Food and Health Q&As

May 24, 2011

I have a 2 year old male Siberian Husky. For about 6 months I fed raw. Two problems arose however. One, it was difficult to keep weight on him no matter how much I fed him. Two, it became expensive and cumbersome. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Hi Cindy, I have a 2 year old male Siberian Husky. For about 6 months I fed him a raw food diet. He loved it and did quite well on it. Two problems arose however. One, it was difficult to keep weight on him no matter how much I fed him. Two, it became expensive and cumbersome. In an attempt to fix these problems I switched to the Honest Kitchens dehydrated raw food and also supplemented with raw meat, eggs, etc. He refused to eat. Turned his nose up every time and would go days without ...
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May 24, 2011

My dog is a picky eater and won't eat his vegetables. I know he is hungry, what can I do to get him to eat them?

Dear Cindy, You answered a question for me a couple of years ago and I wondered if you can do it again. I purchased a 2 year old American pitbull terrier in April 2008 and I'm having trouble with him adjusting to his raw diet. He will eat the meat and bones part just fine but when it comes to the veggies, he will not budge. I do not feed him veggies every day, just a couple times a week but to no avail. Tried steaming them, didn't work. Yogurt or cottage cheese didn't work. Switched him to...
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May 24, 2011

I have a 9 month old German Shepherd-Timberwolf mix and I'm worried about whether or not I'm feeding her enough for her to grow at a normal healthy rate. What are your thoughts?

Hello, I have a 9 month old German Shepherd-Timberwolf mix and I'm worried about whether or not I'm feeding her enough for her to grow at a normal healthy rate. I was feeding her four cups of the "Solid Gold: Wolf Cub" a day, but since I've been browsing your web-site I started only feeding her two cups a day and making her earn it with a training session before she eats. She's lost enough weight that I can notice a definition between her ribcage and her loin, though she doesn't look starv...
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May 24, 2011

We have been adding different ingredients to our dog's raw diet, but he has recently been vomiting up his food and having bad diarrhea. What do you suggest to get him back on track?

Dear Cindy, We have a 9 month old Black Russian Terrier. We bought him from a local breeder when he was approx. 4 1/2 months old. He was being fed raw chicken quarters. Two quarters in the morning and two quarters in the evening. We added some oil, kelp combination and a 'joint' powder as the breeder did. We also added some salmon and organ during the week and daily gave him some raw vegetables and fruit. Recently, we added chicken necks in the mix as the breeder went to a wholesaler and p...
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May 24, 2011

I'm switching to raw and from what I've read I should start with chicken necks. Even though there are two major chicken processing plants close by, I can't get any. What do you suggest I start with?

Hi Cindy, I wrote you a few weeks ago concerning my 11yr. old German Shepherd with arthritis in her hips. You recommended switching her to the raw diet. I've ordered a couple of the books you suggested and I've read nearly every article on the Leeburg Web site I could find. I'm convinced this is what I should do. Now, my problem. Everything I've read suggests using chicken necks as a main staple, especially for the switch. All my life I remember seeing chicken necks in the grocery ...
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May 24, 2011

I'm having some problems with my dog not eating. Should I change HK type? Just feed him at night? How do you handle feeding larger bones with your house dogs? Not worried about the bacteria on him, I know he can handle it.

Hi Cindy, I emailed you before about my rottweiler and loose stools. I'm not having that problem anymore. Got a new problem. Draco, my male rottweiler just at 1 year old, is such a picky eater. He was doing fine eating raw meat and HK Embark. I would give him about a pound of raw meat in the morning and HK and a 1/2 pound at night. One day he decided he didn't want that anymore. Wouldn't eat. I gave him kibble and he ate that for about 3 days. I like the raw diet. He had more ener...
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May 24, 2011

The other night I decided to give my dog a raw meaty beef neck bone. He devoured and enjoyed it, but afterwards I noticed he was breathing fast and hyper-salivating. Can you give me any wisdom regarding this reaction? It lasted about 1-2 hours.

Cindy, my GSD has been on a raw diet since November (Bravo/Honest Kitchen) with great success, however, the other night I decided to give him a raw meaty beef neck bone. He devoured and enjoyed it, but afterwards I noticed he was breathing fast and hyper-salivating. Can you give me any wisdom regarding this reaction? It lasted about 1-2 hours. Thank you, Diane
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May 24, 2011

I feed Raw and want to add some variety. Are ribs and T-bones ok to feed?

I feed my 10 month old GSD raw food. To further add variety, I was wondering if I could feed him ribs, or steaks like a T-bone steak. I read on your site that ribs were fine. Just to verify since I thought rib bones were much harder than leg quarter bones...dogs can eat those, just as they do the leg quarters? And can they eat steaks that have bones in them like T-bones? Any experience? Thanks Adam
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May 24, 2011

How do you select a kibble by the ingredients and what do they mean? I keep hearing and reading about ZOONOSIS which they say is the transfer of bacteria from dog to owner from saliva. Is this true and what do think about it?

Hello Ed, Cindy and Leerburg, I have recently started to follow your methods for training and feeding, I must say that you and your website have opened my eyes to a whole new way of dog ownership. I have started to feed our MAL foxy the honest kitchen food and boy does she love it, my question is I am trying to help a friend with their dog's diet and they are not interested in RAW or the Honest kitchen. So how do you select a kibble by the ingredients and what do they mean? And my SE...
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May 24, 2011

I have 11, 6 week old, English Bulldogs and they have had diarrhea off and on for about a week. Do you have any suggestions to make their poop consistant?

I have 11, 6 week old, English Bulldogs and they have had diarrhea off and on for about a week. They are on hard puppy chow and they eat it good and drink alot of water. I have given them plain yogurt and it helps some, but they still have it. One may have mushy poop one time and the next time it may be really runny. Do you have any suggestions to make their poop consistent? Thank you for your help. Linda
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May 24, 2011

Have you ever come across a dog that was allergic to chicken? What would you recommend I do? Should I stop feeding raw?

I have a 10 month GSD that has allergies. He has been on a raw foods diet from 8 weeks. I follow your diet with portions of chicken thighs, and backs daily. Have you ever had a dog that was allergic to chicken backs and necks? If you have, did you have to stop the raw foods diet? I don't want to do that unless I have to. Thank you for any help you can offer, Sandy
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May 24, 2011

My dog has been scratching a lot and I want to bring her to the vet, but they will want to update her shots, which is something I don't want to do. What does one do, for ailments on their pets and the vets want shots to be up to date?

Hi there, I was looking again at your website and saw the tv show that you have on there about vets. Unreal. Scary. I was wondering if you could give me some insight, my shepherd, is constantly scratching and licking her paws, she is also shedding more than I think she should be. The seasons have changed, so I don't know why she is shedding. She is a house dog, so maybe that could be one of the reasons? I may have to bring her to the vet, trust me I don't want to but she has a little hole in ...
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May 24, 2011

Between the Verve and Embark, which would you start puppies out on after weaning with the milk formula and hamburger? Or, would you simply start them on the Embark with a little of the formula?

Hello Cindy, A quick question for you. Between the Verve and Embark, which would you start puppies out on after weaning with the milk formula and hamburger? Or,....would you simply start them on the Embark with a little of the formula? The litter is now 3 weeks old. By the way, I tried your formula for the first time today because I felt that the litter should be gaining better that they are (it was a litter of 10, lost 1) most of them weigh in at 2.2lbs - 2.4lbs and a couple at 2.6. I...
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May 24, 2011

What are your thoughts on the Solid Gold WolfCub food? I pick up my puppy on March 20th, and the breeder was pushing that stuff pretty hard.

What are your thoughts on the Solid Gold WolfCub food? I pick up my puppy on March 20th, and the breeder was pushing that stuff pretty hard. However, I've heard that Solid Gold practically gives the stuff to breeders to get them to recommend it. So, I'd like a second opinion on what I should be feeding the puppy. I asked him about Innova and some other brands, and he said those were good. But, he said he feeds the Wolf Cub to puppies to prevent their bones from outgrowing their joints. ...
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May 24, 2011

What can I do to slow my dog down from eating so fast?

I have a 7 month old GSD puppy that is starting to eat a raw foods diet. When I give him a chicken leg he gulps it down whole! When I give him a chicken hind quarter he tries the same. I am so sure he is going to choke. What can I do to get him to slow down and chew his food up? Thank you for any advice you can offer. Sandy
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May 24, 2011

My GSD gets itchy every so often. I think it might be her food. What are your thoughts?

Sheba, my GSD is 2 yrs old now. Since she was 8 wks old I have been feeding her PHD PRODUCTS ? VIAND with raw beef or chicken added. For the last 6 months she has been scratching and chewing on her feet. I?ve had to give her Cephylexin twice now and now the infection is coming back in her paws. I believe this is diet related. I had the vet check for worms and there were none. Currently she is in heat which could explain why she is not very drivey. I am looking at the honest kitchen products....
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May 24, 2011

I want to feed my dog HK with added food and am unsure about how much I should be feeding. Any suggestions?

Cindy, I found out about the Honest Kitchen on your website First of all, congratulations on your website and the quality of the products that you carry. Here is my question: I plan on feeding my dog a mix of The Honest Kitchen Embark formula and raw food either from Nature's Variety or Raw Advantage, the only two frozen raw food brands easily found where I live (chicken, turkey, or lamb, supplemented with occasional necks and recreational bones). I also occasionally give my dog some uns...
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May 24, 2011

I am looking for another form of fiber for my dog. Any suggestions?

Hi, My dog is not overweight, he has a nice trim waist and no belly fat. I walk him at least 1 mile a day and usually more. He chases his ball etc. Thanks to your staff who I find to be most helpful my dog did not get vaccinated this yr. Instead I had a titer ran on him and he did not need shots. I would never known to do this if it weren't for you people. I told my vet about how often I express his glands and she said small dogs have problems with this and it is ok for me to do it for him...
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May 24, 2011

Recently, I heard that flaxseed can cause infertility in females, and I was wondering what you thought of that?

I am paranoid about how I take care of my dogs, I always want to do what is best for them. Recently, I heard that flaxseed can cause infertility in females, and I was wondering what you thought of that? I can't find anything on the internet, just this article I recieved. I currently feed Canidae, and the Nupro supplement, which both have flax. What do you think about this supplement, also?
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May 24, 2011

I've been learning about feeding raw, but when I tried giving my dog a raw bone it splintered. Should I be concerned about this or am I just worrying over nothing?

Hi, I have a question I would like to ask you about the raw diet. I see you feed your German Shepherd raw chicken, I was feeding mine raw beef and she is doing fine on it, but figure I should try something different. My question is, I give her a thigh with the bone removed and dip it in boiling water for 2 min to kill any bacteria, cut it up and she love it. Then I let her bite the raw bone. She chewed twice and swallowed, when I looked at the end I was holding it was splinted or poi...
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