Food and Health Q&As

May 24, 2011

For the last 6-8 months my Great Dane has been acting strangely with his food. He doesn't seem to have much of an appetite, and he will usually nose the food around in his dish, until he either tips the bowl over, or we take the food away. Does he simply not like his food?

Hi Ed, I've been visiting your site for about a year now, and I recently purchased a trio of DVDs from you. I'm starting from scratch with my 1 1/2 year old Great Dane, he's developed some aggression and other problems, so I'm starting with the Pack Structure DVD, along with the Dominant/aggresive and Basic obedience DVDs. My question is about his eating habits. For the last 6-8 months he has been acting strangely with his food. He doesn't seem to have much of an appetite, and he will u...
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May 24, 2011

My 2 dogs became ill a month ago and ever since then they won’t eat their regular food. I’ve been offering them their favorite treats, but even then they walk away unless I handfeed them. Please let me know what you think.

Hi Cindy, My 2 dogs are eating Honest Kitchen Embark. Both of them became sick about 1 month ago with diarrhea and some bleeding (1 week apart) and I put them on a bland diet of boiled chicken and rice. After 2 weeks of a bland diet I slowly introduced them back on the Honest Kitchen and they will not eat it. I have tried everything and finally gave up and put them back on fruits and cottage cheese which they loved and now refuse to eat that as well. Every morning and night it's a hassel t...
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May 24, 2011

I have a GSD and the best we can narrow it down, he is allergic to wheat. I am looking for wheat free treat options that I can get (or make) that are soft and chewy but a decent enough bite size. Thought you might have some suggestions?

Hi Cindy, I noticed by your newsletters that you all are pretty involved in feeding raw and support certain grain free products etc...Thought you might be able to help me out. I have a GSD and the best we can narrow it down he is allergic to wheat. When he was younger he had some strange GI issues...neg EPI tests, did okay on Science Diet I/D (which is mostly corn and chicken as you know) had some antibiotics and has been fine ever since. I have kept him on a fish based grain free diet s...
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May 24, 2011

My dog was taught a release command when fed, but he will no longer eat anything unless he gets it from me. The problem is when I leave for a trip or on vacation he will go days without food. How do I retrain him to eat from others?

Hi Cindy, I have written you before and you have helped a great deal. I have a 2 1/2 year old GSD. We have a lot of children in the house. In order to keep him from taking food from them (and from strangers). He was taught a release command. Unless it was from one of four people he will not take food unless given the release command (this has worked well with my previous dogs). Some how, I am not sure when, something has went wrong. He will no longer eat anything unless he gets it from m...
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May 24, 2011

Our 12 month old GSD won’t eat! We’ve tried all sorts of things (fresh meat, home made stew, BBQ chicken, Sardines, eggs, 100% natural canned food, dry food, etc) and just can not get him to eat correctly. Can you give us some ideas?

Hi Ed, I have a question for you we have a German shepherd male dog which is 12 months old and just will not eat we have tried all sorts of things (fresh meat, home made stew, BBQ chicken, Sardines, eggs, 100% natural canned food, dry food, etc) and just can not get him to eat correctly he is in very good heath as we have had him to the vets. please can you give us some Ideas!!! Thanks, Colleen
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May 24, 2011

What is your opinion on using Honest Kitchen Preference in lieu of separate supplements? Also, do you think salmon oil offers an advantage over flaxseed oil?

Hi Cindy, I really appreciate your website & articles. I just rec'd a couple of training videos from you and I can't wait to get started on the Michael Ellis Focused Heeling one. :-) I have a raw diet question for you. I have been feeding my pup raw since she was about 5 months old and she is doing great (she's now 2 & a half). I read Kymythy Schultze's diet, most (if not all) the articles on your site re: raw diets, and quite a few other articles and books in between. I am very c...
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May 24, 2011

I have two small kids and am concerned with salmonella and E-Coli contamination from feeding raw? Is this an issue?

Hi Cindy, I switched to the raw diet and things are going well. However, my wife has some concerns regarding the dog licking the kids and household items after feeding. She is concerned with cross contamination of household items and the kids. I have a one year old and a three year old. Can salmonella and E-Coli be passed through stool as well. I pick up the dog's stool but sometimes I miss a few. She is most worried about the chicken quarters. This may be addressed in the DVD I have comin...
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May 24, 2011

My dog is eating Honest Kitchen and chicken leg quarters. He’s gotten increasingly itchy, do you have any suggestions?

Hi Cindy, I love your website, found you when looking for a muzzle for my rock eating labrador. I started him on the Honest Kitchen(Force) after surgery for rock removal. I have since added chicken quarters and then tried some beef after several weeks of chicken. He has gotten increasingly itchy and I have gone back to just feeding chicken quarters and a small amount of Honest Kitchen(Force). He is still very itchy and I am concerned that maybe something in the Honest Kitchen is making him...
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May 24, 2011

My female, who is 12 years old, is having difficulty with the raw food. Her eating habits were always on the low side and seemed to pick up when being fed tripe, but now she is more picky.I would like to start the honest kitchen for her.

Hi Cindy, I have three German Shepard which I feed raw diet to and veggies and supplements. Recently I was feeling that my female who is 12 years old is having difficulty with the raw food. She recently had surgery for mammary cancer and is on an Chinese herbal supplementation for it and doing remarkably well. Her eating habits were always on the low side (sometimes eating once every 2 days) and seemed to pick up when being fed tripe, but now she is more picky. If I feed her cooked meats -...
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May 24, 2011

Is it better to by low-end meats like chicken wings, leftovers from butchers, that are non-organic, and may contain toxins that organic food doesn’t have etc? Or is it better to stick with the higher-end kibble, in your opinion?

Mr. Frawley, I want to quickly say that what you have done with your site and eBooks has turned my interest for my dogs into a passion and have steadily increased both my wife and I?s as well as our dogs quality of life, and I thank you for it. I know that you are not a dog nutritionist, but you have a lot of experience with feeding so I want to ask you what you would do if you were me. Situation: I have 4 dogs, two females, to males, all rescues, all under the age of 2 years, betwee...
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May 24, 2011

How do you wean puppies onto the Honest Kitchen food?

Hi Cindy, Could you tell me how you wean pups to the Honest Kitchen product. I usually wean by using baby rice cereal and goats milk, gradually adding powdered kibble, then a little courser until the pups are eating kibble mixed with warm water. I have not weaned a litter to Honest Kitchen or a raw diet. Most of my buyers do not understand the raw concept so I have always gone to kibble. Thanks for help, Lewie
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May 24, 2011

3 year old GSD with an extremely sensitive stomach... Are there any supplements that you can recommend which can help rebuild and maintain his system? There's so many... What's your best recommendation?

3 year old GSD with an extremely sensitive stomach ... We feed him Royal Canin GSD. Often, his stools are somewhat pudding like. No diarrhea, No giardia (he did have it bad when he was young). We are doing chicken and rice right now with some flagil (as recommended by our vet who we trust greatly). Are there any supplements that you can recommend which can help rebuild and maintain his system? There's so many... What's your best recommendation? Thanks so much. Frank
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May 24, 2011

My 8 month old GSD is not a good eater. We crawl on all fours all around the house and try to hand feed him but he still barely eats. What am I doing wrong?

Dear Cindy, I'm very excited I found your website; it's so informative and helpful. I have a so-called long-hair GSD (technically still a puppy, he has just turned 8 months). The only problem that 'I'm still trying to solve is feeding. He is not a good eater. We really have to crawl after the dog on all fours around all house and try to hand feed him. He wouldn't eat from his bowl, it's a stainless-steel bowl and he is drink his water from exact same one mounted right next to the one wit...
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May 24, 2011

Can I mix meat from different animals when feeding? And do you break up eggs when you give them with the meat or separately?

Hello Cindy, I feed my female GSD raw: meat & bones only. I started a week ago. But I am not sure if I could mix meat of different animal in one meal. For example I give her chicken quarter & ground beef together. Or chicken thigh, chicken gizzards & beef liver all together. Could you tell me please if it is OK. She seems fine & very active, but I always doubt my actions when it concerns her health. I also noticed in your menu that you do not give many bones. I give my girl chicken qua...
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May 24, 2011

I recently had an issue with one of my dogs and ecoli so I am hesitant to continue with raw feeding, what should I do?

Hi Cindy, I have some questions for you and thank you in advance:) I am receiving 3 GSD pups for K9 training from 8-10 weeks...I am a raw feeder, but ran into an issue with my older shepherds recently... e coli, so I am a little hesitant to feed this anymore, but do not want to feed a commercial kibble. So, let me list my questions regarding the pups: Food issues: 1. What would be the most economical way to feed the dogs, but with the best nutrition? 2. Would Honest Kitchen work it ...
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May 24, 2011

Why won’t my dog let me put his harness on him and why does he always have soft stools? He’s on a quality dog food.

Hello, I was told that if I ask you a question you would answer them to the best of your ability. If I was told incorrect information please accept my apologize. My question is do you have any idea why when I try and put my dogs halter on him to go for walks he freaks out. He is a cocker spaniel and when we try he will run all over the house until we get him cornered and when we do get the harness on him he will try to rub it off. I have checked under his leg for soars and there is none af...
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May 24, 2011

Is there a specific Honest Kitchen formula you would recommend? Also, is there a joint supplement you would recommend?

Hello, Cindy. I would like to get my dogs off dry kibble, but do not want to go all raw just yet. I have been reading over the information on your website and would like to try Honest Kitchen. However, I am having a hard time deciding which formula to pick. I have a two year old German Shepherd that had pano when he was younger. The vet said to feed a food that contains glucosamine and chondroitin. I have been feeding him Royal Canin. He is a pretty active dog and gets approximately 3 hours ...
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May 24, 2011

I'm getting a Lhasa Apso puppy and I'm wondering how to go about feeding such a small dog. He will probably only be about 5 pounds when I get him. Can I give him a small chicken wing or should I wait until he gets his adult teeth before feeding him any RMBs?

Hey Cindy, I have been feeding my GSD a raw diet ever since visiting your website and I couldn't be happier with the results. Now I'm getting a Lhasa Apso puppy and I'm wondering how to go about feeding such a small dog. He will probably only be about 5 pounds when I get him. Can I give him a small chicken wing or should I wait until he gets his adult teeth before feeding him any RMBs? Any advice on feeding him would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Boyd
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May 24, 2011

I currently feed 1/2 cup dry THK [The Honest Kitchen], a variety of RMBs, salmon oil and Vitamin E. Should I be adding more supplements to her diet or does THK take care of the requirements?

Hi Cindy, I wanted to thank you for all the help on starting with the new raw diet. Caddies itching has reduced by 60% (still some chewing and scratching but not like before) and this is just the first 3 weeks. She has gone from being lethargic to full of energy and personality. When I brought her home (she was a rescue) all she did was sleep and mope around, now it's like someone changed dogs on me and gave me this loving happy active dog. Oh how I love her even more now. I have a ques...
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May 24, 2011

Would there be any problems with feeding my dogs venison in place of beef? Would there be anything that I had to worry about because it is a wild animal?

Hi, Can you tell me if there would be any problems with feeding my dogs venison in place of beef? Would there be anything that I had to worry about because it is a wild animal, or are the cows we eat dirtier than wild deer? Thank you, Jackie
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