Obedience Q&As

May 10, 2011

My dog has come a long way, but still growls when told to get off the couch, etc. What do you Suggest?

Hello, Just wanted to say thanks.... I sent you an email many months ago on some behavioral problems my 2 year old jack russell had, I purchased your basic dog obedience and training a competition heeling dog DVDs and they worked like magic...he obeys each and every command and I have a lot more control over him when dealt with distractions (especially a jack russell). The only thing that kind of remained from the behavioral issue was at times he would sneak and sit/l...
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May 10, 2011

I want to work on commands becoming an immediate response. Any advise would be appreciated!

Hi Cindy, I'm in love with the Leerburg website, DVDs, and products, but I do have a question. My 6 month old GSD pup knows basic commands (sit, down, etc) and will perform them anywhere, even the public park. I only give the command once, but even if we are inside the house with zero distraction, she often takes up to 5 seconds before complying. What can I do to get her to understand that when I give a command, she should perform it instantly? I know in one of the videos Ed says to give t...
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May 10, 2011

Is my dog obsessed with food because I have marker trained him? How can I teach him better food manners without quitting marker training?

Hi, I've just finished reading the new page on marker training, wow, what a clear description! Thanks for all the great resources on the website and forum. I wanted to ask you a question, and hope you'll have the time to answer it. About 5 years ago, I adopted a 4 year old bull terrier. He had almost no training, and I had to start from scratch. I did marker training with him with food and a clicker, which he loved. A couple of years ago we moved into using toy reward...
100% (8 out of 8)
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May 10, 2011

How do you deal with an unpredictable dog than can nicely perform obedience exercises but in the next few minutes just runs away without saying 'good bye!'?

Dear Ed, How do you deal with an unpredictable dog than can nicely perform obedience exercises such as send away with jump over hurdle, make weave poles without assistance, quick down on the table 30M from his handler and the next few minutes just runs away without saying 'good bye!' ? This is the case of my friend's G.S (1yr old). She was trained together with a labrador and one day she suddenly reacted strangely by running away. Usually she is quite scared of Rottweilers a...
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May 10, 2011

I am reviewing the marker training and don't quite understand it? I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to break it down into small steps.

Hi Cindy, I have a question for you: I am reviewing the marker training and am lacking when it comes to breaking down the exercises. I understand the concept but am not clear on how to do it. I get it on some things but am clueless on others. Also, the concept of not giving a command until the dog knows the exercise is beyond my understanding at the moment but I am working on it. I am so impressed with your sit in front with the 13 week old pup and on some of the DVDs there are p...
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May 10, 2011

I have a five year old German Shepherd. In competition he sniffs I can not break him from this. Have any hot tips?

Hi Cindy, I have a five year old German Shepherd. In competition he sniffs I can not break him from this. Outside the ring he's good. At practice I use a e-collar which I seldom have to nick him but he knows the park. I have been taking him on different walks. Have any hot tips? Thanks, Dave
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May 10, 2011

I have a large male German Shel. He is not afraid of a gun shot, thunder, or most any sound but he hates a clicker. What do you think?

I have a large male German Shel. He is not afraid of a gun shot, thunder, or most any sound but he hates a clicker. I can't get him use to it because if I use it he avoids me and I am afraid it will damage our trust bond, so I don't use it. He needs to get use to it though. What do you think? Roz
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May 10, 2011

I just started using markers and have a ton of questions about teaching new behaviors, etc. Can you help me out?

I frequent your site often and own several DVD's--thank you for providing such excellent resources! I just finished the "Your Puppy 8 weeks to 8 months" and listening to the pod cast on marker training. When teaching a new behavior, when do you suggest is best to "name" that behavior and give it a command word? For example, when teaching a "sit," are you saying sit before the dog knows the associated motion, as you guide it into position with food? Or, are you waiting until ...
100% (2 out of 2)
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May 10, 2011

Our Rottweiler pup is 6 months old. I don't feel we are developing the bond I want. Do I stop all formal commands, sit, down, stay and just begin marker training?

Hi, I just ordered the Basic Dog Training DVD. Our Rottweiler pup is 6 months old we have had him since 12 weeks. We just finished group obedience classes. He learned a little and does follow me around the house and obey some commands " when he wants to." However I don't feel we are developing that bond I had with our last Rott. My wife and I were my old dog's world. He never took his eyes off of us. He always knew where we were and he followed us everywhere. I want to develop that...
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May 10, 2011

I have a 7 month old male. He is very submissive and is doing very well overall. Do you think for someone like me your basic DVD would be recommended?

Ed, Very informative web site (A level). Although I did catch a typo which you may want to address. I have a 7 month old mini long hair male doxie. He is very submissive and is doing very well overall. I been using TRAIN YOUR DOG THE POSITIVE WAY DVD and wanted to go a little further. My main concern is off leash fun. I do take him off leash (in parks and such) and he pretty much follows me everywhere but sometimes he is slow to come to me when called or just stops and looks at me when ...
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May 10, 2011

My young dog is very focused on the sleeve, even when it’s on the ground. He will go for the sleeve even when I have given him corrections. What can I do?

Hi Cindy, I have a 17 month old GSD who I have had since he was 7 weeks old. I have trained him in protection work as well as obedience and agility. In obedience and agility he is doing fine but in protection I have huge control problems. He is extremely highly driven in the presence of a sleeve, even when the sleeve is not on a helpers arm. I have been doing a lot of control exercises in the presence of the sleeve but not rewarding with the sleeve, using a ball as the re...
100% (2 out of 2)
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May 10, 2011

I'm trying to get my dog to look at me when we do the heal and it just isn't working. Any suggestions?

Hi Ed, I'm writing you to ask you how to train a dog with no motivation. My name is Jonathan and I have been training my pit bull for PSA. I have done a lot of work with him. His bite work is very strong. My problem is with obedience. He has no toy drive, so a tug or a ball is out of the question. I did all of his obedience with food and corrections. He is a lazy dog so everything he does is slow. The slowness is not my problem, because i know what my dog is and he can't be sped up...
80% (8 out of 10)
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May 10, 2011

What is the youngest one should put a pup on a helper?

Ed, I have one very quick question to ask you about. I know I can get other peoples input on your web board, but it's yours I interested in. You have been around the block many times, and I'm sure you also know a lot of other top level dog trainers that have as well, but when is the earliest a person should let their pup work with a helper? I have just about every one of your videos on this topic, and I think I know the right answer, be the reason I'm asking you is that there's a l...
100% (2 out of 2)
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May 6, 2011

I use a wheelchair to get around. Will the Focused Heeling with Michael Ellis DVD work for me?

Dear Cindy, Wow great web site and great information. I have read, watched and learned so much from all of you. Thank You! I have most of your videos in my collection and watch them over and over. Because of your company I felt confident enough to take on the task of training my own Service Dog. In the past I got Service Dogs from a company that trains them but I never felt that they were the dog they could have been. I use an electric wheelchair because of Muscular Dystrophy. I ha...
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May 6, 2011

I’m trying to get my dog to heel and I’m stuck! He’ll sit and look at me and when I move forward he stays where he is.

Cindy, I am trying to train my dog to heel. I am not going to do competition heeling but I have interest in it and would like to see what I can do with him training wise. He is a one year old border collie/blue heeler mix named Tex. I'm trying to train based on what I saw from the DVD "The power of training dogs with food" and have also watched "Establishing pack structure with the family pet" and "Basic Dog Obedience." I have got Tex to sit next to me and watch and he will do this...
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May 3, 2011

Is it possible to train my St. Bernard from letting small children getting too close to the water canal?

Hi, I am wondering if it would be possible to train my st. bernard to guard my small children from getting too close to the water canal. She is 6 months old and already shows protective behavior for my children. How would I go about training her to do that? Thank you for your time, Rachael
95% (19 out of 20)
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May 3, 2011

My trainer told me that red meat will give my dog too much blood flow and will give her a headache, causing her to run around like a chicken with its head cut off.

I have been taking my RR to a dog trainer for some help and the good news is the trainer has been stressing the same philosophy as the DVDs I have bought from your website so that makes me happy, however when he was assessing the RR behavior (we are having issues with jumping and biting our hands and clothing) he asked what we were feeding her, I have her on a raw diet of chicken, turkey and beef (and some fish). He told me that the red meat was going to her brain causing too much blood flow ...
92% (12 out of 13)
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May 3, 2011

I'm too busy to read your articles and watch your videos. Can you tell me how to stop my 2 dogs from fighting? We also got a 3rd dog.

I have a number of your videos, but I'm a really busy person so I don't have time to watch them. Can you just call me to answer all my questions? My 2 dogs are fighting and now we got a 3rd dog so I am not sure what to do. Help!
98% (47 out of 48)
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May 3, 2011

I believe you should take your puppy formula recipe off your web site.

I would like to start off by telling you my story. I live in Concord, NC. I had a four year old pit bull named Kila who just had her 3rd litter of puppies. Here is where the story gets interesting a day after having the pups Kila became very aggressive (this is a dog I raised since a pup that is trying to bite me). We had to have her put down. I got your recipe for the formula off the internet to bottle feed my pups. A week into there little lives they started dying painful deaths one at a ti...
92% (971 out of 1054)
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May 3, 2011

My therapy dog organization does not allow dogs that are fed a raw diet.

I am interested in pursuing Therapy Dog training (www.therapydogs.org) and a raw diet is not allowed. My 4 month old German Shepherd puppy has received a raw chicken thigh for lunch every day since 7 wks. How to wean off a raw diet? Thanks, Mary
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