Obedience Q&As

May 11, 2011

My dog will not let me touch his paws or ears for cleaning/checking. How should I approach this issue?

Thanks for all previous advice. I am learning marker training, I started not long after you wrote the new article around Oct last year I think it was but didn't quite get it and long story short only started the system again recently, the dog and I are now figuring it out and we both enjoy it, he is much more handler focused and its very cool to watch him offer behaviors, so thanks for the direction on that. I have a question on nail clipping ear cleaning etc on dominant han...
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May 11, 2011

My dog is the greatest little show man in the world except for the judge's exam. The judge was a new provisional judge and scared him to death. We've had problems ever since

Hello Ed, Thanks so much for building such a great and informative site. I have and train sporting dogs for show and field work. I never agreed with total compulsion training, but was against those clicker/positive only extremists as well. I'm glad to have found your site and videos that gives me a good middle ground. I am now rewriting all my former compulsive only methods of ecollar training and field work to inlude marker work to train the commands... but will still use the ecollar to r...
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May 11, 2011

If you correct your dog for unwanted behavior and he complies but starts to whimper and whine to express frustration, should this be tolerated or corrected?

Hi Cindy, I have a question on training that I would like your advice on please. When say for example that you are correcting your dog for an unwanted behaviour like looking at another dog or chasing and barking at a cat and you put him a down stay and he complies but he will whimper and whine to express his frustration at not being able to do what he wants, should this verbalisation of his frustration be tolerated or should it be corrected at an appropriate level to stop th...
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May 11, 2011

My puppy is more interested in everything except retrieving, is there an easy solution to this?

Cindy- I have a 5 month old lab that I am trying to get to retrieve a dummy. She seems more interested in everything else around her. She will go get the dummy then either not bring it back or drop it half way and go on doing something else. Is there an easy solution for this? Thanks, Shannon
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May 11, 2011

I have a 5 year old Lab. She has learned a lot of obedience but refuses to return the ball or whatever we use for fetch. She wants to play keep away.

I have a 5 year old Yellow Lab I got from an abused home. She has been with me for four years and has settled in nicely. She has learned a lot of obedience but refuses to return the ball or whatever we use for fetch. She wants to play keep away. I won't chase her around which is what she wants. I was told not to chase her by the dog trainer and eventually she will learn to bring it to me if she wants to play. Well that was three years ago and if I walk away and refuse to chase her she ju...
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May 11, 2011

My dog has a lot of tug drive but always wants to grip really close to my fingers. How do I get him to grip lower on the toy without killing his drive?

I have a male Aussie that has been training in agility for about a year. In the last few months I've been working on building a tug drive using Susan Garrett's techniques. Well he's got lot's of tug drive but he always wants to grip really close to my fingers and sometimes puts to much pressure and it hurts. How do I get him to grip lower on the toy without killing his drive? What usually do is say OWWW and Out and when he chooses a better spot to tug we go at it again. Is this a good method...
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May 11, 2011

Do you have any other work (podcasts, videos, etc.) that may apply to retriever training? You also mentioned a new DVD in the marker DVD.

Hi Ed, My name is Mike and I'm a retriever trainer & competitor in Michigan. I just watched your marker training video and I am looking to bring more of market training into my field. I see a lot of applications. I compete with labs in retriever hunt tests (HRC, AKC) and 99.9% of the trainers are force & correction crazy. Do you have any other work (podcasts, videos, etc.) that may apply to retriever training? In the DVD you said that you have a new DVD coming out, when will...
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May 11, 2011

My dog refuses to wear his collar. What do you suggest?

Hi Cindy, I recently sent you an email about my 4 month old Dachshund absolutely refusing to wear his collar. I really do hate to write to you again regarding the same problem, but I really am pretty desperate right now. When the collar goes on him, he refuses to do anything. He won't eat, drink, pee, poop, play, or do ANYTHING at all. All he does when it's on is go in his kennel and lay there the entire time. You suggested that I handle this problem with "marker training." ...
68% (25 out of 37)
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May 11, 2011

During training with my dog, I made commands that sound similar and wish to change them. How should I go about this?

Hi Cindy, I have a couple of questions I have been thinking about for a while and would appreciate your input. Firstly in regards to marker training - changing commands and relearning old commands. During the training with my dog I have indivertibly made commands which sound very similar and wish to change them, I have used "with me" as the command for my dog to follow me/come with me, and I have used "watch me" as a look command, obviously there is an area for confus...
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May 11, 2011

How would you use marker training in teaching the sit, down and stand during recall while being able to do this exercise from 50 yards away?

Hi Cindy, Happy new year, again. You had shared with me that it will be down the road when you and Ed will do another DVD on the power of marker training. In the meantime, how would you use marker training in teaching the sit, down and stand during recall while being able to do this exercise from 50 yards away? Blessings, Ron
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May 11, 2011

My dog is extremely sensitive to any correction. I'm reluctant to do serious training with him. Do you have any suggestions?

I have some basic to intermediate experience with dog training. I have never tried a remote electric collar before, and just purchased one locally, made by SportDog (I have no idea if this is a decent product or not). I just found your website, and would really appreciate some advise as I have a very unique dog. I am a veterinarian, and this dog came in on emergency one night after being hit by 2 cars. The history on this dog was minimal, he was seen by someone in the town being hit in th...
67% (2 out of 3)
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May 11, 2011

My dog has become handler aggressive from poor corrections. What can I do to fix this?

I have been a big fan of your work for the past year and a bit. I am hoping that in my club that I can show your article to a few of my friends stating its source and not taking any credability. Basically showing a print off. I don't know if I can. Please let me know. Thanks Also.... I have a dog that is very good, very trained and I love him but he has problems. What has happened and I repent everyday for it is that I have mis-timed corrections and severe corrections as in ...
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May 11, 2011

My dog has developed a fear when traveling in the car. Is there a way to get to the root cause of the fear? How common is this behavior in dogs?

Dear Cindy, I have written with concerns about my daughter's dog previously and you have always been very helpful, so I am coming to you again. This dog was the runt of his litter. He is smart, sensitive, very attached to my daughter and has more a Border Collie than a Lab personality. His fear of walking on ramps and over metal disappeared after observing another dog walking on the ramp. Following your suggestions, we've seen substantial progress in his overcoming his fears...
100% (6 out of 6)
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May 11, 2011

I noticed that the Marker DVD is similar to Balabanov's training style. Will they work together if I mix and match different parts ot the training methods?

Hello Cindy, I just received the Marker Training video yesterday and I noticed how similar it is to Balabanov's training style. I'm new to all of these different training styles and to dog training in general. Kind of confusing actually with everything out there now.... Leerburg, Balabanov, Ellis, Dildei, etc. Can your training methods work with Balabanov's methods? Am I just keying in on the overall concept and not the specifics of how to use markers for your training methods ...
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May 11, 2011

Will the Marker DVD explain how to retrain an already trained dog? Will it give me the skills to break down new commands that I will face in the next step of AKC obedience trials?

Thanks for putting this video [The Power of Training Dogs with Markers) out. I am waiting patiently and I am rejuvenated in my training aspirations. I have trained my GS in obedience and achieved a CD title in AKC. I now want to try Marker training and move up the ladder in AKC obedience. I trained my GS with high praise and yank and crank. I am really excited about trying this method. My question is, will this video explain how to retrain an already trained dog? Will it give me th...
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May 11, 2011

My GSD has been trained in advanced obedience and is well-mannered. Last year I have had a baby, now pregnant with my second. Any suggestions in helping him feel more fulfilled?

Hi, I have a 4-year-old GSD who I adopted 2 years ago. He has been trained in advanced obedience, and is well-mannered when I am present. In the last year I have had a baby, and am now pregnant with my second. I admit I haven't been able to take him all over the place like I used to, and now he mainly goes on jogs and walks, and gets to play fetch 2-4 times a day. It never seems like it is enough though. He always seems deprived, and in the house he will spend a half hour whining o...
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May 11, 2011

I have a 12 month old GSD that I can’t get to jump (into the back of the truck, etc). He is very smart and does everything that I ask of BUT just won’t jump. Any advice?

A question which probably does not interest many but here goes.... I have a great GS who was trained to be a guard dog (not by me). I am disabled and my service dog died so this dog needs to change hats. He is doing well with people interactions but he has on occasion barked at a patient, my medical pt. So: how do I correct this behavior without destroying his protective nature? And an additional question, he is very smart and is bored with reg. obedience - my impression - he is near perf...
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May 10, 2011

I have walked our dog down our long driveway for the past week. Now she will no longer walk to the end. Any suggestions?

Thank you so much for all that you do. I have learned a lot from your web site and videos while preparing for and working with our new Aussie puppy (8 weeks old). We have had her for 1 1/2 weeks and she has been doing well. She is submissive in the crate, housetraining is going very well, and we have started a little obedience work. Here's my question: The dog seems to be about midway (maybe a little soft) on the scale of soft to hard. We live in a suburban neighborhood on a 2 acre corner...
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May 10, 2011

What equipment to you suggest when training with markers?

Hi, I want to thank you and Cindy for all the work you have put into the web site. It is incredible; lots of expert information available to anyone looking to better their relationship with their animals. I will be purchasing another DVD, The Power of Training Dogs with Markers, and I would like to ask you what accessories I should purchase. I need to train my 4 GSD's in a non-confrontational way. I am hoping to further bond with my pack and make training fun and interesting...
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May 10, 2011

I've started marking eye contact, but I'm unclear about when to switch from YES to the command. How do I know when to transition?

Hi Cindy, I train dogs, mostly rehabilitating troubled dogs in animal shelters to help them to be adopted and not live a life in a shelter or be put down. I also have been training my second pit bull rescue. I've been using force training for years (Koehler-type training). I've had much success with this training, however, due to your info. I've become more open-minded. I've poo-poo'd marker training for the same obvious reasons Ed previously had (positive-only blah blah). N...
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