevators so people constantly come and go in front of our door. My pitbull always barks and growls at the door when he hears things outside but he is very human friendly and loves people. How do I get him to stop barking every time someone passes by our door?
65% (17 out of 26)
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November 18, 2019
My 17 month old dog has travel anxiety, can I use an e-collar to help this?
My 17 month old dog has travel anxiety, she pants and won't relax in the 2nd seat of our SUV. She is in a safety harness and can lay down. I tried a name brand herbal calming product which did not seem to help, I'd like to avoid Benadryl or vet Rx. Chew toys or treats are ignored.
Would it be o.k. to use the e-collar to break her thought process, say as part of saying down, (she ignores commands when so agitated) or would a tap or click make things worse?
She didn't have any trouble tra...
100% (7 out of 7)
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September 16, 2019
Any suggestions to curb/minimize barking behavior other than ignoring the behavior?
Hi Cindy! I've emailed before for help with my Belgian Malinois pup and your suggestions have been helpful, particularly in regards to puppy biting. A new problem has arisen: he barks, and it appears to be motivated by him seeking my attention (there is also the possibility that the attention seeking barking behavior may result from anxiety - anxious about me leaving - but I'm not sure.) Question: Any suggestions to curb/minimize the barking behavior other than ignoring the behavior?
92% (12 out of 13)
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August 1, 2019
My dog barks obsessively in his crate when I take my other dog out. Any suggestions on what I can do?
Hi Cindy, I looked through the barking Q/A and didn't find anything on young pups - 12 weeks.
Initially, regardless of how often I would take him out, my dog would poo while in the crate as he caught on that it would get him out. After isolating him for 24 hours and only taking him out for potty breaks, he figured out to poo outside with lots of praise and fun accompanying. I brought him back out into the living room to be part of the pack and he has been fine about this since.
100% (10 out of 10)
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July 22, 2019
I have an 11 month old GSD that hasn’t been socialized much. He is too old for the puppy video you have and was wondering is it too late to train him for good socialization skills?
I have an 11 month old GSD that hasn?t been socialized much. He is a rescue; I got him at about 4 months old and have had him out in public, but he needs obedience training. He is non-reactive to other dogs, cats, children etc. I want to try and train him to be a service dog (I suffer from PTSD) as he appears to have a very good temperament. I purchased the Michael Ellis self study Training with Food. He is too old for the puppy video you have and was wondering is it too late to train him for...
89% (8 out of 9)
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July 5, 2019
We are struggling with building up the confidence of our 9 month old puppy. Where is the best place to start?
Hi, we have a 9 month old Berger Blanc Suisse. She is so smart and we are just in love with her. It is our first Shepherd, and our first herding breed, so we are learning a lot! We are struggling with her confidence and building it up. We will be moving in a couple of weeks, so are excited to finally have that whirlwind over and get settled and really hone in on training. Not that we haven't been doing anything with her just not as much as we anticipated with everything going on. Is the Raisi...
100% (10 out of 10)
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January 23, 2019
My dog obsessively marks outside when we go for walks. Any suggestions?
My dog obsessively marks outside when we go for walks. I?ve been able to minimize the behavior with focused leash training. However, when I take him for a walk somewhere new, he will do anything he can to mark even to the point of loose stools. He does not mark inside. Any suggestions?
90% (9 out of 10)
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January 22, 2019
Any time my dog gets approached by an off leash dog during our walks, he wants to run away. How can I teach him to hold his ground?
Hi Cindy,
Any time my dog gets approached by an off leash dog during our walks, he wants to run away. Whether it's a small poodle or a large dog, my 1.5 year old male German Shepherd with no training always wants to run away from off leash dogs. How can I teach him to hold his ground? It's so embarrassing, and I don't want to hit other dogs.
89% (16 out of 18)
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February 27, 2018
What do you suggest for training a 9 month old Lab who jumps on people when they first come in the house?
I have a 9 month old Lab that is super excitable and jumps all over anyone when they first come in. Family members, strangers, delivery men, it makes no difference.
I've been trying to teach him to do a down stay when I answer the door but he is so hyper! He does pretty well when it's just me at home and we practice this but as soon as the kids come home from school he's all over the place! What do you suggest?
71% (35 out of 49)
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October 30, 2017
I need some encouragement with my reactive GSD puppy
Dear Cindy,
I may need a bit of encouragement here on a 6mos GSD we have. FYI, He is our fifth German Shepherd so not new to the breed.
Anyways, he is very leash reactive, more so than any of our other GSDs in the past. I have Tyler Muto's Leash Reactivity DVD. I take him to parks, pet stores, walks in the neighborhood, etc. he seems most fixated in our neighborhood environment. He’s not mean at all he would just sniff the dog if given the chance and prob play -also people he would lic...
100% (4 out of 4)
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May 5, 2017
How do I redirect my 8 week GSD puppy when she tries to chew and tug with the blanket under her ex-pen?
We've had our new puppy for a week and she is being crate trained; spends all her time either in her airline crate (at night), in the wire crate in our living room when we're watching TV, or in an ex-pen (that's been closed up a bit since I don't have enough room in my office to fully open it). My office is carpeted and not very comfortable (cheap carpet) so I have a fleece blanket set up in the bottom of the ex-pen with the blanket past the edges of the ex-pen to help keep it in place.
90% (19 out of 21)
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December 19, 2016
Over the last two years, our dog has become increasingly yappy. Should we considered a training collar, or is there something else we should try?
I have an 11 year old altered female Sheltie. I've had her since she was a puppy. Over the last two years, she has become increasingly yappy. Even more so since we adopted an altered 4 year old female German Shepherd. The Sheltie is the alpha of the two. Sheltie pretty much announces every move the shepherd makes, as well as most movements my husband and I make. Should we considered a training collar, or is there something else we should try? Patience is wearing extremely thin. Thank you.
91% (30 out of 33)
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October 25, 2016
When we drop (our dog) off at daycare, he is showing separation anxiety. He tries doing these little nips at the staff when they put him in the runs in the beginning of the day. Should we nix daycare?
We have an almost 7mth Malinois who when we drop off at daycare, is showing separation anxiety. He tries doing these little nips at the staff when they put him in the runs in the beginning of the day. They said the rest of the day, he is perfect; it's just right after drop off happens. He starts crying when we pull up to the clinic not wanting to go but then they say he does excellent all day long! We don't get it. Just want to address the nipping issues because some techs are starting to get...
100% (74 out of 74)
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February 16, 2015
My dog barks ferociously at anyone passing my car when I'm not present. I'm considering a bark collar but I don't want to inhibit his protective instincts. Suggestions would be appreciated.
Hello Cindy,
I have a 14 month old male german shepherd that travels around in the car with me all of the time. He is very good in the vehicle when I am present, but when I leave him unattened he barks ferociously at everything that moves within his view. I am considering putting a bark collar on him whenever I require to leave him in the vehicle alone. My concern is that I don't want this to inhibit his protective instincts in anyway. Your insight and suggestions would be much appreciated.
72% (89 out of 124)
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